Board of Selectmen s6

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Board of Selectmen s6


August 16, 2011

SELECTMEN PRESENT: Steven N. Wawruck, Jr., Joseph R. Calsetta and Denise T. Balboni ALSO PRESENT: Jason Smith, Cheryl Thibeault (Covanta Energy), Dennis Gragnolati, Laura Gagnon, and Reporters from the Journal Inquirer and ------CALL TO ORDER: First Selectman Wawruck called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was observed.

PUBLIC INPUT (Items of Interest): Jason Smith of Dove Court asked if he could be given an update on the status of the train platform relocation and also wondered what residents could do to encourage the process. He stated that there is currently nothing in that area to draw people to that downtown location. He thought that increased traffic to the center of town would create new businesses and as well as sustain old businesses in the area. Selectman Wawruck stated that one of the items on tonight’s agenda is to set a Public Hearing date to discuss the train stop relocation to gain input on the pros and cons of the moving the platform back to the center of town. Selectman Wawruck acknowledged the letter that Mr. Smith sent in to his office to support the train platform relocation. The letter is included under the “Correspondence” portion of tonight’s meeting. Selectman Wawruck further stated that timelines on what has transpired to date, and ideas to get business growth into the area will be discussed at the Public Hearing. He stated that he would gather the information to date and contact Mr. Smith for his review before the Public Hearing takes place. The Public Hearing is a requirement by the Department of Transportation (DOT). Mr. Smith asked what some of the stumbling blocks have been with Amtrak and the DOT that might slow the project down. Selectman Wawruck stated that the town has been in negotiations with Amtrak and DOT regarding the availability of the proposed land for the platform, the passageways & elevators for the passengers, the amount of space to house the platform (there is more room available than the current site has), and most recently, the possible gridlock of vehicle traffic with the increase in light rail/commuter rail along with future inner city rail transportation. Selectman Wawruck stated that several proposals have resulted from these discussions and will be brought before local businesses and surrounding areas before the Public Hearing takes place. Selectman Balboni asked Mr. Smith what his thoughts were on restoring the Train Station. Mr. Smith responded that he thought restoring the building was a good idea from a historical standpoint however he would not want to see it become a viable Train Station. He added that his personal interest was in the relocation of the train stop to use as a means to get back and forth to work in Enfield in addition to recreational travel. Laura Gagnon asked if there would be a stop light located on the street near the proposed train stop to slow vehicle traffic down. She thought a traffic light would also be helpful for traffic pulling in and out of the train stop lot, and noted that traffic seems to accelerate around that corner. Selectman Wawruck stated that Ms. Gagnon had a valid point and discussions would take place with DOT on that subject in the future. He stated speed bumps and raised crosswalks have been considered as possibilities. 184 Board of Selectmen August 16, 2011 Page 2

Selectman Calsetta noted that traffic control considerations are usually taken into account after a site has been established. Selectman Wawruck then asked that the Selectmen move the Executive Session portion of the meeting as the next item of business. Selectman Calsetta moved to switch the Executive Session from item #12 on the Agenda to item #3 a. Selectman Balboni seconded the motion. All were in favor.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Discussion on Proposed Municipal Solid Waste/Recycling Contract with Coventa: Selectman Calsetta moved to enter into Executive Session at 6:08 p.m. for the purpose of discussion on a proposed municipal solid waste/recycling contract with Coventa Energy. Selectman Balboni seconded the motion. All were in favor. Those attending the Executive Session were: The Board of Selectmen and Cheryl Thibeault from Covanta Energy. Selectman Calsetta moved to re-enter Regular Session at 6:30 p.m. Selectman Balboni seconded the motion. All were in favor. Selectman Wawruck stated that a presentation from Covanta Energy was held during Executive Session and therefore, no vote would be taken at this time.

APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 2, 2011 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES: Selectman Calsetta moved to approve the August 2, 2011, Regular Meeting Minutes as published. Selectman Wawruck seconded the motion. The vote was two in favor (Selectmen Wawruck & Calsetta) and one abstention (Selectman Balboni). The motion was passed.

CORRESPONDENCE: Selectman Wawruck referred the Board to the letter in their packets from Mr. Jason Smith that had previously been discussed under the first Public Input section of tonight’s meeting.

NEW BUSINESS: a. Adopt Resolution: Municipal Support for the proposed Realignment of the Route 20/Route 75 Westbound Exit Ramp located at 3 Ella Grasso Turnpike Selectman Wawruck stated that the language for the proposed Resolution has been approved by both the Town Attorney and the DOT. He explained that the Town’s funding commitment to the project is $250,000.00. Any additional funding for the project will be obtained from the Developer and/or other sources that are yet to be determined. Selectman Calsetta moved to adopt the Resolution dated August 16, 2011 as follows: RESOLVED, that the Board of Selectmen of Town of Windsor Locks support the proposed reconstruction and realignment of the Route 20 Westbound Exit Ramp to Route 75, and the construction of a new two- way Town roadway between Route 75, the new ramp, and the proposed redevelopment of adjacent property (2,000 feet in length) located at 3 Ella T. Grasso Turnpike, Windsor Locks, Connecticut. WHEREAS, the Town of Windsor Locks has published a legal notice display ad, mailed a news release to a number of officials and agencies, and mailed a formal letter to abutting property owners, announcing a public informational meeting on the proposed STP Urban Transportation project known as “The Realignment of Route 20/Route 75 Interchange Westbound Exit Ramp, State Project #165-XX01; and, WHEREAS, a public informational meeting was held on July 12, 2011, at the Windsor Locks Town Hall from 7:00 p.m. to 7:40 p.m. at which meeting residents had an opportunity to voice their concerns; and, 185 Board of Selectmen August 16, 2011 Page 3

WHEREAS, CRCOG has selected this project as a regional priority and has agreed to utilize federal funds for right-of-way and construction activities; and, WHEREAS, all phases (preliminary engineering, right of way and construction) will be performed by the Town of Windsor Locks or its authorized agent(s), utilizing a combination of a federal grant, STP-Urban Program funding consisting of 80% Federal funds matched with 10% State funds and 10% Town of Windsor Locks funds, and an additional fund source to be determined; and, WHEREAS, the Town of Windsor Locks shall limit its funding participation to $250,000.00, it will therefore seek a commitment from the Developer adjacent to the project (BDL Real Estate Holdings, LLC), or other funding sources, to provide any portion of the Town of Windsor Locks’ STP-Urban Program match in excess of $250,000; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Selectmen has considered the concerns of the residents from the public informational meeting and finds that the proposed project known as “The Realignment of Route 20/Route 75 Interchange Westbound Exit Ramp, State Project # 165-xx01”, is in the best interest of the Town of Windsor Locks and will promote the health, safety and general welfare of its residents and provide for convenience and safety of the motoring public; and, WHEREAS, the Town of Windsor Locks, based on the above information, and by virtue of this resolution, hereby fully supports the proposed project; and, FURTHER RESOLVED, that Steven N. Wawruck, Jr., First Selectman of the Town of Windsor Locks, in his capacity as First Selectman, and pursuant to Section 502 of the Town of Windsor Locks Charter, is hereby authorized to sign and execute Agreements and Contracts, along with all necessary Agreement/Contract documents, on behalf of the Town of Windsor Locks. Selectman Balboni seconded the motion. All were in favor. Selectman Balboni asked how the $250,000.00 in funding would be disbursed by the Town. Selectman Wawruck stated that the funds are already in the Capital Projects Budget and will be allocated as the project moves forward after the final engineering design is completed. b. Set Town Meeting Date: Transit-Oriented Development Planning Grant Agreement – Proposed Date August 30, 2011 – Selectman Wawruck explained that the Grant was put together by the Town’s EIDC Consultant as part of the CRCOG initiative to enhance transit-oriented development in the center of Windsor Locks. He added that the project will work alongside with the train stop relocation and will encompass any area within a five minute walking radius. and could eventually include the Montgomery Building if it is developed into condominiums. The Grant funds are available Statewide and will be used for conceptual planning. Selectman Calsetta stated that any additional projects that stem off from the transit-oriented development will have their own initiative and will require their own separate funding. Selectman Balboni moved to set a Town Meeting date for August 30, 2011 @ 7:30 p.m. at the Windsor Locks Town Hall for the Transit-Oriented Development Planning Grant Agreement. Selectman Calsetta seconded the motion. All were in favor. c. Set Public Hearing Date: Train Platform Relocation – Mid to Late September Selectman Calsetta moved to hold a Public Informational Hearing on September 20, 2011 for the train platform relocation, at 7:00 p.m., at the Windsor Locks High School Auditorium. Selectman Balboni seconded the motion. All were in favor. 186 Board of Selectmen August 16, 2011 Page 4

OLD BUSINESS: a. Proposed Blight Ordinance – Set Date for a Town Meeting Selectman Wawruck began by asking the Board if they were ready to set a Town Meeting date for the proposed revised Blight Ordinance. He acknowledged that the Blight Ordinance that is currently in place needed some fine tuning, and that the revised version offers more latitude to what is and what isn’t blight versus what the town currently has. Selectman Wawruck stated that much of the language that was suggested in Mr. Hamilton’s proposed blight ordinance (definitions, anonymity, etc.) was incorporated into this revision. Selectman Wawruck further stated that Mr. Hamilton’s proposed ordinance suggested empowering volunteers and various elected Boards & Commissions to manage blight issues and concerns, but he felt that it would make the process very cumbersome and lengthy. Selectman Wawruck asked the Board for feedback on moving the proposed ordinance forward or if they thought more debate is needed. Selectman Calsetta wondered what good more delays would do and felt that the proposed revision should be moved forward to a Town Meeting. Selectman Balboni didn’t think it would make any sense to have another Public Hearing on the subject if the Selectmen were not receptive to some of the changes that have been suggested. She thought that moving forward with the proposed ordinance will only produce the same feedback. She stated that even though changes have been made to the original ordinance they are not enough, although she understood that the revised ordinance could remain as an evolving document that could be revisited at a later date. Selectman Balboni felt there should be some accountability and resolution to those properties that are determined as blighted and some type of public document should be produced so that residents can see if headway is being made, or what has been addressed and what hasn’t been addressed. She thought the ordinance was still lax in the language as far as specific descriptions of what blight is. She added that Enfield’s Blight Ordinance is very specific on what constitutes blight in that town, and addresses front yards as well as back yards. Selectman Balboni stated that she would be opposed to hiring a part-time Blight Enforcement Officer especially since there are a group of people that have been very active in the process and would be more than happy to volunteer their time and efforts. She felt that paying someone at this point is unnecessary when there is a group of volunteers that are willing to make assessments for the town. Discussion then took place on using volunteers versus a hired part-time position that included; how volunteers would be overseen, who would determine the actual volunteers and what the volunteer qualifications would be. Selectman Balboni stated that the guiding document for the volunteers would be the actual blight ordinance. She thought that the next step would be for the Board of Selectmen to determine the procedure for obtaining volunteers and determining their charge. She stated that there is an interested group of people with energy and focus that should be used to the town’s advantage. Selectman Calsetta felt that having a part-time Blight Officer would be a way to “jump start” the determination and documentation of the process. The process will be self perpetuating and easier to maintain once it is up and running. It will give all of the details without having to engineer a document to the extent that the Board of Selectmen is mandating every move. 187 Board of Selectmen August 16, 2011 Page 5

Selectman Wawruck stated that everyone has the same goal to move this forward so that the blight issues can be controlled. Without further discussion the Selectmen moved the revised Blight Ordinance to a Town Meeting for final adoption. Selectman Calsetta moved to set a Town Meeting date for the proposed Blight Ordinance on Wednesday, September 14, 2011 @ 7:30 p.m. at the Windsor Locks Town Hall. Selectman Balboni seconded the motion. All were in favor.


TAX REFUNDS: Selectman Calsetta moved to approve the Refund Request for August 16, 2011, in the amount of $123.51, as defined in Schedule A. Selectman Balboni seconded the motion. All were in favor. A copy of Schedule A is attached to the Minutes of the August 16, 2011 Board of Selectmen Meeting.

PUBLIC INPUT (Agenda Items only): None.

COMMENTS – FIRST SELECTMAN: Selectman Wawruck reminded everyone that there would be a Special Police Commission meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the recently released report in open session.

ADJOURNMENT: There being no further discussion or information to come before the Board of Selectmen; A motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:51 p.m. was made by Selectman Calsetta and seconded by Selectman Balboni. All were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan R. Barsanti Recording Secretary 188

Schedule A

Refund Request for August 16, 2011

Name Bill Number Reason for Refund Refund Amount Michael Bracken 17 Briarcliff Drive Increase Windsor Locks, CT 10-3-00510 Veteran’s Exemption $ 105.30

Joel & JoAnne Breton 20 Heather Lane Registered in Windsor Locks, CT 10-3-51510 New Name $ 8.21

Mary Lou Szwed 1075 Suffield Street Suffield, CT 10-3-69243 Over Payment $ 10.00

Total Refunds $ 123.51

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