Bibliography Botswana

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Bibliography Botswana


Aguda, A "Discriminatory statutory provisions and the fundamental rights provision of the constitutions of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland" 89 South African Law Journal (1972) 299 Amnesty International Countries - Botswana Coldham S “Human rights in Botswana: Unity Dow v Attorney-General (Botswana) [1992] 36 Journal of African Law 91. Datta, K Democracy and elections in Botswana with some reference to general literature on democracy and elections Bordeaux, Centre d'Etude d'Afrique Noire 1991 Fombad CM “The enhancement of good governance in Botswana: a critical assessment of the Ombudsman Act 1995” (2001) 27 Journal of Southern Africa Studies 57. Good, K "Authoritarian liberalism: A defining characteristic of Botswana" 14(1) Journal of Contemporary African Studies (1996) 29 Good, K Realizing democracy in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa Pretoria, Africa Institute 1997 Human Rights Watch Botswana, second class citizens: Discrimination against women under Botswana's Citizenship Act New York 1994 6(7) 1-20 Lebotse KK “Bail and punishment in rape cases: The situation in Botswana” (2000) 6 East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights 115. Lindholt, L Questioning the universality of human rights: The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights in Botswana, Malawi and Mozambique Aldershot, Ashgate 1997 Maripe B “Locus standi and access to judicial review: Statutory interpretation and judicial practice in Botswana (1999) 3 Journal of Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law 390. Maripe B “The recognition and enforcement of children’s rights in domestic law: an assessment of the child protection laws in Botswana in light of prevailing international trends” (2001) 9 International Journal of Children’s Rights 339. Mazonde, IN (ed.) Minorities in the millennium - perspectives from Botswana, Lightbooks, Gaborone, Botswana, 2002, [email protected] Mbao, MLM "Constitutional government and human rights in Botswana" 6(1) Lesotho Law Journal (1990) 179-206 Nengwekhulu, RH "Human rights, development and the rule of the law in post-colonial Botswana" in Edge, WA & Lekorwe, MH (eds) Botswana: Politics and Society Pretoria, JL van Schaik 1998 351-362 Ng’ong’ola C “Land rights for marginal ethnic groups in Botswana with special reference to the Basarwa” [1997] 41 Journal of African Law 1 Nsereko, DD “The right to legal representation in Botswana” [1988] Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 211. Nsereko, DD "Religious liberty and the law in Botswana" 34 Journal of Church and State (1992) 843 Nsereko DDN “Extenuating circumstances in capital offences in Botswana” (1991) 2 Criminal Law Forum 235. Nsereko DDN “Compensating the victims of crime in Botswana” (1989) 33 Journal of African Law 157. Quansah, EK "Unity Dow v Attorney-General of Botswana - One more relic of a woman's servitude removed?" 4 African Journal of International and Comparative Law/RADIC (1992) 195, also 5 African Journal of International and Comparative Law/RADIC (1993) 169 Quansah, EK "Is the right to get pregnant a fundamental human right in Botswana?" 39 (1) Journal of African Law (1995) 97 Quansah, EK "The Ombudsman arrives in Botswana: A note on the Ombudsman Act 1995" 39 (2) Journal of African Law (1995) 220 Rembe, NS "'Emang basadi': Women, sex discrimination and the Constitution of Botswana" 6(2) Lesotho Law Journal (1990) 155-165 Rubadiri, D (ed) Human rights and you Gaborone, MacMillan 1989 Smith, AG Economic/social human rights and third world poverty: Realistic theory, practical monitoring and development aid, with application to the cases of Tanzania and Botswana Bergen, CMI 1989 Steen, AB Strengthening civil society: Human rights initatives in Zimbabwe and Botswana Copenhagen, Danish Centre for Human Rigths 1994 Tshosa, OB "Freedom of political activity: Law and practice in Botswana" 27(3) International Law Journal of Southern Africa (1994) 371-383 Tshosa O “The application of non-discrimination in Botswana in light of Attorney-General of Botswana v Unity Dow: Judicial approach and practice” (2001) 5 International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 189. Tshosa OB “Freedom of political activity: law and Practice in Botswana” (1994) XXVII Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa 371. Tshosa OB “Giving effect to treatise in Botswana municipal law: modern judicial practice” (1997) 10 Lesotho Law Journal 205. Tshosa OB “The application of non-discrimination in Botswana in light of Attorney-General of Botswana v. Unity Dow: Judicial approach and practice” (2001)5 International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 187. Tshosa OB National Law and International Human Rights law: Cases of Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe Ashgate Publishing Co. UK (2001) Zetterqvist, J Refugees in Botswana in the light of international law Upsalla, Scandinavian Institute of African Studies 1990

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