CHEAR Team Report

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CHEAR Team Report

CHEAR Team Report :

Team : Yue Liu (Robin) Zhicheng Liang (Jason) Anirudh Prabhu John Sheehan

Project Website Link :

Updated Use Case Document :

Modifications to the Ontology : We changed the annotation properties from rdfs:comment and rdfs:label to skos:definition and skos:prefLabel respectively. We then added all the details about each term in the ontology, like the source for the concept, source for the definition, alternate label. We also added information for terms in the termlist that we had already documented examples, usage notes and scope notes. We also updated information in the Ontology header as was suggested to us. We added the abstract and used owl:priorVersion to keep track of the older versions.

In the use case, we changed our approach on some of the competency questions based on the discussion that took place in class last week.

Learnings : Probably the most significant and painful learning this week was that Protege has a lot of bugs. The first issue we ran into was the since we used owl:imports, protege converted all the properties we had used from other ontologies into annotation properties, and all the triples using these properties were simply annotations. So they could not be used for reasoning. And the most important issue was the in some team members version of protege, when we added skos:prefLabel and skos:definition in the the ontology, protege errored out and did not save the document. This resulted in an hour’s worth of work having to be redone on another team member’s machine. Since we still have not figured out how to fix this issue. Also since we had issues with merging ontologies once we worked on it separately, we decided to work on the ontology one at a time and then use the updated version to start again for the next task.

Annotation Properties used :

Ontology Property Qname Description skos prefLabel xmlns:skos="http:/ For the label / containing the most 4/02/skos/core#p preferred way of refLabel” referring to the class skos altLabel xmlns:skos="http:/ A synonym or an / alternate way of the 4/02/skos/core#al referring to the tLabel” class skos definition xmlns:skos="http:/ Contains the / definition of the 4/02/skos/core#d class efinition” skos example xmlns:skos="http:/ Contains examples / of the classes 4/02/skos/core#e xample” dct source xmlns:dct="http:// Contains the source of the concept source” rdfs isDefinedBy xmlns:rdfs="http:/ Contains the source / of the definition 0/01/rdf- schema#isDefinedB y" skos note xmlns:skos="http:/ Used to add notes / about the term, 4/02/skos/core#n includes usage ote” notes and explanatory notes. skos scopeNote xmlns:skos="http:/ Contains the scope / notes for the term 4/02/skos/core#sc opeNote” dct abstract xmlns:dct="http:// Summarizes the goal of the ontology abstract” skos changeNote xmlns:skos="http:/ Contains a / summary of the 4/02/skos/core#c changes made in hangeNote” the current version of the ontology Learnings from Other teams : Team Cerebral :

We learned that Entity Declarations need to be added manually every time before submission. Also that there should be no cardinality in transitive properties. Since every has to put in Entity Declarations for their own project, we will be doing that. We also checked to see if there are any inconsistencies caused because of transitive properties as described above.

Soccer Team :

We learned that abbreviations should be terse, not full description of the title, also that we should make sure we use ‘/’ instead of ‘#’ to avoid inconsistency in the standards we are setting for this project.

Team Tea :

We had a common issue with the Tea Ontology team, where in we used the owl language IRI instead of our own. This causes an issue in protege and protege thinks the ontology belongs to owl. It also confuses the reasoners.

We will also look at their property chain example and see if something similar can be applied to our ontology.

Skyrim Ontology :

One of the things learned was a repeat from the Soccer Ontology, where we should make sure we use ‘/’ instead of ‘#’ to avoid inconsistency in the standards we are setting for this project.

We don’t know exactly what we can make use of from the comments this project received in class.

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