Pony Club Association of Victoria s1

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Pony Club Association of Victoria s1

PONY CLUB ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA BARWON ZONE INC. REG. NO. A0009443K MINUTES OF THE GENERAL MEETING – MONDAY 22 ND MARCH 2010 Held at the Winch House, WINCHELSEA The meeting commenced at 8.12pm. The Barwon Zone President, Mr. Glen Drake, chaired the meeting, and welcomed everyone in attendance. ROLL CALL APOLLO BAY - BACCHUS MARSH - Tracey Patterson BALLAN - Dianne Wion BALLARAT - Sherryn Smith BARWON HEADS - Sharon Hill, Tony Armstrong, Amanda Walker BARWON VALLEY - Jan Calaby, Lee McFarlane COLAC - Barb Griffiths, Greg Potter, Donna Moloney, Jean Cole, Beryl Gamble CORIO/MOORABOOL - Lynn Evans DRYSDALE/LEOPOLD - Fiona Conroy, Deb Irving GEELONG GRAMMAR - LEIGHDALE - Nicole Saunders, Robyn Grixti LITTLE RIVER - Sharon O’Halloran, M. Warren, S. Nicholas LOCHARD - MT. DUNEED - PORTARLINGTON - Cheryl Morgan, Rod Vallance ROKEWOOD - SMYTHESDALE -

EXECUTIVE : Glen Drake (ZP), Judy Beasley (ZS), Deirdre Davey (ZR), Phillip Cobbledick (Z Treas. & State VP), Coral Byrne (ZVP), Maxene Argento (ZCI) OTHERS : Joe Argento, Judy Winter, Ian Box, Caroline Shirra APOLOGIES : Judy Dehnert (Ballan), Caroline Ayers (CMPC)

Minutes of the previous Meeting were - moved for acceptance by Coral Byrne Seconded by Jan Calaby Carried

Business arising from the previous General Meeting- 1) Correction – Heather Anderson (Colac PC) present at the last meeting not Jean Cole. 2) Deb Irving offered to help set up the Barwon Zone Website. Sherryn Smith moved that the zone accept Deb Irving’s offer to help set up the Barwon Zone Website. Seconded by Caroline Shirra. Carried

CORRESPONDENCE IN : 1. Club Newsletters February – March - Little River, Barwon Valley, Colac, Ballarat 2. BZ DCI & ZA Panel Meeting minutes – 26.01.10. 3. PCAV mail out – MAD magazine & Council Meeting minutes, State Horse Trials Championships Entry Forms & Checklist. 4. Northern Zone Meeting Minutes – February 2010. 5. PCAV Mailout – letter re: Notice of Special Meeting to be held 0n Tuesday 13/4 to discuss the concept of splitting the terms of Vice-President to 2yr terms elected in alternate years to provide more continuity and a fairer selection process. The Sate President’s term could be included also to standardize the Office Bearers positions. - PCAV 2010 Calendar of Competitions. - PCAV Shop Price List. 6. Letter from Emma Alexander (CMPC) thanking the BZ for organizing the teams to compete at the recent State Dressage & Show Jumping Championships. Emma competed in the Grade 2 DR. Team which came 2nd overall. 7. Paperwork for the 2010 state Games, flat & Musical Ride Championships – 19-20 June 2010 – Bacchus Marsh.

CORRESPONDENCE OUT : 1. BZ General Meeting minutes - January 2010, updated BZ 2010 Club Events Calendar, New Club Office Bearers form, Certificate Circular for DCs. 2.


TREASURER – Phillip Cobbledick Balance as per Bank Statement – 1st February 2010 $ 6020.53 Plus total Income + $ 746.50 $6767.03 Expenses to pay $556.27

Investment Account + $6812.35 Total Balance as at 30th January 2010 $13,579. 38

Reminders from the Treasurer – 1) Thank you to Little River P/C for their $40.00 donation towards the BZ saddle blankets. 2) Philip stressed that Bank Statements should always be presented at meetings to the President of the club for checking and signing to protect both the Treasurer and the club. 3) If clubs wish to order Certificate books etc. from the PCAV shop they can do so by phone or email and then let Deirdre or Philip know so they can pick the order up from PCAV Head Office for you to save on postage & handling.

BARWON ZONE CHIEF INSTRUCTOR – Maxene Argento Just a reminder again – at all Dressage and ODE competitions, the first 6 dressage sheets from each judge and section are to be copied and sent to me with the names and addresses and phone/email details for each judge. I need to check on the standard of judging and the contact details enable me to make up a contact list of dressage judges in the BZ for clubs to use. All results for ODEs held in the Zone are to be sent to the BZ Results Recorder Judy Winter, at 50 Connies Lane, Modewarre,3240, within a week of the event. This is so the Panel can check on how riders are progressing and also to check on consistency at events. The 5 “K” candidates have passed their written paper. There is some work to be completed on the worksheets. I am awaiting a date for the practical exam. It was suggested that any riders who would like to add show jumping course building to their “K” Certificate options, they could help out at the next Zone eliminations & the State Finals which the Barwon Zone are hosting next year. Any riders interested are to contact Ian Box – 5243 5365. Please DCs – note that all written test paper questions for “C” candidates will be taken from the green “C” certificate manual & purple syllabus of instruction. Check that all candidates understand the questions and terms used. Ian Box has the Show Jumping Course Building Clinic well in hand and he will report back to the Zone at the next meeting. BARWON ZONE EXAMINING SECRETARY – Margaret Battye The last month has been a busy one with approximately 39 riders presenting for the “C” Certificate. A Definite number will be given when all results come in. The Examiners have really worked very hard. A BIG THANK YOU TO THEM. There still seems to be some confusion regarding the “C” paperwork necessary to be sent in to me by the closing date. I have given Maxine copies of 1) “C” Candidate Checklist sign off sheets 2) Official Application Form for all efficiency tests except D & D Star. (This form has been around since 1991) Please, would any club that requires these forms get them off Maxine tonight. A reminder that the closing date for “K”s sitting in July, is Friday 7th May. Please make sure any applications are received by me by then. Wishing everyone a safe and happy Easter. Send paperwork to Margaret Battye- 262 Bluestones School Road, CONNEWARRE, 3227. Ph. 52641 341 Mob. 041 7302 979 Email: [email protected]

BEDS – Caroline Shirra A new set of rules has been published. The main rule change is point 5 –When a combination (either PC or HRCAV) upgrades, they take their TWO BEST BEDS points from the lower grade to the higher grade and are eligible for the BEDS Championship at the higher grade only. The combination must ride in at least 3 events at 3. the higher grade. If they are upgraded without competing in 3 events at the higher grade, the rider’s scores will be averaged and scores from the higher grade will be used before the lower grade scores. The first round of BEDS will be on Monday 14/6 hosted by Little River at Elcho Park. Round 2 – Saturday 19/6 – Barwon Heads, Round 3 – Sunday 11/7 – Colac, Round 4 – Sunday 15/8 – Portarlington, Round 5 – Saturday 11/9 – Corio/ Moorabool, Round 6 – Saturday 2/10 – Ballan, Round 7 (Final) – Sunday 24/10 – Drysdale/Leopold .

BARWON ZONE REPRESENTATIVE – Deirdre Davey RESULTS – STATE DRESSAGE & SHOW JUMOING CHAMPIONSHIPS at SALE Grade 2 Dressage – 2nd – Emma Alexander, Alicia Ryan, Mimi Arnott “B” Grade S/J – 3rd - Vanessa Nicholas, Lauren Harding ( 2 horses), Amy Kort “C” Grade S/J – 4th – Lochie Bailey, Carissa Bailey, Christine O’Hanlon, Kathryn O’Driscoll If a horse or rider is injured prior to the Championships, riders are to contact the Zone Secretary, Judy Beasley, or Zone Rep. Deirdre Davey, to organize a replacement or to have a replacement on standby. It is very disappointing for the other riders in the team when they have to pull out on the day of the competition – this happened with the Grade 3 Dressage Team. All riders for State Presentations must be in full pony club uniform. Helmets optional. Some of our riders were not in uniform at presentations and it did not reflect well on the zone. ZONE SADDLE BLANKETS – some are still to be collected. Please check and remind your riders if they competed at the state champs. RIDER FALL RELEASE FORM – to be filled in before the riders can take any further part in the competition. Rider release forms should be used at competitions. Forms available from PCAV website. Question : Should we use these forms at rallies if riders fall off? Answer: Rallies are different to competitions. Clubs know their own riders details and can make an assessment without using the form. PCAV - Notice of Special General Meeting - Could all clubs vote and ensure they send their proxy vote back to PCAV by 13th April. DESIGNATED LUNGEING AREA- a reminder to clubs that they must have a designated lungeing area on the day of a rally/competition or lungeing is not allowed. It must be a fenced area. STATE INTERZONE TEAMS HOSRE TRIALS – 24/25 JULY 2010 – entries close to state on Friday 9th July. Expressions of Interest must be sent to the Zone Rep. by 25 th June. Riders’ performances at Lochard, Drysdale, Bacchus Marsh, Barwon Valley, Corio/Moorabool, Ballan, Smythesdale & Colac will be taken into consideration when doing the teams. Judy to send out the BZ Expression of Interest form for riders to fill in. 2011 STATE DRESSAGE & SHOW JUMPING CHAMPIONSHIPS – after careful consideration of all expressions of interest the zone executive have chosen Corio/Moorabool and Little River PC’s site as the venue for the 2011 State Dressage & S/J Championships. Thank you very much to Colac, Ballarat and Mt. Duneed for putting in their expressions of interest. The zone will be looking for representatives from all clubs to make up a working committee to assist in the organization and running of the championships.

BARWON ZONE EVENTS – Jan Calaby (Barwon Valley PC) The Barwon Zone Games, Flat & Musical Ride Teams Eliminations are to be hosted by Barwon Valley PC. Entries close on 14th April. Chairman Glenn asked that clubs encourage their riders to come along and compete even if they don’t wish to go to States. If clubs can’t make up a full games team send in names of riders and composite teams can be made up with riders from other clubs who might also be having trouble making up a team. Please note: Games teams are to supply a gear checker and an experienced lane steward. The games judge, Daryl Karp will bring the games trailer from B/M early on the Sunday morning and will set up with the help of Barwon Valley personnel. Judy to organise the sound system. Entries close on 14 th April. Winning clubs from 2009 are to bring the trophies back polished please.

General Business. : 1) Query : Do we have to run the zone eliminations for dressage & S/J on the 28/11/10? Many of our senior riders are competing at other events on that weekend. 2 other possible dates were suggested on the calendar – Sunday 21/11 or Sunday 12/12. Deirdre moved that the 2010 BZ Dressage & S/J Eliminations be held on Sunday 12th December. Seconded by Deb Irving. Comments - Colac rep. would rather it stay on the 28/11 as she is organizing the event. - Senior riders would have more time to train after exams if held in December. - Which ever date is chosen there will be other events held on that date. If riders are keen to qualify they will attend. 4. The motion was put to a vote. Result – 19 -1 Motion was Carried

2) Philip stated that PCAV have decided to suspend zone instructional funding for this year. Council has had to cut back on certain things due to decreasing membership numbers – not as much money coming through. All zones are financially viable and can finance their own instructional days for this year.

AROUND THE CLUBS Barwon Valley - We have our ODE for gr.2-5 is on 28/3. We had 6 “C”s pass their certificate. They were trained by a senior rider in the club. Little River – We have 5 new members – 2 boys. We have 1 Games Team for the zone eliminations. We are still working on our veranda. 1 rider for State H/Ts. Ballan – Still having problems with the menacing farmer. Have had 5 new members join, ages between 5-16 years. Colac – We have our AGM on Wednesday night. There will be some changes to the club executive. We have completed our green sash. We received a grant for a portable shed. We are running a bus to the Melbourne 3 Day Event – X/C Day. 5 new members – 86 in total. The Junior Committee are applying for a grant to build another dressage arena. Corio/Moorabool – 13 “C”s passed their certificates. There is now new interest in the “K” Certificate. X/C course will be closed after the next rally in readiness for our ODE on 18/4. 75 members at present. AGM at the next rally. We have 1 flat team. We have 2, hopefully 3 riders going to the State H/Ts. Drysdale/Leopold – We had a zone inspection at the February rally. Our ODE went really well. The portable X/C jumps worked well. We had a camp at Naringal which was a big hit with the parents. Our next rally will be a bus trip to the mounted police branch in Melbourne. We have 2 riders going to State H/Ts, and 3 games teams. Our next big project will be to put a water jump in ready for our next ODE. Barwon Heads - We had 4 NCAS instructors pass and 3 “C”s pass their certificate. Held a successful sausage sizzle at a local event.. We could be sharing our facilities with the anglers club Ballarat – Our second S/J event attracted 280 rounds – a very good day. Our 3rd S.J event is on 10/4. Our Easter Rally will be a trail ride. Leighdale – Started the year with 25 riders, now have 46. We were asked to help out at a big Show Jumping Day held at our facility recently. It was a great day. We have a Dressage Day coming up on 28/5/10. Bacchus Marsh – 5 new members. We are building more day yards. Our ODE was held yesterday and ran well. Our AGM is next Tuesday. We are holding an Easter Camp at Rowsley.

There being no further Business the President, Mr. Glen Drake, thanked the Club Delegates and supporters for attending the meeting. The meeting closed at 10.15 pm

Date of next meeting – BARWON ZONE GENERAL MEETING – MONDAY 17 th May 2010 – Winch House – 8pm .

CONFIRMED : ______

CHAIRMAN : ______


BARWON ZONE GENERAL MEETINGS – NOW MONDAYS The next Barwon Zone meeting will be held on Monday 17TH May 2010 . Future Barwon Zone meetings are to be held on - AGM – Monday 30th August, Annual Dinner Meeting – Monday 25th October 2010.

BARWON ZONE QUALIFYING CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR Games, Flat & Musical Ride Teams This day will be hosted by Barwon Valley Pony Club at their grounds on Sunday 25th April, 2010. Entry forms have been be distributed. Closing date for entries –Wednesday 14th April. Please let your club members know that it is coming up and start putting teams together for a fun day. NEW CLUB OFFICE BEARERS FORM The form for new Club Office Bearers is included again in this mail out. All clubs will be holding their AGMS in the next few months. Please make sure that new or continuing Secretary completes this form ASAP after the AGM and returns it to the Barwon Zone Secretary, Judy Beasley. Also remember that you will need to notify PCAV of your new club executive even if there are no changes. A new BZ Club Office Bearers contact sheet can then be made up and sent to all clubs. So please send this to me asap.

BARWON ZONE SADDLE BLANKETS The Barwon Zone is wishing to replace the green zone saddle blankets, which are used by riders who proudly represent the Barwon Zone at the State Dressage & Show Jumping Championships and the Interzone Teams Horse Trials competitions. The cost per saddle blanket will be about $40.00. A BIG Thank you must go to the 7 Pony Clubs who have already donated $40.00 towards the saddle blanket replacements. WELL DONE those clubs!!!!!!!!! If any other clubs in the Barwon Zone would also like to help out they can send their donation to the Zone Treasurer, Philip Cobbledick. If every club donated $40.00 the zone would be able to purchase at least 16 new saddle blankets which would be enough for every BZ rider competing at the Interzone Teams H/Ts.

BARWON ZONE WEBSITE The Barwon Zone is very grateful to Deb Irving (D/L ) for offering to help set up the website for the zone. Hopefully it won’t be too long before the website is up and running.

STATE INTERZONE TEAMS HORSETRIALS – WERRIBEE The State Interzone Teams Horse Trials for Grade 3 & 4 will be held at the Werribee Park National Equestrian Centre on 24 -25 July, 2010. A letter to Club DCs & Secretaries is attached along with a Barwon Zone Expression of Interest Form. This form should be filled in by the interested rider and signed by the Club DC and then sent together with the entry forms (downloaded from pcav website) and money to the BZ Rep. Mrs. Deirdre Davey. Closing date for entries to the BZ – Friday 25 th June, 2010.

PLEASE NOTE The Barwon Zone Secretary, Mrs. Judy Beasley, will be away from 20 th May until the 26 th June. All enquiries should be directed to the Barwon Representative, Deirdre Davey, during this time.

AWARD OF MERIT Clubs should start thinking about who they would like to nominate for an Award of Merit – the highest award for outstanding service to pony club as a riding or non-riding member aged at least 19 & under 26 years of age. Nomination forms and further information can be found in the “Blue Book” or on the pcav website. Closing date for nominations to Barwon Zone: Friday 28 th May, 2010. Send / email nomination forms to the Barwon Zone Rep. Deirdre Davey – email – [email protected] or post to RSD, Glenmore Rd. ROWSLEY, 3340. FAX – 53692202. Or bring forms to the next Barwon Zone meeting on Monday 17th May, 2010.

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