Started with Introductions of All People at the Meeting
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January 28, 2008 HUT Minutes
· Started with introductions of all people at the meeting. · Drawing for $5 Mud House gift card went to Keith ______· Alison reviewed the HUT mission from the HUT constitution · Discussed that to be official members of HUT the dues are $5 · Ordering T-shirts again this semester with same design as Fall 07—can order long or short sleeve shirts in charcoal gray—a sign up sheet was sent around to see club interest for the Spring 08 shirt · Jeanette talked about the study groups she has formed for those taking the NCE or Comps this spring or even next fall o Wants to meet once or twice a week for an hour and a half o Seems that Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday are good days for those who have expressed interest in being in the group o Jeanette has suggested to meet with the group on the Monday nights that HUT is not meeting (the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month) and then one weekend day a week o As of now, the meeting days are not set yet o Jeanette has flash cards and other materials to help the study process o Jeanette hopes that the first meeting will occur the first week of February or before—official dates to come · Historian nominations—only nominee was Kati Green · Our new Historian is Kati Green · Suggestions from the group for potential activities for HUT o Courtney Costello—collect items for children at Lakeland; perhaps a party hosted by HUT for those kids o Kati Green—volunteer at Maggie’s to sort and hang clothes o Jeanette—May Day o Jeanette—Relay for Life—setting up a booth to promote what we are about o Kati Green—Burrell volunteering discussion; get free training, experience diagnosing, etc. o Jeanette—get her supervisor to come in to talk about her internship with Employee Assistance o Joel—Southwest Center of Dependant Living o Other suggestions: Sex therapist, Pet therapy, Sand Tray (Anderson?), Foot therapy (Vega?) · HUT Social at Hickock’s on February 8th at 5:30 · Meetings will be held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month
February 25, 2008 HUT Minutes
· Kati Green presented KLASS- Kids Learning About Social Skills o Excellent volunteer experience o Help kids improve skills for home, school and community o Get access to case notes for children at Burrell o Work with children with mental disorders o Build confidence for future jobs o If you are interested in volunteering here you need…to call 417-269-0214, get a background check, attend an employee orientation… it is competitive so if you are interested contact Burrell ASAP · HUT social in West Plains on a Friday, to be determined · Distribution of SOFAC funds—create an application · Drive for Lakeland—socks, underwear, hygiene products; ages 4-17; male and female o Bea Keller heading the email campaign for this drive o Collecting items in the counseling department office March 5- March 19 · Ronald McDonald House—Sunday May 4; Taco/Potato Bar · Book Club—April 4th—Book for this month is Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini · Relay for Life—April 18-19 from 7PM-7AM o Last year HUT placed 3rd out of all MSU organizations in fundraising o March 30-April 2 –chili cook-off in Siceluff hallway at 7PM; determining which nights in that time period would be best; perhaps Monday and Wednesday but we did not set official nights as of yet o Bea Keller has been selling a cook book for $10 per book for Relay for Life; book sales are going very well o Bea Keller will be team captain and Kati Green is looking at her schedule to see if she could be a possible co-captain
March 10, 2008 HUT Minutes
In attendance: Joel Stewart, Ashley Parsons, Sarah Wright, Andrew Cash, Kati Green, Alison Hembree, Michelle Jolly, Carissa Peterson, Lauren Stewart, Lacey York, Keith Smith, Mike Wills, Jamie Kimrey, Dr. Anderson
· Dr. Anderson demonstrated sandtray therapy o Expressive arts is non-mediated expression so you must be careful. Before using sandtray therapy techniques be sure you are ready and you have had proper supervision. o Do not interpret the client’s sandtray, client may have revealed something that they did not intend. Let the client talk about and discover the meaning behind his or her figurines and placement in the sand. · $5 dues to be considered for an officer position for next semester as well as the ability to vote in those elections · Fundraising for Relay for Life o Relay for Life is April 18th; to join the Relay team for HUT go to this website- o o Click on “join this team” and fill out the form online. It is $10 per person but that gets you a shirt, too. o HUT’s goal is $1000! · Relay for Life team meeting Monday March 17 at 8:30PM to talk about more fundraising options · Lakeland toiletry drive going on now through March 19th; bring items to the counseling department office · Save the date, May 9th at 6:30PM we will be serving dinner at the Ronald McDonald House. We will have food sign up lists in upcoming meetings. · HUT shirts are in. If you ordered one, short sleeve are $15 and long sleeve are $18. Contact Jamie Kimrey to get your shirt. · Teen Mom Mentoring presentation by Kati Green o Through the Missouri Mentoring Partnership on Missouri State campus o One year commitment o Requirements: 21 years of age, female, have a willingness to develop a relationship with the selected youth, willing to spend a minimum of one hour per week o Phone number: 417-829-5088 o [email protected] · NEXT MEETING MARCH 31 ST !!! Have a great SPRING BREAK!!
April 14, 2008 HUT Minutes
In attendance: Alison Kirchhoff , Joel Stewart, Sarah Wright, Keith Smith, Jamie Kimrey
· Relay for Life is this weekend o Our team will walk from 7pm-12am this Friday the 18th o Anyone can walk with our team but there is a small fee at the gate $5 o Bea will contact the team members to determine a meeting point to hand out the Relay for Life T shirts o Currently $700 has been turned in and 7 shirts were given to the team o It is anticipated that the team will have enough for the 8th shirt by Friday o The team will not be selling additional items at the event · Ronald McDonald House May 9th o Wings? Taco bar? Potato bar? o We will finalize the menu at the April 28th meeting o Alison is emailing the Ronald McDonald House to see if they have a grill so we could maybe do a BBQ · Officer nominations o There were some nominations given at the meeting. o You can email nominations to Alison Kirchhoff at [email protected] by next Monday April 21st o Alison will email all of the nominees to see if they accept the nominations o Alison will then send out a mass email notifying all HUT members of the nominees o Elections will be held at the meeting on April 28th and you must be present to vote! o Election results will be revealed at the HUT Social on May 9th held at Springfield Brew Co. (after serving dinner at the Ronald McDonald House) · SOFAC Application o The current officers have drafted an application to help allocate SOFAC funding to our members. o The application was shown to membership present for review. o The officers intend on having the application ready for use for next semester.
· NEXT MEETING April 28th!!! Guest Speaker: Dr. Perryman and elections!!! See you then!
April 28, 2008 HUT Minutes
In attendance: Alison Kirchhoff , Joel Stewart, Sarah Wright, Keith Smith, Jamie Kimrey, Kati Green, Andrew Cash, Michelle Jolly, Dr. Perryman
· Creative Arts/Expressive Arts presentation by Dr. Perryman o First of all, a big thank you to Dr. Perryman for coming in to talk with our group! o Her interest in expressive arts therapy started with working with flowers and then she did her doctoral dissertation on “floratherapy” o This is a projective technique—brings affect and emotion out quicker than typical talking therapy o This technique is different from “art therapy” because in art therapy the therapist interprets the art work of the client—in expressive arts the therapist only helps the client process and the client interprets their own work—make sure to set aside enough time for processing o It is very important to not display or hang client artwork—would be like hanging typed notes from typical talking sessions · Relay For Life recap o Way to go Relay for Life team!!! o Reached fundraising goal of $1000 · May Day at the Student Union o The officers found out that HUT must participate in the May Day festivities to be eligible for SOFAC funding next year. So, we have had to change our plans and we are now participating in the May Day activities at the Union on April 30th o We already have our volunteers—a big thank you to all of you o From 8-10 Michelle Jolly and Keith Smith will help set up o From 4-5 Kati Green will help break down o Crisis averted! · Ronald McDonald House Menu o We have decided to do a barbecue style dinner this time o Hamburgers—Sarah Wright (those participating please bring a couple of dollars to help the cost of the meat) o Baked Beans—Andrew Cash o Relish Tray—Joel Stewart o Chips—Keith Smith o Cookies/Dessert—Michelle Jolly o These are only items that meeting attendees volunteered for—we could still use help with other items if you would like to participate in serving dinner on May 9th. o Dinner will be served at 6:30PM on May 9 th which is dead day. o We also will have our HUT Social immediately after serving dinner on May 9 th at Springfield Brewing Company downtown. Come meet your officers for next year!!!