Big Stone Gap, VA
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General Fleenor, Jr. Lawrence J. 12/9/95 Big Stone Gap, VA 11/29/40 male American 1958-1966 1962 yes 66 MD
Hometown Appalachia, VA 2,000-10,000 rural
You and Your Family car dealer and oil distributor housewife yes public Appalachia High Appalachia, VA no yes Milligan, Farmville State Teacher's College, Baltimore Medical College, University of Virginia. no UVa no Father - Lawrence J. Fleenor, SR, Masters in 1933 yes yes #1 Highschool 1956. #2 Wise Appalachian Regional Hospital 1969.
Academics I cannot remember not being interested My father told me to Biology Pre med Almost every working hour, except for meals and Sunday morning. I took a rare trip Extremely challenging and rewarding -- The first year was hard for me, but I was up to speed by the second The list is a long one, as I have vivid and cherished memories of most.
Dean Runk -- his clamp down after Easters Riot. Colgate Darden - his gift to the University. Mr. Lantenschloger - his kindness to me. Dean Irby Lewis -- retired when I knew him, but my father's old professor.
The fear I had of failure the first year, and the cultural shock I had dealing with the study requirements and all the drunkenness
Residential Life Prestige yes The recognition of accomplishment that it game me nothing The Corner undergraduate no, last 3 years of medial school yes Ford four door sedan yes yes excluded at drinking brawls and fraternity functions. the Lawn and Alderman Library the same
Non-Academic Time Classes every Saturday morning, Wesley Foundation and church every Sunday morning -- otherwise usually studied with occasional Saturday afternoon football games or Saturday night movies and drives in the countryside No truly personal relationships Cav Club - published "Cavalier corner" 3 years. Wesley Foundation - chairman of Committee the helped raise funds for present Wesley Building. yes no Was it more "Jeffersonian" to cut down a tree behind the East Range or build the road around it and was it more "Jeffersonian" to design the Alderman library addition in a modern style or in a style identical to the original structure. The debates were the hottest issues on the grounds, except for the crack down on Easter's Weekend.
National Politics. Virginia's "Massive Resistance"
Graduating. Fraternities.
Charlottesville The beginnings of the choking urban growth and the economic / cultural polarization between the denizens of UVA and the inhabitants. yes I coordinated the speaking program that placed student speakers in all the churches of the Methodist Charlottesville district that raised the money for the current Wesley Foundation Building.
Most Vivid Memory Easters Riot of 1962. I witnessed the infamous Easter's Weekend Riot of 1962 (I was in the crowd but NOT rioting) that resulted in permanent profound changes in the character of the University. I was it start, saw it get out of hand, saw the police interruption and probably know as much as anyone alive about it.