HSP3M Exam Review January 2010

Exam Format

Part A – Multiple Choice (40) Part B – Matching (30) Part C – Written Response (30)

Unit 1 – Introduction to the Social Sciences – Chapters 1, 2, 3

1) What are Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology? Define and give examples of questions asked by each social science discipline 2) What was the analysis of each social science in the OC Transpo shooting case? 3) Who are some (5-6) of the key founders of each social science? What are some of their key discoveries? 4) What are the fields of study in Sociology? 5) What are the fields of study in Anthropology? 6) What are the fields of study in Psychology? 7) What is the main method of cultural Anthropology? a) What are some examples of studies, key terms, advantages/ disadvantages and ethical issues associated with this method? 8) What are 3 methods of investigation in Psychology? a) What are some examples of studies, key terms, advantages/ disadvantages and ethical issues associated with these methods? 9) What are 3 methods of investigation in Sociology? a) What are some examples of studies, key terms, advantages/ disadvantages and ethical issues associated with these methods? 10) What are 5 good rules for reliable research? Why are they important? 11) What problems did you encounter in completing your primary research project? How would you design a study to avoid those issues? 12) Design a study to address a social problem at Glebe. How will you ensure you’re your research is reliable and ethical? 13) How have human beings evolved? Review your notes from the film “Mysteries of Mankind” and the lecture notes on evolution and bipedalism. 14) Use your Unit 1 test to help you study for the exam

Unit 2 Self and Others – Chapters 4 and 5

4.1 – Our Sense of Self 1) How is our sense of self culturally constructed? Give examples from our own and 2 other cultures (Mixtec, cultural norms etc..) 2) What is the “Looking Glass Self”? 3) What are defense mechanisms? a) Name 4 defense mechanisms and give an example of each one. 4) What are self-enhancers? Are they healthy? Under what circumstances? 4.2 - Nature/Nurture

1) Explain the essential difference between nature and nurture’s influence on human behaviour. 2) Neither nature nor nurture are complete ways of understanding ourselves. What are some problems with using only one to examine behaviour? 3) Explain the following case studies and state whether each supports nature or nurture and why: a) David Reimer b) Harlow Experiments c) Checkered cliff d) Orphanage mysteries e) Edith Project f) Genes and popularity study g) Genes and behaviour h) Genie and Victor “Wild Child” film i) Twin Studies

4.3 – Mental Illness

1) What is stigma? Why is it important? 2) What is the definition of mental illness? 3) What are some types and examples of mental illnesses? What are the symptoms? 4) Are most mental illnesses caused by nature or nurture? Explain giving 3 examples. 5) When do many mental illnesses first appear? Give 3 examples 6) What should you do if you think you or a loved one has a mental illness?

4.4 – Gender

1) Explain the experiment which demonstrates how babies are socialized according to gender from birth. 2) What are Fleising and Pavelka’s explanations for why men whistle at women? 3) How do male and female brains work differently? Explain 3 differences – make sure to explain BOTH sides of the difference. 4) What are the differences in how men and women communicate? Give 3 differences. How do these differences contribute to the glass ceiling? 5) What are the gender differences in humour? Do you think this study is valid? Explain. 6) What were the major findings from the film “Tough Guise”? Look for major statistics and important evidence about violence, imagery, minorities, school shootings, sexualized violence, and better men. 7) Explain 2 unique features of socialization for women in each of the following cultures: a) Canadian Sikh b) Nuer Pastoralist c) Afghanistan under the Taliban rule

4.5 – Race and Ethnicity 1) What is the difference between race and ethnicity? 2) What is the stage model theory (5 stages)? 3) What is the acculturation theory? (3 types) 4) How can race and/or ethnicity affect an individual’s sense of self? Discuss using specific examples from the films shown in class: A Girl Like Me, Yellow Fever, By Any Means Necessary

5 – Socialization 1) Define the following terms:

Primary Socialization Socialization Manifest function Secondary Socialization Latent function

2) List 6 agents of socialization and explain their roles. Which ones are important in childhood? In adolescence? 3) Be able to identify and explain each of the following socialization theories: a) Freud’s Psychosexual theory b) Piaget’s Cognitive Development theory c) Cooley and Mead’s Social Experience theory (Looking Glass) d) Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Theory e) Kohlberg’s Moral Development Theory f) Gilligan’s gender based theory

*Use your Unit 2 test to help you study for the exam

Unit 3 – Social Institutions

1) Explain the debate around spanking and section 43. How does Canada compare to Sweden? 2) Explain the Jeffrey Baldwin case – what social institutions were involved and how? 3) What are the characteristics of a social institution? 4) What are the purposes of social institutions? 5) What are the criteria for measuring the success of a social institution? 6) What are some of the problems, benefits, and issues of (refer to your notes and classroom presentations) a) the Criminal Justice System? b) the family and marriage in Canada? c) education in Canada? d) work in Canada? 7) Do you think Canada’s social institutions are successful? Explain why or why not. Refer to SPECIFIC research to support your answer Unit 4 – Groups and Organizations

1) Why do people join groups? 2) Why did Elaine join the soccer team? Give an explanation from the point of view of each of the three social sciences. Use specific terms. 3) What are the differences between bureaucratic and non-bureaucratic organizations? 4) What is the point of view of Anthropologists, Psychologists, and Sociologists on bureaucracies? 5) What are some advantages and disadvantages of bureaucracies? 6) What is the collectivist outlook? 7) What is conformity? 8) What was the Milgram experiment? What were its conclusions? 9) How likely are people to conform to roles and authority? Refer to examples from the Human Zoo video 10) What is the Stockholm Syndrome? 11) What was Zimbardo’s prison experiment? What were the results? Was it ethical? 12) Name 3 “killer cults” a) How do cults recruit members? b) Who is vulnerable? c) How do cults destroy individuality? To what purpose?

Unit 5 – Conflict and Cohesion 1) From the video “Origins of Human Aggression” – what happens when we isolate violent individuals? How early does violence start? What factors cause individuals to be violent? 2) How is our society violent? What are the costs of violence? Can a society be non- violent? 3) What is dehumanization and the diffusion of responsibility? Relate to the Kitty Genovese murder and related experiments. 4) What is the authoritarian personality? How does it develop? 5) What is the frustration-aggression theory? 6) What issues do women face in other countries? What social structures are contributing to inequality? 7) Explain how violence may be different in the U.S. and Canada 8) Do violent children feel superior or inferior? What is the evidence? What is the Bobo doll experiment? Is it supported by other evidence? 9) Define altruism and heroism. 10) What qualities do holocaust rescuers have in common? 11) What other factors affect altruism? (race, witnesses, feelings…) 12) What are 2 ways that we can and are improving cohesion in Canada?

Parenting Advice

1) What advice would you give to a new parent? Your advice should come from material covered throughout the course and your advice should be supported with findings/studies/theories/experiments examined from throughout the course.