Library Assoc. of Ringwood Inc

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Library Assoc. of Ringwood Inc

Library Assoc. of Ringwood Inc. Board of Trustees Meeting October 23, 2017 Ringwood Public Library (“RPL”) OPEN SESSION APPROVED ATTENDANCE: Amy Boyle Geisel, Heather Nemeth, Heather Manley Caldwell, Ed Thomas, Lisa Straubinger, Karen Marcus, Susan Rakosi Rosenbloom, Amanda McCormick Gillman, Anne Siebecker, Elise Bedder, Director. Anne Siebecker left the meeting at 9:40. Absent: None. Call to Order and Statement of meeting notice: The meeting was called to order at 7:34PM by President Amy Boyle Geisel and she read the following statement: Adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the usual course to the Suburban Trends, Record, Herald News, WGHT, Channel 77, Borough Manager, and the RPL website. Notice was posted inside the library. Creative Library Concepts: Two representatives offered a packet of color photos and enlarged copies of the floor plan. Three plans were presented and discussed. The Children’s Area and the YA Area were the focus of the presentation; children’s furnishings discussed in detail as a way to start the project. Suggestions were to have a survey of patrons; a focus group committee to investigate what works and what does not. The consensus is that this project is ongoing and evolving. Board members asked about materials, safety concerns and financing the project. Elise said that she would make contact in the coming week. Minutes: Karen Marcus made a motion to accept the Open Session Minutes of September 25, 2017 and Heather Manley Caldwell seconded. The motion passed. Amy Boyle Geisel made a motion to accept the Executive Session Minutes of September 25, 2017 and Heather Nemeth seconded. The motion carried. Page 2 Treasurer’s Report: see pages attached. Heather Manley Caldwell reported that the finances are in good order and that she will meet with Borough CFO, the Director and the bookkeeper to discuss the 2018 budget. Needed items: new IPads, staff computers, copiers, printers, phone upgrades, electric upgrades, SMART Board. Correspondence: Amy Boyle Geisel has been in touch with the NJ Attorney General’s office concerning donated funds to be used for staff parties. It was determined that if the action is in alignment with the mission statement, it would be permissible. Amy Boyle Geisel made a motion, which Karen Marcus seconded to authorize $350 to be used for a holiday party. The motion passed. Amy Jolin wrote a thank you note for the wonderful hospitality shown by the library as they welcomed Daisy Troop 43 participants and their chaperones at the October 20th Library Overnight Event. Committee Reports: Trustee Election Committee: Karen Marcus contacted members who are scheduled for re-election on December 11, 2017: Heather Nemeth, Heather Manley Caldwell, Ed Thomas and Amanda McCormick Gillman. Karen Marcus will contact the Friends who helped with last year’s election. Amy Boyle Geisel made a motion to recommend the slate of candidates and Lisa Straubinger seconded. The motion passed. Goals Committee: Karen Marcus reported that Keith Timko of The Support Center led the strategic planning meeting on October 16. Karen Marcus will contact him to discuss specifics of his involvement and finances. Susan Rakosi Rosenbloom will reach out to Board members concerning availability for four potential weekend morning meetings in the coming year. If a Page 3 committee is established, it was recommended that it should consist of four Board members and staff member/s. AV Committee: A meeting was held on October 13th with the contract vendor. Video Corporation of America offered a proposal. Discussion was tabled to the November meeting. Friends: Amy Boyle Geisel thanked Eileen Manley, Karen Marcus and Lisa Petri and the volunteers who worked the book sale which brought in $3,180.50. Future thoughts: all advertising through one person to Elise; Pre Sale will be held on Thursday afternoon from 2-5; one person will oversee the volunteers, including volunteers from the high school. Jessica Einreinhof and Friends sold books from the book sale at the Harvest Festival.

The Girl Scout Overnight on October 20th was a great success with crafts, star gazing and story telling.

Robotics: The Arduino program has 15 participants and a waiting list. There has been a change in dated from December 13 to January 10, 2018. 15 kits have been purchased per quote received from the staff for a maximum of $4400 paid for by Association funds.

Memorial bricks: 545 have been returned.

PUBLIC HEARING: Heather Nemeth made a motion to go into Public Session at 9:40 PM. Susan Rakosi Rosenbloom seconded and the motion carried. No public was present. Amy Boyle Geisel made a motion to come out of public session at 9:41 and Lisa Straubinger seconded. The motion carried. Page 4

Director’s Report: Elise Bedder produced annexed three pages for the Director’s Report and a one page Technology Report from Laura Henderson. Laura Ingraffea has finished the taxes. Board Comments: Operating Agreement: The library’s agreement with the town will be revised and signed by December. Payment of Bills: Amy Boyle Geisel moved that the bills be paid, Heather Nemeth seconded and the motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: Update on Memorial Bricks: Mike Einreinhof finished putting the brick photos on a thumb drive on a laptop dedicated to showing the display in the library. Wendy will complete the virtual memorial, which will be ready in December.

Trustee Education Hours: The Board has satisfied the requirements for state aid. New Business: There is a need for new IPads. Karen Marcus made a motion to authorize the director to purchase 9, 128 gig IPads for Children’s, YA and administration. Amy Boyle Geisel seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Executive Session: At 10:15 Amy Boyle Geisel moved to come out of Open Session, Lisa Straubinger seconded and the motion passed. At 10:16 Karen Marcus moved to go into Executive Session. Amy Boyle Geisel seconded and the motion carried. At 10:24 Amy Boyle Geisel moved to come out of Executive Session and Heather Manley Caldwell seconded. The motion carried. At 10:25 Karen Marcus made a motion to go into Open Session and Susan Rakosi Rosenbloom seconded the motion passed. Amy Boyle Geisel made a motion to verify Page 5 the motions accepted in Executive Session. Heather Nemeth seconded and the motion passed.

ADJOURNMENT: Amy Boyle Geisel moved to adjourn at 10:25. The next meeting of the Ringwood Public Library Board of Trustees will be held on Monday, November 27, 2017 at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Marcus, Secretary,

October 24, 2017

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