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Dr.Y.S.R. HORTICULTURAL UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE, P.O.BOX.NO.7, VENKATARAMANNAGUDEM – 534 101 W.G.Dt. A.P. Ph.No.08818-284311 Website: www.drysrhu.edu.in --- Advt.No.1/RC/Ser(T)/2017, Dated. 05.05.2017.
Application in the prescribed form together with Registration Fee of Rs.1250/- (Rs.750/- for SC/ST) are invited for the under mentioned posts. Candidates should possess the prescribed qualifications as on the date of this notification and should have also qualified (himself/herself) in the National Eligibility Test in the subject concerned for Assistant Professor Posts. 5% relaxation of marks at the master’s level for the Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe / Differently-abled (Physically and visually differently- abled) categories for the post of Assistant Professor is allowed. The registration fee amount should be sent through a crossed Demand Draft along with filled in application form in favour of THE COMPTROLLER, Dr.YSR HORTICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, VENKATARAMANNAGUDEM payble at TADEPALLIGUDEM, WEST GODAVARI DISTRICT, ANDHRA PRADESH on any nationalized bank.
Pay Band: Rs.15600-39100 with 6,000 AGP ( UGC Scales of 2006) Sl.No. Name of the discipline No.of Roster point posts 01 Agricultural Economics 1. OC-1 2. OC-Ex-Ser-1 3 (Three) 3. OC-(W)-1 02 Agricultural Engineering 1. BC-D-2 2. OC-2 5 (Five) 3. SC-1 03 Agricultural Extension 1. B.C-E(W)-1 2. B.C-A(W)-1 5 (Five) 3. OC-2 4. SC (W)-1 04 Agronomy 2 (Two) 1. B.C-B(W)-1 2. OC-W-1 05 Bio Chemistry 3 (Three) 1. OC-2 2. SC-1 06 Bio Technology 1. B.C-A-1 2. OC(W)-1 3 (Three) 3. Locomotor Disability or Cerebral Palsy (Open)- 1 07 English 1 (one) 1. OC-1 08 Entomology 1. ST(W)-1 4. Blindness of low vision (open)- 1 2. OC(W)-1 5. ST(W)-1 5 (five) 3. BC-B-1 09 Fisheries 1 (One) 1. OC-1 10 Genetics & Plant Breeding 1. SC-1 2. OC-1 4 (Four) 3. BC-D(W)-1 4. OC(W)-1 11 Home Science 2 (Two) 1. SC(W)-1 2. OC-1 12 Horticulture 22 1. B.C-D-1 11. OC-Ex-Ser-1 (Twenty 2. B.C-E-1 two) 3. BC-A-2 4. OC(W)-3 5. SC-2 6. OC-6 7. BC-B-2 8. ST-2 9. BC-B(W)-1 10. SC (W)-1 13 Livestock Production 1 (One) 1. BC-D-1 14 Microbiology 1 (One) 1. B.C-E-1 15 Plant Pathology 1. SC-1 5. Hearing Impaired (open) - 1 5 (five) 2. OC-1 3. BC-D-1 4. OC-1 16 Plant Physiology 1. BC-B-1 5 (Five) 2. OC(W)-1 3. SC-1 4. OC-1 5. BC-B(W) 17 Soil Science & Agricultural 6 (Six) 1. OC-3 Chemistry 2. OC-W-1 3. SC-W-1 4. BC-A(W)-1 18 Statistics & Mathematics 1. Blindness of low vision (Open)-1 3 (Three) 2. SC-1 3. ST(W)-1
Qualifications for Assistant Professors in:
Horticulture, Plant Pathology, Plant Physiology, Agronomy, Entomology, Bio-Chemistry, Genetics & Plant Breeding, Soil Science & Agril. Chemistry, Agricultural Extension.
i. A Bachelor’s degree in Horticulture/Agriculture. ii. A Master’s degree in the subject (discipline) concerned with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade.
iii. Should have passed SSC examination or any other equivalent examination with Telugu as one of the subjects or should have studied SSC through the medium of Telugu or should have working knowledge of Telugu.
iv. NET qualification in concerned discipline.
Agricultural Engineering: i. A Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering ii. A Master’s degree in Agricultural Engineering with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade.
iii. Should have passed SSC examination or any other equivalent examination with Telugu as one of the subjects or should have studied SSC through the medium of Telugu or should have working knowledge of Telugu.
iv. NET qualification in concerned discipline. Agricultural Economics: i. A Bachelor’s degree in Horticulture / Agriculture / CABM ii. A Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade. iii. Should have passed SSC examination or any other equivalent examination with Telugu as one of the subjects or should have studied SSC through the medium of Telugu or should have working knowledge of Telugu.
iv. NET qualification in concerned discipline.
Bio-Technology: i. A Bachelor’s degree in Horticulture / Agriculture / Forestry. ii. A Master’s degree in the Plant Molecular Biology & Bio-Technology / Plant Biotechnology / Horticulture Biotechnology / Agriculture Biotechnology with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade. iii. Should have passed SSC examination or any other equivalent examination with Telugu as one of the subjects or should have studied SSC through the medium of Telugu or should have working knowledge of Telugu.
iv. NET qualification in concerned discipline.
English: i. A Master’s degree in English with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade. ii. Should have passed SSC examination or any other equivalent examination with Telugu as one of the subjects or should have studied SSC through the medium of Telugu or should have working knowledge of Telugu.
iii. NET qualification in concerned discipline.
Fisheries: i. A Bachelor’s degree in Fishery Science. ii. A Master’s degree in the subject (discipline) concerned with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade. iii. Should have passed SSC examination or any other equivalent examination with Telugu as one of the subjects or should have studied SSC through the medium of Telugu or should have working knowledge of Telugu.
iv. NET qualification in concerned discipline.
Live Stock Production: i. A Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Science. ii. A Master’s degree in the Dairy Production / Meat Animal Production / Poultry Production with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade. iii. Should have passed SSC examination or any other equivalent examination with Telugu as one of the subjects or should have studied SSC through the medium of Telugu or should have working knowledge of Telugu.
iv. NET qualification in concerned discipline. Home Science: i. A Bachelor’s degree in Home Science. ii. A Master’s degree in the subject (discipline) concerned with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade. iii. Should have passed SSC examination or any other equivalent examination with Telugu as one of the subjects or should have studied SSC through the medium of Telugu or should have working knowledge of Telugu.
iv. NET qualification in concerned discipline.
Microbiology: i. A Bachelor’s degree in Horticulture / Agriculture / Forestry. ii. A Master’s degree in the Microbiology concerned with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade. iii. Should have passed SSC examination or any other equivalent examination with Telugu as one of the subjects or should have studied SSC through the medium of Telugu or should have working knowledge of Telugu.
iv. NET qualification in concerned discipline.
Statistics & Mathematics: i. A Master’s degree in Statistics / Maths, M.Sc in Horticulture Statistics or M.Sc in Agricultural Statistics or M.Sc (Ag.) in Statistics with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade. ii. Should have passed SSC examination or any other equivalent examination with Telugu as one of the subjects or should have studied SSC through the medium of Telugu or should have working knowledge of Telugu.
iii. NET qualification in concerned discipline.
Selected candidate shall be governed by Dr.YSR Horticultural University (Conditions of Service) Statutes 2007 and they are eligible for new Contributory Pension Scheme of the University and such other conditions as may be prescribed by the University from time to time. All the selected candidates are liable to be posted or transferred to any equivalent post in the State in the same subject (discipline) in Teaching, Research & Extension under the University.
The University reserves the right not to fill all or any of the vacancies notified. The prescribed application forms for the above posts can be down loaded from the University Website: www.drysrhu.edu.in . Such filled in applications along with Registration Fee Rs.1250/- (Rupees one thousand two hundred and fifty only) (Rs.750/- for SC/ST) (Rupees seven hundred and fifty only) in favour of Comptroller, Dr.YSR Horticultural University, Venkataramannagudem should reach “THE REGISTRAR, Dr.YSR HORTICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, VENKATARAMANNAGUDEM - 534 101 WEST GODAVARI DISTRICT, ANDHRA PRADESH” on or before 05.06.2017 at 4.00 PM. The application received after 4.00 PM 05.06.2017 will not be entertained under any circumstances. The University is not responsible for late receipt of application due to postal delay.
1. The applicant should furnish the Medical Certificate from appropriate authority to which category they belong for physically challenged persons.
2. The discipline to which the Ph.D degree belongs shall be decided based on the research work carried out by the candidate for his/her degree.
3. For reckoning the required experience for the post, the experience in the concerned subject or discipline in teaching or research or extension shall only be considered as relevant experience.
4. NET qualification is essential for appointment to the post of Assistant Professor or its equivalent post as per the clarification given by UGC/ICAR vide D.O.Lr.No.6-6-2005-Acdn (Edn), Dated 23.08.2005 of the Secretary, DARE & Director General, ICAR, Ministry of Agriculture, GOI, New Delhi.
5. Certified copies of degrees or provisional certificates and marks sheets /Transcripts should be enclosed with the application. The originals should be brought at the time of interview.
6. While filling up of the application form Part “B” :
Under item No.2 (meant for details of qualifications) the period of studies should be indicated clearly with date, month and year of joining and leaving. If any of the applicants did their M.Sc or Ph.D by research (without course work), it should be clearly indicated.
Under item No.6 (meant for employment record) the details of service rendered by the applicant in different cadres with date, month and year of appointment and scale of pay drawn and period of study during the service should be indicated clearly.
Service rendered outside Dr.YSRHU if any should be clearly indicated. (A certificate showing proof of service/experience outside Dr.YSRHU should be enclosed.)
Enclose 5 sets of Research Publications.
7. The applicant should appear for an interview when called at their own cost.
Administrative office, P.B. No.7, Venkataramannagudem Tadepalligudem, West Godavari District-534 101, Andhra Pradesh
Application No………………. ABSTRACT (To be filled and signed by the candidate-one copy only)
Name of the candidate (IN CAPITAL LETTERS) :
Post applied for :
Date of Birth :
Sex : Male / Female
Do you belong to SC/ST/BC if so, specify :
Prescribed essential academic : qualifications as given in detailed instructions to candidates for the post.
Degree Prescribed Candidate’s Duration University O.G.P.A Per cent qualification qualification qualification of Degree Marks (Years)
I. Bachelor’s Degree
II. a)Master’s degree b)Subject(Discipline)
III. a)Ph.D. Degree b)Subject (Discipline)
IV. Post-Doctoral Programme
2. Use the following formula relevant to you for the conversion of O.G.P.A. into per cent marks
a) 4.0 scale to % marks Y=50 + 10 X + 5X2 Where Y = Percent marks X = OGPA obtained minus OGPA required for pass. Ex : 2.42/4.00 = 55.08%
b) 5.0 scale to % marks Y = 60 + 15 X Where Y= Percent marks X = OGPA–3.00 Ex: 4.00/5.00 = 75%
c) 10.0 point scale to % marks. Shift one decimal to the right side of the OGPA value. Ex: OGPA of 7.60 = 76.0% Mother tongue : ______
NET Passed or not : Year Subject ______
Experience in Teaching / Research/ Extension: ______
SAU’s & ICAR State Central Quasi Govt. Institutes Govt. Govt. Organizations
Y M Y M Y M Y M a) Research Associate / Junior Scientist b) Post - Doctoral c) Instructor or equivalent d) Asst. Prof. or equivalent
Certified that the particulars furnished above are correct
Place: Date: Signature of the Candidate
Verified with particulars & certificates Checked furnished in the application
Sr.Asst. Superintendent (Name) (Name)
Assistant Registrar Deputy Registrar Registrar Eligible / Not eligible
Dean of the Faculty Summary Sheet (to be filled by the candidate - 5 copies to be enclosed along with Part B)
Post applied for ______
1. Name of the Candidate : ______(IN CAPITAL LETTERS) 2. Do you being to SC / ST / BC/ If so, please specify : ______
3. Sex : Male / Female
4. Qualifications : ______
Course University Year of Subject/ discipline OGPA % of Class Passing in PG degree Marks
Post Doctorate
5. a) Experience Particulars (In Agril. Univ., ICAR Institutes, State or Central Govt., Quasi Govt. organization): [also furnish spells & types of leave taken, exceeding 15 day’s each time / for study and other purposes]
Scale of From to Total Grade Post held Organization Pay (with dates) Y M D
Research Associate/ Jr.Scientist
Instructor or equivalent
Asst.Prof. or equivalent
Leave taken: b) Service in remote areas (for inservice Teachers ANGRAU / APHU / Dr.YSRHU only) : (furnish Research station / College / place / period) Name of the Research Station / Period of work Total Sl.No. College / KVK From To Y M D
6. Number of Publications : (Proof to be enclosed)
As First As Second As Third Total Author Author Author a) Research publications (in peer reviewed journals only)
(i) Full articles
(ii) Research Notes / Short communication
b) Popular articles (for Extension Posts only)
7. a) Academic Gold Medals won during study : (for Asst. Prof. Cadre posts only)
b) Awards / Medals /Recognitions won for Contributions if any. :
8. If passed NET : ______Year : ______Subject : ______
9. Mother tongue (for Asst. professor cadre posts only) :
Certified that the particulars furnished above are correct
Place : Date : Signature of the candidate
Verified Checked Assistant Registrar (Sr. Asst.) (Superintendent)
Deputy Registrar Registrar Dean of the Faculty Dr.Y.S.R. HORTICULTURAL UNIVERSITY
Administrative office, P.B. No.7, Venkataramannagudem Tadepalligudem, West Godavari District-534 101, Andhra Pradesh
Application form for Teaching/ Research / Extension Posts PASSPORT SIZE PHOTO (Before filling this form, please read the instructions carefully) TO BE AFFIXED
1. Post applied for : (Give the full name of the post)
2. Name in full (in block letters) :
3. Present postal address : (in block letters) (Candidate who apply from abroad may state here when they are likely to return to India and also give their postal address in India)
4. Telegraphic address, if any :
5. Permanent Home Address :
6. Father’s name :
7. Nationality :
8. a) Date of birth :
b) Place of Birth :
c) Do you belong to S.C./S.T./B.C. : if so, specify
9. a) If you are employed, your present : designation
b) Name of your present employer : (Person, Office, Institution of Firm)
c) Whether the application is routed : through your employer
d) If selected, please state when : you can join 10. Names and address of two references : 1. not related to you to whom you are known personally (if you are employed, your present employer must be one of the references). 2.
11. Have you attached DD/ for the : prescribed registration fee? If so state amount, DD No; Date, & Bank Name.
12. Have you ever been prosecuted, kept : under detention or bound fined, convicted by a court of law for any offense or debarred/disqualified by any University, Public Service Commission from appearing at its examination/ selection? Is any case pending against you in any court of law at the time of filling up of this application form? (If the answer is “Yes” full particulars of the case, detention, fine, conviction, sentence, etc., should be given).
13. Have you applied for any other post in : this University? If so, give details of the name of the post, when you were interviewed and the results, if known.
14. Have you executed a bond to serve your present organization if so, mention the : period of bond
15. List of certificates and testimonials : (attested copies) attached (not more than two)
I certify that the foregoing information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am not aware of any circumstances which may impair my fitness for employment.
Place: Date: Signature of the candidate. PART – B (Five Copies to be filled by the candidate)
1. a) Name of the post applied for :
b) Name of the candidate (in block letters) :
c) Date of birth :
d) Present basic pay : (give salary and allowances separately)
e) Minimum pay acceptable :
2. Details of academic qualifications : Give in the tabular statement below/ particulars of the examinations passed from matriculation onwards.
Interme Examinations: SSC UG PG Ph.D diate
Name of the School or College :
Date of Joining:
Date of Leaving:
Name of Board or University:
No. of attempts:
Year of Passing:
Maximum Marks/ O.G.P.A
Marks/O.G.P.A Obtained: Percentage of Marks:
Position, Distinction, Prizes, Scholarships etc.
Attach certified copies of the detailed marks cards (or transcripts) of all the examinations passed.
3. Details of Research work done in fulfillment or part fulfillment of the requirements of degree
(i) Name of degree or diploma M.Sc. (Hort.) / M.Sc. (Ag.) Ph.D.
(ii) Institution
(iii) Partly or wholly by research
(iv) Name of guide or supervisor
(v) Period spent (give dates) From From to to
(vi) Filed of research and title of thesis. M.Sc. (Hort) / M.Sc. (Ag)/ Ph.D.
(vii) No. of publications based on thesis research:
4. Details of research work other than thesis research
Scheme / Project
Period From From From From to to to to
5. List of Publications (Read the notes given below carefully before furnishing the information)
S.No. Authors Year Title of the publication Nature of the publication Name of the Vol. No. & Place of (as given in the publication) Journal / Page Nos. Pu publication bli ca tio n of th e Jo ur na l bo ok , et c.
a) Research publications (Original Research Papers / Research Notes) b) Other Publications (Text Books, Chapters, Review Articles, Monographs, Bulletins & News letter, etc.)
c) Popular Articles (List English and Vernacular separately)
Note: 1. List of publications with full details in the above format should be furnished. 2. Papers accepted should be listed separately in the above format enclosing copies of the acceptance letters. 3. Reprints of published research work should be numbered serially as per the list (The application will be deemed as incomplete, if the reprints are not enclosed) 4. Attach separate sheet, if necessary.
6. Employment Record
Designation of post held Date of Joining and Place of Work Date of leaving Period Scale of pay and Salary drawn Full address of the employer Reason for leaving
Note: 1. Proof of employment outside Dr.Y.S.R .Horticultural University / ANGR. Agricultural University has to be furnished 2. The information furnished above would be deemed incomplete if all columns are not filled appropriately, in which case the application is liable for rejection. 7. Teaching / Research / Extension experience
Name of Period Subjects taught or the institution From To Years Designation field of work in Extension Department Education
8. If any period of your life after you attained the age of 11 is not covered by details given in columns 2,3,4,6 and 7, give the information below:
Period How spent
From To
9. Details of participation in sports and : extra – curricular activities
10. (a) What is your mother tongue? :
(b) Name the language (Both Indian & Foreign) which you can read, write and speak and examinations if any, passed in each.
Read only Speak only Read & Speak Read, Write & Examinations Speak passed
11. Enclose one foolscap size note on what in : Your opinion are significant contributions made by you in teaching / research/extension
12. Any other details not mentioned above, : which you think, will strengthen your claim for his appointment (Attach separate sheet if necessary)
Signature of the candidate