Jedi Knight (Malachi, Alter/Sense/Control)

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Jedi Knight (Malachi, Alter/Sense/Control)

Jedi Knight (Malachi, Control/Sense/Alter, aprox 5D in each) Home World: Race: Human Born: 3985 years Before Star Wars 4 Current Date: 3963 years Before Star Wars 4 Age: 22 Standard Years

Your earliest memories are of the Jedi Academy on Dantooine, and the training exercises to teach that possessions are meaningless to a Jedi. On Dantooine, you studied under Master Vindon Reese, a native to the planet Onderon. Even at a young age your understanding of the ways of the Jedi exceeded that of even some of the elder Padawan. The training taught you to let go of your material possessions and your negative emotions without a second thought. Through the first few years of your training, you had some troubling experiences. While your Master was there to explain most things to you, often you would have quick flashes of visions which made no sense to you. Each set of visions had a different location and feeling involved with it. The primary set of visions seemed to be based around an explosion in space. You are not sure why, but you often felt a great deal of sadness surrounding this explosion. However, the visions also had two spheres which exited from either end of the explosion. One of them shot off into space. The second sphere crashed into a nearby planet and you crawled out of it. Others consisted of a jungle like environments that open into a city. In these visions, you saw many different animals in the wilds of the jungle. You also had another vision about a world of Wind and the ever moving dunes of sand the Wind created. As the winds shifted, you often found a black monolith slowly rising out of the sands. Whenever you awoke from this dream, you always felt cold. Once you were able to speak, you told your Master about these visions, but she could only tell you that, in time you would realize the meaning of these visions. When Master Vindon told you this, you felt as though she wasn’t telling you everything that she knew about them. But as she was your Master, she most likely knew what was best. When you were about twelve years old, Master Vindon received a call for assistance from the ruler of Onderon and the two of you journeyed there to see to a small uprising amongst the Beast Riders. While dealing with the border dispute between two rival clans of Beast Riders, you continued to study under Master Vindon. Over the next ten years, you and Master Vindon spent a great deal of time in the city of Iziz, the only city on the entire planet. This was a perfect setting to continue your training. You were able to construct a lightsaber, practice the arts of the Jedi, and even, as you were doing so well in your training, earned some time to look into other aspects of the culture. You decided it would be best to learn the arts of politics and persuasion from the Royal Family of Onderon. Over time, you managed to make a friend or two among the citizens of Iziz as well as the Royal Family itself. One of the Queen’s nieces, Tereza, found your ideas about politics and the role of Jedi among the politicians to be quite interesting. You would often spend a great deal of time with her both in and out of the Great Library of Iziz. In fact, when you were not studying with either the teacher or your Master you would most likely be found in her company. The two of you spent many days relaxing in the gardens, traveling the streets of Iziz, or going outside of the city on picnics. Master Vindon never disapproved of the relationship which was developing between the two of you. In fact, he never even reprimanded you for being late to a lesson because you were out with Tereza. He did however make certain to mention that there is a time and place for love and there is a time and place for duty, and that the true test of the Jedi is to recognize which time it is at the moment. Some of the lessons you learned during these years were based around the ideas of Jedi and love. Master Vindon explained that to exist without love would be similar to traveling a dangerous path alone. Without someone else along with you, you might lose you way easily or fall asleep one night and never awake again. He also taught you by again using the same metaphor, that love can also act as an anchor in times of duty. Should you hear a cry of help off the path, you can trust your companion with the duty to hold your place on the path while you seek out the distressed. One day, Master Vindon approached you while you were in the gardens with Tereza and told you there were more important things to be done at this moment. He let you say your goodbyes to Tereza and lead you down to the plains below the city where to two of you found another Jedi. He was laying unconscious on the ground and next to him was a flying beast from Onderon’s moon, Dxun. The two of you carried him into the city and to the hospital where you awaited his return to consciousness. When he awoke two days later, there was a short introduction before he started explaining that a siege was coming from Dxun by a group of warriors know as the Mandalorians. After his story was completed, Master Vindon said that he thought Master Platt would forgive you for straying from your Trial. Then, the Padawan passed back into a semiconscious state. After this, Master Vindon encouraged you to go and meditate for a while. Within your first few hours, you saw what you knew would be trouble for everyone, an invasion matching a force the size of the one the young Jedi had described. When you exited the trance, Master Vindon asked about your vision. You described it in great detail and told him that you thought the best chance for survival would be to hide away in the forests. Master Vindon agreed with you and told you to go ahead and try to locate Master Plattis in the forests. He instructed you to leave at sunrise two days from now. As you prepared to leave the city Tereza entered your room in the Palace and started asking why you were leaving. You explained that your duty to protect her and her people was calling to you. When she started to cry, you turned to her and said, “We both knew this day would arrive, but I know that you did not expect it to be so soon. I can tell you that what I am about to do provides both of us with the best chance of survival. I want you to know that I love you and will return to rescue you.” You then told her of your orders from Master Vindon and the vision you had foreseen. After this, she refused to leave your side until the moment you left the city. When you went to leave, she sent you off with a ribbon which you tied to the hilt of your lightsaber. After traveling for a day you managed to find a waterfall that you had seen in your vision a few days before. You entered the cave behind it and there, looking saddened because his Padawan had not returned, was Master Plattis. He looked up at you and realized that you were not the one he was awaiting. You quickly explained the situation which had occurred to him and he immediately started preparing to leave the cave. “Wait, if you go to the city, you will not survive the invasion!” you said. “It does not matter if I survive, it matter if my Pada… er, Young Jedi Knight, survives. He would do well to heed your advice, but I know that his place is no longer at my side. You will find him here again i

Control Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Cognitive Trance, Concentration, Control Pain, Detoxify Poison, Divide Attention, Emptiness, Enhance Attribute, Hibernation Trance, Meditative Trance, Remain Conscious, Resist Stun, Short Term Memory Enhancement, Voice Amplification. Sense Powers: Danger Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Sense Force Disturbance, Translation, Truth Sense. Alter Powers: Strengthen Object, Telekinesis. Control and Sense Powers: Farseeing, Life Bond, Lightsaber Combat, Mediation, Mental Translocation, Projective Telepathy. Control and Alter Powers: Force Lights, Return Another to Consciousness, Scribing, Transfer Force. Sense and Alter Powers: Affect Emotions, Storytelling. Control, Sense and Alter Powers: Affect Mind, Force Harmony, Force Link, Force Unity. Control Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy This power can only be kept up as long as the source of energy is constant. Control Difficulty: Sunburn-very easy, intense sun-easy, solar wind-moderate, radiation storm-difficult. Characters may use this power for energy attacks at a difficulty of moderate plus the damage roll of the attack. Effect: This power allows the Jedi to absorb or dissipate energy, including light, heat, radiation and blaster bolts. A successful Control roll means that the energy is dissipated. If the user fails the roll, he takes full damage from the energy. The character must activate the power in the same round to absorb the blaster bolt or Force Lightning - the character must be able to roll the power before the attack lands. He can't use this power after the attack has hit. Cognitive Trance This power may be kept up and takes one minute. Control Difficulty: Easy. Effect: Jedi uses control of his inner Force to enter the specific trance. His thinking process is hastened, and he may absorb information much faster, he just scrolls the text very, very quickly. Concentration This power can not be kept up and takes one round. Control Difficulty: Easy if the Jedi is relaxed and at peace, Difficult if the Jedi is filed with aggression, fear or other negative emotions, Very Difficult if the Jedi is acting on those negative emotions. Effect: When using this power, Jedi clear all negative thoughts from their minds, feeling the Force flowing through the universe and their own being. The individual Jedi concentrates on one specific task at hand. If the skill roll is successful, the Jedi may add +4D to any one action in that round. The Jedi may do nothing other than using the concentration power and using that one skill for one action. The Jedi receives no bonus if anything else is done in that round, including duplicate uses of the same skill or dodges or parries. This power may be used in conjunction with Force Points and Character Points. Control Body Temperature This power can be kept up until the temperature changes. Control Difficulty: Very easy for 1-10 degrees from body temperature, easy for 11-20, moderate for 21-30, difficult for 31-40, heroic for >40, and +10 to difficulty for every 10 degrees after 50. Required Powers: Control Pain, Absorb/Dissipate Energy. Effect: A Jedi character keeps his body temperature stable when necessary to achieve a task in extreme temperatures. Using the Force a Jedi can heat or cool down his insides to maintain the average body temperature for his species. This is especially useful for those cold-blooded Jedi. Control Pain This power can be kept up until the Jedi is injured again. Control Difficulty: Wounded or stunned-very easy, incapacitated-easy, mortally wounded-difficult. Effect: A wounded Jedi who Controls Pain can act as if he has not been wounded starting with the round after the power roll has been made. The wound is not healed, but the character doesn't suffer the penalties of being wounded: a wounded Jedi doesn't lose 1D from all actions, an incapacitated character can still act normally, as can a mortally wounded character. This power can also be used to shrug off any stun results. However the character is still injured, and thus is prone to getting worse, even if the Jedi doesn't feel the pain. For example, a wounded character that is wounded again would still become incapacitated. Mortally wounded Jedi still have to make the same rolls as other mortally wounded characters. Detoxify Poison This power can not be kept up and takes about 5 minutes. Control Difficulty: Very easy for a very mild poison (alcohol), Easy for a mild poison, Moderate for an average poison, Difficult for a virulent poison, Very Difficult to Heroic for a neuro-toxin. Effect: This power allows a Jedi to detoxify or eject poisons that have entered his body. If the Jedi makes the Power roll, the poison doesn't affect him. Divide Attention This power can not be kept up and takes place during declaration of actions. Control Difficulty: Moderate for two actions, difficult for three actions, very difficult for four actions, and heroic for more than five, but no more than seven (Gamemaster sets difficulty past five). Required Powers: Concentration, Enhance Attribute, Cognitive Trance. Effect: This power allows a Jedi to initiate more than one action in a round with no penalty to the die code. If a Jedi wishes to perform four tasks, but only rolls a moderate, he gets the penalty for three actions, instead of four actions. However, he still rolls for all four actions, but at a -2d instead of -3d. Emptiness This power can not be kept up. Control Difficulty: Moderate to enter, difficult to exit. Required Powers: Hibernation Trance. Effect: The user empties his mind and allows the Force to flow through him. The character seems to be in deep meditation, and a character experiencing Emptiness is oblivious to his surroundings. A character in Emptiness may not move or take any action except to try to disengage from the Emptiness. While in Emptiness, a character is difficult to sense or affect with the Force. When another character attempts to use a Force power on the character in Emptiness, add the meditating character's Emptiness roll to the difficulty for the other character's Sense or Control rolls (this affects only the Sense roll, if the power doesn't use the Sense skill, then add the difficulty to the Control roll). This difficulty is added regardless of whether or not the empty character would willingly receive the power's effect. Once the character comes out of Emptiness, the character gets a +6 bonus modifier to all Force skill rolls for a period of time equal to the amount of time the character spent in Emptiness. This bonus is reduced by one for each Dark Side Point the character has. When in Emptiness, characters dehydrate and hunger normally - some initiates have died because they lacked enough Control to bring themselves out or Emptiness. When the character enters into Emptiness, the player must state for how long the character will be in meditation. A character must make a Difficult Control skill roll to bring himself out of Emptiness, the character may attempt to come out of meditation under the following circumstances: -When the stated time has passed. -Once each hour beyond the original time limit. -The character's body takes any damage more serious than stun damage. Characters who are consumed by the Dark Side of the Force may not use this power. Enhance Attribute This power can be kept up for as long as the skill roll allows. Control Difficulty: Moderate. Effect: A Jedi uses this power to increase a single attribute for a limited amount of time. An increased attribute can help a Jedi jump higher, dodge quicker, see better, and run faster. All skills controlled by the enhanced attribute are increased by the appropriate amount for as long as the power is in effect. An attribute increased by this power remains enhanced for the duration listed below. Duration and attribute increase is determined by how much a character's Control skill roll beats the difficulty number. Duration can be extended through the use of character points - for every character point a Jedi spends after invoking this power, the duration is extended by one combat round. The points can be spent at any time before the power fades. A Jedi can only increase one attribute at a time. If a character invokes the power to enhance a second attribute while the first attribute is still enhanced, then the first enhancement fades and the second attribute receives the benefit. Skill roll beats difficulty by 0-13 +1D for 3 Rounds, 14-25 +2D for 2 Rounds, 26+ +3D for 1 Round. Hibernation Trance This power can be kept up. Control Difficulty: Difficult. Effect: This power allows a Jedi to place himself into a deep trance, remarkably slowing all body functions. The Jedi's heartbeat slows, his breathing drops to barely perceivable levels, and he falls unconscious. When a Jedi enters a Hibernation Trance, the character must declare under what circumstances the character will awaken: after a specific amount of time or what stimuli needs to be present (noise, someone touching them). A Jedi can heal while in a Hibernation Trance, but the character may not use skills or Jedi powers while in a trance. Hibernation Trance serves two purposes. It allows a Jedi to play dead. It can be used to survive when food or air supplies are low. A character in Hibernation uses only about a tenth as much air as someone who is sleeping - he can hibernate for a week in a dry climate or for up to one month in a wet climate before dying from lack of water. Anyone who comes across a Jedi in Hibernation Trance assumes that the Jedi is dead unless he makes a point of testing him. Another Jedi with the Sense skill or the Life Detection power will be able to detect the Force within the Hibernating character and realize that he is alive. Meditative Trance This power can not be kept up, and takes five minutes. Control Difficulty: Very easy, increase difficulty by one level per Dark Side Point. Effect: This power is usually taught first to a Jedi-in-training. It allows a Jedi to enter into a deep meditation which is calming and very restful. Meditative trance may be used in place of sleep and the Jedi may elect to set a time to awaken fully refreshed. Any damage of stun or greater to the Jedi will awaken the Jedi immediately. Remain Conscious This power can not be kept up. Control Difficulty: Easy for stunned characters, moderate for incapacitated characters, Difficult for mortally wounded characters. Required Powers: Control Pain. Effect: Remain Conscious allows a Jedi to remain conscious even when he has suffered injuries which would knock him unconscious. In game terms, when a character with this power suffers this kind of injury, he loses all of his actions for the rest of the round but he is still conscious (normal characters automatically pass out). On the next round, the character may attempt to activate the power - this must be the first action of that round, the Jedi cannot even dodge or parry. If the roll is unsuccessful the character passes out immediately. If the roll is successful, the Jedi can do any one other action that he has declared for that round - often the character will attempt to Control Pain so that he will be able to remain conscious. After that other action has been completed, the Jedi will lapse into unconsciousness, unless he has activated Control Pain or done something else that will keep the character conscious. Resist Stun This power can be kept up. It also takes one minute to use. Control Difficulty: Moderate. Effect: Resist Stun allows the Jedi to prepare his body to resist the effects of stun damage. The power must be activated before the character has suffered any damage. A successful result allows the Jedi to resist all stun results except for unconscious and normal injuries. An unconscious result forces the Jedi to drop the power, and he is considered stunned. Normal injuries (wounded, incapacitated, mortally wounded and killed) are treated normally. This power can be combined with Control Pain to eliminate all stun effects. Short Term Memory Enhancement This power can not be kept up. Control Difficulty: Difficult. If skill roll beats difficult by 0 - 8 through current episode, 9 - 20 through last episode, 21+ through last two episodes. Required Powers: Hibernation Trance. Effect: When a Jedi uses this power, he or she can replay recent events in order to more carefully examine images and peripheral occurrences. Using the power, a Jedi can freeze images and even scan memory tracks to recall details that were seen but he did no register consciously at the time of observation. In game terms, this power can be used to alert a Jedi to information, items, other characters, or anything else that passed before his or her senses within a specific span of time. In addition, if a gamemaster provided clues or leads to clues that the players originally missed or ignored, this power can be used to recall them. When players get stuck on a puzzle or mystery within an adventure, this power can alert them to possible solutions, if those solutions were observed earlier in the adventure. How far back a Jedi can remember with this power is determined by the success of his Control skill roll. Voice Amplification This power can be kept up, and takes one round. Control Difficulty: Easy, modified by size of area small room +2, medium-sized room +5, large room +7, audience chamber +10, concert hall +12, Coruscant Great Council Hall +15. Effect: This power lets a Jedi amplify her voice to fill an area. The Jedi may speak, sing or otherwise communicate verbally while maintaining this power. Sense Powers: Danger Sense This power can be kept up. Sense Difficulty: Moderate or attacker's Control roll. Required Powers: Life Detection. Effect: Danger Sense allows a Jedi to extend his senses around himself like protective sensors, creating an early warning system for as long as the power is in effect. When this power is used, the Jedi detects any attacks a round before they are made. This gives the Jedi a round to decide how to react to the danger. In game terms, if any character is going to attack a Jedi on the next round, they must declare their action the round before it happens. Characters who are going to attack the Jedi may roll their Control skill to increase the difficulty of using the power. Life Detection This power can be kept up. Sense Difficulty: Very easy if the subject has Force skills or is Force-sensitive, Moderate if not. Modified by relationship. Effect: This power allows Jedi to detect live sentient beings, who might otherwise remain hidden from their normal senses. When the power is activated, the Jedi knows the location of all life forms within 10 meters - if the power is kept up, the Jedi may know whenever a sentient approaches within 10 meters of them or vice versa. When a Jedi approaches or is approached by sentient creatures, make a Sense roll for the Jedi and each creature makes an opposed Control or Perception roll to avoid detection. Both rolls are free actions and don't count as a power use. If the Jedi ties or rolls higher, he senses the creature in question. If the Jedi beats the target's roll by 10 or more points, the Jedi is aware if this person has Force skills (yes or no), is Force sensitive (yes or no) or if they have met the person before (yes or no), and if yes, what their identity is. Life Sense This power can be kept up to track a target. Sense Difficulty: Very easy. Modified by proximity and relationship. Required Powers: Life Detection. Effect: The user can sense the presence and identity of a specific person for whom he searches. The user can sense how badly wounded, diseased or otherwise physically disturbed the target is. A target may use the Control skill to hide his identity from the Jedi using Life Sense. The character's Control skill is added to the Senser's difficulty. Magnify Senses This power can not be kept up and takes three rounds. Sense Difficulty: Very easy. Modified by proximity. Effect: This power allows a Jedi to increase the effectiveness of his normal senses to perceive things that otherwise would be impossible without artificial aids. He can hear noises beyond his normal hearing due to distance or softness - he can't hear beyond normal frequencies. Likewise, he can see normally visible things over distances that would normally require the use of macrobinoculars, and identify scents and odors that are normally too faint for Human olfactory senses. Receptive Telepathy This power can be kept up only if the target is willing and the proximity modifier doesn't increase. Sense Difficulty: Very easy for friendly, non-resisting targets. If target resists, he makes a Perception or Control roll to determine the difficulty. Modified by proximity and relationship. Required Powers: Life Sense. Effect: If the Jedi makes the power roll, he can read the surface thoughts and emotions of the target. The Jedi hears what the target is thinking, but cannot probe for deeper information. When the Jedi uses the power on another player character, the gamemaster asks the player if he minds the power being used on his character, if the target is a gamemaster character, the gamemaster must determine for himself if the target is friendly or resistant. If the skill roll is double the difficulty, the Jedi can sift through any memories up to 24 hours old. A Jedi cannot sift through memories in the same round that the contact is made - this process takes a full round. A Jedi can read the minds of more than one person at a time, but each additional person counts as an additional action, with separate rolls and multiple skill use penalties. This power may be used on creatures and other sentient species, although it cannot be used on Droids. Sense Force This power can not be kept up. Sense Difficulty: Moderate for an area, difficult for sensing details or specific objects within the area, modified by proximity. Effect: This power is used to sense the ambient Force within a place. It cannot be used to detect sentient beings, but there are many forms of life and many areas of the galaxy intertwined with the Force which can be sensed with this power. Sense Force will tell a character the rough magnitude of the Force in an area of object, and whether the area or object tends toward the Dark Side or the Light. Sense Force Disturbance This power can be kept up. Sense Difficulty: Very easy, Modified by proximity. Required Powers: Sense Force. Effect: this enables a character to sense a disturbance in the Force. This does not give the character specific details, but instead a vague feeling of what has occurred. Once learned, this power is effectively up at all times. When a disturbance happens, the Jedi can take a free action roll to sense the disturbance. The GM should have the player roll his character's Sense against the modified difficulty. What effect the disturbance has on the Jedi is up to the GM. If successful, the GM should secretly inform the player that his character senses a tremor, or a stirring in the Force, tell the player a vague feeling of who or what the disturbance is about, and if it is of the Light or Dark Side. Truth Sense This power can be kept up and takes one minute. Sense Difficulty: Easy, modified by Relationship. Effect: This allows the Jedi to sense whether a person believes what they are saying is true. It does not sense whether what they are saying is true in the overall reality, just whether the subject believes it or not. This is the Force equivalent of a lie-detector test. Alter Powers: Strengthen Object This power can be kept up and takes one round. Alter Difficulty: Moderate +3D, difficult +4D, very difficult +5D, heroic +6D to +8D depending on roll. Size modifiers in m3 up to 1/4-+0, 1-+10, 2-+20, 4-+30. Required Powers: Telekinesis. Effect: This power strengthens and reinforces the structure of an object. Some Jedi have discovered that is can also be used to weaken objects in a similar manner. Using the Force, the Jedi reinforces the inter- and intra-molecular bonds in the object. The object has the same density, volume, and mass as before, but it takes more energy to break the bonds holding the object together. This is a relatively basic skill and is usually taught early in a Jedi's studies. This reinforcement strengthens the object versus shearing forces, stress, or disintegration/disassociation by high energies. Thus, a 1D staff strengthened at the very difficult level would now have a strength of 6D - enough to resist a Lightsaber, most of the time. Note that this does not effect the object's ability to do damage! Just increases its resistance to breakage or destruction. And severely limits chemical reactions. This Force Power may be used on living matter. However, because the various enzymatic and chemical reactions, and protein interactions in living tissue are strongly inhibited, use of this Force Power on living tissue is very damaging. For example: Oxygen will no longer disassociates from carrier molecules, causing oxygen-starvation. Hormones and neurotransmitters will not disassociate from receptor proteins. Blood cells will coagulate on the blood vessel walls. DNA strands cannot be separated for transcription to RNA--thus halting protein synthesis. There are very few organisms that can withstand such inhibition of chemical reactions. Use of this Power on living tissue is thus grounds for a Dark Side Point. Telekinesis This power can be kept up. Alter Difficulty: Very easy for objects weighing one kilogram or less, easy for objects weighing one to ten kilograms, moderate for objects 11 to 100 kilograms, difficult for 101 kilograms to one metric ton very difficult for 1001 kilograms to ten metric tons, heroic for objects weighing 10001 kilograms to 100 metric tons. Object may be moved at 10 meters per round, add +5 per additional 10 meters per round. The target must be in sight of the Jedi. Increased difficulty if object isn't moving in simple, straight-line movement, +1 to +5 for gentle turns, +6 to +10 for easy maneuvers, +11 to +25 or more for more complex maneuvers, such as using a levitated Lightsaber to attack and modified by proximity. If the Jedi gestures then a bonus of +5 is granted. Effect: This power allows the Jedi to levitate and move objects with the power of his mind alone. If used successfully, the object moves as the Jedi desires. A Jedi can levitate several objects simultaneously, but each additional object requires the Jedi to make a new power roll. This power can be used to levitate oneself or others. It can be used as a primitive space drive in emergencies. When used to levitate someone against their will, the target may resist by adding their Perception or Control roll to the difficulty number. Levitated objects can be used to attack other characters, but this automatically gives the Jedi a Dark Side Point. Such objects do 1D damage if under a kilogram, 2D if one to ten kilos, 4D if 11 to 100 kilos, 3D Speeder-scale damage if 101 kilos to one metric ton, 3D Starfighter-scale damage if one to ten tons and 5D Starfighter-Scale if 11 to 100 metric tons. Such attacks would require an additional Control roll by the Jedi, which would be the to hit roll against the target's dodge. If the character doesn't dodge the attack, the difficulty is easy. Control and Sense Powers: Farseeing This power can not be kept up and takes one minute. Control Difficulty: Very easy. Modified by proximity. Add +5 to +20 to the difficulty if the character wishes to see into the past. Add +10 to +30 or more if the character wishes to see into the future. Sense Difficulty: Very easy if target is friendly and doesn't resist. If the target resists, make a Control or Perception total for the difficulty. Modified by relationship. Required Powers: Life Sense. Effect: The user sees the person or place he wishes to see in his mind as the situation currently exists. The power can also be used to see the past or future. The Jedi also sees the immediate surroundings, and so can know, for example, when a friend is in danger, or what has happened on his home planet in his absence. Farseeing requires calm conditions and at least one minute, but often takes a few minutes. Farseeing cannot be done in the face of danger. The Jedi's visions may not be entirely accurate. If difficulty is beat by, 0- 10, the past and present are 50%/the future is 10%, 11-20, 75%/25%, 21-30, 90%/50%, 31+, 100%/75%. The past and present are set and it is merely a matter of the Jedi having correct perceptions. However, the future is always fluid, always in motion, never set until it becomes the present - therefore it is much harder to predict. The percentages on the chart are a rough measure of how much correct information the character receives in their vision. For example, 10% means that the character will only be able to make out the most basic details of a situation, such as my friends are in danger. 25% means, that the Jedi gets a somewhat accurate vision of what will transpire, but most major details will be missing from the vision. 50% means that the character's vision was about half right. 75% means that the character has an understanding of the critical happenings, but the character still has missed a major details or two, which, of course, can complicate things. 90% means that the character has a very accurate and very detailed vision of what has or will transpire. 100% means that the character's vision is even more accurate and detailed, complete with minor, almost trivial details. When a character looks into the future, the gamemaster has to make an honest effort to correctly represent what will happen: if the characters get a 75% result, the gamemaster must try to predict what he thinks the characters will do and what the outcome may be. Of course, since the future is so fluid, things are always subject to change. Farseeing is a great mechanic for the gamemaster to reveal part of the story, enough to tantalize the players, without ruining the story. Life Bond This power can be kept up. Control Difficulty: Moderate. Sense Difficulty: See below. Modified by proximity. Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy. Effect: A Jedi character may choose the Life Bond power to permanently form a mental link with one other individual, normally a life mate. Detailed information can be learned by activating the power. If both characters have the Life Bond power, reduce all Sense difficulties by one level, but both characters must still roll for Life Bond to achieve the benefits listed below. The following benefits are only in effect when the characters are actively using the Life Bond power. With an Easy Sense roll, the Force-user is aware of the other's general location and general emotional state: whether the person is frightened, in pain, injured, happy or experiencing some other strong emotion. With a Moderate Sense roll, the Force-user experiences the other's senses: he or she sees through the other's eyes, hears what the other hears, and smells, tastes and feels what the other person is experiencing. However, at this level, the characters are affected by each others' experiences - both characters share pain, and if one character is injured, the other character suffers an injury one level lower (i.e., if one character is mortally wounded, the life-bonded character is incapacitated). With a Difficult Sense roll, the Force-user is considered telepathically-linked to the life-bonded partner (as per the projective telepathy power), allowing the characters to carry on a telepathic conversation. As an added benefit, the two characters can sense premonitions about each other: for example, if one character is severely injured, his or her life bond partner will sense that something bad has happened. This aspect of the Life Bond power is modified by proximity only, as outlined below. Sensing premonitions is automatic if within 1000 km of each other. If on the same planet but more than 1000 km from each other, a very easy Sense roll is necessary to sense premonitions. If not on the same planet but in the same star system, an easy Sense roll is necessary to sense premonitions. If not in the same star system but within 10 light years, a moderate Sense roll is necessary to sense premonitions. If more than 10 light years away but less than 100 light years distant, a difficult Sense roll is necessary. If more than 100 light years away from each other a very difficult Sense roll is necessary. Life bonded characters may not share skills, attributes, Force Points or Character Points. However, since the characters do have such a close bond, the actions of one can affect another. If a life bonded character commits an evil action, the Jedi partner receives a Dark Side Point even though these actions were not the Jedi's fault. Obviously, life bonding is an exceedingly serious commitment, not to be taken lightly. Both characters must agree to the Life Bond for the power to work and the character may only life bond with one other individual. Life bonding takes 1D weeks to be completed, during that time, the Jedi's Control is -1D. The Life Bond power may not be activated until the bond is completely formed. Death is the only means of severing the life bond. If one member of a life-bonded couple is killed, the surviving partner enters a near-catatonic state of shock for 1D days. After re-awakening, the partner grieves and readjusts to a solitary existence, all die codes are reduced by -1D for the same amount of time it took to forge the life bond. Any attempt to forge a new life bond in the future requires a much longer period of adjustment: 2D weeks for a second bond, 3D weeks for a third bond, and so forth. Life bonding is more than a helpful power, it is representative of an extremely strong and powerful emotional link between two individuals. As previously indicated, this power is normally used between spouses, but close relatives and friends may choose to life bond. This skill does have tactical advantages: the two characters could act independently yet be fully aware of the other's actions. One character could enter into a hazardous situation, while the other remains with a unit commander. The life bond is a permanent link of mind and spirit that was probably first achieved accidentally. Misunderstandings between life-bonded individuals are rare since this power leads to a relationship of absolute honesty and very intimate emotional awareness. The life bond develops over time and the change to feeling another's emotions and senses - establishing a sensory and emotional synthesis - is a life changing event. If only one character in the life bond is a Force-sensitive, often the other partner takes up study of the Force, with the original Jedi serving as teacher. The standard times and Character Point costs apply for learning Force abilities. Of course, moral obligation inherent in wielding Force powers must be communicated as those powers are taught, especially since one character can accumulate Dark Side Points because of the actions of the other partner. Lightsaber Combat This power can be kept up. Control Difficulty: Moderate. Sense Difficulty: Easy. Effect: To use a Lightsaber most effectively, a Jedi learns this power. The Jedi uses this power both to wield this elegant but difficult-to-control weapon while also sensing his opponent's actions through his connection with the Force. This power is called upon at the start of a battle and remains up until the Jedi is stunned or injured, a Jedi who has been injured or stunned may attempt to bring the power back up. If the Jedi is successful in using this power, the Jedi adds his Sense dice to his Lightsaber skill roll when trying to hit a target or parry, and he adds or subtracts up to the number of his Control dice to the Lightsaber's 5D damage when it hits in combat. Players must decide how many Control dice they are adding or subtracting before they roll damage. If the Jedi fails the power roll, he must use the Lightsaber with only his Lightsaber skill to hit and the weapon's normal damage in combat and he cannot attempt to use the power again for the duration of the combat. Finally, the Jedi may use Lightsaber Combat to parry blaster bolts. To do this, the character must declare that he is parrying that round, using his Lightsaber skill as normal. The Jedi may also attempt to control where the deflected blaster bolts go, although this counts as an additional action. The Jedi must declare which specific shot he is controlling. Then, once the roll is made to see if the blaster bolt was parried by the Jedi, the Jedi makes a Control roll, with the difficulty being his new target's dodge or the range. The damage is that of the original blaster bolt. Mediation This power can be kept up and takes one minute. Control Difficulty: Moderate. Sense Difficulty: Moderate, modified by relationship. Required Powers: Truth Sense, Receptive Telepathy. Effect: This power allows the Jedi to mediate between two parties for the purposes of coming to an agreement. The Jedi attempts to read the intentions of the persons being mediated, and then tries to make a judgement call. If there are more than two participants, add one difficulty level per person over two. Projective Telepathy This power can not be kept up. Control Difficulty: Very easy. Increase difficulty by +5 to +10 if the Jedi cannot verbalize the thoughts he is transmitting. Modified by proximity. Sense Difficulty: Very easy if target is friendly and doesn't resist. If target resists, roll Perception or Control roll to determine the difficulty. Modified by relationship. Required Powers: Receptive Telepathy. Effect: If the Jedi successfully projects his thoughts, the target hears his thoughts and feels his emotions. The target understands that the thoughts and feelings he is experiencing are not his own and that they belong to the user of the power. If the Jedi doesn't verbally identify himself, the target doesn't know who is projecting thoughts to him. This power can only be used to communicate with other minds, not control them. Control and Alter Powers: Control Another's Pain This power can be kept up. If power is dropped, the target suffers penalties as normal. Control Difficulty: Very easy, modified by proximity and relationship. Alter Difficulty: Easy for wounded characters, moderate for incapacitated characters, difficult for mortally wounded characters. Required Powers: Control Pain. Effect: This power has the same effect on the target that Control Pain does on his user. Force Lights This power can be kept up (for as long as the Jedi can stand it). Control Difficulty: Unfocused-very easy, thick beam (glowrod)-moderate, thin beam (blaster bolts)-difficult, focused beam (surgical laser)-heroic, multiple beams +4 each. Alter Difficulty: Candle intensity-very easy, daylight intensity-easy, fluorescent intensity-moderate, searchlight intensity-difficult, engine glow intensity-very difficult, star intensity-heroic. Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy. Effect: This power is typically used by Jedi to light darkened areas, but it has it's uses as an offensive power and a heat source as well. When activated unfocused, the Jedi glows with the desired intensity so long as it is achieved. Heat and light radiate outward from all points on the Jedi's body. At any intensity greater than Fluorescent, the Jedi/others around him receive damage: searchlight-4D per round/blinded (duration +1 rounds), engine glow-15D per round/10D rounds and blinded(duration +5 rounds), star-30D per round/20D rounds and blind. When used unfocused, the Jedi can attempt to Absorb/Dissipate the energy that he is receiving, with an appropriate roll based on the above Alter difficulties. When activated as a thick beam: candle-bright, daylight-brighter light, fluorescent-blinding light (duration +1 round), searchlight-heated light (2D damage, blinded +2), engine glow-burning light (6D damage, blinded +5), star-searing light (14D damage, blind). When activated as a thin beam: candle-bright light, daylight-blinding light, fluorescent-heated light, searchlight-burning light, engine glow-searing light, star- blazing light (20D damage, blind). When activated as a focused beam: candle-blinding light, daylight-heated light, fluorescent-burning light, searchlight-searing light, engine glow-blazing light, star-supernova light (30D damage, blind). When aiming a beam, the Jedi uses his Control dice. While using any beam, the Jedi receives 1/3 damage, rounded to the nearest whole dice, never to drop below 1D. Return Another to Consciousness This power can not be kept up. Control Difficulty: Easy, modified by proximity and relationship. Alter Difficulty: Easy for incapacitated characters, difficult for mortally wounded characters. Required Powers: Control Another's Pain, Remain Conscious. Effect: The target returns to consciousness. The target has the same restrictions as imposed by the Remain Conscious power. Transfer Force This power can not be kept up and takes one minute. Control Difficulty: Easy, modified by relationship and proximity. Alter Difficulty: Moderate. Required Powers: Control Another's Pain. Effect: This power will save a mortally wounded character from dying because the Jedi is transferring his life force to the target. When a character has force transferred to him, he remains mortally wounded, but he will not die, provided he isn't injured again. The character is in hibernation, and will stay alive in this state for up to six weeks. The Jedi must be touching the target character is activated. When this power is used, the power must spend a Force Point (this is the life force that is transferred to the target). This use is always considered heroic, so the character will get the Force Point back at the end of the adventure. The recipient of this power must be willing. Sense and Alter Powers: Affect Emotions This power can be kept up. Sense Difficulty: Target's Control, Willpower or Perception (Highest) modified by relationship. Alter Difficulty: Moderate-hunger/thirst, difficult-happy/sad/awe/fear/fatigue/confused, very difficult-very sad/very happy, heroic-hatred/love. Add/Subtract Difficulties where appropriate. Example: Target is happy and user desires love (Hate). The difficulty is 15 (45) or 30-15 (30+15). Required Powers: Affect Mind. Effect: Allows a Jedi to manipulate the emotional state of a target. Be careful, this power can lead to a Dark Side Point real fast. Storytelling This power can be kept up. Sense Difficulty: Very easy by relationship, add 2 for every person, after the first, through tenth, add 1 every five people thereafter. People tend to act as those around them. If 10 people are really moved so will the 11th. Alter Difficulty: Very easy-one sense, easy-two senses, moderate-three senses, difficult- four senses, very difficult-five senses (holographic), heroic-the viewers are in the story. Required Powers: Projective Telepathy. Effect: This power is used to entertain, educate or just make a point. While a Jedi tells a story the very reality around him warps to accommodate the theme of the story. Wind will pick up, lights will flash, unusual sounds will be heard, etc. Whatever could enhance the experience of the viewer. Control, Sense and Alter Powers: Affect Mind This power can not be kept up and takes one round. Control Difficulty: Very easy for perceptions, easy for memories, moderate for conclusions, modified by proximity. Sense Difficulty: The target's Control or Perception roll. Alter Difficulty: Very easy for slight, momentary misperceptions, minor changes to distant memories, or if the target doesn't care one way or the other. Easy for brief, visible phenomena, memories less than a year old, or if the target feels some emotion about the conclusion he is reaching. Moderate for short hallucinations, for memories less than a day old, or if the target has strict orders about the conclusion. Difficult for slight disguises to facial features or hallucinations which can be sensed by two senses, or for memories less than a minute old, or if the matter involving the conclusion is extremely important to the target. Very Difficult for hallucinations which can be sensed by all senses, if the memory change is a major one, or if the logic is absolutely clear and coming to the wrong conclusion is virtually impossible. Effect: This power is used to alter a character's perception so that he senses an illusion or fails to see what the user of the power does not want him to see. This power is used to permanently alter a character's memories so that he remembers things incorrectly or fails to remember something. This power can also be used to alter a characters conclusions so that he comes to an incorrect conclusion. Before making skill rolls, the character must describe exactly the effect he is looking for. The power is normally used on only one target, two or more targets can only be affected if the power is used two or more times. A character believes he is affected by any successful illusions - a character who thinks he is struck by an illusory object would feel the blow. If he thought he was injured, he would feel pain, or if he thought he had been killed, he would fall unconscious. However, the character suffers no true injury. This power cannot affect Droids or recording devices. Force Harmony This power can be kept up. Control Difficulty: Difficult, modified by proximity. Sense Difficulty: Difficult, modified by relationship. Alter Difficulty: Moderate. Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy. Effect: This allows several willing Jedi to manifest the power of the Light Side. As long as the power is held up, it bathes the users in the celestial illumination that is the Light Side. It can act as a shield against the powers of the Dark Side, giving an extra 5D for each Force user involved to resist the effects of powers called upon by Dark Side servants. Note that +5D may appear to be an immense bonus, but since this power must be kept up, the Jedi calling upon the power is suffering a 2D penalty simply for calling upon this power. One can only link as many Force users as the initiator of the power has Control or Sense dice, whichever skill is lower. For example if Leia used Force Harmony, since her Control is 5D+1 and her Sense is 4D+2, she would only be able to link a total of four people (including herself). When acting as shield against the Dark Side, if both the Control and Sense rolls exceed the success roll of the Dark Side Power used (if the power requires multiple skill rolls, the highest roll), then the Dark Side power is interrupted. All up powers are interrupted as if the user were stunned. It does not cancel out the presence of the Dark Side, but can distract its servants and make their actions more difficult. Force Link This power is permanent and takes five minutes. Control Difficulty: Difficult, modified by relationship. Sense Difficulty: Difficult, modified by proximity. Alter Difficulty: Difficult, modified by relationship and proximity between the targets. Required Powers: Projective Telepathy, Life Detection, Life Sense, Receptive Telepathy. Effect: This power is used to link two individuals, Force-sensitive or not, to each other through the Force. This link allows the two individuals to telepathically communicate with each other, sense each other's emotions, and be able to read surface thoughts from each other's minds. This power basically duplicates the effect of the Force powers Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy, Life Sense, and Life Detection only in respect to the two linked individuals. This linkage is permanent, and can't be shut off. Once you are Force Linked to someone, it is for life. Both targets must consent to the link or else it won't work. The only evidence I've seen of this power so far is the Force Link between Landon Darkwood and Lara. These two were linked by Adol Larynth after he realized the depth of their relationship shortly after meeting the couple. Force Unity This power can be kept up as long as the number of targets remains the same. Control Difficulty: Moderate modified by relationship. Sense Difficulty: Moderate modified by relationship. Alter Difficulty: Moderate modified by relationship. Required Powers: Projective Telepathy, Transfer Force. Effect: This power allows Jedi to link there power's together with to one individual. Use the combined actions rules to figure out the bonus using each D in a control, sense, and alter as a person and add that to the Jedi receiving the power. A Jedi giving his/her power to another Jedi may not do anything else that round since they are in the deep concentration. Padawan (Glenn, Sense/Control/Alter, aprox 3D in each) Home World: Katarr Race: Miraluka Born: 3970 years Before Star Wars 4 Current Date: 3963 years Before Star Wars 4 Age: 16 Standard Years

Being born to an entire race that sees through the Force offers a unique perspective on life and the Force. From a very young age, you were already adept at sensing the world around you through the Force. You were not able to seen things before they happened, but you were able to recall events that took place before you arrived. While training at the Jedi Temple on Dantooine one of your favorite activities was to wander the plains and find small animals to befriend. On more than one occasion you found yourself in trouble with Master Plattis for bringing small creatures back to the temple to be healed. Usually, it ended with the two of you identifying and treating the animal’s injuries. This would of course be followed by a lesson of the natural circles of life and death. He would tell you that every action, every life saved or lost, even in the seemingly minor insignificant plants and animals, would have a repercussion in the Force. These lessons were always followed up with a meditation in the Temple Gardens after which you were required to release the animal back to the wild. Sensing great potential in you and your affinity towards animals, Master Plattis decided to start you on a different type of training than what was originally slated for you. He started taking you to different worlds which, while not devoid of life, often did not have any human presence or signs of civilization. While on this worlds, you often found yourself to be more at peace than on civilized worlds on which the natural flow of the Force, at least to you, often seemed to diverge around large cities. Spending time on different worlds under the open sky, in jungles, forests, and even swamps allowed you to become an expert tracker through both the Force and through your natural means. While you were not able to actually see the world around you, your hearing took on a certain level of precision that no one who could actually see would ever be able to comprehend. This combined with your ability to see through the Force helped you and Master Plattis to avoid large predators while roaming though dangerous territory in the wild. Often you would be able to find a clear path through dangerous situations where none could be seen by even your Master. When Master Plattis brought you back to civilization on Trahun to a city call Varrin. The two of you spent a little over a standard year there. While there, you were set to the task of constructing your own lightsaber. For the first few months you toiled endlessly with the construction, relying heavily on the Force to guide you through the process. Towards then end of the third month, Master Plattis presented you with the final two pieces you needed to complete your lightsaber, the crystal and the focusing chamber. Master Plattis told you, “The heart of your lightsaber is indeed the crystal, but without the proper focus, it would only scatter the light across the room. This is also true with the way of the Jedi. I do not doubt your heart and over time, your focus will become so great that, as with a lightsaber, you will be able to cut through your problems with little effort.” You eagerly assembled the saber and ignited it for the first time revealing a Violet-blue blade. The next two months were spent honing your skills with the lightsaber against both remotes and your Master. During your stint in Varrin, you also found that you could study eddies in the currents and identify the paths taken by animals through cities. Impressed by this, Master Plattis decided to test your tracking skills not only with animals, but also with humans in the city of Varrin. He explained that the Jedi Council had reason to believe that a criminal organization was using this city for business. The organization had hired an assassin who was being transported to Trahun under the name of Mellox Rathul. The two of you spent the next few days scouting out the space port and the rosters of the incoming transports. You were the one to find the name among a passenger list on an incoming vessel. After getting a feel for the ship and the seat which was occupied but Mellox, you were able to track him through the city by following his pattern in the overall current of the Force. Although he did not go directly to the meeting point, once he arrived, both you and Master Plattis were able to determine the nature of the meeting taking place. “Despite subtlety being one of the greatest tools of the Jedi,” explained Master Plattis after the raid on the facility was completed. “There are times when inaction can cause greater harm.” The raid had gone exceptionally well due to the support provided by the local law enforcement officials working in conjunction with the two of you. Mellox managed to evade capture, but the two of you did manage to put a stop to some of the criminal activities within Varrin. With the capture of Natar Odden and two of his associates and their pending trial, it seemed that your work here had been completed. However, the two of you were asked to stand witness and describe the events which lead to their capture. After the trial, you and Master Plattis were given permission for a leave from duty to continue your training. Taking this opportunity offered by the Jedi Council, Master Plattis booked transport to a world called Onderon. There, you found yourself at peace with the creatures surrounding the city of Iziz. After spending several months learning about the natives of the planet, you were ready to set off with your Master for further training in the ways of the Jedi Beast Masters. The two of you set off into the wilds of Onderon. Daily survival required that you use the skills you leaned over the course of your training. More than anything else, she was trying to teach you versatility and adaptability to ever changing situations. As your training on Onderon progressed, you found that the first set of visions you had, concerning the Jungles, were no longer occurring. You also managed to find one of the waterfalls which your dreams were based around. You were unsurprised to find out Master Plattis called the caves behind them home. After spending about six months acclimating yourself to the new terrain, territory and creatures, Master Plattis approached you with a trial of endurance. He pointed up to the moon, Dxun, and said that in two months, the moon would be closest in it’s orbit to Onderon. At that time, the moon’s atmosphere and the planet’s atmosphere would be touching and it would be possible to travel from one to the other without the need for space craft. He explained that in a day you would be traveling to the moon with nothing other than your lightsaber and what you were wearing. The trail was to return to this spot at the end of those two months. Your arrival on Dxun was rather bumpy, but the pilot managed to find a small clearing in which to land. He dropped you off and tried to offer you some supplies. You refused them and he muttered something about “Crazy Jedi”, boarded his ship and took off. Over the next month and a half, you did everything you could to survive the new and harsh environment you had been taught nothing about. You found a place for shelter and sources of food and water. While out hunting one day, you strayed from your normal paths because of a disruption in the normal flow that you hadn’t noticed before. You followed it along a ravine to a place where the normal jungle cover had been slightly cleared away. Here, there was a camp of soldiers, the likes of which you had only heard about in history lessons. They were Mandalorian Warriors. From the appearance of their camp you could determine that they were preparing for War against Onderon on the night which the atmospheres met. They had swoops which would be able to make the trek. Knowing full well that Iziz would be unprepared for an attack of this nature, you decided to act at the earliest moment possible. You went back to your shelter and meditated on the movements in the Force between Onderon and Dxun. Four days later you had determined that the first wisps of the atmosphere would touch in two days and eleven hours. Over this time, you sat on the cliff facing over the ravine watching the movements of the troops. Just watching and waiting for the pattern to reveal itself to you. As zero hour approached for you move, you thought you had it worked out how to get to those swoops. You stealthily approached the encampment and worked you way between the barracks and other buildings towards the open field of swoops. At the edge you needed to subdue a guard prior to making a break for the nearest one. As soon as you started it up, the alarm was raised. As you took off from the ground, there were already blaster bolts screaming past your head and swoop. You drew your lightsaber and deflected a few of them that would have otherwise caused you severe problems and continued your flight upwards. Several other swoops took off from the ground and took chase and continued firing at you. One struck the swoop you were riding and it started smoking black. The warning lights on the instrument panel all flashed and you sensed an eminent explosion. You abandoned the swoop several thousand feet from the ground of Dxun. While in free fall, you continued to deflect blaster bolts with your lightsaber. As none of the swoops approached close enough for you to grab onto, you needed another means of escape. Calling upon the Force, you located a winged creature in the jungle below and pleaded for it’s assistance. When you felt it’s leathery back below you, you were overcome with joy. You rode the beast upwards towards Onderon with the swoops trailing as the atmosphere grew thinner and colder. The creature started to turn back towards the jungle moon, but with a bit of encouragement from you it rode across one of the narrow wisps of atmosphere and down towards the dark ground of Onderon. None of the swoop riders were able to follow you. As you descended towards Iziz, the creature you were riding on was blown out of the air by one of the over-anxious guards on duty. As you plummeted towards the ground you felt very little in the Force which would be able to break you fall. You summoned up the Force to push against the air and slow your descent, but still struck the ground with an impact great enough to knock you unconscious. When you awoke, there were two other Jedi sitting in the room with you. One turned and introduced himself as Master Vindon. He also introduced the Jedi Knight who was with him (Malachi’s character). You quickly told the two Jedi the tale of how you came to be in your situation. You also managed to find out that you had two more days before you were to return to the place to complete your Endurance Trial. Master Vindon said that he thought Master Platt would forgive you for straying from your Trial. These were the last words you heard as you passed back into an unconscious state again after the exertion of relaying your story. When you returned to consciousness, Master Vindon was standing over you. He took you out of the hospital and into the streets of Iziz. He guided you through the streets, and passages you wouldn’t have even realized existed, up to the palace. Along the way he explained that because of the information you provided, Iziz is able to prepare for the attack of the Mandalorians. There he kept you in an almost completely silent room teaching you a new Force Skill to help you remain conscious. After about two days you managed to learn a few new skills. Master Vindon explained to you that the time had come and you would need to go back into the wilds or be caught in the city when this invasion started. He lead your through the city to a doorway concealed in one of the outer walls and let you out into the wilds. He told you to head for your Master’s hidden haven. The trek took you then next day and a half because you wanted to take your time and be sure you were not being followed. On the second day, nearing sunset, you entered the cave behind the waterfall only to find it abandoned…

Control Powers: Concentration, Control Pain, Detoxify Poison, Hibernation Trance, Meditative Trance, Remain Conscious, Resist Stun. Sense Powers: Beast Languages, Direction Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Life Web, Postcognition, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Time Sense, Translation. Alter Powers: Telekinesis. Control and Sense Powers: Call Animal, Lightsaber Combat, Projective Telepathy, Trepanning. Control and Alter Powers: Fertilize. Sense and Alter Powers: Commune With Nature.

Control Powers: Concentration This power can not be kept up and takes one round. Control Difficulty: Easy if the Jedi is relaxed and at peace, Difficult if the Jedi is filed with aggression, fear or other negative emotions, Very Difficult if the Jedi is acting on those negative emotions. Effect: When using this power, Jedi clear all negative thoughts from their minds, feeling the Force flowing through the universe and their own being. The individual Jedi concentrates on one specific task at hand. If the skill roll is successful, the Jedi may add +4D to any one action in that round. The Jedi may do nothing other than using the concentration power and using that one skill for one action. The Jedi receives no bonus if anything else is done in that round, including duplicate uses of the same skill or dodges or parries. This power may be used in conjunction with Force Points and Character Points. Control Pain This power can be kept up until the Jedi is injured again. Control Difficulty: Wounded or stunned-very easy, incapacitated-easy, mortally wounded-difficult. Effect: A wounded Jedi who Controls Pain can act as if he has not been wounded starting with the round after the power roll has been made. The wound is not healed, but the character doesn't suffer the penalties of being wounded: a wounded Jedi doesn't lose 1D from all actions, an incapacitated character can still act normally, as can a mortally wounded character. This power can also be used to shrug off any stun results. However the character is still injured, and thus is prone to getting worse, even if the Jedi doesn't feel the pain. For example, a wounded character that is wounded again would still become incapacitated. Mortally wounded Jedi still have to make the same rolls as other mortally wounded characters. Detoxify Poison This power can not be kept up and takes about 5 minutes. Control Difficulty: Very easy for a very mild poison (alcohol), Easy for a mild poison, Moderate for an average poison, Difficult for a virulent poison, Very Difficult to Heroic for a neuro-toxin. Effect: This power allows a Jedi to detoxify or eject poisons that have entered his body. If the Jedi makes the Power roll, the poison doesn't affect him. Hibernation Trance This power can be kept up. Control Difficulty: Difficult. Effect: This power allows a Jedi to place himself into a deep trance, remarkably slowing all body functions. The Jedi's heartbeat slows, his breathing drops to barely perceivable levels, and he falls unconscious. When a Jedi enters a Hibernation Trance, the character must declare under what circumstances the character will awaken: after a specific amount of time or what stimuli needs to be present (noise, someone touching them). A Jedi can heal while in a Hibernation Trance, but the character may not use skills or Jedi powers while in a trance. Hibernation Trance serves two purposes. It allows a Jedi to play dead. It can be used to survive when food or air supplies are low. A character in Hibernation uses only about a tenth as much air as someone who is sleeping - he can hibernate for a week in a dry climate or for up to one month in a wet climate before dying from lack of water. Anyone who comes across a Jedi in Hibernation Trance assumes that the Jedi is dead unless he makes a point of testing him. Another Jedi with the Sense skill or the Life Detection power will be able to detect the Force within the Hibernating character and realize that he is alive. Meditative Trance This power can not be kept up, and takes five minutes. Control Difficulty: Very easy, increase difficulty by one level per Dark Side Point. Effect: This power is usually taught first to a Jedi-in-training. It allows a Jedi to enter into a deep meditation which is calming and very restful. Meditative trance may be used in place of sleep and the Jedi may elect to set a time to awaken fully refreshed. Any damage of stun or greater to the Jedi will awaken the Jedi immediately. Remain Conscious This power can not be kept up. Control Difficulty: Easy for stunned characters, moderate for incapacitated characters, Difficult for mortally wounded characters. Required Powers: Control Pain. Effect: Remain Conscious allows a Jedi to remain conscious even when he has suffered injuries which would knock him unconscious. In game terms, when a character with this power suffers this kind of injury, he loses all of his actions for the rest of the round but he is still conscious (normal characters automatically pass out). On the next round, the character may attempt to activate the power - this must be the first action of that round, the Jedi cannot even dodge or parry. If the roll is unsuccessful the character passes out immediately. If the roll is successful, the Jedi can do any one other action that he has declared for that round - often the character will attempt to Control Pain so that he will be able to remain conscious. After that other action has been completed, the Jedi will lapse into unconsciousness, unless he has activated Control Pain or done something else that will keep the character conscious. Resist Stun This power can be kept up. It also takes one minute to use. Control Difficulty: Moderate. Effect: Resist Stun allows the Jedi to prepare his body to resist the effects of stun damage. The power must be activated before the character has suffered any damage. A successful result allows the Jedi to resist all stun results except for unconscious and normal injuries. An unconscious result forces the Jedi to drop the power, and he is considered stunned. Normal injuries (wounded, incapacitated, mortally wounded and killed) are treated normally. This power can be combined with Control Pain to eliminate all stun effects. Sense Powers: Beast Languages This power can be kept up. Sense Difficulty: Easy if the animal is domesticated/friendly (such as a bantha), moderate to difficult if the animal is wild, but non-predatory (such as an undomesticated tauntaun), very difficult to heroic if the animal is ferocious/predatory (such as a wild vornskr or rancor). Required Powers: Receptive Telepathy, Projective Telepathy, and Translation. Effect: This power allows the Jedi to translate a beast language and speak it in kind. As creatures rarely have true languages, the Jedi is actually imparting and reading emotional differences within grunts and growls and of body language. Note that the character may keep this power up if the Jedi needs to continue talking to a creature. For beasts that can be ridden, subtract -2D from their Orneriness code while this power is in effect. Direction Sense This power can be kept up, and takes one round. Sense Difficulty: Easy, modified by Proximity. Effect: This allows the Jedi the ability to sense the direction of an object or location by its resonance in the Force. It could be an object of importance, the north pole of a planet, the nearest cantina, but this power does not sense life forms. If the roll fails by five points, the Jedi just knows the general direction the object or location is in left, right, forward, behind, above, below. On a Difficult roll, the Jedi can anchor himself to a location and know exactly in what direction and how far away the location is from their current position. Life Detection This power can be kept up. Sense Difficulty: Very easy if the subject has Force skills or is Force-sensitive, Moderate if not. Modified by relationship. Effect: This power allows Jedi to detect live sentient beings, who might otherwise remain hidden from their normal senses. When the power is activated, the Jedi knows the location of all life forms within 10 meters - if the power is kept up, the Jedi may know whenever a sentient approaches within 10 meters of them or vice versa. When a Jedi approaches or is approached by sentient creatures, make a Sense roll for the Jedi and each creature makes an opposed Control or Perception roll to avoid detection. Both rolls are free actions and don't count as a power use. If the Jedi ties or rolls higher, he senses the creature in question. If the Jedi beats the target's roll by 10 or more points, the Jedi is aware if this person has Force skills (yes or no), is Force sensitive (yes or no) or if they have met the person before (yes or no), and if yes, what their identity is. Life Sense This power can be kept up to track a target. Sense Difficulty: Very easy. Modified by proximity and relationship. Required Powers: Life Detection. Effect: The user can sense the presence and identity of a specific person for whom he searches. The user can sense how badly wounded, diseased or otherwise physically disturbed the target is. A target may use the Control skill to hide his identity from the Jedi using Life Sense. The character's Control skill is added to the Senser's difficulty. Life Web This power can not be kept up and takes at least two days. Sense Difficulty: See below. Modified by proximity. and size, very easy-population in tens of billions, easy- population in billions, moderate-population in hundreds of millions, difficult-population in tens of millions, very difficult-population in millions, heroic- population in hundreds of thousands. This power may not be used to detect populations smaller than 100.000 individuals. The Force-user must choose one specific species as a specialization (see below). Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, Sense Force. Effect: This power is used to detect large concentrations of members of a specific species, such as humans, Rodians, or Ssi-ruuk, for example. When the power is used successfully, the user senses the general direction that leads to the population. If the user beats the difficulty by 10 or more points, the user also knows approximate distance (i.e., hundreds, or thousands of km or single, tens, hundreds or thousands of light years for example.) When this power is selected, the Force-user must select one specific intelligent species to specialize in. A Force-user may select more life web specializations at a cost of three Character Points per additional species. The Force-user must be familiar with the species for example, Luke Skywalker could specialize in life web: Wookiee since he is familiar with Chewbacca's unique Force presence, but he would not be able to select life web: Noghri until he spent a time with a member of this species. This power may only be used to detect species that the Force-user has specialized in, life web cannot be used to detect unspecialized species. This power requires at least two days of continuous concentration. For each additional two days of concentration, the Force-user may add +1 to his or her Sense roll. Postcognition This power can not be kept up and takes five minutes. The time to use may be reduced by adding +10 for each minute cut, minimum time to use of one minute. Sense Difficulty: Easy if seeing less than two hours into the past, Moderate for seeing more than two hours but less than a week into the past, Difficult for seeing more than a week but less than six months into the past, Very Difficult for seeing more than six months but less than a year into the pas, Heroic for seeing more than a year but less than two years into the past, +10 for each added year. Required Powers: Hibernation Trance, Life Detection, Sense Force. Effect: Postcognition allows a Jedi to investigate the tenuous imprints of the Force left on objects when they are handled by living beings. The character must be able to handle the target objects. The Jedi must declare how far in the past is being reviewed prior to rolling postcognition. If the roll is successful, the Jedi can determine who has handled or touched the object and what events have transpired around it. The Jedi may search for specific incidents or simply review past events, somewhat like viewing a hologram. If the Postcognition roll is equal or higher than three times the difficulty number the character can witness events when the object was present as if she were there herself. If the Postcognition roll is greater or equal to twice the difficulty number, the Jedi gains a good sensory impression of the event. However, is limited in that the primary sense (the sense which gives the most information, usually sight) is wavy or obscured, the other sensory impressions come through clearly. If the Postcognition roll is simply greater than the difficulty number, then all sensory impressions are muffled, tactile sense is dulled , smells or tastes are indistinct or mixed. The Jedi receives a vague sense of who handled the object and what events transpired around it. Receptive Telepathy This power can be kept up only if the target is willing and the proximity modifier doesn't increase. Sense Difficulty: Very easy for friendly, non-resisting targets. If target resists, he makes a Perception or Control roll to determine the difficulty. Modified by proximity and relationship. Required Powers: Life Sense. Effect: If the Jedi makes the power roll, he can read the surface thoughts and emotions of the target. The Jedi hears what the target is thinking, but cannot probe for deeper information. When the Jedi uses the power on another player character, the gamemaster asks the player if he minds the power being used on his character, if the target is a gamemaster character, the gamemaster must determine for himself if the target is friendly or resistant. If the skill roll is double the difficulty, the Jedi can sift through any memories up to 24 hours old. A Jedi cannot sift through memories in the same round that the contact is made - this process takes a full round. A Jedi can read the minds of more than one person at a time, but each additional person counts as an additional action, with separate rolls and multiple skill use penalties. This power may be used on creatures and other sentient species, although it cannot be used on Droids. Sense Force This power can not be kept up. Sense Difficulty: Moderate for an area, difficult for sensing details or specific objects within the area, modified by proximity. Effect: This power is used to sense the ambient Force within a place. It cannot be used to detect sentient beings, but there are many forms of life and many areas of the galaxy intertwined with the Force which can be sensed with this power. Sense Force will tell a character the rough magnitude of the Force in an area of object, and whether the area or object tends toward the Dark Side or the Light. Time Sense This power can be kept up. Sense Difficulty: Very easy, Easy - explanation see below. Required Powers: Sense Force. Effect: Sensing the rhythm, pulse, and the ebb and flow of the Force, the Jedi is able to track the passage of time as precisely as the best chronometer. With a Very easy sense roll, the Jedi can use this power as a stopwatch. With an Easy sense roll, the Jedi can use this power as an alarm clock. Translation This power can be kept up and takes one minute. Sense Difficulty: Moderate for humans or aliens, difficult for high-density languages used by droids. If the target is being purposely cryptic, add +5 to the difficulty, +20 if the language is written down. Required Powers: Receptive Telepathy, Projective Telepathy. Effect: This power allows the character to translate a language and speak it in kind. The Jedi may decipher body language, explore the spoken word, or translate ancient Sith texts. In order for this power to work, the character must first hear the target speak, or see the words in written form (such as an ancient text or document). This power has may advantages. First, it takes only one application of this power to understand a language. As long as they all speak the same language and the power is kept up, the character need not roll for each individual talking. Also, because they also speak using beeps and whistles, droids may be communicated with using this power. Finally, the Jedi can translate ancient texts, even if the language has long since vanished from the galaxy. Note that the character does not really know the language. Once the power is no longer in use, the Jedi is once again unable to decipher the target language. Alter Powers: Telekinesis This power can be kept up. Alter Difficulty: Very easy for objects weighing one kilogram or less, easy for objects weighing one to ten kilograms, moderate for objects 11 to 100 kilograms, difficult for 101 kilograms to one metric ton very difficult for 1001 kilograms to ten metric tons, heroic for objects weighing 10001 kilograms to 100 metric tons. Object may be moved at 10 meters per round, add +5 per additional 10 meters per round. The target must be in sight of the Jedi. Increased difficulty if object isn't moving in simple, straight-line movement, +1 to +5 for gentle turns, +6 to +10 for easy maneuvers, +11 to +25 or more for more complex maneuvers, such as using a levitated Lightsaber to attack and modified by proximity. If the Jedi gestures then a bonus of +5 is granted. Effect: This power allows the Jedi to levitate and move objects with the power of his mind alone. If used successfully, the object moves as the Jedi desires. A Jedi can levitate several objects simultaneously, but each additional object requires the Jedi to make a new power roll. This power can be used to levitate oneself or others. It can be used as a primitive space drive in emergencies. When used to levitate someone against their will, the target may resist by adding their Perception or Control roll to the difficulty number. Levitated objects can be used to attack other characters, but this automatically gives the Jedi a Dark Side Point. Such objects do 1D damage if under a kilogram, 2D if one to ten kilos, 4D if 11 to 100 kilos, 3D Speeder-scale damage if 101 kilos to one metric ton, 3D Starfighter-scale damage if one to ten tons and 5D Starfighter-Scale if 11 to 100 metric tons. Such attacks would require an additional Control roll by the Jedi, which would be the to hit roll against the target's dodge. If the character doesn't dodge the attack, the difficulty is easy. Control and Sense Powers: Call Animal This power can not be kept up. Control Difficulty: Very easy, Modified by Relationship (Max Difficulty = 24). Sense Difficulty: Moderate, Modified by Proximity. Required Powers: Sense Life, Beast Languages. Effect: Allows a force user to call an animal to his aid. Sense is used to find the creature and Control is used to contact it. This power does not give any control over the summoned creature. Lightsaber Combat This power can be kept up. Control Difficulty: Moderate. Sense Difficulty: Easy. Effect: To use a Lightsaber most effectively, a Jedi learns this power. The Jedi uses this power both to wield this elegant but difficult-to-control weapon while also sensing his opponent's actions through his connection with the Force. This power is called upon at the start of a battle and remains up until the Jedi is stunned or injured, a Jedi who has been injured or stunned may attempt to bring the power back up. If the Jedi is successful in using this power, the Jedi adds his Sense dice to his Lightsaber skill roll when trying to hit a target or parry, and he adds or subtracts up to the number of his Control dice to the Lightsaber's 5D damage when it hits in combat. Players must decide how many Control dice they are adding or subtracting before they roll damage. If the Jedi fails the power roll, he must use the Lightsaber with only his Lightsaber skill to hit and the weapon's normal damage in combat and he cannot attempt to use the power again for the duration of the combat. Finally, the Jedi may use Lightsaber Combat to parry blaster bolts. To do this, the character must declare that he is parrying that round, using his Lightsaber skill as normal. The Jedi may also attempt to control where the deflected blaster bolts go, although this counts as an additional action. The Jedi must declare which specific shot he is controlling. Then, once the roll is made to see if the blaster bolt was parried by the Jedi, the Jedi makes a Control roll, with the difficulty being his new target's dodge or the range. The damage is that of the original blaster bolt. Projective Telepathy This power can not be kept up. Control Difficulty: Very easy. Increase difficulty by +5 to +10 if the Jedi cannot verbalize the thoughts he is transmitting. Modified by proximity. Sense Difficulty: Very easy if target is friendly and doesn't resist. If target resists, roll Perception or Control roll to determine the difficulty. Modified by relationship. Required Powers: Receptive Telepathy. Effect: If the Jedi successfully projects his thoughts, the target hears his thoughts and feels his emotions. The target understands that the thoughts and feelings he is experiencing are not his own and that they belong to the user of the power. If the Jedi doesn't verbally identify himself, the target doesn't know who is projecting thoughts to him. This power can only be used to communicate with other minds, not control them. Trepanning This power can not be kept up and lasts one round. Control Difficulty: Moderate, modifies by proximity. Sense Difficulty: Targets search or perception. Effect: This power allows a Jedi to call upon the force to lead someone or something off his trail, or into a trap. A popular use is to throw your scent somewhere else, as cover, while you make an escape. The further away the target gets from you the harder it is to maintain. Control and Alter Powers: Fertilize This power can not be kept up. Control Difficulty: Moderate. Alter Difficulty: Easy-growth/birth rate x1.25, moderate-growth/birth rate x1.5, difficult- growth/birth rate x1.75, very difficult-growth/birth rate x2, heroic- growth/birth rate x4. If subject is sentient, modify for relationship. Required Powers: Detoxify Poison in Another, Sense Life, Accelerate Another's Healing. Effect: Makes soil/animals more fertile. Sense and Alter Powers: Commune With Nature This power can be kept up. Sense Difficulty: Moderate. Alter Difficulty: Easy-feeling of tranquillity, moderate-grass grows, difficult-flowers grow/animals attracted, very difficult-trees grow/fresh water springs, heroic-terra form (GM sets Difficulty). Difficulties are based on an open plain. Modify for climate, temp, etc: desert +20, Dark Side imprint +20, tundra +15, ocean bank +15. Modify by proximity. Required Powers: Sense Life, Emptiness, Fertilize, Call Animal. Effect: While meditating in an outdoor area, the Jedi bonds with all living creatures in the area and influences their development. Soil becomes more fertile, plants begin to grow, creatures sense tranquillity, etc. Sense is used to create the link and Alter makes changes in the pattern of nature around him. Jedi Knight (Pete, Alter/Control/Sense, aprox 4D in each) Home World: Race: Human Born: 3986 years Before Star Wars 4 Current Date: 3963 years Before Star Wars 4 Age: 23 Standard Years

Control Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerated Healing, Concentration, Control Pain, Detoxify Poison, Divide Attention, Emptiness, Enhance Attribute, Force of Will, Hibernation Trance, Remain Conscious, Remove Fatigue, Resist Stun. Sense Powers: Combat Sense, Danger Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Postcognition, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Sense Force Disturbance, Sense Force Strength, Shift Sense. Alter Powers: Strengthen Object, Telekinesis. Control and Sense Powers: Force Call, Life Bond, Lightsaber Combat, Projective Telepathy. Control and Alter Powers: Control Breathing, Force Transduction, Return Another to Consciousness, Transfer Force. Sense and Alter Powers: Precipitate, Remove Force Imprint. Control, Sense and Alter Powers: Affect Mind, Battle Meditation

You spent your life under Master Werven, along with five other students. Due to the Sith War against Exar Kun and the destruction of the Academy on Ossus, there were few Masters to continue the training of individual Jedi. Among the six of you, you were the fifth in line where age is concerned, but second in regards to power. Under the tutelage of Master Werven, you mastered your ability with both a lightsaber and control over the Force within yourself. However, Master Werven seemed to constantly ignore you. Never once were you praised for your abilities, nor were you ever scolded for taking a chance and failing. The less powerful students seemed to get more than their fair share of his attention. After you had succeeded in your Trials and became a Jedi Knight, you left Master Werven’s Academy and swore never to return. While exploring the outer rim of the galaxy, the Force guided you to two Jedi named Revan and Malack. Revan seemed to be the leader of a group of Jedi who were amassing a group of Republic Soldiers and Jedi Knights to confront a lingering darkness that was on the edge of your (and every other Jedi’s) mind. When you first met them, you were a little skeptical about why two Jedi Knights were leading this group. Revan explained to you that he had approached the Jedi Masters about these matters previously, but they had failed to act upon the lingering darkness. Everything he explained seemed to strike a chord within you, the plight of being ignored by the Masters, his admiration of your skills in the Force, and his trust in you to lead a large portion of his forces. You felt honored to take on this role. On Onderon, you were charged with rallying the troops of Iziz in the fight against the Mandalorians. Force Adept (Gerard, Control/Alter/Sense, aprox 4D in each) Home World: Xexphor Race: Xexphorians Born: 3986 years Before Star Wars 4 Current Date: 3963 years Before Star Wars 4 Age: 23 Standard Years

Control Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerated Healing, Control Body Temperature, Control Disease, Control Pain, Detoxify Poison, Emptiness, Hibernation Trance, Reduce Injury, Remain Conscious, Remove Fatigue, Resist Stun. Sense Powers: Combat Sense, Danger Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Sense Path, Truth Sense. Alter Powers: Raise/Lower Temperature, Strengthen Object, Telekinesis. Control and Sense Powers: Ka, Life Bond, Projective Telepathy. Control and Alter Powers: Accelerate Another's Healing, Control Another's Pain, Control Breathing, Induced Sleep, Place Another in Hibernation Trance, Return Another to Consciousness, Transfer Force. Sense and Alter Powers: Remove Force Imprint. Control, Sense and Alter Powers: Force Harmony, Force Link, Force Unity.

You were born on a world with no night sky and no sunny days to a race which was lucky enough to have survived such a harsh environment. The Xexphorians, a race very devout in their Religious beliefs, managed to survive without sunlight on a great volcanic planet. The springs themselves contain more of a primordial soup rather than just water. the bacteria, minerals, and other elements mixed together are what formed the first "life" of the planet. These springs are also what made the world livable as the lava flows would have continued to this day without the ability of these springs to draw the geothermal energy from the magma pockets at the base of the volcanoes. This aspect of life coming from a source of constant turmoil is the basis for your devout beliefs. The idea of the springs bringing the volcanoes into balance The priests of life and priests of death (light side and dark side) arose from the population to take control over the destiny of your people. But as one side grew greater in power, the other side would produce a champion to bring balance back to both the religion itself and the lives of the Xexphorians. The two sides are able to work together rather than against one another to preserver the delicate balance of life. Due to the low level in tech, most of the culture is agricultural rather than industrial. However, many of those lead by the priests of death have been more involved in the likely you haven't been able to develop all of the resources which would be a draw for the Republic, a resouce rich planet the lack of development would force the two sides to work with eachother to maintain the balance A Republic survey crew came to the planet 15 years after you were born. They were scouting for resource abundant worlds to help the prosperity of the Republic. When they found your world, machines were only starting to make your lives easier. A flying machine had not even come into the thoughts of your people. These visitors from the clouds seemed even odder as they came in a large variety of colors and carried no scars. When the Republic negotiators and Jedi came, there was much to be discussed with the elder priests as some of them saw these new arrivals as threats to the way of life on your planet. Three years later, a treaty was worked out and some of the younger priests were given the chance to join the Jedi to share the teachings of your culture. You found yourself fortunate enough to be among those who would spread the teachings of your Gods throughout the Galaxy. As the Jedi kept accurate records of the history of the galaxy, you did actually share those teachings with the record keepers.

Combat Styles: Nixmanus (Light side) & Magmanus (Dark side) Jedi Shadow (Rob, Control/Alter/Sense, aprox 4D in each) Home World: Corellia Race: Human Born: 3983 years Before Star Wars 4 Current Date: 3963 years Before Star Wars 4 Age: 20 Standard Years

Control Powers: Accelerated Healing, Concentration, Contort/Escape, Control Pain, Force of Will, Hibernation Trance, Meditative Trance, Remain Conscious, Resist Stun. Sense Powers: Blind Sense, Combat Sense, Danger Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Radar Sense, Receptive Telepathy, Shift Sense, Time Sense. Alter Powers: Empower Weapon, Injure/Kill*, Telekinesis. Control and Sense Powers: Lightsaber Combat, Machine Empathy, Projective Telepathy, Trepanning. Control and Alter Powers: Force Transduction, Return Another to Consciousness, Transfer Force. Sense and Alter Powers: Telekinetic Repair. Control, Sense and Alter Powers: Enhanced Coordination, Force Piloting.

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