Principal S Corner
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Principal’s Corner Dear Parents,
I can’t believe spring is almost upon us. March will be a productive month with twenty-three solid learning days before us. The end of the second trimester is also here. Please look for your child’s report card on Monday, March 15th. Fourth and fifth grade parents can also check grades online through PowerSchool. If you do not know your password, please call the office or the classroom teacher for that information. Thank you for attending parent teacher conferences. Fifteen minutes is not a lot of time, but we appreciate your support and look forward to this time to discuss your child’s progress. We have a few more conferences to go to get to our 100% goal. We are at 98% now and I know by the end of the week, we’ll meet our goal.
Congratulations to all science fair participants. The cafeteria was packed with amazing projects from kindergarten through fifth grade. We had five fifth graders who were selected to participate in the Salt Lake City Regional Science and Engineering Fair at the end of the month. We certainly wish Jordan Blake, Paige Billow, Amanda Parry, Kara Andersen, and the Moeller team of Madeline and younger brother, Luke, the best at the event. We know they will represent Parley’s Park well.
In thinking about representing Parley’s Park well – please consider joining one of our running or walking teams for the PCEF Running with Ed event on May 22nd. Our goal is to set up six more teams of five people each to complete the route. Join our staff for a good cause – the kids! You can find out more about it at
Pick up and drop off is going well. If you arrive by 8:05 am, the drop is very smooth and your child won’t be late to school. In addition, please stay off the cell phones, never put your car in reverse while in the lane, have children exit and enter the car on the passenger side, and pull all the way forward to help us get as many loads and unloads as possible. Thank you for your assistance with this.
Books and Beyond is off to a great start. Our classes are representing countries from around the world, not just those in the Winter Olympics, and we are lucky enough to connect most of the classes by way of a first generation immigrant parent or child at Parley’s Park. Who would have thought we could represent Croatia, the Philippines, Argentina and Vietnam to name just a few. If you have any information for your child’s teacher to help them learn more about the country, please share. Besides reading, we’re learning more about geography and our world.
Special thanks are in order for Belinda Adams and her helpers for the Get out and Play winter sports program. Once again she has done a magnificent job with this huge task. As well, Linden Miller and her science fair judges could not have organized a better science fair. Thank you so much for your help. Without volunteers, neither of these programs would be in existence.
Until Next Month!
Michele Wallace
Parley’s Student Council We are glad to share with you what we are accomplishing in Student Council. Last month we had a Furburbia Pet Drive, in which we collected sixty kitty toys, twenty dog leashes, three containers of kitty litter, eight dog toys and finally, six dog collars. In March, Cathy King, the Executive Director of Friends of Animals & Furburbia will be our guest speaker. Student Council sold Tanger Coupon books at the Parley’s Park Book Fair last month and we raised $520.35. Every Friday, Student Council enjoys spirit counting. We have been assigned to specific classes to count how many students are wearing blue that Friday. The reward for whichever class has the most students wearing blue will win a pizza party at the end of the year. Some of the jobs Student Council has are to create posters for the topic of the week or month. To sum it up, the Student Council members are pleased with all the progress we have contributed and many of the things we do! Sincerely, the members of Student Council and the writers of this page, Lily Castro and Emerald Prom.
Parley’s School Community Council The Parley's Park SCC met on Thursday, February 4, 2010. Land Trust, SIP (School Improvement Plan), and ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) were the primary focus of discussion. Michele Wallace informed the Council that school district would be conducting a meeting regarding Land Trust timelines and other requirements. The final deadline for schools to submit Land Trust Plans is April 2. Land Trust Plan presentations to the school board are scheduled for April 13. Parley's SCC has scheduled an extra meeting (March 25) prior to the submission deadline to allow for teacher input and to finalize the plan. The budget for Land Trust funds was also reviewed. Additional clarification from the school district is needed on some line items. SCC reviewed the status of the goals for the current School Improvement Plan. Para-professionals have received training in Early Steps, but the purchase of books for the leveled library has been postponed. The subject of the Fluency Clinic's tremendous success was brought up during this discussion. A presentation by a Fluency Clinic representative will be scheduled for an SCC meeting for some time in the future. The Iowa Test of Basic Skills for third and fifth graders continues to show that Parley's students are strong academically. Scores appear to be consistent in comparison to previous years and math computation continues to be a low area.
Additional topics were addressed. Monica Gustafson presented updates on the Access Route/Safe Route to School Plan. One concern was voiced regarding the accumulation of snow in the pedestrian areas at St. Luke's parking lot/crosswalk. Monica stated that she would investigate the situation. SCC also reviewed data from the Indicators of School Quality survey. Overall, students, parents, teachers, staff, and administrators seem to be pleased with Parley's. Michele presented information regarding the Huntsman Award for Excellence in Education and will request recommendations for potential nominees. An audit was recently conducted regarding Parley's Title I funds. The auditor spent a day visiting classrooms and observing the various Title I-supported programs that are conducted both during and after school. Lastly, PCSD assessed the physical structure of Parley's to determine how capital outlay funds will be awarded. No additional information had been received at the time of the SCC meeting.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 4, 2010, from 12:30 to 3:00. You are welcome to join us - just contact the office so that we know you are coming.
Thank you to Keller Williams Park City Real Estate Agents
Park City, UT – February 16, 2010 – Keller Williams Park City Real Estate recently made a combined donation of $5000.00 to four local organizations. The donation was equally disbursed to The Peoples Health Clinic, Peace House, Park City Education Foundation and a Parley’s Park Elementary School Employee, Jeannie Finnegan.
“It is important for us as a company and as individuals to give back to the community in which we work and live” said Matt Green, CEO of the Keller Williams Park City Market Center. “Even though our industry has struggled over the past 18 months, our staff and agents understand the importance of giving to the community where it is needed.”
The four groups who received money were chosen from a list of organizations nominated by agents and staff from Keller Williams. In addition to the four groups who received donations at the end of the year, Keller Williams donated a significant amount of money to The People’s Health Clinic and the Park City Board of Realtor’s Turkey Drive earlier in the year.
Additional contributions to this fund, and requests for donations can be made to Hong McDonald, the 2010 Chairperson for KW Cares Park City.
Book Fair We would like to thank Book Fair co-chairs Carol Walasek, Kris Carr and Kalisa Kent as well as all the volunteers and shoppers at our February Book Fair. We are pleased to announce that the Book Fair brought in $10,000, which means Parley’s will receive over $5,000 of books! Books and Beyond Books and Beyond kicked off last week with 2 rousing assemblies. We thank our “Olympian” moms who motivated the kids to read 30 minutes a night throughout the 6 weeks of the program, advancing through Winter Olympic sports. Please remember to help your kids track their progress so they can enjoy the advancements, medal ceremony and a chance for “silly stringing” Mr. Brown, or “limousining” to a complimentary breakfast at the Cabin restaurant at the Grand Summit Lodge with Ms. Wallace and some actual Olympians. The program will conclude with an assembly on April 16th, which allows for some catch up reading during Spring Break.
PTA Meeting Mark your calendars—next Tuesday, March 9th, is the last morning PTA meeting of the year. We will begin at 8:30 with committee reports on the programs PTA is offering at the school. We will continue with a report from our principal, Michele Wallace, and at 9:15, guest speaker Moe Hickey of the Park City Board of Education will speak to us regarding some of the upcoming financial issues our district is facing.
April will be an evening meeting on the 13th at 7:00 pm, and our last “meeting” of the year is an appreciation luncheon which will take place on May 11th.
2010 Science Fair a Great Success! On Thursday, February 25, the annual PPES Science Fair was held. Approximately 235 students participated in the fair, creating about 170 projects. The projects demonstrated creativity and use of the scientific process. The science fair committee members were impressed by the quality and the hard work evident in the projects.
This year, four 5th graders, and one team of a 5th grader and a 2nd grader, were selected by the committee as being eligible to advance to regional competition at the Salt Lake Valley Science and Engineering Fair, which will be held on March 25 and 26 at the Rice Eccles Stadium. Those students were: Kara Andersen, Jordan Blake, Paige Billow, Amanda Parry and Madeline and Luke Moeller. Congratulations! Those students received medals and special certificates at the Science Fair Open House, held the evening of the fair.
We look forward to another great Science Fair in 2011! Reflections Art Contest We would like to send out a big thank you and congratulations to everyone who participated in the Reflections Art Contest this year!! We had entries in Photography, 3-Dimensional Art, Literature, Visual Arts, and Dance. We had more students participate than ever before! We announced in the last newsletter the names of the students whose art went on to be judged at the Regional level. We would now like to send out a special congratulations to 4 students whose art has gone on to be judged at the State level - Lucie Meyre for Dance, Brayden Drury for Visual Arts, Jordan Mendelsohn for Photography, and Daniel Porter for 3-Dimensional Art. CONGRATULATIONS!
MARK YOUR CALENDAR Mar. 2 – 4:00 pm Board of Education Meeting, District Offices Mar. 4 – 12:30-3:00 pm School Community Council Meeting Mar. 9 – 8:30 am PTA Meeting Mar. 15 – Report Cards come home Mar. 25 and 26 –Salt Lake Valley Science and Engineering Fair at Rice Eccles Stadium Mar. 30 – 9:00 am 5th Grade Assembly EHIMS Info Mar. 30 – 6:30 pm Parent Orientation for Middle School, EHIMS Auditorium Apr. 5-9 – Spring Break Apr. 14, 21, 28 – Science Enrichment (information and registration materials coming soon)