Washington State Scottish Terrier Club

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Washington State Scottish Terrier Club

WASHINGTON STATE SCOTTISH TERRIER CLUB” “for the love of the Scottish Terrier”

Rescue/Placement Service

Dear Prospective Scottish Terrier Owner,

Thank you for your interest in adopting a Scotty through the Washington State Scottish Terrier Rescue Service. We request a donation of up to $150.00 depending on the age and condition of the dog. At all times, additional donations to our program are gratefully and gladly accepted.

The Scottish Terriers that become available for adoption are Scotties that are referred to the Club if, for any reason they are homeless. Usually they range from two to 10 years of age. These Scotties come from a variety of circumstances, including animal shelters.

When a Scotty is released to the Club, it is taken to a veterinarian for a medical check and necessary vaccinations. The Scotty temperament is evaluated and we attempt to locate any past history of the Scotty. These Scotties are neutered or spayed before release to their new home.

Many time Scotties are just not readily available for adoption. This is good news for us because it means that this wonderful breed is being well-cared for. The bad new is your wait may be longer than you had hoped. Please be patient with our Rescue program.

We are looking for permanent, loving homes where the Scotty will receive top quality care. These Scotties need a special place where they will be appreciated as a companion dog and part of the family, but a Scotty is not the breed for everyone.

Before you decide to acquire a Scotty we recommend that you acquaint your family with this breed. The following books are available. They can be found either in libraries or bookstores, and they will provide good information on history and care. They are: The New Complete Scottish Terrier, Cindy Cooke, Howell Book House, 1996. The Official Book of the Scottish Terrier, Muriel Lee, TFH Publications, 1994. This Is The Scottish Terrier, T. Allen Kirk M.D., TFH Publications 1978 (out of print). The New Complete Scottish Terrier, John T. Marvin, Howell Book House, 1982 (out of print).

In order to be considered as an adoptive home, you must complete the enclosed Application For Scottish Terrier Adoption form and Information sheet and return it to:

Susan Morris P. O. Box 427 Onalaska, WA 98570-0427 360-262-3097 [email protected]

To find out more about Scotties or availability, please visit our website at: www.geocities.com/wsstc1. Feel free to call me if you have any questions.

We encourage anyone who would like to acquire a Scottish Terrier through our adoption program to come to one of our meetings located in the Washington/Oregon area. If you cannot come to a meeting we also offer many educational programs throughout the year including our Specialty in June, a grooming seminar in March, participation in the Highland Games in July and a picnic in September. Our meeting times and dates are located on the WSSTC web site above.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Susan Morris Washington State Scottish Terrier Rescue Page 1 of 6 Application for Scottish Terrier Adoption Please read and fill out carefully this application for adoption. This form was prepared for you, the prospective owner. Please be as thorough and accurate as possible. All forms will be kept on file for one year, after that any applicants still looking to adopt must re-apply with current information. Thank you for your cooperation. Part I - Personal Information Name:______Address:______City:______State: ______Zip:______Telephone (day)______(evening)______Email Address:______Number of adults in household ______Men ______Women ______Children ______Boys (ages ) ______Girls (ages )______What type of Dwelling: (Circle Appropriate) Apartment/Apartment-Style Condominium Townhouse Duplex/Triplex House-Trailer Home Farm Other(if other, please elaborate) ______Do you own or rent?______If you rent, do you have the landlord’s permission to keep a dog?______::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Part II - Environmental Information How large is your yard?______Is it securely fenced? (if “yes” what kind and how tall?)______What type of gates?______Can children open the gates?______If the yard is not securely fenced, what type of improvements need to be made so that it is secure?______Page 2 of 6 Are you willing to make such improvements?______If you have a pool, is it securely fenced? ______If you have a dog run is it secure? ______Are you aware of any dangers that could harm you dog inside the yard? ______If your yard is not fenced, how do you plan to insure that the dog receives safe and adequate exercise? ______Can strangers gain access to your yard from the street? ______Where will the dog sleep? ______Do you plan to keep the dog primarily indoors or out? Elaborate. ______Do you plan to use a Crate? Why or why not? ______:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Part III - Pet History Have you ever owned a Scottie before? ______How long? What happened to Him/her? ______Where did you get the dog? ______Who is this Scottie for, self? For whom? ______Is anyone in your household allergic to pets? ______Do you have other pets at this time? What kind and sex? ______Where did you get your pets? ______How long have you had him/her? ______If you don’t have a pet now, have you owned one before? ______What kind and sex? ______How long did you have him/her? ______What happened to him/her? ______Page 3 of 6 If you have other animals what has been your main problem(s) with them? ______Why do you want a Scottie, as opposed to another pet? ______If you have other dogs, would you consider them aggressive or submissive to other people? ______Other animals?______If you have birds, rabbits, cats, rodents etc., are you prepared to spend the necessary time to accustom them and the dog to each other? ______Can you isolate the dog from the other animals if they cannot get along? ______Are you willing to take time with the acquisition of a Scottie, to read and learn all the facts of temperament, socialization, grooming and proper handling and understand the time required of the breed? ______:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Part IV - Behavior What type of behaviors do you expect of this dog? ______Name the most recent dog-training books you have read: ______What amount of time and effort do you want to devote to training your Scottie?______Are you likely to enroll you dog in obedience class? ______Which family members would be expected to assist in home training? ______What is your definition of disciplining a dog? ______Page 4 of 6 What is your initial reactions to the idea of disciplining your dog?______What are your training objectives? ______What makes you a good pet owner? ______:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Part V - What Type of Rescue Color Sex and age preference: ______Would you consider the opposite sex? ______Would you be interested in an older dog? ______Would you be interested in a young adult/puppy? ______Are you agreeable to returning the dog, should unforeseen circumstance arise where in you would no longer be able to keep the dog? ______Would you be willing to allow us to visit your home?______:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Part VI - Family information Have you discussed with your family the pro’s and con’s of owning a Scottie?______Have you asked yourself weather your lifestyle is so busy that you might not have the time or energy to properly care for a dog? ______Is your lifestyle such that friends, relatives and children gain admittance to your home, property, and car without your supervision? ______If you have children, are you willing to accept the additional responsibility of a Scottie? ______Have you taught your children the proper way to treat a living animal? ______Does everyone in your family want a dog? ______What other breeds have you been contemplating? ______What is your family’s overall reaction to owning a dog?______Which members are enthusiastic? Unenthusiastic? ______What concerns have been voiced by other family members? ______Page 5 of 6 Do you realize that Scotties can live upwards of 15 years, and are you committed to care for it that long? ______Is there anything else that you want to tell us about your family and its suitability to adopt a rescue Scottie? ______How did you find out about us? ______Your comments or suggestions: ______:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Part VII - References Please list three references that can attest to your suitability as a pet owner, and more specifically, the owner of a Rescued Scottie. If you own any pets now, you may include your Veterinarian as a reference. Reference #1 Address: City, State, Zip Phone: (day and evening) Page 6 of 6 Reference #2 Address: City, State, Zip Phone: (day and evening)

Reference #3 Address: City, State, Zip Phone: (day and evening) I, the undersigned, attest that, to the best of my knowledge the above information is accurate and complete at the time of signing, and I understand that falsely provided information can mean that my application will be terminated.

______Signature Date

Thank you for your cooperation, this comprehensive questionnaire helps us in placing the right dog with the right family. An improper placement or one in which all the details aren’t known, can end tragically, usually for the dog. Thank you again!

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