WHEREAS: It has been brought to the Residence Hall Association’s attention that bike rack space around the Residence Halls is limited.

WHEREAS: Residents do not have enough safe, secure space to store their bikes, and result to locking them to trees and posts.

WHEREAS: An increasing number of Residence Hall Students increases the need for bike rack space.

WHEREAS: The Residence Hall Association and Residential Living support “Green” transportation efforts, such as biking.

WHEREAS: It is the duty of the Residence Hall Association and Residential Living to provide basic services, such as bike racks, to UW-SP Residents.

THEREFORE: Additional bike racks should be placed around specific Residence Halls (pending investigation on need)

THEREFORE: Students will have a safe, secure space to store their bikes.

THEREFORE: The Residence Hall Association and Residential Living will be supporting “Green” transportation efforts by providing space for student’s bikes.

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED: The Residence Hall Association and Residential Living should provide this basic storage service to the UW-SP Residents.


Additional Bike Racks for the Residence Halls


Blake Fowler Kathryn Hardy Katy Cimino