Philomatheia Formation Years
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Civic Reasoning Team Builders 13 Philomatheia Formation Years is an official document of Our Republic Walk Seven Step Plan for The Republican Form of Government Philosophy Celebration. K-12 Principals post the document on Our Republic Walk page of school websites for all parents & teachers & students & children to perpetually update Hours Set and Hours Spent with 3Cs & 3Rs & 3Ss in Civic Reasoning Team Builders 13 Philomatheia Formation Years. ------
Good stewards of good systems (Philomatheia Circles of Professional Team Builders) use Universal Stewardship Eyes and mutually share Our Republic Walk Invitation from K-12 Principals & Teachers & Students for all people to take Our Republic Walk Seven Steps together to be Public Team Builders & Professional Team Builders & Personal Team Builders who mutually share all Gifts (Universe & Faith & Hope & Love & Life & Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness) from the Creator and teach all children how to mutually demonstrate Universal Stewardship Standards of Universal Discipline Principles in Our Republic Walk MARKET Economy of Mind with Universal Brainsmanship 99.9% effectiveness (100 trillion operations per second per person) and how to mutually share the free flow of reconcilable information and adequate energy in our United Mind Set with ourselves and our Posterity forevermore. Bad stewards of bad systems (Mathophobia Boxes of Professional Competitors) use Delusional Ownership Eyes and sell all Gifts from the Creator to Sovereign Government and teach all children how to unwittingly demonstrate Fearful Acting Techniques of Delusional Ownership Notions in Our Democracy Race MARKET Economy of Matter with Delusional Brainsmanship 99.9% ineffectiveness and fearfully hoard the regulated flow of irreconcilable information and inadequate energy in our Divided Mind Set from ourselves and our Posterity.
Good stewards of good systems mutually set Universal Stewardship Coordinates from the time of our being and emphasize Philomatheia Circles of Professional Team Builders from the time of our birth. Bad stewards of bad systems set Delusional Ownership Coordinates from the time of our being and emphasize Mathophobia Boxes of Professional Competitors from the time of our birth. Vern Harper: “We learn through discovery, understand from experience and teach by example. Emphasize only what children should do because children do whatever is emphasized. Team Builders emphasize the positive. Competitors emphasize the negative. Great people talk about ideas (All children on Earth are our children. Civic Reasoning Team Builders are Public Team Mentors & Professional Team Mentors & Personal Team Mentors on Our Republic Walk together with the Creator who “Show & Tell” all children how we love each other, how we seek the truth, how we do the right thing, how we mutually perceive the FLOW of all Mapped Matters with each other, how we time-frame and share our Team Builders Stories with Team Builders Maps & Team Builders Web Pages netcasting “Our Republic Walk MARKET Economy of Mind” on The Internet World Wide Web TV Network; and how we mutually provide good care + food + water + shelter + clothing + protection + opportunities for all children on Earth to work & study & play forevermore); mediocre people talk about things; little people talk about people.” Good stewards of good nations (Public Team Builders) & good systems (Professional Team Builders) & good families (Personal Team Builders) teach team building. Bad stewards of bad nations (Public Competitors) & bad systems (Professional Competitors) & bad families (Personal Competitors) teach competition. Competition is based in fear; civic illiteracy cultivates fear; fear degenerates Competitors; Civic Illiterate Competitors fear everyone. Team building is based in love; civic reasoning cultivates love; love regenerates Team Builders; Civic Reasoning Team Builders love everyone. Washington Post Writer George Will: “Discipline knowledge flows from the fact that discipline reasoning is an art acquired by years of practice sustained by intense interest.” Marist College Football Coach George Maloof: “We win Friday’s game on Wednesday.” Coaches Corner Executive Director Steve Harkey: “In order to play three years in the NFL with the New York Jets, I spent 2,459 hours on football fields from the time I was 8 until I was 25 years old; 172 hours in games and 2,287 hours at practice.”
Hours of 3Cs in Civic Reasoning Team Builders 13 Philomatheia Formation Years Hours Set* Hours Spent*** Caring for ourselves and our Posterity ______Cleaning for ourselves and our Posterity ______Cooking for ourselves and our Posterity ______
Hours of 3Rs in Civic Reasoning Team Builders 13 Philomatheia Formation Years Hours Set** Hours Spent*** Reading for ourselves and our Posterity ______‘riting for ourselves and our Posterity ______‘rithmatic for ourselves and our Posterity ______
Hours of 3Ss in Civic Reasoning Team Builders 13 Philomatheia Formation Years Hours Set** Hours Spent*** Sportsmanship for ourselves and our Posterity ______Statesmanship for ourselves and our Posterity ______Stewardship for ourselves and our Posterity ______
*by ____ parents **by ____ parents & _____ teachers ***by _____ children/students
Imagine how effective Sovereign People can be when we know as much about Universal Stewardship Standards as we know about Universal Sportsmanship Standards. Imagine Information (from Z in E to Z) Yearnings elevating Government & Education & Business & Religion & Law Enforcement & Service & Media Professional Teams in Our Republic Walk MARKET Economy of Mind.