Woodland Park School District Re-2 BOARD OF EDUCATION Regular Board Meeting – March 11, 2015

CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by President Carol Greenstreet at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Gwynne Dawdy, Beth Huber, Nancy Lecky, and Mrs. Greenstreet.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION Lecky, second Dawdy, to approve the agenda. MOTION CARRIED; Voting Aye – Dawdy, Greenstreet, Huber, Lecky.

HIGH SCHOOL STUCO REPORT STUCO representatives reported they are in the middle of elections for next year’s student council; currently working on leadership qualities; and planning Prom which will be held at the Ute Pass Cultural Center.

HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES & ATHLETICS REPORT On behalf of High School Activities Director Michael DeWall, High School Principal Del Garrick reported on the activities and athletics happenings: Athletics: Baseball - 0-2; Girls Soccer – 1-0; Track & Field – D11 Relays on Wednesday and will compete in the CSU Bandanna Belt Invitational on Saturday. Activities: Forensics – 5 students have qualified for State and the National Qualifiers is coming up in a few weeks; Band – 4 students headed to Alamosa to perform at the Top of the Nation Honor Band; Mr. Panther will be held Friday at 7:00 p.m.; Art - 5 students will have their work on display at The Wunderkind Art Exhibit this Friday 6-8 p.m. at the Manitou Art Gallery; students also have their work on display at Park State Bank for the next few weeks; Drama – Almost Saturday Night Live will be performed April 9 & 10; Science Olympiad – competed last Saturday in regional competition and Anna Sheps placed 4th in Anatomy and Physiology and the team placed in the top 10 in four other events; Knowledge Bowl – finished 11th overall at the Southern Regional tournament last weekend; the High School along with Columbine and Gateway were each awarded $300 from the Colorado Education Initiative for being ‘Healthy School Champions!’. Only 35 awards were presented statewide and our District received 3 of them!

STUDENT TALENT SHOWCASE Mountain Eire Irish Dance School, instructed and owned by Mickie Richardson, performed several Irish dances for the Board of Education. Most of the dancers are students in the district. The Board of Education thanked them for sharing their talents!


CONSENT CALENDAR/Blanket Motion MOTION Lecky, second Huber, to accept administrative recommendation and approve action on the fol lowing items:

VI.a. Minutes – Board Meeting February 11, 18, 23, and 25, 2015

VI.b. Bills & Financials (Addendum A) Board Minutes March 11, 2015

VI.c.1. Personnel – Transfers – Certified: Molly Vedral, SES 1.0 FTE Counselor to SES .6 FTE Counselor, effective for 2015-16 school year only; Leave of Absence – Certified: Tiffany Walker, MS 6th Grade Language Arts/Social Studies, Leave of Absence for 2015-16 school year.

VI.c.2. Personnel – Resignations – Certified: Diana Burditt, CES Grade 2 Teacher, effective end of 2014-15 school year contract; Kassie Johnson, CES Grade 1 Teacher, effective end of 2014-15 school year contract; Kelley King, CES Kindergarten Teacher, effective end of 2014-15 school year contract; Co-Curricular – Brad Eggspuehler, MS Athletic Director, effective end of 2014-15 school year contract; Retirement – Certified: Claudia Miller, CES Grade 5 Teacher, effective end of 2014-15 school year contract; Classified: Larry Seskar, HS Night Custodian, effective March 20, 2015; Vicki Huffor, District Accounting Assistant, effective June 30, 2015.

VI.d. 2017-2018 School Year Calendar

MOTION CARRIED; Voting Aye – Dawdy, Greenstreet, Huber, Lecky.

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Superintendent Jed Bowman shared there are no major changes from last month’s report, but after the March forecast we should see movement. Dr. Bowman shared we can anticipate 1 bi-partisan Bill on assessment being sent through, which most likely will include reducing assessment to the federal minimums + ACT. Board Secretary Beth Huber gave an update on CASB and their position on several bills. The restoration of Amendment 23 is their top priority, so any bills that include money that would take away from Amendment 23 they are taking a neutral position. CASB has only opposed 1 bill – Colorado Flex Accounts on Educational Services.

ASSESSMENT UPDATE Assistant Superintendent Linda Murray updated the Board of Education on the new PARCC assessment. Mrs. Murray shared the students appear to be more engaged; there are less sessions than TCAP, but the sessions are longer. With this assessment the questions are cached internally on our server so we do not have to worry about internet speed or connectivity issues. The Board of Education thanked her for all her hard work on this and for the update.

RESOLUTION TO DECLARE DIRECTOR VACANCY Mrs. Greenstreet read the resolution declaring the Director Vacancy. MOTION Huber, second Dawdy, to approve the resolution as presented (Addendum B). MOTION CARRIED; Voting Aye – Dawdy, Greenstreet, Huber, Lecky.

WPEA REPORT WPEA representative Lois DeVaux thanked Ashley Lawson and the high school administration for doing a great job of scheduling the PARCC assessment, but some staff are concerned about the impact on losing instructional time with students. Mrs. DeVaux requested the District make a collective decision about whether we will participate or not in the TELL survey. Dr. Bowman shared the survey required with Educator Effectiveness gathers the same data and is anonymous as well.

2 Board Minutes March 11, 2015

SUPERINTENDENT REPORT Superintendent Bowman recognized our Elevate Environmental Education program (E3) and thanked all of the staff at Catamount Institute and Aspen Valley Ranch for coupling such a beautiful mountain setting with a robust environmental education experience for our elementary students.

Reviewed dates for the Board to mark on their calendars: March 16 – Board Work Session – 5:00 p.m.; March 18 – State Budget Forecast; March 23 – 27 – Spring Break; April 8 – DAC Meeting – 5:00 p.m.; Board Meeting – 7:00 p.m.

Dr. Bowman shared the Educational Foundation Fundraising Dinner was another rousing success and it was a great mix of community members and staff where nearly $6,500 was raised! He will be attending the Chamber of Commerce Fundraising Dinner at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort on Friday and is looking forward to being in attendance as one of our students will be receiving a significant scholarship.

Dr. Bowman shared he met last week with retired educators and continues to seek answers to the question of why parents should send their children to our schools. As has been concluded with other groups, the common answers are: quality staff, quality education, well-rounded education, size of district, and setting. Our next outreach is April 28 with senior citizens.

Dr. Bowman also commended Stacy Schubloom for the recent ads in the Ute Pass Courier.

Dr. Bowman reported to the Board of Education that a total of 130 students are currently enrolled in Homeschooling.


EXECUTIVE SESSION MOTION Dawdy, second Huber, to adjourn to executive session at 7:51 p.m. to discuss a personnel mat ter as per C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(f). MOTION CARRIED; Voting Aye – Dawdy, Greenstreet, Huber, Lecky.

MOTION Dawdy, second Huber, to adjourn from executive session at 8:22 p.m. MOTION CARRIED; Voti ng Aye – Dawdy, Greenstreet, Huber, Lecky.

ADJOURN MOTION Dawdy, second Lecky, to adjourn the meeting at 8:23 p.m. MOTION CARRIED; Voting Aye – Dawdy, Greenstreet, Huber, Lecky.


Board of Education Secretary

Board of Education President 3 Board Minutes March 11, 2015 ADDENDUM A

4 Board Minutes March 11, 2015 ADDENDUM B