California State University, Bakersfield

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California State University, Bakersfield

CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, BAKERSFIELD Department of Nursing NURSING 410 Professional Nursing Concepts and Issues

Syllabus Summer 2009

FACULTY: Kathleen L. Gilchrist PhD, FNP-C, CCRN, PHN Science III, 129 [email protected] Office phone (661) 654-3229 Office fax (661) 654-6903 Virtual Office Hours: Tuesdays 10:30-16:00 CSUB Office Hours by Appointment

Web CT Tech Support: (661) 654-2307, 654-2315


CREDITS: 5 Quarter Units; 5 --50-minute class hrs./week

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides the students with opportunities to explore and critically analyze nursing theories and conceptual models. The relationship between nursing theories and nursing practice will be emphasized. Students will also examine the characteristics of nursing as a profession and the roles of the professional nurse. Current and evolving ethnical, legal, political and economic issues facing the profession of nursing will be discussed and analyzed.

PREREQUISITES: Admission to the RN-BSN Program. Senior standing or higher in nursing. Able to utilize computer skills.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of N410, the student will be able to:

1. Describe the characteristics of nursing as a profession. 2. Discuss the various roles of the professional nurse in the changing health care system and the issues concerning these roles. 3. Examine the trends and issues in nursing education for the baccalaureate and post- baccalaureate levels. 4. Discuss the role of the nurse and professional nursing organizations in influencing the political process related to health care. 5. Identify the common components of nursing theories. 2

6. Compare/contrast selected theories or conceptual models of nursing. 7. Relate nursing theories or conceptual models to nursing practice. 8. Identify common federal, state, and local political concerns related to health care and their impact on nursing. 9. Analyze economic influences in health care and their impact on nursing. 10. Analyze issues related to clients' legal rights and professional liability. 11. Identify basic ethical concepts and factors affecting ethical decision-making. 12. Analyze ethical issues as they apply to the practice of nursing (e.g., abortion, genetic engineering, euthanasia, organ transplants, death and dying and HIV infection).

IMPORTANT DATES: June 23 First day of classes June 23 First day of course June 30 Last day to Add classes July 3 Independence Day-Campus Closed July 14 Last day to withdraw from classes without a 'W' August 24 Last day of classes for summer quarter August 31 Grades Due


American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

CSUB Department of Nursing. (2006-2008). Undergraduate nursing student policy handbook. Bakersfield, CA: Author. Available at:

Blais, K., Erb, G., Hayes, J., & Kozier, B. (2006). Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives (5th ed). Upper Saddleback, NJ: Prenhall

Marriner-Tomey, A. M. & Alligood, M. R. (2005). Nursing theorists and their work (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.

Recommended Textbook:

Parker, M. E. (2005). Nursing theories & nursing practice (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company.

TEACHING METHODS: Lecture/discussion, audio-visual materials, assigned readings, online individual discussion, online group discussion, computer web searches and written assignments through on-line program.

STUDENT EVALUATION: 1. Grading Scale: 3

A = 100-93 C = 76-73 A- = 92-90 C- = 72-70 B+ = 89-87 D+ = 69-67 B = 86-83 D = 66-64 B- = 82-80 D- = 63-60 C+ = 79-77 F = 59 & below

2. Evaluation Methods/Assignments: 1. Nursing Theorist Assignment 30% 2. Ethics Paper Assignment 30% 3. Full Text Ethics Article Submitted to WebCT Discussion /comment 20% 4. Weekly Assignments 10% 5. On-line Class Participation, Begin Portfolio, WebCT Discussion 10% Total 100% Final grade consists of total points. Seventy-three (73%) is lowest passing score. There is no rounding up to 73%. Late assignments (including discussion questions) will have 5 points per day deducted from your score including weekends. Make sure your name is on your Weekly Assignments, Written Assignments, Discussion Questions, and attachments.

A) Discussion Questions will be posted each week on the Web CT Discussion Board. Students will be put into groups of ~9 students each. These groups will remain the same throughout the quarter. All students are expected to participate. The question will be posted on Tuesdays by 5pm. You are expected to respond to the question by Wed 5pm. You then must respond to two group members by Thurs. 5pm. * If you wait until the last minute it will be reflected in your grade. REMEMBER your group members depend on your posting for their postings. Make sure you provide references for your discussion (APA).

B) Written Assignments: See written grading criteria for each assignment on WebCT.

C) Weekly Assignments: Select three different questions to respond to each week. Make sure you title your discussion with the question you are answering; i.e. Question 1. Make sure you put your name on your assignments.

3. Participation & Attendance: Attendance in on-line course meetings and participation in online discussion is imperative. Assignments are posted and students will be asked to discuss main points and issues. Students must have access to the internet and a computer. Students will be expected to utilize WebCT, Turn It In, and CSUB e-mail runner accounts to be informed.


1. Services for Students with Disabilities:

To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) as soon as possible. Their office is located in SA 140, and they may be reached at 661-654-3360 (voice), or 661-654-6288 (TDD). If you have an accommodations letter from the SSD Office documenting that you have a disability, please present the letter to me during my office hours as soon as possible so we can discuss the specific accommodations that you might need in this class.

2. Academic Integrity: Cheating (actions intended to gain an unearned academic advantage by fraudulent/deceptive means) and plagiarism (misuse of published or unpublished works of another by representing as one's own work) students will receive an F in the course.

All students are expected to read and adhere to the Academic Integrity policy detailed in the CSUB Catalog and the Ethical Standards found in the Undergraduate Nursing Student Policy Handbook. All work must be original work written for this course by the individual submitting it. See definition of plagiarism according to University General Catalog and Department of Nursing Student Handbook. The penalty for plagiarism is outlined on p. 81-82 of the CSUB catalog 2007-2009. If you have any questions, ask your instructor. See Web site: p. 56-59.

3. If you have questions or problems you may contact the instructor by WebCT e-mail or the telephone number provided. Please notify the instructor immediately if you are having any difficulties with WebCT, Turn It In, or other components of the course. It is vital that we work together to facilitate your learning experience. Please do not wait until the last minute!

4. This syllabus is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances. Written substitution will be provided should this occur.

5. ALL papers are to be typed, double-spaced, and APA format (5th ed., no running head).

6. Progression Policy: According to CSUB Department of Nursing Policy, a grade of “C” is the minimal grade acceptable for progression into subsequent nursing courses. Students who fail to achieve at least a “C” in a nursing course may request reentry into the program (based on seat availability) to repeat the course one time. Students who have previously failed a nursing course will be ineligible to remain in the nursing program if any subsequent nursing course (repeat of same course OR different course) is failed.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Helpful Websites: APA format 5

Nursing & Professional Organizations

Revised BHF/CR: 6/05; KG: 05/06/07/08/09 6


**Readings are to be completed prior to class June 30 Orientation Unit I—Foundations of Professional Nursing Practice Blais et al Chapter 1 Beginning the Transition Blais et al Chapter 2 Socialization to Professional Nursing Roles Blais et al Chapter 3 Historical Foundations of Professional Nursing Blais et al Chapter 6 Theoretical Foundations of Professional Nursing Web CT-American Nurses Assoc, Nursing's Social Policy Statement (p. v-87) Begin N489 Portfolio Information posted on WebCT WebCT-Assigned Articles/Responses to Readings July 7 Nursing Theory and Practice Tomey Chapter 1 Introduction to Nursing Theory: Its History, Significance, and Analysis Tomey Chapter 3 Logical Reasoning Tomey Chapter 4 Theory Development Process Tomey Chapter 6 Florence Nightingale, Chapter 7 Jean Watson Tomey Chapter 14 Dorothea Orem, Chapter 17 Sister Callista Roy Tomey Chapter 20 Ida Jean Orlando, Chapter 22 Madeleine Leininger Tomey Chapter 29 Pamela G. Reed Blais et al Chapter 6 Theoretical foundations of Professional Nursing Blais et al Chapter 7 The Nurse as Health Promoter and Care Provider WebCT-Assigned Articles/Responses to Readings July 21 Nursing Theory and Practice Blais et al Chapter 21 Nursing in a Culturally Diverse World Blais et al Chapter 16 Technology and Informatics Blais et al Chapter 22 Nursing in a Spiritually Diverse World Blais et al Chapter 12 The Nurse as Research Consumer Blais et al p. 184, 185, 194 WebCT Complementary & Alternative (CAM) Therapies in Nursing Web CT-Assigned Articles/Responses to Readings + Evidence-Based Practice #2 August 4 Economic, Political, Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing Blais et al Chapter 15 Health Care Economics Blais et al Chapter 11 The Nurse as Political Advocate Blais et al Chapter 5 Legal Foundations of Professional Nursing Blais et al Chapter 4 Ethical Foundation of Professional Nursing Web CT-American Nurses Assoc, ANA Code of Ethics WebCT-Assigned Articles/Responses to Reading

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