Glen Haven Elementary School

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Glen Haven Elementary School

Glen Haven Elementary School Math Acceleration Plan Year 1 (05-06) Year 2 (06-07) Year 3 (07-08)

% of Gr. 1 - 38% (27 of 71) Gr. 1 – 48% Gr. 1 – 60% Students in Gr. 2 - 42% (28 of 67) Gr. 2 – 52% Gr. 2 – 62% Gr. 3 - 53% (45 of 85) Gr. 3 – 68% Gr. 3 – 80% Accelerated Gr. 4 - 33% (27 of 83) Gr. 4 – 49% Gr. 4 – 65% Math Gr. 5 - 35% (27 of 78) Gr. 5 – 48% Gr. 5 – 60% Classes Specific  Math Unit assessment  GT data, Math Pre-  GT data, Math Pre- Data Used to data; Assessments, and Assessments, and Identify  Kindergarten KPA previous year’s data. previous year’s data. assessment score data;  Assess new students  Assess new students Students for teacher  Modify acceleration  Modify acceleration Acceleration observations/recomme selection selection ndations;  Math Unit assessment  Math Unit assessment  Student grade level data; data; performance;  Kindergarten KPA  Kindergarten KPA  MSA Scores, CTBS assessment score data; assessment score data; Scores, assessment teacher teacher scores, and teachers’ observations/recomme observations/recomme recommendations ndations; ndations;  Student grade level  Student grade level performance; performance;  MSA Scores, CTBS  MSA Scores, CTBS Scores, assessment Scores, assessment scores, and teachers’ scores, and teachers’ recommendations recommendations Intervention  Two accelerated math  Review/revise  Review/revise & Support classes in grades one, intervention and intervention and two and three. There support plan, 2005 – support plan, 2006 – is one accelerated 2006 2007 math class in grades  Research available  Research available four & five (Math A). grants to support grants to support  Specialists and mathematics mathematics paraeducators  Two accelerated math  Two accelerated math assigned to each grade classes in grades one, classes in grades one, level to focus on math two and three. There two and three. There instructional support. is one accelerated is one accelerated  math websites used math class in grades math class in grades during students’ four & five (Math A). four & five (Math A). technology time,  Specialists and  Specialists and focusing on reteaching paraeducators paraeducators and enrichment; assigned to each grade assigned to each grade  Math problem solving level to focus on math level to focus on math strategies are taught to instructional support. instructional support. all students.  math websites used  math websites used  Parent workshops during students’ during students’ (training-math technology time, technology time, strategies). focusing on reteaching focusing on reteaching  Family Math Night and enrichment; and enrichment;  Parent Resource  Math problem solving  Math problem solving Room strategies are taught to strategies are taught to

- 1 -  Parent Outreach all students. all students. Specialist and Parent  Parent workshops  Parent workshops Community (training-math (training-math Coordinators to strategies). strategies). increase parental  Family Math Night  Family Math Night involvement  Parent Resource  Parent Resource  Mandatory Room Room Homework Club for  Parent Outreach  Parent Outreach specific students Specialist and Parent Specialist and Parent Community Community Coordinators to Coordinators to increase parental increase parental involvement involvement Use of Math  Analyze data during  Review/revise use of  Review/revise use of Unit team, vertical and math unit assessments math unit assessments Assessments articulation mtgs.  Analyze data during  Analyze data during  Data used to form team, vertical and team, vertical and reteaching & articulation mtgs. articulation mtgs. acceleration small  Data used to form  Data used to form group instruction; reteaching & reteaching &  End of year math unit acceleration small acceleration small assessment data group instruction; group instruction; reports are utilized as  End of year math unit  End of year math unit data reference for assessment data assessment data forming reteaching & reports are utilized as reports are utilized as acceleration small data reference for data reference for group instruction; forming reteaching & forming reteaching &  Data analyzed by acceleration small acceleration small MCC for trends group instruction; group instruction; across the grade level  Data analyzed by  Data analyzed by & individual MCC for trends MCC for trends performance; across the grade level across the grade level  Results are shared & individual & individual during curriculum performance; performance; team mtgs.  Results are shared  Results are shared  IDA & MCC monitor during curriculum during curriculum assessment window team mtgs. team mtgs. dates & due dates for  IDA & MCC monitor  IDA & MCC monitor assessments; assessment window assessment window  Unit B version is used dates & due dates for dates & due dates for for retesting. Results assessments; assessments; from assessment used  Unit B version is used  Unit B version is used to measure for retesting. Results for retesting. Results effectiveness of the from assessment used from assessment used interventions; to measure to measure  MCC analyzes the effectiveness of the effectiveness of the scores of all students interventions; interventions; to help choose  MCC analyzes the  MCC analyzes the students for scores of all students scores of all students accelerated math to help choose to help choose classes. students for students for accelerated math accelerated math classes. classes.

- 2 - Use of  MCC & SDT conduct  MCC & SDT conduct  MCC & SDT conduct Monitoring peer observations & peer observations & peer observations & Tools provide teacher provide teacher provide teacher feedback; feedback; feedback;  MCC & SDT meet to  MCC & SDT meet to  MCC & SDT meet to discuss areas of discuss areas of discuss areas of strength & weakness, strength & weakness, strength & weakness, then create a PLC for then create a PLC for then create a PLC for support; support; support;  MCC & Dr. Smith  MCC & Dr. Smith  MCC & Dr. Smith review trends & data; review trends & data; review trends & data;  Student data  Student data  Student data notebooks contain notebooks contain notebooks contain student performance student performance student performance records; records; records;  Students write  Students write  Students write personal goals & track personal goals & track personal goals & track their progress; their progress; their progress;  MCC monitors  MCC monitors  MCC monitors MATH FACT MATH FACT MATH FACT EXACT progress; EXACT progress; EXACT progress;  Teachers use IMS for  Teachers use IMS for  Teachers use IMS for data analysis. data analysis. data analysis. Examination  Scores were used to  Teachers will analyze  Teachers will analyze of MSA develop accelerated unit assessments, unit assessments, proficient & classes; standardized data, standardized data,  SDT will analyze KPA, MSA, CTBS KPA, MSA, CTBS advanced scaled scores who scores, GT data, and scores, GT data, and scale scores were close to cut off teachers’ teachers’ for Advanced & show recommendations recommendations potential for future  Scores were used to  Scores were used to inclusion in develop accelerated develop accelerated accelerated math classes; classes; class.  SDT will analyze  SDT will analyze scaled scores who scaled scores who were close to cut off were close to cut off for Advanced & show for Advanced & show potential for future potential for future inclusion in inclusion in accelerated math accelerated math class. class. Professional  Staff development  Staff development  Staff development Development needs survey used to needs survey used to needs survey used to provide individualized provide individualized provide individualized staff development to staff development to staff development to teachers; teachers; teachers;  MCC has conducted  MCC has conducted  MCC has conducted staff training session staff training session staff training session on differentiated math on differentiated math on differentiated math lessons; lessons; lessons;  Throughout the  Throughout the  Throughout the school year, MCC will school year, MCC will school year, MCC will provide trainings & provide trainings & provide trainings & math curriculum math curriculum math curriculum updates from monthly updates from monthly updates from monthly

- 3 - MCC mtgs; MCC mtgs; MCC mtgs;  Teachers with Math  Teachers with Math  Teachers with Math expertise will share expertise will share expertise will share strategies; strategies; strategies;  MCC & selected staff  MCC & selected staff  MCC & selected staff will visit Math Lab will visit Math Lab will visit Math Lab Classrooms to observe Classrooms to observe Classrooms to observe math differentiation. math differentiation. math differentiation.

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