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Table of Contents s87

Overview of Service Capabilities


Summary of Project Experience

Micro Training Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 328 320 Albany Turnpike Canton, CT 06019 Phone: 860-693-7740 FAX: 860-693-7747 E-mail: [email protected] Table of Contents


Overview of Experience, Clients and Authoring Systems......

Summary of Training Development Projects......

End User/Application System Training......



Management/Supervisory/Executive/General Development......

Sales/Customer Service......

Software Design, Development and Programming......

Technical Training......

Telecommunications/Data Communications......

Other Services......

Needs Assessment/Cost Benefit Analysis......

Instructional Design Custom Workshops......

Point of Sale/Trade Show Demos......

Please visit our web site at: Introduction Overview of Experience, Clients and Authoring Systems

Our Micro Training Associates, Inc. provides “blue chip” custom training Expe development services for blue chip companies. Since our founding in 1983, rienc the MTA team has completed more than 400 successful projects for a wide e range of clients. Our custom service capabilities include:  Development of WBT, CBT and  Development and delivery of multimedia programs instructor-led training  Design and delivery of  Development of print-based Synchronous Distance Learning documentation and job aids  Competency assessment,  Consultation in support of any curriculum planning and training phase of the instructional design development in support of process from needs and large-scale reskilling efforts cost/benefit analysis through  Development of on-line help and curriculum design and evaluation on-line referencing  Coding services  Development of audio, video,  Delivery of skills transfer and print-based training workshops on CBT/multimedia programs authoring and development

Our Clients, MTA primarily develops custom training for clients in Fortune 500 Conc community, but our experience spans a wide range of organizations and entr applications, from small to large. As committed partners with our clients we atio maintain a strong focus on bottom line results and return on the training n investment. This is a partial list of past and present clients: and Com mit men t  ACNielsen  Johnson Controls  ADT  JP Morgan  Aetna Insurance Company  Lederle International  American Express  Mass Mutual  Ameritech  Mobil Research Corporation  AT&T  Northwestern Mutual  Bell Atlantic  Panama Canal Commission  Bellcore  PriceWaterhouseCoopers  BellSouth  Prime Computer  Department of Defense  SC Johnson  Digital Equipment Corporation  Science Research Associates, Inc.  Dun & Bradstreet  Smith-Kline Beecham  Fleet Bank  SunLife Assurance of Canada  GE Capital  The Travelers  GTE  Unisys

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 1  IBM Corporation  United Healthcare  John Hancock  United Technologies  Ingersoll Rand  UNUM Life Insurance Company Continued on next page

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 2 Overview of Experience, Clients, and Authoring Systems, Continued

E-learning Originally founded as one of the first custom CBT development companies in Dev the country, the MTA team has used more than 30 different authoring tools elop to develop training for a wide range of delivery environments. Our authoring men system experience includes: t Tool s  The Macromedia suite of products  Quest (Authorware Professional, Attain,  PHOENIX/Micro Director, Coursebuilder,  PHOENIX/Mainframe Dreamweaver, etc.)  TenCore Producer TenCore LAS  Captivate  Lotus Notes  Flash  Test Construction Set  IconAuthor  SAM  CBT Express  AIS II  Asymmetrix Toolbook  Of Course  Summit  Authology  Everest  The Educator  HTML and Dynamic HTML  Individual Software Authoring  Articulate Engine

Our Record We take pride in our outstanding client relationships and our exceptional record for producing work of the highest quality within stringent budgets and timeframes. Brief descriptions of representative projects completed for communication clients appear on the following pages.

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 3 Summary of Training Development Projects End User/Application System Training

ABA/net Client: iNET Company of America Dat Project Description: Develop a CBT program for lawyers who subscribed to aba the ABA/net on-line database system on features, functions and operations se of the system. dBase II and Client: Individual Software dBa Project Description: Develop CBT programs on basic and advanced functions se of dBase II and dBase III applications; distributed and sold through retail III outlets such as ComputerLand and BusinessLand, as well as direct mail organizations.

Intelligent Client: AT&T Wor Project Description: Develop CBT reinforcement exercises, case studies, k comprehension exercises and mastery tests to develop knowledge and skill Stat with various applications within a customer service electronic performance ion support environment. Trai ning

SLIMS e-mail Client: Sun Life Assurance of Canada Appl Project Description: Develop simulation-based CBT on features, functions icati and operations of Sun Life’s proprietary e-mail system, SLIMS. on

UNIX System Client: AT&T V Project Description: Develop a CBT program on the features and benefits of Rele the AT&T UNIX System V operating system for AT&T Account Executives. ase 3.0 Trai ning

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 4 Web-based Client: Ziff-Davis University and ZDTV Mult Project Description: Develop seven high-quality, interactive multimedia mini- ime tutorials teaching a variety of tips and techniques for using popular desktop dia software such as Word, Excel, Windows 98, etc. The tutorials were delivered Tuto to consumers through the Ziff Davis web site and were featured on the live rials ZDTV show – “Call for Help.”

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Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 5 End User/Application System Training, Continued

Windows Client: Ameritech Des Project Description: Develop a CBT program to introduce Customer Service ktop Reps to the features, functions and uses of Windows Desktop Tools. Deliver Tool the CBT to 4,500 server-based workstations, and build a UNIX-based s Computer Managed Instruction (CMI) system to manage student registration, gather student data, and generate a variety of reports for training management.

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 6 Finance/Banking

Advanced Client: GTE Fina Project Description: Develop a CBT curriculum on GAAP and FASB ncia regulations as they pertained to GTE’s internal auditing procedures, and on l interpretation and application of these procedures. Audi ting

Basic Client: AT&T Con Project Description: Develop computer-based pre- and post-tests to cept accompany print-based training materials for AT&T’s course titled “Managing s of and Selling for Profitability.” Tests evaluated knowledge of concepts related Acc to accounting principles, the balance sheet, the income statement, the cash oun flow statement, profit measures, ratio analysis, return on investment and ting financial leverages. and Fina nce

Check Fraud Client: Bankers Training and Consulting Company Prev Project Description: Develop a CBT program for banking employees on enti major types of check fraud, including new account schemes and check kiting, on and methods for preventing check fraud.

Community Client: Bankers Training and Consulting Company Rein Project Description: Develop a CBT program for banking employees about vest the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), a law requiring financial institutions - to meet the credit needs of their own communities, particularly low-income men neighborhoods. t Act

Cross Sell Client: Fleet Bank Appl Project Description: Develop simulation-based CBT for branch sales and icati service reps on the use of the Cross Sell system features and functions. on Simulated functions include account openings/closings, time deposit queries, Trai account maintenance, cash reserve maintenance, creating combined ning statements, processing consumer loan applications, fee management, account transfers, and issuing ATM/Select cards.

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Easy Client: Fleet Bank Busi Project Description: Develop CBT product training for business bankers and ness branch customer service reps on the Easy Business Sweep account for Fleet Swe business customers and Galaxy Access Account for individuals (non-business ep/ customers). CBT also included Cross Sell system simulations for opening and Galaxy maintaining these new accounts. Project included print-based job aids and Acc CMI mastery test. ess Acc oun t Pro duct Trai ning

EZ-REC Client: Fleet Bank Rec Project Description: Develop system simulation-based CBT on account onci reconciliation and compliance procedures. lia- tion Appl icati on

Finance Client: GE Capital Trai Project Description: Develop a CBT course/case study on RFS Financial ning Services, including an extensive portfolio case study requiring the student to for negotiate a deal and perform the day-to-day analysis and management of Ret the portfolio. ailer Fina ncia l Serv ices (RF S)

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 8 Financial Client: AT&T Acc Project Description: Develop a CBT curriculum on financial accounting for oun new hire sales staff. The program addresses all aspects of the balance sheet ting and general ledger statement. for Acc oun t Exe cuti ves

Financial Client: AT&T Acc Project Description: Develop a CBT program for Account Executives and oun Technical Consultants on planning for and managing the conversion of ting financial accounting systems from a manual to computerized environment Syst ems

Home Depot Client: GE Capital Cre Project Description: Develop a CBT course on GE Capital’s consumer and dit commercial credit programs for Home Depot stores. The training was Pro designed for all levels of Home Depot employees and addressed credit gra program features and benefits, the application process, point of sale m procedures and management reports.

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Project Client: Fleet Bank Man Project Description: Develop a comprehensive, 12-hour CD-ROM-based age training program on project management tools and techniques for Branch men Operations personnel. The program provides training on project t for management concepts, theories, and skills, and requires employees to apply Bra concepts to an extended case study. A Reference Guide containing project nch management form templates and job aids supplements the training program Ope for optimized learning transfer to the job.. rati ons

Regulation Client: Bankers Training and Consulting Company CC Project Description: Develop a CBT program to teach banking employees about Regulation CC, the federal Expedited Funds Availability Act. Regulation CC specifies how long banks may hold deposited funds before making those funds available for use.

Risk Client: GE Capital Man Project Description: Develop a CBT course on the basic concepts of risk age management and profitability, scoring models for assessing risk among men groups of applications or accounts, issues and procedures for new account t acquisition, credit line management, authorizations, and collections.

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 10 Insurance

Acquisition Client: UNUM Life Insurance Company of America Proc Project Description: Develop performance support elements and a training ess curriculum to support implementation of a nationwide organizational and reengineering initiative. The performance support elements consisted of Tec comprehensive on-line help, job aids and documentation. The training hnol curriculum consisted of CBT, instructor-led sessions, and computer-based ogy product reinforcement exercises and mastery testing. The CBT itself Trai featured case-based instruction, simulation-based exercises, and a link-out to ning the performance support environment to develop authentic job skills.

Basic Rating Client: Aetna Insurance Company Con Project Description: Develop a CBT course on basic group insurance rating cept concepts for the small business market, including setting renewal premium s rates for small group life and health policies (claim concepts, manual rates, credibility, medical trend, expenses, pooling, experience rating, etc.), and available funding and rating arrangements.

Business Client: Mass Mutual Life Insurance Company Desi Project Description: Develop a CBT program to introduce a comprehensive gn software package used by agents to market insurance products. Syst em Sim ulati ons

Dental Front Client: The Travelers Companies End Project Description: Develop a CBT and print self-study program for a new Appl PC-based data entry application. icati on

Dental II Client: The Travelers Companies Clai Project Description: Develop an 80-hour training program to replace 6 m months of instructor-led training. The program was designed to teach Syst Dental Benefit Specialists how to process dental claims. The program em included two hours of video on dental terminology and procedures; 50 hours Trai of CBT on dental plans, eligible expenses, claim payment procedures using ning the claim system, customer service responsibilities and other topics; and a print-based Training Guide, Student Guide and Instructor’s Guide.

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Experience Client: Aetna Insurance Company Rati Project Description: Develop a CBT course using sample case studies and ng modeling (“what if”) scenarios to demonstrate a new Experience Rating Syst methodology and system. em

FES On-Line Client: UNUM Life Insurance Company of America Help Project Description: Develop an on-line help/reference system for the UNUM /Ref “Front End System” to provide step by step procedures for using the system, eren product and process information, and screen processing guidelines. The on- ce line help system features a synchronized table of contents and screen help.

Flexible Client: John Hancock Life Insurance Company Vari Project Description: Develop a CBT program to enhance sales of a new able Flexible Variable life insurance product. The program was designed around Life case studies supported by numerous learning options (such as glossaries, Pro links to live software [sales illustration programs], and tutorial instruction). duct

Flexible Client: The Travelers Companies Spe Project Description: Develop a performance support system (EPSS) for claim ndin processors using the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) program. The EPSS g included computer based training, extensive on-line referencing, and multi- Acc level help screens. oun t (FS A)

Global Client: PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Insu Project Description: PricewaterhouseCoopers’ consulting professionals, ranc located around the world, needed a comprehensive and high-quality e orientation to the global insurance industry. Working with an international Ind team of subject matter experts, MTA developed a 2-day, print-based self- ustr study training program on the global insurance industry. The content, y language, and examples within the course are customized to reflect key Ove international centers of the insurance industry and the concerns of a global rvie audience. w

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Interactive Client: CIGNA Pros Project Description: Develop interactive CBT exercises to teach sales pect representatives how to perform telephone prospecting. Exercises utilized ing tree-branched case studies with multiple outcomes and enabled sales Exer representatives to explore the effectiveness of different sales approaches. cise s

ISA PLUS Client: Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company Pay Project Description: Develop a CBT program on a new premium plan. This men training was delivered to the national sales force and taught them how to t sell the plan to policyholders and set up premium payments through the Plan plan. Trai ning

Managed Client: The Travelers Companies/MetraHealth Car Project Description: Develop a comprehensive 91 hour CBT “core e curriculum” to replace 130 hours of classroom instruction. The CBT core Curr curriculum was designed to develop cross-functional and cross-divisional icul knowledge on topics ranging from products (Life, Health, Disability, Managed um Care) and financial procedures (Experience Rating and Alternate Funding) to sales, customer service, and case implementation methods.

One Card Client: Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company Syst Project Description: Develop an interactive videodisc program to teach em insurance agents how to use the One Card System to successfully organize and manage their leads and conduct “Round Table” meetings to achieve their financial goals.

Personal Client: Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company Plan Project Description: Develop a CBT program for agents and their assistants ning on how to use the Personal Planning Analysis system to analyze the client’s Anal or prospect’s current situation, make recommendations, and illustrate how ysis the recommendations help clients and prospects meet their financial goals.

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Reinforce- Client: UNUM Life Insurance Company of America men Project Description: Develop a comprehensive curriculum of CBT t reinforcement exercises and mastery tests on UNUM’s group insurance Exer products: Long Term Disability, Short Term Disability, Life and AD&D, Long cise Term Care, Group Universal Life and Special Risk insurance. CBT s components include a Summary of Key Points, Review Exercises and Quiz to and reinforce information contained in each chapter of print-based Product Mas Reference Manual for each product. Other CBT features include an on-line tery glossary and imbedded callouts to Windows calculator for questions requiring Test calculation of premiums and/or benefits. ing on Gro up Insu ranc e Pro duct s

Sales Rep Client: UNUM Life Insurance Company of America Pro Project Description: Develop CBT mastery tests with descriptive feedback to duct evaluate UNUM Sales Reps’ knowledge of product/plan design, underwriting Ass and risk, marketplace issues, etc., for Group Long Term Disability, Group ess Short Term Disability, Group Long Term Care, Individual Disability and men Individual Long Term Care. ts

Quantum Client: The Travelers Companies Test Project Description: Develop computer based pre- and post-tests to evaluate s mastery of Commercial Lines insurance terms and concepts.

Respond Client: Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company Sale Project Description: Develop an introductory video, CBT and Job Aid to s teach basic functions and operations of the RESPOND Sales Support System. Sup port Syst em

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Recovery Client: The Travelers Companies Proc Project Description: Develop a procedures manual and training program that edu covers the process for recovering benefits paid on accident claims involving res third-party liability (Right of Recovery and Subrogation), benefits paid on and claims covered by Workers Compensation, and overpayments made on Trai group insurance claims to providers and/or employees. ning

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TOPS Front Client: The Travelers Companies End Project Description: Develop formal classroom training materials consisting Syst of an instructor’s guide and lecture outline, practice exercises and solutions, em and student handout to support training of claims processors on the use of (Pri the TOPS front end claim entry system. nt- bas ed mat erial s)

Total Bill Client: The Travelers Companies Keyi Project Description: Develop a procedures manual for keying various types ng of claim forms submitted to the Managed Care and Employee Benefits (Print-based Operations. This manual also included information on how to identify doc various types of attachments that are submitted with the claim. ume nta- tion )

Traditional Client: John Hancock Life Project Description: Develop a CBT program to teach agents to sell Traditional Life products. The training program features a golf tournament game integrated into the case study section. The case studies also include a context-sensitive Help function which provides Instructional Help, a Glossary of Terms, Product Features/Advantages and Case Facts.

UmbrellaCare Client: The Travelers Companies Project Description: Develop a CBT course that covers benefit plan options, underwriting and coverage guidelines, administrative services, and funding options for the UmbrellaCare product.

Universal Life Client: John Hancock Life Insurance Company Project Description: Develop a CBT program to help agents sell Universal Life products. The program featured a link to the UL illustration system for skills application and practice.

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 18 Variable Life Client: MassMutual Life Insurance Company Plus Project Description: Develop a CBT program for agents which compares Variable Life Plus to other life insurance products, presents specific contract information and includes five mini-case studies to illustrate different selling applications.

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VISION EPSS Client: SunLife Assurance of Canada Project Description: Develop an extensive CBT curriculum, as well as on-line referencing and multi-level Help, to support implementation of the SunLife VISION system. VISION is a proprietary EPSS which supports all aspects of SunLife’s business operations.

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 20 Management/Supervisory/Executive/General Development

Business Risk Client: Prudential Man Project Description: Develop a Lotus Notes-based training program teaching age 10,000+ managers the concepts and skills of business risk management. men MTA, in conjunction with a partner firm, created a customized Lotus Notes t training authoring system and developed a one-hour, interactive CBT course on Risk Management based on the internal control model from the Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission.

Company Client: Prudential Poli Project Description: Develop a Lotus-Notes based training program to cies develop awareness of critical policies and procedures on topics including & Internal Fraud, Sexual Harassment, and Use of Corporate Assets. The Proc training was deployed to employees within and across the enterprise via edu Prudential’s Lotus Notes platform. res

Coaching Client: Mass Mutual Life Insurance Company Skill Project Description: Develop an interactive videodisc program teaching s managers and supervisors how to coach their employees for improved work performance and sales results. Students demonstrate mastery of coaching skills through a series of Interactive Taping Exercises, in which the student is presented with an on-screen employee and taped by the interactive video system while he/she “coached” the employee. The student’s performance was then evaluated both by the training program and by the student’s supervisor during replay of the exercise results tape.

Executive Client: Bellcore Con Project Description: Develop a series of multimedia courses on various cept leadership and corporate culture topics aimed at executives in Bellcore’s “fast s track” development program.

Getting to Client: Bellcore Yes: Project Description: Develop a multimedia course to complement a video A presentation on negotiation skills. The multimedia course provided Neg overviews, review points, and practice opportunities to test students’ otia acquisition of course concepts. tion Wor ksh op

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Performance Client: ACNielsen Man Project Description: Develop a highly-interactive, graphically-rich web-based age training prototype on ACNielsen’s core, competency-based business process men – Performance Management. The program is designed for delivery to a t global management audience through ACNielsen’s online (intranet) corporate university.

Project Client: Bellcore Man Project Description: Develop a multimedia CD-ROM program covering the age 10-step Project Management process, adapted from classroom materials men developed by Project Mentors, an industry leader in Project Management t training. Each of the 10 steps included a Presentation & Practice section, Tool followed by a scored Case Study section requiring the user to apply the s & specific tools and techniques to a sample project. Other program features Tec include context-sensitive PMBOK references, Index navigation button for hniq quick review/reference, print-based Workbook and a Toolkit diskette with ues templates of various Project Management documents for use in future projects.

Project Client: Bellcore Esti Project Description: Develop a multimedia CD-ROM program to provide in- mati depth training on two key project management areas: project estimating ng and risk management. The program covers detailed processes, acceptable and methods and techniques, obstacles, PMBOK guidelines, etc., for these Risk advanced project management topics. Man age men t

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 23 Records Client: Prudential Man Project Description: Develop web-based tutorials that develop employees’ age awareness of the importance of records management and the specific men procedures for retaining and preserving documents. t and Doc ume nt Pres erva tion

Trade Secrets Client: Bellcore and Project Description: Develop a web-based training program to deliver Anti training on trade secrets and antitrust considerations to 40,000 students trus worldwide. t

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 24 Sales/Customer Service

American Client: American Express Expr Project Description: Design and prototype an electronic performance ess support system (EPSS) consisting of a product knowledge infobase and just- Syst in-time training to support sales associates and customer service em representatives in the Travel Services Group. for Opti miz ed Perf orm anc e (AE SOP )

Customer Client: BellSouth Foc Project Description: Develop a CBT course which presents a strategic sales use strategy and a detailed account management methodology within the d context of a case study. The program features two training tracks (Sales Selli Managers and Sales Reps), context-sensitive sales coaching tips, and a ng comprehensive workbook which provides account analysis and management guidelines and worksheets.

Customer Client: AT&T Serv Project Description: Develop a multimedia program consisting of 40 hours of ice computer-based mastery testing, and 20 hours of multimedia tutorials and Rep simulations to develop mastery of various aspects of the customer service Initi representative position. al Trai ning

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 25 Interactive Client: AT&T Sale Project Description: Develop interactive case studies to teach AT&T Account s Executives how to prospect for sales of this PC, then present features and Cas benefits in a needs-based sale, overcome objections, and close the sale. e Stu dies for 630 0 PLU S PC

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Knowledge- Client: Bellcore Link Project Description: Develop a multimedia CD-ROM program for Account Sale Executives to teach them how to use a Lotus Notes-based application named s “KnowledgeLink” to develop a sales opportunity. Trac king Syst em

Sales Client: United HealthCare Stra Project Description: Develop a CBT program which introduces a strategic tegy sales initiative targeting multi-location customers. The CBT program covers Trai the sales targeting rationale as well as the workflow, procedures, and ning guidelines associated with each stage of the Multi-Site sales process: prospecting, quoting, installation, service and renewal. The CBT features module tutorials and exercises/games, a Mastery Test based on case scenarios, creative theme, glossary and reference components.

Skills Client: AT&T Tran Project Description: Develop a skills transfer/coaching program and a sfer: comprehensive training curriculum to support the training of content Cust developers who are responsible for updating and maintaining a performance ome support system used by customer sales and service personnel in a call r center. The deliverables for this project were: an instructional design Sale workshop; a detailed validation study of AT&T’s instructional design s approach; an intensive 4-month coaching program on developing effective and computer-based and facilitator-led training modules; a comprehensive 6- Serv course multimedia curriculum on designing effective CBT, facilitator-led ice instruction and online work support; an online style guide for content Perf authors; a series of 12 web-based tutorials introducing CSA’s to the online orm training and work support system. anc e Sup port

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 27 Software Design, Development and Programming

Life Cycle Client: Bell Atlantic Mod Project Description: Develop a CBT course that improves a software els engineer’s ability to analyze project conditions and requirements, weigh them against decision criteria, and select the most appropriate development strategy (custom product-based, or structured prototyping) and life-cycle model (waterfall, evolutionary, or spiral) for a project.

VTAM Client: Science Research Associates, Inc. Inst Project Description: Develop a self-paced course that teaches Systems allat Administrators how to use the IBM Virtual Transfer Access Memory package. ion The course included self-paced print, CBT, and video. and Codi ng

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 28 Technical Training

KCGG Relay Client: GEC Alsthom Pro Project Description: Develop an interactive, simulation-based CBT program gra to train technicians to program the KCGG Relay. These relays are designed mmi to take electrical transmission lines out of service whenever certain ng predefined anomalies occur.

Maintenance Client: Mobil Research Corporation of Project Description: Assist with the design of a complete performance Cen support system for troubleshooting and maintenance of centrifugal trifu processors, in support of refinery operations for the petrochemical industry. gal Proc esso rs

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 29 Communications

Basic and Client: AT&T Adva Project Description: Develop a CBT program on the features and benefits nced of two hardware/software packages which provide service enhancements Com to CENTREX environments. The CBT simulated the end-user interface of munic software running on a minicomputer and provided practice with report a- generation and data entry procedures. tions Packages Client: BellSouth Project Description: Develop two separate learning programs to teach sales and service reps how to sell BellSouth’s Internet access service. In one program, MTA designed and delivered Instructor-led training to approximately 2,000 Consumer customer service reps in BellSouth’s 9-state region. In the other program, MTA developed CBT for delivery to approximately 1,500 Small Business reps. This CBT was the first Small Business offering to be delivered via the BellSouth Small Business Intranet.

Cellular Client: AT&T Tele Project Description: Develop an interactive videodisk training program for phon AT&T Consumer Products sales staff on selling the AT&T line of cellular e phones. Topics included an overview of cellular technology, how cellular Train service works, the AT&T cellular products (mobile, transmobile, ing transportable and portable phones), the sales process, and programming and installation.

Computer Client: AT&T Produ Project Description: Develop CBT sales and product training to support ct AT&T’s announcement of over 40 new hardware and software products. Anno unce ment Traini ng

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 30 Data Client: Prime Computer Com Project Description: Develop a CBT curriculum for PRIME Sales Associates munic on the basics of data communications in the UNIX environment. a- tions Training

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Data Client: AT&T Proc Project Description: Revise the CBT hardware/software curriculum for essi AT&T’s National Sales School. This curriculum included approximately 100 ng hours of CBT covering all computer-related products marketed by AT&T, and including its computers, workstations, PCs, printers, modems, Com communications systems, terminals, operating systems, and software pute applications. r Syst ems Trai ning

Fundamen- Client: BellSouth tals Project Description: Develop a CBT program on data processing and data of communications concepts. The course addressed the fundamentals of Com computers and data processing, data communications channels, hardware, pute the OSI model, LANs, WANs, distributed networks, internetworking rs technologies, and IBM’s SNA. and Dat a Net wor ks

MultiServ Client: BellSouth and Project Description: Develop a CBT program for sales reps, implementation Mult staff and customer service reps on a new BellSouth telecommunications iSer service designed for multi-location businesses. The course covered why the v new service was developed, product features and benefits, technical Plus requirements, customer options, sales scenarios, and issuing a Serv MultiServ/MultiServ Plus order via the PC-based EOMS system. ice

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 32 Phone Center Client: AT&T Equi Project Description: Develop a multimedia course on the sale and lease pme options available for AT&T Phone Center equipment. The course teaches nt AT&T Sales Associates how to differentiate between sale and lease Sale customers, present lease benefits and options to customers, and save a s & lease from termination. Leas ing

System 75 Client: BellSouth Trai Project Description: Develop a CBT curriculum on system administration for ning a PBX switch. This training taught AT&T employees and customers how to set up and administer system users and services on the switch

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Tariffs Client: BellSouth Project Description: Develop a CBT program for new and existing employees on how to use the various tariffs which contain the rates and regulations for telecommunication products/services offered by BellSouth. Users learned how to determine which tariff to use for pricing intraLATA, interLATA, and interstate services, and included several practice exercises that required users to refer to tariff sections in a workbook and price a service. Key features included a “Tariff Trivia” game as the format for each module test.

UNIX Data Client: UNISYS Com Project Description: Develop a CBT program to teach sales representatives muni about the features and benefits of a new data communications product line. ca- tions

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 34 Other Services Needs Assessment/Cost Benefit Analysis

Conversion Client: The Travelers Companies of Project Description: Complete a formal Needs Analysis to identify “best Clai practices” and training requirements for a complex mainframe claim m processing system. Then generate high-level curriculum recommendations Syst and a cost/benefit analysis for development of CBT and other required em training materials. Trai ning

Conversion Client: The Travelers Companies of Project Description: Complete a formal Needs Analysis to identify training Man requirements and core competencies required for the entire Managed Care age Employee Benefit Operations (MCEBO) area. Evaluate needs in relation to d training on Products, Financial Procedures, Sales, Customer Service, and Car Case Implementation, then complete a Cost/Benefit Analysis to cost-justify e the conversion of 130 hours of instructor-led training to 91 hours of “Gro Computer Based Training. up Sch ool” to CBT

Redesign of Client: AT&T Cust Project Description: Complete a comprehensive training Needs Analysis to ome identify critical competencies and essential training requirements for AT&T’s r Customer Service Rep initial training program, and generate a cost/benefit Serv analysis for development of CBT and other required training materials. ice Rep Trai ning

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 35 Development Client: The Travelers Companies of Project Description: Complete a comprehensive needs assessment to an identify critical competencies for the target audience, high-level curriculum EPS recommendations, and a cost/benefit analysis for development of an EPSS S solution for customer service representatives supporting Flexible Spending Solu Accounts. tion

Development Client: AT&T of Project Description: Complete a comprehensive needs assessment to Trai identify critical competencies for AT&T Customer Service Representatives ning transitioning to a new “intelligent workstation” environment. In addition, with develop high-level curriculum recommendations and complete a cost/benefit in analysis for the development of interactive training to be embedded within an the IWS EPSS environment. EPS S Envi ron men t

Continued on next page

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 36 Needs Assessment/Cost Benefit Analysis, Continued

Alternative Client: The Travelers Companies Deli Project Description: Complete a cost/benefit analysis of systems training to very determine the feasibility of using alternative delivery methods such as Met computer-based training and/or on-line referencing for the development of hod critical competencies. s for Syst em Trai ning

Strategic Client: American Express - Travel Related Services Nee Project Description: Complete a formal, strategic needs assessment to ds identify workforce performance and competency gaps for each line of Ass business, then present recommendations for improving the productivity and ess competencies of critical work groups in order to support the achievement of men strategic objectives. Focus recommendations on the implementation of EPSS t components, as well as optimum uses of alternative training delivery methods. Develop a formal business case with ROI and Payback projections.

Data Entry Client: The Travelers Companies Syst Project Description: Complete a formal needs analysis to identify the best em practices which would promote optimum use of a new data entry application “Bes and develop recommendations for an enhanced classroom training program. t Prac tice ” Rec om men - dati ons

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 37 Instructional Design Workshops

Design & Client: Sun Life Assurance of Canada Dev Project Description: Develop and deliver a customized workshop to teach elop the Information Systems Training group how to design and develop CBT, men using the Summit Authoring System, then provide consulting assistance to t of Sun Life staff members during completion of their first project. Com pute r Bas ed Trai ning

Design & Client: Sun Life Assurance of Canada Dev Project Description: Develop and deliver a customized workshop to teach elop home office training staff how to design and develop CBT using the men PHOENIX/Micro Authoring System. Also, develop standards for, and teach t of training staff how to design and implement, computer based Help and Com Referencing. Then provide consulting assistance to training staff during pute completion of a large-scale electronic performance support system. r Bas ed Trai ning

Design & Client: The Travelers Companies Dev Project Description: Develop and deliver a customized workshop for the data elop processing training staff on the design and development of computer based men testing. The workshop addressed how to create effective test items, then t of code them using the CMI component of the PHOENIX Mainframe Authoring Com System. pute r- bas ed Test ing

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 38 Instructional Client: Department of Defense Desi Project Description: Develop and deliver five-day workshops for instructional gn designers at the Department of Defense’s National Cryptologic School, on the of design and development of effective online learning. This workshop Onli presented MTA’s own structured methodology for CBT development which ne builds on the ISD model. The workshop incorporated hands-on exercises Lear using an actual authoring system. Successful completion of this workshop ning was required in order for DoD trainers to receive certification as a "Master Instructor."

Continued on next page

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 39 CBT/Multimedia Custom Workshops, Continued

Multimedia Client: Panama Canal Commission Desi Project Description: Develop and deliver a customized, five-day workshop on gn the design, development and implementation of effective CD-ROM Training. & The workshop addressed the “when, why and how” of each multimedia Dev element (text, graphics, animation, audio, and video) and taught how these elop elements are designed, developed and implemented to produce effective men instruction, following a structured ISD methodology. For each medium and t design principle, theory was put into practice through hands-on exercises using the IconAuthor authoring tool. The workshop culminated with an exercise requiring the independent design, development and implementation of a complete multimedia lesson.

Multimedia Client: Bell Atlantic Desi Project Description: Develop and deliver a customized, five-day workshop on gn the design, development and implementation of effective Multimedia & Training using the Toolbook authoring tool. Dev elop men t usin g Tool boo k

Multimedia Client: Department of Defense Desi Project Description: Develop and deliver customized, five-day workshops for gn instructional designers at the Department of Defense’s National Cryptologic & School, on the design and development of effective multimedia training using Dev the Authorware authoring tool. elop men t usin g Aut hor war e

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 40 Instructional Client: AT&T Desi Project Description: Develop and deliver seminars for AT&T Instructional gn Designers on the Instructional Design skills and concepts required for the of development of effective e-learning programs. Seminars included hands-on E- exercises on the following topics: task analysis, writing instructional lear objectives, selecting instructional media, writing assessment items and ning feedback, and storyboarding instruction.

Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 41 Point of Sale/Trade Show Demos

DunsPlus Client: Dun & Bradstreet Cust Project Description: Develop a customer demonstration diskette to introduce ome the basic features and benefits of the DunsPlus integrated r hardware/software system and its applications. This diskette was distributed De to customers as part of a direct mail campaign and was used to promote mo sales of DunsPlus hardware and software. Disk

LASER Client: ITT Hartford Specialty Risk Services Mar Project Description: Develop a highly graphic on-line marketing keti demonstration highlighting the benefits and capabilities of ITT SRS’ LASER ng (Loss Analysis System to Evaluate Risk). De mo

PC6300 Client: AT&T De Project Description: Develop a demonstration diskette presenting the mo features and benefits of AT&T’s PC 6300, for installation in kiosks located in Disk college and university bookstores nationwide.

STARLAN Client: AT&T Net Project Description: Develop a trade show and customer demonstration wor diskette to introduce the STARLAN Local Area Network at the COMDEX trade k show and to support AT&T’s Account Executives during customer calls. Trad e Sho w Disk

Webster’s Client: Simon & Schuster Wor Project Description: Develop an interactive point-of-sale demonstration d diskette on Webster’s word processing software. This diskette, which was Proc distributed to computer and software retailers nationwide, described and essi presented major features and advantages of the application, and let ng prospective buyers “test drive” the software in simulated mode. De mo Disk

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Micro Training Associates, Inc., 320 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. 06019 – Page 43

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