South Early College High School
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Jamie Lopez South Early College High School 7414 St. Lo Rd. Houston, TX 77033 713-732-3623
Curriculum Vitae
HCC Central and South Early College High School
Position: English instructor, adjunct professor, and faculty advisor
Teaching objectives: I will teach students how to analyze and interpret samples of sophisticated writing. Students will learn how to integrate rhetorical and literary strategies and techniques from skilled writing into their own writing. Students will learn how to create and sustain arguments, produce expository, analytical, and argumentative compositions, demonstrate mastery of standard written English and stylistic maturity in writing, and move effectively through the stages of the writing process. Students will be able to analyze image as text, evaluate and incorporate reference documents into research papers, give college level presentations, participate in literary circles, debates, Socratic seminars, and other in-class activities that require higher order thinking. Ultimately, I will help students to become more critical thinkers and better readers, writers, speakers, and listeners.
The University of Liverpool, Ed.D December, 2011-present
*I am currently pursuing an Ed.D and taking my sixth doctoral level module at The University of Liverpool as of July, 2013. The first module highlighted doctoral skills (e.g., time management, engaging in a variety of research methodologies and methods, cultural sensitivity, online learning, academic writing, and other topics) needed to excel in the program. We investigated how the Quality Assurance Agency ensures that all doctorates obtained at European universities are equally prestigious. Thus, the Ed.D and PhD are equivalent in rigor and rank. The second module emphasized learners and learning, and we evaluated applicable pedagogical, research-based strategies for the classroom. The third module centered on organizational responses to problems and best administrative practices for ensuring that a school’s mission, vision, values, and practices align. The fourth module highlighted research perspectives, how a variety of methodological approaches impact the knowledge generated, and the necessary alignment of research and policy. The fifth module focused on ethical responses and value-based decisions, and the sixth module regarded leadership, policy, and institutional responses.
Rice University, Master of Liberal Studies 2
Graduated in 2011 GPA 3.81
*At Rice University, I took a variety of Humanities courses. These courses were multidisciplinary and often emphasized the connections between philosophy, psychology, literature, history, art, and other disciplines. I wrote approximately four lengthy research papers per course, and the courses were as rigorous as other graduate level courses at Rice, according to the Program Director and professors teaching within the program. For my Capstone, or Master’s thesis, I wrote a research paper on human trafficking. I drew on my experiences as a volunteer for the YMCA, teaching English classes to English Language Learners and victims of human trafficking who were from Central American countries (Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, etc.). Additionally, I wrote a collection of poetry about human trafficking called Nets and Flight under the guidance of Dr. Joseph Campana and Dr. Denis Huston. Throughout the poetry collection, I contemplated differing perspectives (e.g., how a trafficker must perceive a human being in order to traffic that person). Additionally, as I studied victims from around the globe, the lines between what constituted a victim and a willing participant blurred. For instance, some individuals in Thailand are forced to work in factories for sixteen hours a day, and they are still impoverished. Thus, many of the women volunteered to be mail order brides, but either option was not advantageous. Thus, the following question arose: though some women choose to be mail order brides, could they be considered human trafficking victims, as they were enslaved to their husbands and often treated inhumanely (but perhaps more humanely than in their countries of origin)?
St. Thomas University (12 hours obtained) GPA: 3.8
*I completed three graduate level education courses needed for a teaching certification and an additional English graduate level course about Greek mythology. We read Euripides plays, Hymn to Demeter, and many other works that thematically connected to more modern writings, such as Eugene O’Neill’s renditions of The Oresteia Trilogy.
Texas A&M University, B.A in English Graduated in May, 2004
*I attended Texas A&M from 2000-2004. I participated in a study abroad program in Bonn, Germany where I took two semesters of German and lived with a German host family. In Germany, we toured museums, read literature, and spoke in German. German was my minor, and I obtained 27 hours of Germanic Language credit hours in college. At A&M, I participated in clubs and organizations (e.g., English Club, Art Club, Texas Environmental Action Coalition, and others).
HCC, Adjunct Professor 2012-present 3
Courses taught: English Composition 1301-1302
*This year we are working on sophisticated research skills, close reading, and thematic connections among literary texts, historical contexts, and solving real-world problems with the help of interdisciplinary research methods.
HISD 2006-present, English Instructor
South Early College High School, English Instructor from 2011-present Courses taught: English I Pre-AP, Special Projects, AP Language and Composition, English 1301-1302, OneGoal Effective Teacher Initiative Representative 2012-2013 Department Chair responsibilities
Worthing High School, English Instructor from 2006-2011 Courses taught: English III, AP Language and Composition, English II Pre-AP, Debate
Reagan High School, Hogg Middle School, and other schools from 2005-2006 Associate Teacher
Awards and publications:
Nominated for teacher of the year 2007-2010 ASPIRE award given 2007-2012 Houston Literary Review Jack of No Trades Productions (pen name)
Educator Certifications:
English Language Arts 8-12 English as a Second Language Supplemental (EC-12) AP English Language Special Education (EC-12)