University of Pittsburgh Telefund

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University of Pittsburgh Telefund




A) Technique:

1) Identify yourself: a) Tone of Voice (upbeat, positive, friendly, professional); b) Use Pauses (following your name and the University’s); c) Inflection (drop pitch on final syllables); d) Set the tone for the call (friendly and informative).

2) State the reason for your call: a) Engage the listener’s attention; b) Begin process of building trust and rapport with the listener.

3) Initiate a conversation: a) Gain permission to continue conversation.

B) Scripting: Hello, may I speak with ______? This is ______calling from the University of Pittsburgh on behalf of [School Name]. How are you today/tonight? Great! — I’m calling to talk to you about some exciting things happening at Pitt and to discuss our Annual Giving Fund. Do you have a moment to speak with me?

Tips to Help Your INTRODUCTION:  Be prepared for the phone call! It is imperative that you know how to pronounce the name of the alumnus/alumna, know which school that you are calling for and be prepared to launch into your opening when the prospect answers his/her phone and says, “Hello?”  “Not interested.” Try, “Some of the alumni that I have spoken with have been able to provide comments as to why they may not be interested in hearing about the University. May I record any comments and pass them on for you?”  “Cut to the chase.” Ask, “When would be a better time for me to call back?” or, “Sure, the university has been able to…...... due to alumni support. Can I count on your support today?” Go to FULL Negotiation and Formal Close.  Dealing with spouses and secretaries. Technically, only the alumna/alumnus is qualified to refuse. When you speak with spouses or secretaries who take it upon themselves to represent the wishes of the individual alumna/alumnus whom you are attempting to contact, try to get as much information as possible from that person as you can, but focus primarily on pinpointing the best time to attempt to call back when you can speak with them. Don’t attempt to give them a presentation, in hopes that they will make the pledge for the alumna/alumnus — it won’t work. If you do get a VERY angry spouse who ADAMENTLY INSISTS that you do not call their home number, then you may mark it appropriately. (Research, Wrong # if the home # is the only given # -or- mark in comment box to NOT call home # if a business # is also listed)  Hang-ups. They will happen. Before you mark a prospect as a refusal (“Hung up”), make sure it was not an accidental disconnect.


A) Technique:

1) Ask questions: a) Establish a mini “relationship” with the listener; b) Builds level of trust between caller and listener.

2.) Use of open-ended probing questions: a) Begin setting “give-and-take” atmosphere; b) Create environment conducive to open, two-way dialogue.

3) Demonstrate a personal interest in the needs of the giver. a) Engage the listener in a conversation about their interests/experiences. b) Establishes your role as a professional information provider and representative of the University of Pittsburgh. c) Allows you to gauge listener’s general feelings regarding the University, and pinpoint some of their specific individual interests.

B) Scripting: I’m interested in how you experienced the University of Pittsburgh:  What influenced your decision to choose Pitt’s College/School of ______?  How has your degree helped you in your career?  Were you in any clubs, organizations or involved in any other extra-curricular activities at Pitt?  Have you been back to Pitt since you graduated?

Tips to Help You Build Rapport:  You are an ambassador of Pitt as well as a fundraiser for Pitt.  Get them to talk with you — remember, open-ended questions are essential.  Tell the alumnus a little about yourself and your experiences.  You will find out a lot about the alumnus in this step of the call. Use this information when you give your “Case for Giving” to tailor your presentation to the particular interests of the alumnus.


A) Technique:

1) Explain in greater detail the needs of the University: a) Use information gathered during ENGAGEMENT STEP to “tailor” your CASE FOR GIVING to the specific interests of the individual alum; b) Provide listener with a reason to support.

2) Begin the process of securing a commitment from the listener: a) Strategically use information to build alum’s interest in support; b) Provide listener with “inside view” of the University’s recent accomplishments and future plans; c) Secure a general commitment to supporting the University (not a specific dollar amount).

3) Engage the listener in a conversation about the University’s mission, our recent accomplishments and our plans for the future: a) Rely on your individual personality and communication skills to effectively convey a sophisticated, personalized appeal for financial support; b) Gauge listener’s personal level of commitment to the University.

B) Scripting: Well, M______, as I mentioned earlier, I am calling about your participation in the ANNUALFUND. The University of Pittsburgh has accomplished a lot over the past year. For instance…..

 Pitt is ranked as the 38th best public university in the nation by the U.S. News and World Report's publication of "America's Best Colleges 2000."  Over the past 15 years, Pitt students have won more Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships than any other college or university in Pennsylvania.  Pitt is an elected member of the prestigious Association of American Universities, which represents the 62 leading research universities in North America.

These are just some of the achievements that illustrate how Pitt continues to provide students with the resources and opportunities they need to develop their intellect, curiosity, and leadership abilities.

[Go to “Information Screen” or go straight to “Ask” if appropriate.] M____, we are calling all of our alumni and friends because we depend on your support for over 500 academic programs, scholarships, libraries and other areas. Our goal this year is to increase participation in the ANNUAL FUND to at least 22,500 donors and to raise $2.25 million. Please join other alumni and friends who have decided to support Pitt’s students and programs with a gift to the ANNUAL FUND.

Ask Agreement Question: Can I count on your support today/tonight?

Tips to Help Strengthen Your CASE FOR GIVING:  Use information that you picked up during the engagement step of your call. Bring your own positive experiences about the University to each call  Always provide positive facts about the University, such as what we have done in the past with alumni support and what we have planned for the future.  Use the information screens! – you have them for a reason.  Stay aware and up to date. Be attentive when walking to class or work. Look for positive happenings around the campus. Read the Pitt News, University Times and the Pitt Magazine.

 Always close your CASE FOR GIVING with an Agreement Question.


A) Purpose: 1) Negotiate the most generous gift to the University, given the individual circumstances, through use of the “ladder” technique;

2) Determine the highest level at which alum is comfortable making a financial contribution, based on their financial situation;

3) Determine allocation of gift.

B) Technique:

1) Always start at the top (Chancellor’s Circle at $1,000); a) This allows you to explain the various levels of support, and any benefits that may be associated with that level.

2) Progressively use trial probes to gauge giver’s “comfort level” before attempting to close or drop to next level: a) Example: “How do you feel about a gift of $500 to $1,000?” b) This will ensure that the University receives optimum support by increasing the average pledge amount; c) Proper use of the “ladder” technique will also ensure that alumni are supporting the University at appropriate levels at which they are comfortable.

3) Close in on a range and negotiate specific amount of gift within that range: a) Example: “Can we count on you for a gift of $500 to $1,000?” b) Secure giver’s commitment to a specific financial contribution; c) Increase likelihood of pledge fulfillment.

C) Scripting:

$1,000 Chancellor’s Circle I’ve spoken with several people today/tonight who have been really positive about giving to the University of Pittsburgh! I’m asking everyone to consider a Chancellor’s Circle gift in the range of $1,000 to $2,500 that would influence more dramatic initiatives at Pitt. For example, a gift at this level to your school’s general development campaign could go into a scholarship fund and buy one to two years’ worth of books for one student! M______, can you consider a gift at this level?

$500 William Pitt Associates I can appreciate that a gift of that size may not be possible for you this year. However, your support will go towards helping to build programs that are crucial to the success of the University, like Pitt’s Digital Library System which already has over 700 academic journals online and available to students 24 hours a day. Because of support for this kind of growing technology, remarkable benefits are evident all over campus. With this in mind, could you consider a gift at the William Pitt Associates level in the range of $500 to $1,000?

[Based on alum’s response, attempt to secure specific gift by suggesting split payments, or drop to next level.]

Split I can understand your hesitation, M______. Let me mention this: if you are interested in this level, you have the option to break up the gift into two or more installments. Would it more convenient to break up $500 into two installments of $250 each for two months?

$300 Robert Bruce Society I understand. Since tuition accounts for less than one quarter of Pitt’s operating budget, we count on money that is raised through the Annual Fund to cover expenses that tuition cannot. This includes some of the day to day expenses such as library acquisitions and computer lab enhancements. Your gift could effect the students and the University in general for years to come. Can you consider a gift at the Robert Bruce Society level in the range of $300 to $500 today/tonight?

$100 Century Associates I understand, M______. Everyone’s situation is different and I’d really like to find a level of support that is comfortable for you. Something I try to mention to everyone I talk with is Pitt’s Career Counseling and Placement Centers. Students use the Centers to develop their interviewing and resume- writing skills. They also provide students with opportunities to interview on campus with companies around the world. A gift of $100 to $300 in the Century Associates level keeps projects like this up and running. Is this level more appropriate for you?

$75 I understand — I would really like to include you in the number of alumni and friends who have decided to support Pitt this year. One of our primary goals is to increase support at all levels — it’s important to me that you know that every gift counts! The backbone of our campaign consists of gifts in the range of $75 to $100. Support at this level is critical because corporations and foundations look at the percentage of people who give to the University when considering it for major gifts and grants. A gift in this range could help Pitt secure tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants. Can you help us out at this level?

$25 M______, thank you for taking the time to go through all the levels with me — I really appreciate it. I'm sure you can understand why we are striving for increased participation this year. Could you help us today by making a gift of $25 to $50?

Tips to Help You Negotiate Effectively:  Always start at $1,000 — it will tell you two things: (1) whether the alum can give that amount, and (2) what level they can consider. If you skipped $1,000 — of course, you won’t, but if you did — and they say “Yes” to $500, you will regret not having started at $1,000.  Talk about each level. Don’t ever list the amounts and say “which one?” or, even worse, something like, "any amount that you'd care to give would be greatly appreciated."  As you move through each ask, be appreciative of their time. When dropping to lower gift amounts, be sure to let the listener know that it isn’t only the amount of the gift that is important, but also the number of donors who participate. V. FORMAL CLOSE THE ENTIRE FORMAL CLOSE MUST BE READ VERBATIM. IF ANY PART OF THE FORMAL CLOSE HAS NOT BEEN PRESENTED TO A PROSPECT, THE GIFT/PLEDGE IS NOT CONSIDERED A LEGITIMATE TRANSACTION BY THE MANAGEMENT AT THE PITTTELEFUND AND MAY NOT BE ENTERED INTO SMARTCALL. THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE.

A) Purpose: 1.) Re-confirm amount of contribution; 2.) Clarify billing/payment procedure; 3.) Verify/update alumni mailing information.

B) Technique & Scripting (Must be read Verbatim.)

Verify Gift/Pledge Information

That’s wonderful, thank you very much for your support! Your gift of $______will really make a difference. Where would you like to allocate your gift?

I just need another minute of your time to go over some clerical information: I have your name listed as______. And I have your address listed in my records as______. Is this correct?

Update Business Info/Secure Matching Gift

I’d like to take a moment to update your business information.

[If you have no business information.] [If you have business information] Where are you currently employed? My records indicate that you are Your job title? employed by__, and your title is__ -- is Your business address? that correct? And I have the address Your business phone number? and phone number listed as__. [Update info, if necessary.]

Many companies match their employees’ gifts to the University. Do you know if will match your gift?

If not sure: I have a list of companies that match gifts. Let me see if is listed.

If “Yes”: Great! — if you would please pick up a matching gift form at your personnel office and send it back in the business reply envelope, it will make your gift much more valuable. Securing the Credit Card

The way that we process our contributions is with a Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or a debit card. [Brief Pause] Which do you prefer? [Pause and wait for a response.]

If “YES”: Great. I really appreciate it. How does your name appear on the card?… What is your account number?… And what is the expiration date listed on the card?… Thank you very much. Let me read that back to make sure that I have all of the information correct…..

If “NO”: Using your credit card is like supporting the University a second time. It streamlines the processing and puts your money to work as soon as tomorrow. Can you help us out in this way?


For Gifts (CC): Okay, M______, just to confirm, we’ll charge your gift of $______to your (Visa/MasterCard/Discover/Debit) card, and allocate your gift to (School/Dept./Program). You will receive your receipt and “Thank You” letter in about seven to ten days.

Thank you so much, M______, for your time and support. It’s been a pleasure speaking with you. For your reference, my name is______. Have a great day / evening!

For Pledges (CK): Okay, M______, just to confirm, I’ll record your pledge to (School/Dept./Program) in the amount of $______. I’ll send out your pledge letter which you should receive in about a week, and you may return your gift in the enclosed business reply envelope. Can we count on this within two weeks?

Thank you so much, M______, for your time and support. It’s been a pleasure speaking with you. For your reference, my name is______. Have a great day / evening!

Tips to Help You Close Effectively:  Confirm the amount several times – make sure it is $50 and not $15.  Update business information for three reasons: (1) we call alumni at work during the day, (2) some companies will match gifts to higher education, and (3) NO business information will be retained in SmartCall for the following year, unless we have a business address (e.g.: if we have a work # but no work address, we will lose that information).  Ask for the credit card confidently and professionally. Ask once, and wait for a response. If the donor declines, use the standard credit card objection response. DO NOT insert “disclaimers” before the second credit card ask (Ex. “The reason we ask for the credit card is…”)  Ask alumni where they would like their gift allocated and note in the pledge screen.  Let the alumnus know that this close will only take a moment, but that it is very important to complete the call.  Always end a non-credit card call with, “Can we count on this within two weeks?”

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