Academic Discipline - Hygiene & Ecology

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Academic Discipline - Hygiene & Ecology

Academic discipline - Hygiene & Ecology

Year of study – 6rd Faculty – Medical Specialisation – General Medicine Academic Term - Vth

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Topic 1: Hygiene as a science. Place and significance of Hygiene in medical sciences system and physician practical activities. Main laws of Hygiene. Hygienic Research Methods.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): of Vinnitsya Pirogov Memorial National Medical University Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 1: PP. 14-31. Recommended Reading

1. Name, please, the founder of hygiene as an independent science: A * Petenkoffer M. B. Minh V. OO C. Dobroslavin AP D. Mechnikov II E. L. Pasteur Source: General hygiene: hygiene propaedeutics / [EG Goncharuk, Kundiyev YI, Bardov VG et al.]; After. E. Goncharuk. - K.: High School, 1995. - S. 34. 2. The author of the first medical treatise on healthy lifestyle is: A. * Hippocrates V. Aesculapius S. Democritus D. Aristotle E. Avicenna Source: The total hygiene: propaedeutics hyhyenы / [EI Goncharuk, Kundyev YI, Bardov VG, etc.], ed. EI Goncharuk. - K.: High School, 2000. - S. 22.

3. One of the first fundamental books of the nineteenth century in the field of sanitation was a nine-volume set of rules "System of a public health police." Its author is: A.* Frank A. I. B. Yesterlen M. V. C. M. Levy D. Pettenkofer M. E. L. Horner Source: The total hygiene: propaedeutics hyhyenы / [EI Goncharuk, Kundyev YI, Bardov VG, etc.], ed. EI Goncharuk. - K.: High School, 2000. - S. 31.

4. What is the main purpose of hygiene: A. * Preserving and strengthening of health B. To study influence of environmental factors on population health C. Study of etiology and pathogenesis of diseases D. Substantiation of hygienic standards and criteria for preserving and strengthening of human health E. Prediction of sanitary situation in perspective Source: Occupational and ecology / [Bardov VG, Moskalenko VF, Omelchuk ST et al.]; after. VG Bardova. - Kiev: A new book, 2006. - S.19.

5. Name the main developmental periods of hygienic science: * A. Period of empirical investigation and period of experimental researches B. Revolutionary and evolutionary periods C. Period of ergonomic investigations and laboratory physiological investigations D. Industrial period and period of scientific & technical revolution E. Period before and after invention of microscope Source: General hygiene: hygiene propaedeutics / [EG Goncharuk, Kundiyev YI, Bardov VG et al.]; After. E. Goncharuk. - K.: High School, 1995. - S. 23.

Topic 2: Hygienic evaluation of radiant energy. Methods of intensity determination for ultraviolet radiation and its using for diseases prevention and air sanitation. Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 2: PP. 32-39. Recommended Reading

1. Indicate, please, the wavelength range of ultraviolet radiation: A. *10-400 nm B. 10-0,1 nm C. Over 1000 nm D. 760-800 nm E. 760-10000 nm

2. Name the biological effects of ultraviolet radiation: A. *Biogenic, abiogenous B. Creating heat, diuretic C. General-stimulatory (erythemal) effect, biogenic D. The formation of free radicals, synthesis of vitamin D E. Abiogenous, tanning effect, synthesis of vitamin D, erythema formation effect

3. What are the types of biogenic biological effects of ultraviolet radiation: A. *Antirachitic, general- stimulatory effect, melanin-formation (tanning) B. Bactericidal, general – stimulatory effect C. Antirachitic, bactericidal D. Photoallergic, phototoxic effects E. Antirachitic, general-stimulation, carcinogenic, phototoxic effect, melanin-formation (tanning) effect.

4. Specify the wavelength characteristic for the area A of ultraviolet radiation:

A. *315-400 nm B. 280-315 nm C. 10-280 nm D. 50-200 nm E. 100-250 nm 5. Specify the wavelength characteristic for the area B of ultraviolet radiation: A. *280-315 nm B. 315-400 nm C. 10-280 nm D. 50-200 nm E. 100-250 nm

Source of information: All-Ukraine Test Database

№ з/п 141 № з/п у БД 3358 As preventive means they prescribe UV radiation in the photarium for adolescent living in Murmansk region(Russia). What device could be used to define biological and preventive dosage of UV radiation? A. *Biodosimeter B. Ermeter C. Ufimeter D. Uviolmeter E. Piranometer

№ з/п 161 № з/п у БД 3715 The premises of medical institutions demanding the rules of sterility, asepsis and antisepsis be provided with ultraviolet lamp counting: A. *1 watt capacity per 1 m3 B. 1 watt capacity per 10 m3 C. 1 watt capacity per 100 m3 D. 0,5 watt capacity per 1 m3 E. 0,5 watt capacity per 100 m3

№ з/п 162 № з/п у БД 3716 Ultra-violet radiation is carried out to prevent in hospital infections in the premises of the medical institutions. What is its health-improvement action evaluated with? A. *Degree and index of effectiveness B. Multinle of air-exchange C. Dust content D. Ozone content E. Carbon dioxide content

№ з/п 165 № з/п у БД 3732 Infrared radiation influences the worker of 48 years old in the process of production. The depth of thermical action of the infrared radiation on The human organism depends upon: A. *The length of the wave B. Intensity C. Action’s direction D. Wave’s amplitude E. Frequent spectrum

Topic 3: Hygienic evaluation of natural and artificial lighting in different premises.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 4,5: PP. 47-54, 55-64. Recommended Reading

1. The Coefficient of the Natural Lighting for operating room must exceed: A. *2.5% B. 0.5 – 0.75% C. 1 – 1.5% D. 1 - 2% E. 3-5%

2. The main sources of visible light:

A. *Natural and artificial B. Natural, artificial and sunlight C. Sunlight and visible light D. Sunlight and electricity E. Natural and technical

3. The coefficient of laying depth is: A. *a ratio of distance from the window to the opposite wall to the height of window upper edge over the floor (must be not more than 2) B. the correlation between the area of the surface illuminated by the windows and the area of the floor C. the correlation between the distance from the window to the door and the distance from the upper edge of window to the floor D. the correlation between the distance from the ground floor to the base of the building E. the angle at which the light beams fall on the working surface (must be more than 27°)

4. The indoor and outdoor lighting is measured by: A. *Luxmeter B. Biodosimeter C. Actynometer D. Dosimeter E. Quartz test-tube

5. The projection of the firmament must not be less than: A. *30 cm. B. 50 cm. C. 100 cm. D. 15 cm. E. 75 cm.

Topic 4: Hygienic evaluation of the temperature-humidity conditions in premises. Hygienic evaluation of air movement direction and air velocity.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 6, 7: PP. 65-77, 78-86. Recommended Reading

1. The sources of air pollution are: A. *Expired air; microorganisms; vehicles; dust; volatile toxic chemical substances; biological products B. Animals; microorganisms; cars; dust; liquid toxic chemical substances; agricultural products C. Animals; viruses; cars; sand; volatile toxic chemical substances; biological products D. Expired air; viruses; vehicles; dust; liquid toxic chemical substances; biological products E. Steam; microorganisms; cars; dust; volatile toxic chemical substances; agricultural products

2. The air is considered pure if oxidability does not exceed: A. *4 mg in 1м³ B. 5 mg in 1м³ C. 8 mg in 1м³ D. 10 mg in 1м³ E. 1 mg in 1м³

3. The general quantity of microorganisms in satisfactorily clear air is: A. *under 4000 per 1 m3 B. under 3000 per 1 m3 C. under 7000 per 1 m3 D. more than 7000 per 1 m3 E. more than 4000 per 1 m3

4. The concentration of CO2 in the very polluted air is: A. *more 0,15 % B. 0,07 % C. 0, 01% D. less 0,15 % E. less 0,07%

5. The quantity of staphylococcus (Staf. aureus) per 1 m3 in clear air is: A. *under 75 B. under 100 C. under 150 D. more than 100 E. more than 150

Topic 5 (Part I): Hygienic evaluation of air quality and ventilation efficiency.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 10,11: PP. 116-124, 125-130. Recommended Reading

1. Specify anemometer whose work in a vertical position does not depend on wind direction: A. *Cup anemometer B. Universal anemometer C. Propeller anemometer D. Compact anemometer E. Technical anemometer

2. Specify the parameters that characterize the microclimate: A. *Temperature, humidity, air speed, air cooling capacity B. The radiation temperature, background radiation, air pressure, air cooling capacity C. Temperature, humidity, air speed, direction of air D. Temperature, air pressure, the degree of air dust, noise E. Temperature, radiation temperature, humidity, amount of ionizing radiation

3. What are the main types of microclimate: A. *A comfortable, uncomfortable heating, uncomfortable cooling B. Comfortable, uncomfortable, indifferent C. Net equivalent to the equivalent effective- D. Comfortable, uncomfortable spastic type, uncomfortable hypoxic type E. Comfort-indifferent, discomfort, indifferent, equivalent

4. Specify the function of the body, which is most sensitive to changes of climatic conditions: A. *Thermoregulation B. Digestion C. Breath D. Cardiovascular activities E. Excretory function

5. Specify the nature of the processes that occur during thermoregulation of the body: A. *Physical processes B. Chemical processes are the most important C. Biological processes D. Mechanical are the most important E. Microbiological processes are major

Source of information: All-Ukraine Test Database № з/п 137 № з/п у БД 3354 In the assessment of microclimate they defined that in outer corner at the height of 1 m the temperature was 18оС, in the middle - 19оС, in inner corner - 20оС. What overfall by the horizontal is the maximal admissible? A. *2(C B. 1 (C C. 1,5 (C D. 2,5 (C E. 3 (C

№ з/п 138 № з/п у БД 3355 In the assessment of microclimate they defined that in 10 cm above the floor air temperature was 17оС, at the 1 m - 19оС, at the 1,5 m - 20оС. What overfall by the vertical is the maximal admissible? A. *2,5 (C B. 1 (C C. 1,5 (C D. 2 (C E. 3 (C

№ з/п 171 № з/п у БД 3752 A student has to measure the speed of air motion in experimental laboratory. What device should he use? A. *Cathethermometre B. Asman`s psychrometer C. Hair hygrometer D. Augustus psychrometer E. Anemometer

№ з/п 149 № з/п у БД 3366 In the workshop of garment factory they supervise effectiveness of the ventilation system and control on the microclimate conditions. What device can’t be used for determining the air movement velocity in the section of ventilation pane? A. *wing anemometer. B. electrical anemometer C. kata-thermometer D. stringed anemometer. E. membranous anemometer

Topic 5 (Part II): Hygienic evaluation of integrated influence of microclimatic parameters on Human Heat Exchange.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 8: PP. 87-98. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 5: PP. 26-29.

1. Completed set of methods for investigation of microclimate integrated influence on the organism includes: A. *Katathermometry, Effective Temperatures Method, Operative Temperatures Method (Equivalently Effective Temperatures Method), Radiation Temperatures Method (Resulting Radiation Temperatures Method) B. Katathermometry and Effective Temperatures Method C. Katathermometry and Operative Temperatures Method (Equivalently Effective Temperatures Method) D. Katathermometry and Radiation Temperatures Method (Resulting Radiation Temperatures Method) E. Katathermometry, Effective Temperatures Method and Operative Temperatures Method (Equivalently Effective Temperatures Method)

2. Katathermometry is a method which evaluates: A. *Integrated influence of air speed and the air temperature B. Integrated influence of air temperature and air humidity C. Integrated influence of air temperature, air humidity and air speed D. Integrated influence of air temperature, air humidity, air speed and radiation temperature E. Integrated influence of average air temperature and average air humidity

3. The Effective Temperatures Method is a method which evaluates: A. *Integrated influence of air temperature and the air humidity B. Integrated influence of air speed and the air temperature C. Integrated influence of the air temperature, air humidity and air speed D. Integrated influence of the air temperature, air humidity, air speed and radiation temperature E. Integrated influence of average air temperature and average air humidity

4. The Operative Temperatures Method (The Equivalently Effective Temperatures Method) is a method which evaluates: A. *Integrated influence of the air temperature, air humidity and air speed B. Integrated influence of the air temperature, air humidity, air speed and radiation temperature C. Integrated influence of air temperature and the air humidity D. Integrated influence of air speed and the air temperature E. Integrated influence of average air temperature and average air humidity

5. The Radiation Temperatures Method (The Resulting Radiation Temperatures Method) is a method which evaluates: A. *Integrated influence of the air temperature, air humidity, air speed and radiation temperature B. Integrated influence of air temperature and the air humidity C. Integrated influence of air speed and the air temperature D. Integrated influence of the air temperature, air humidity and air speed E. Integrated influence of average air temperature and average air humidity

Source of information: All-Ukrainian Test Database

№ з/п 78 № з/п у БД 3293 Patient with thyreotoxicosis is in the 2 beds hospital ward of therapeutic department. The area of the ward is 18 m2, height - 3 m, ventilation rate - 2,5 /hr. Air temperature - 20С, relative humidity - 45%, air movement velocity - 0,3 m/s, light coefficient - 1/5, noise level - 30 dB. Do hygienic assessment of the conditions: A. *discomfortable microclimate B. non-effective ventilation C. poor lighting D. high level of noise E. all conditions are OK

Topic 6: Methods of hygienic evaluation of climate and weather influence on human health.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 9: PP. 99-115. Recommended Reading

1. Give the definition of "climate": A. *It’s the weather regularly repeated during many years in a certain region B. Indicators of air temperature during the year C. A set of electrical parameters and parameters of humidity of the atmosphere during the year D. It’s the weather regularly repeated for three winter and three summer months E. A set of indices of daily-average temperature

2. What are the basic classifications of climate in accordance to main purpose of usage: A. *Natural geographic, medical B. Geographical, geological, geophysical C. Therapeutic, surgical, paediatric D. Global, regional, local E. Adjustment, rehabilitation, reparative

3. How many climate zones (according to geographic classification) is the northern hemisphere divided into: A. *Seven (7) B. Ten (10) C. Nine (9) D. Eight (8) E. Six (6)

4. What are the main types of climate according to the geographical classification (climatic zones of the Earth): A. *Polar, inclement, cold, temperate, warm, hot, tropical B. Sparing, irritating, indifferent C. Spastic, hypoxic, indifferent D. Very favourable, favourable, of intensified medical supervision, of a strict medical supervision E. Southern coast of Crimea, woodlands, forest-steppe, steppe, Carpathians

5. What are the main types of climate according to the medical classification: A. *Sparing, irritating B. Hot, cold C. Comfortable, uncomfortable D. Strict, sparing E. Moderate, uncomfortable

Source of Information – All-Ukrainian Test Database

№ з/п 103 № з/п у БД 3318 15. During the examination on general hygiene and social medicine the student said that the mountain sickness has been caused by the low content of oxygen in the highlands air. Could you correct his response? A. *it’s caused by decreasing of partial pressure of the oxygen B. it’s caused by high content of carbon dioxide C. it’s caused by solar radiation effect D. it’s caused by action of cold air E. it’s caused by peculiarities of perception of the mountain environment

№ з/п 125 № з/п у БД 3342 16. On the 12th April 2000 in Odessa there was variable cloudness and in-and-out precipitations, atmospheric pressure - 755 mm of Hg, wind - 8,5 m/s, daily overfall of temperature -7оС, atmospheric pressure - 10 mm Hg. What is the medical type of the weather? A. *requiring medical control B. very favorable C. favorable D. severe medical control E. acute

Topic 7: Soil Hygienic Evaluation on basis of land plot sanitary inspection and Soil Laboratory Analysis.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 18: PP. 198-212. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 17: PP. 82-86.

1. At the soil sanitary assessment usually must be determined such amount of soil pollution degrees: A. *4 B. 5 C. 2 D. 3 E. 6

2. There are some soil pollution degrees, they are: A. *Clean, lightly polluted, moderately polluted and intensively polluted soil B. Clean and lightly polluted soil C. Lightly polluted and moderately polluted soil D. Moderately polluted soil and intensively polluted soil E. Lightly polluted, moderately polluted, intensively polluted soil

3. Set of criteria groups at the Soil Sanitary Assessment includes: A. *Sanitary Chemical Criteria, Sanitary Bacteriological Criteria, Sanitary Helminthological Criteria, Sanitary Entomological Criteria, Toxycological Criteria, Radiological Criteria, Carcinomagenic Substances contents B. Sanitary Chemical Criteria, Sanitary Bacteriological Criteria, Sanitary Helminthological Criteria, Sanitary Entomological Criteria, Toxycological Criteria, Radiological Criteria C. Sanitary Chemical Criteria, Sanitary Bacteriological Criteria, Sanitary Helminthological Criteria, Sanitary Entomological Criteria, Toxycological Criteria D. Sanitary Chemical Criteria, Sanitary Bacteriological Criteria, Sanitary Helminthological Criteria, Sanitary Entomological Criteria E. Sanitary Chemical Criteria, Sanitary Bacteriological Criteria, Sanitary Helminthological Criteria

4. The Soil Sanitary Chemical Criteria are: A. *Khlebnikoff Value, CO2 contents B. Total Microbiological Amount, Coli-titer, Titer of Anaerobes C. Amount of Ascaris eggs per 1 kg of soil D. Amount of fly larva per 0,25 м2 of soil E. Radiological Criteria (concentration of Radionuclides)

5. The Soil Sanitary Bacteriological Criteria are: A. *Total Microbiological Amount, Coli-titer, Titer of Anaerobes B. Amount of Ascaris eggs per 1 kg of soil C. Amount of fly larva per 0,25 м2 of soil D. Radiological Criteria (concentration of Radionuclides) E. Khlebnikoff Value, CO2 contents 6. The main Soil Sanitary Helminthological Criterion is: A. *Amount of Ascaris eggs per 1 kg of soil B. Khlebnikoff Value, C. Total Microbiological Amount D. Coli-titer E. Amount of fly larva per 0,25 м2 of soil

7. The main Soil Sanitary Entomological Criterion is: A. *Amount of fly larva per 0,25 м2 of soil B. Amount of Ascaris eggs per 1 kg of soil C. Khlebnikoff Value, D. Total Microbiological Amount E. Coli-titer Topic 8: Municipal Waste Management

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading - Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 17: PP. 82-86.

1. Municipal Waste Management is: A. *An aggregate of measures on the collection, temporary storage, transportation, rendering to harmless condition and utilization of the different origin refuse B. An aggregate of measures on the collection, temporary storage, transportation, rendering to harmless condition and utilization of organic refuse C. An aggregate of measures on the collection, temporary storage, transportation, rendering to harmless condition and utilization of inorganic refuse D. An aggregate of measures on the collection, temporary storage, transportation, rendering to harmless condition and utilization of chemical refuse E. An aggregate of measures on the collection, temporary storage, transportation, rendering to harmless condition and utilization of aerosol refuse

2. Direct lithosphere pollution is realizing via: A. *Solid waste B. Dry sedimentation of air waste into the soil C. Sedimentation of air waste with rains (acid rains) D. Sewage (waste water) E. Dry sedimentation of air waste on the soil, sedimentation of air waste with rains (acid rains), sewages

3. Indirect lithosphere pollution is realizing via: A. *Dry sedimentation of air waste on the soil, sedimentation of air waste with rains (acid rains), sewages B. Solid waste C. Organic waste D. Inorganic waste E. Fluid waste

4. System of Populated Areas Refuse Removing includes further subsystems: A. *Floating System /Municipal Sewerage = Municipal sewage lines/, Export System /special transport/, Mix System /in populated areas with partial Municipal Sewerage / B. Floating System /Municipal Sewerage = Municipal sewage lines/, Export System /special transport/ C. Export System /special transport/, Mix System /in populated areas with partial Municipal Sewerage / D. Floating System /Municipal Sewerage = Municipal sewage lines/, Export System /special transport/, Mix System /in populated areas with partial Municipal Sewerage /, Import System. E. Floating System /Municipal Sewerage = Municipal sewage lines/, Export System /special transport/, Mix System /in populated areas with partial Municipal Sewerage /, Exchange System

5. At the Floating System of Municipal Waste Management: A. *Fluid refuse after previous decontamination penetrate basically to the superficial water basins B. Fluid refuse after previous decontamination penetrate basically to the underground water sources C. Fluid refuse after previous decontamination penetrate basically to the superficial water basins to the underground water sources D. Soil decontamination of fluid and solid refuse is preferable E. Soil decontamination of solid refuse is preferable

Source of information: All-Ukrainian Test Database

№ з/п 69 № з/п у БД 3666 In order to prevent the environmental pollution in the place N, the artificial methods of sewage disposal, biological purification, chlorination and compulsory laboratory control are planned. Which one of the main artificial sewage disposal methods isn’t taken into account? A. * Mechanical purification B. Rechlorination C. Filtration D. Irrigation E. Areas of sewage disposal

№ з/п 80 № з/п у БД 3295 The waste treatment complex is situated 1000 m away from the residential area. The area is hygienic,the technology of treatment is proper. They use sanitary space for growing of ray grass. People living in the nearest households complain of constant unpleasant smell, plenty of flies. There is high morbidity of intestinal diseases. Specify the probable causes of unsatisfactory epidemiological situation. A. *sanitary space is not used properly B. improper waste chlorination C. absence of the vegetations at the waste treatment station D. improper examining of the station worker E. emergency outlets of the impure wastes

№ з/п 109 № з/п у БД 3324 For waste treatment they offer chloric lime with 5% content of active chlorine. What content of active chlorine is admissible for disinfecting at least? A. *20% B. 1% C. 5% D. 10% E. 15%

№ з/п 128 № з/п у БД 3345 They are building a 2 storied house in the town. Water pipes and canalization are absent. What type of lavatory is the best for these conditions? A. *Lavatory with aerated tank B. Chemical lavatory C. WC D. Public lavatory E. Field lavatory

Topic 9: Hygiene of populated areas planning and development. General Procedure of the Object Sanitary Inspection and Description.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 14: PP. 153-161, Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 17: PP. 82-86.

1. Hygiene of populated areas planning has the following purpose: A. *To ensure adequate living conditions, prophylaxis of diseases among urban residents B. To prevent diseases among inhabitants of countryside C. To make sites development the cheapest one. D. To provide more comfortable and cheap living conditions, to minimize time loss, to decrease greenhouse effect in cities, to provide aesthetics of sights and industrial design E. To provide optimum day regimen, to make transportation more simple. Goncharuk E.

2. Town or city should have the following areas in accordance to their functions: A. *Residential, Industrial, landscape and recreation areas, B. Landscape and production.areas C. Administrative center, suburbs, landscape and recreational areas, central park for walking D. Industrial that combined with the residential. E. Elite zone, usual residential, zone of slums.

3. What facilities should be located in a residential area of a city? A. *Residential buildings, municipal buildings, social institutions and personal services etc. B. Residential buildings, municipal buildings, industrial enterprises if they are not very toxic, transport stations if they are not very noisy, social institutions and personal services. C. Dwelling houses and student’s accommodations only. D. Social institutions, residential buildings, Industrial enterprises that are profitable and produce noise less than 100 decibel. E. It depends on decision of a local community.

4. Landscape gardening of a city must be not less than: A. *For residential areas - 40%, for zones of preschool and school institutions - 80% B. For residential areas - 85%, for industrial zone 45 % C. For preschool and school institutions - 95% D. Very little ‘cause trees may damage cars and people when hurricane E. For residential areas - 30%, for industrial zone – 25 %, for zones of preschool and school institutions – 50 %.

5. Unfit for housing building and public facilities area that has the following level of radioactive contamination: A. *Isotopes of Cesium over 5 Cu/km2 B. Strontium isotopes 0,10 Cu/km2 C. Isotopes of plutonium 0.001 Cu/km2 D. Not permissible any radioactive contamination E. Strontium isotopes 1.0 Cu/km2

Topic 10: Hygienic evaluation of potable water quality on basis of Water-Supply System Inspection and Water Laboratory Analysis.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): of Vinnitsya Pyrogov Memorial National Medical University Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 17: PP. 181-198. Recommended Reading

1. What are the main functions of water in our life: A. *Physiological, household, health-improving, industrial B. Compensatory, regulatory, production of vitamins C. Physiological, regulatory, health improving, compensatory, industrial D. Compensatory, bioregulatory, thermoregulatory, production of vitamins E. Physiological, regulatory, adaptive, household, health-improving, indutrial

2. Indicate bacterial infectious diseases that can be transmitted through water: A. *Typhoid fever, cholera, leptospirosis, salmonellosis, dysentery, pseudotuberkulosis B. Typhoid fever, cholera, leptospirosis, salmonellosis, dysentery, polio, amebic dysentery, pseudotuberkulosis C. Viral hepatitis, poliomyelitis, enterovirus infections, balantidiasis, bacillary dysentery, D. Endemic goitre, caries, fluorosis, molybdenic artritis, Kashin-Bek disease, Minomata disease E. Tuberculosis, pseudotuberkulosis.

3. Indicators that water is of a full physiological value: A. *Total hardness, amount of fluoride B. Smell, taste, transparency, nitrates, nitrites, chlorides, water oxidizability C. Total hardness, hardness removable, dry residue, silicon, magnesium, fluoride D. Transparency, iron, ferric chloride E. Water is tasty, cool, fulfils thirst, has enough total hardness, removable hardness, dry residue, silicon, magnesium, fluoride

4. What are the main ways of preventing the biogeochemical endemic diseases: A. *Delivery of marine products, adding of microelements in drinking water, use of pharmaceuticals, use of fertilizers enriched with microelements B. Use of physiotherapeutic procedures, milk diet C. Use of speleotherapy, adding of sea products, trace elements in drinking water, meals lightly salting D. Introduction of medical physical culture E. Using of climate, light physical training, correct day regimen, vegetable diet, adding of ascorbic acid.

5. List indicators of water pollution: A. *Organoleptic, chemical, bacteriological, hydrobiological B. Industrial, agricultural, domestic C. Organoleptic, endemic , sanitary D. Physical, chemical, biological, sanitary number by Chlebnycov E. Chemical, physical, bacteriological, endemic, an entomological, helminthologic, universal

6.The hygienic conclusion on water quality should include the answers on following questions: A. *Is water appropriate to drinking needs? If it is not, define, what kind of pollution takes place: mineral or organic? B. Define the pollution duration (latest, recent, long-standing, constant) C. Define the amount of pollution (small, much, very much) D. How many liters of such water a person may drink per day? E. What methods of water quality improvement should be used?

Information source – All-Ukraine Test Database

№ з/п 23 № з/п у БД 3288 The populated area has the water supply from artesian chink. Lab analyses data: transparence - 30 cm, hardness- 5,5 mg-eq/l, colority - 20º, nitrates - 20 mg/l, smell - 1 score, fluorine - 4,0 mg/l, taste -1 score, coli-titer - 400 ml. What disease would result water consumption? A. *fluorosis B. urine stones C. water-nitrate methemoglobinemia D. chronic gastritis E.syderoachrestic anemia

№ з/п 119 № з/п у БД 3339 The artesian chink is situated out off the residential area, the nearest territory is free of pollution and covered. Water analysis: taste - 1 score, oxidation ability - 0,5 mg О2/l, coli-titer - 500 ml, smell - 0 scores, ammonia - traces, transparence - 40 cm, colority – 10, microbic number – 28, nitrites – traces, nitrates - 92,0 mg/l. What disease can be caused by drinking this water? A. *water-nitrate methemoglobinemia B. syderoachrestic anemia C. talassemia D. dysentery E. gastritis

№ з/п 120 № з/п у БД 3340 The mountain lake is situated out off the residential area. The forest is around, shores are sandy and stony. Water analysis: Smell, taste - 1 score, ammonia and nitrites - no, color - colorless, nitrates - 40 mg/l, transparence - 40 cm, chlorides - 50 mg/l, oxidation ability - 3 mg О2/l, hardness - 10 mg-eq/l, coli-titer – 300 ml, microbic number - 65. Could this water be used for drinking? A. *water is suitable for drinking B. water is suitable only for technical purposes C. water is suitable after boiling D. water is not suitable for using E. water can be used after settling

№ з/п 135 № з/п у БД 3352 In the well situated at the outskirts of the village in 60 m from the cattle farm they found nitrogen compounds in concentrations: ammonia - 0,9 mg/l, nitrites -0,1 mg/l, nitrates - 52 mg/l. For what pollution is this analysis typical? A. *continuous B. fresh C. recent D. old E. latent

№ з/п 152 № з/п у БД 3369 In the country with decentralized water supply (shaft wells) they registered elongation of fonticuli healing, poor bones development, teeth development retardation among infants . They are typical signs for presence in water of A. *Fluorine B. Lead C. Strontium D. Iodine E. Arsenium

Topic 11: Sanitary Inspection of Water-Supply Source. Methods of water sampling for Bacteriological and Sanitary-Chemical Analysis.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): of Vinnitsya Pyrogov Memorial National Medical University Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 16: PP. 168-180. Recommended Reading

Source of information – All-Ukraine Test Database № з/п 71 № з/п у БД 3668 A student has got the following examination task. The interlayer waters are known to be so much mineralized that they can’t be used for municipal water supply with no treatment. In case of soil pollution by waste products and sewage. There is a danger of subsoil water pollution with pathogenic microorganisms. Name the source of water supply to be the best for middle and small water pipes. A. * interlayer waters B. subsoil waters C. atmosphere waters D. surface waters E. springs

№ з/п 110 № з/п у БД 3325 For preventive purposes the student drinks mineral waters. What mineral water can be used for everyday drinking? A. *potable B. arsenic C. boric D. hydrosulfurous E. radon

№ з/п 113 № з/п у БД 3328 Student В. Lives in the canalized house in the flat with complete set of sanitary equipment (WC, bath, shower, centralized hot water supply). What volume of water does he use daily? A. *250-300 l B. 10-15 l C. 50-100 l D. 160-200 l E. 400-500 l

Topic 12: Hygienic evaluation of water supply. Methods of water conditioning.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): of Vinnitsya Pyrogov Memorial National Medical University Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading: Hygiene and Ecology: Textbook for Higher Medical Establishments / Ed. By Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy, Michael P. Vorontsov, Alisa A. Musulbas, Ch:16. PP. 78-82 Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic: 17. PP.181-197.

1. What are the main kinds (directions) of drinking water quality improvement: A. *Cleaning, disinfection, decontamination, removing of toxic and radioactive substances B. Cleaning, clarification, disinfection, chlorination, overchlorination, coagulation, sterilization, filtration through activated carbon C. Cleaning, disinfection, removal of toxic substances, the removal of radioactive substances, removing of salts, desalination, fluoride removal, iron removal, fast filtration D. Ionic precipitation E. Sublimation, uv- irradiation, boiling, sedimentation

2. Water purification methods include: A. *Sedimentation, coagulation, filtration B. Settling, coagulation, filtration, softening, chlorination, UV-irradiation, softening C. Desalination, softening, chlorination D. Fluorination-defluorination E. To expose to UV-rays, sedimentation, coagulation, filtration, desalination

3. How many minutes does active chlorine should contact with water to consider that reaction is completed? A. *30 minutes B. 10 minutes C. 60 minutes D. 90 minutes E. 120 minutes

The 3rd level tests (Information source – All-Ukraine Test Database) № з/п 85 № з/п у БД 3300 The well is located at the village outskirts. It has the stone walls, cover; the common bucket is absent. The nearest area is not covered. The square of water mirror is 0,5 m2, depth 20 m. How many grams of chloric lime containing 25\% of active chlorine is it necessary to use for well disinfecting if chlorine demand of water is 2 A. *80 g B. 20 g C. 40 g D. 60 g E. 100 g № з/п 166 № з/п у БД 3733 To determine the sufficient water decontamination, the amount of residual chlorine which is left after chloration is taken into consideration. What is the method of qualitative determination of residual chlorine in drinking water after its chloration? A. *Adding of potassium iodide and starch to water samples B. Fitration of the water sample by up to rosy colour of solution Greese reagent C. Addition of acid to the water sample D. Addition of aluminium sulfuric oxide to the water sample up to the formation of hydroxide flakes. E. Addition of manganese peroxide to the water sample

№ з/п 100 № з/п у БД 3315 The group of Ukrainian tourists visited Malaysia. By WHO statistics this country has a high rate of morbidity owning to water-borne infections. What way of water disinfecting should they use? A. *boiling B. ozonizing C. freezing D. iodination E. UV irradiation

№ з/п 117 № з/п у БД 3332 Tooth decay morbidity among people living in N is 89\%. They drinks water containing 0,001 mg/l fluorine. What prevention could you advise? A. *water fluorination B. brush teeth C. inhalate fluorine D. eat more vegetables E. use sylantes

Topic 13: Food Sanitary Inspection. Food Sanitary Inspection Rules for Milk, Dairy Products, Meat, Fish and Canned Goods.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 28: PP. 297-300, 301-305. Recommended Reading -

1. Kinds of Food Products (Aliments) Expertise ensured by state services: A.*Sanitary-Hygienic Service B. Biosafety Service C. Pharmacological Service D. Alimentary Service E. Chemical Safety Service

2. The goal of Food Products Sanitary Expertise is: A.*To determine quality/safety/ of aliments B. To determine biological & food value of aliments C. To determine biological value of aliments D. To determine food value of aliments E. To determine quality/safety/ of aliments, their biological and food value

3. The goal of Food Products Hygienic Expertise is: A.*To determine biological & food value of aliments B. To determine quality/safety/ of aliments C. To determine biological value of aliments D. To determine food value of aliments E. To determine quality/safety/ of aliments, their biological and food value 4. Biological Value of Food Products is: A.*A contents of basic nutrients (Proteins, Fats, Carbohydrates) in aliments and their assimilability B. A contents of basic nutrients (Proteins, Fats, Carbohydrates) in aliments C. A contents of Proteins n aliments and their assimilability D. A contents of Fats in aliments and their assimilability E. A contents of basic nutrients Carbohydrates in aliments and their assimilability

5. Food Value of Products is: A.*A possibility of preparation of high-quality dishes with good gustatory properties (testy, delicious dishes) B. A contents of basic nutrients (Proteins, Fats, Carbohydrates) in aliments and their assimilability C. A contents of basic nutrients (Proteins, Fats, Carbohydrates) in aliments D. A contents of Proteins n aliments and their assimilability E. A contents of Fats in aliments and their assimilability

Source of information: All-Ukrainian Test Database № з/п 3 № з/п у БД 2972 Milk contains starch. Solution Lugoli has been added for definition of starch in milk. What color will the milk be painted in? A. Dark blue B. Pink C. Green D. Yellow E. Black

№ з/п 5 № з/п у БД 2974 Estimate the quality of milk: density 1038, the maintenance: of fat 2,8 %, acidity: 18 T. A. * The lowered quality B. Of good quality C. Of poor quality D. Adulterated E. Conditionally fit

№ з/п 22 № з/п у БД 3287 They took the sample from 5 tons milk batch. In the lab analysis it was defined: fat content 2%, specific density 1,04 g/cm3, acidity 21 ºТ, reductase probe – weak positive. What way is the product to be used in? A. *sell but inform customers about milk quality B. write off for animal feeding C. technical utilization D. sell without limitations E. do product away

№ з/п 79 № з/п у БД 3294 The kitchen of the student hostel received fish: the surface is covered with slime, scales are mate, gills have dirty red color and unpleasant smell, eyes are mate and sunken, muscles are soft. Assess food quality. A. *poor quality product B. high quality product, can be used without limitations C. high quality product, can be used with limitations D. conditionally good product E. adulterated product

№ з/п 87 № з/п у БД 3302 Canned fish “Atlantic hearing” has a paper label with specification of the enterprise-producer (fish-processing plant in Yalta), name of the product and others. The surface of the tin is not deformed, the bottom and cover are significantly convex. Tin is hermetic. Tin cover is marked by the stamp: 070190 513234 1Р Assess quality of product A. * poor quality product, can’t be used B. high quality product, can be used w/o limitations C. conditionally edible product, can be used for meal D. False spoiled, can be used after boiling E. adulterated, can be used after boiling № з/п 88 № з/п у БД 3303 They inspect the pig corps at the abattoir. The flesh surface is light-red, section is some how wet, spots at the blotting-paper don’t appear, elasticity is normal. Fat is white with yellowish tint, solid, in compression it crumbles, marrow is pink and fills the bone channel completely. The meat has specific smell of fresh flesh.. In tongue, diaphragm, intercostals and chewing muscles there are trichinas. What should they do with meat? A. *use for technical utilization B. use for meal w/o limitations C. use for meal after boiling D. use for meal after disinfecting E. use for animal feeding by the contract with veterinarian inspection

№ з/п 104 № з/п у БД 3319 At the market they sell milk brought in the churns. Smell and taste of milk are usual, color is white with bluish tint, specific density 1,015 g/cm3, fat content 2%. Acidity 15оТ. No admixtures. Determine milk quality. A. *milk was adulterated by dilution B. milk was adulterated by skimming C. Stale milk D. milk with suspicious freshness E. surrogate milk

№ з/п 121 № з/п у БД 3341 They confiscated 20 kg of pork from a seller at the market. The surface of flesh is bright, condistence is dense, fat is solid, smell is usual, color is light red, рН of meat juice - 6,0, they found 5 fins at 40 cm2. Assess meat quality A. *poor quality product, not suitable B. high quality product, suitable w/o limitations C. high quality product, suitable with limitations D. surrogate product E. adulterated product

№ з/п 126 № з/п у БД 3343 They confiscated 20 kg of pork from a seller at the market. The surface of flesh is bright, consistence is dense, fat is solid, smell is usual, color is light red, рН of meat juice - 6,0, they found 2 fins at 40 cm2. Assess meat quality. A. *high quality product, conditionally suitable B. high quality product, suitable w/o limitations C. poor quality product, not suitable D. surrogate E. Adulterated product

Topic 14: Food Sanitary Inspection. Food Inspection Rules for flour, bread and cereals. Laboratory control of beverages quality and adulteration. Hygienic basis of food additives use in modern nutrition.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 28: PP. 297-301. Recommended Reading -

1. Set of basic quality degrees of any food product includes following degrees with exception of: A.*Adulterated Product B. High-Quality Product C. Decreased Quality Product D. Conditionally Suitable Product E. Low-Quality Product

2. Additional quality degrees of any food product are the following: A.*Adulterated, Raffinade, Surrogate (Ersatz) B. Adulterated, Raffinade, Surrogate (Ersatz), Decreased Quality Product C. Adulterated, Raffinade, Surrogate (Ersatz), Conditionally Suitable Product, D. Adulterated, Raffinade, Surrogate (Ersatz), Low-Quality Product E. Adulterated, Raffinade, Surrogate (Ersatz), Low-Quality, Pure Product

3. Qualitative Food Product (High Quality Product) is a product which: A.*Satisfies all requirements of State Standard on this kind of products and can’t cause negative impact on human health B. Has some non-significant deviations from State Standard on this kind of products and can’t cause negative impact on human health C. Has some non-significant deviations from State Standard on this kind of products and can cause negative impact on human health D. Has significant deviations from State Standard on this kind of products and can cause negative impact on human health, but these deviations can be eliminated by additional culinary work up E. Has significant deviations from State Standard on this kind of products, these deviations can’t be eliminated by additional culinary work up and due to this it can cause negative impact on human health

4. Decreased Quality Food Product is a product which: A.*Has some non-significant deviations from State Standard on this kind of products and can’t cause negative impact on human health B. Satisfies all requirements of State Standard on this kind of products and can’t cause negative impact on human health C. Has some non-significant deviations from State Standard on this kind of products and can cause negative impact on human health D. Has significant deviations from State Standard on this kind of products and can cause negative impact on human health, but these deviations can be eliminated by additional culinary work up E. Has significant deviations from State Standard on this kind of products, these deviations can’t be eliminated by additional culinary work up and due to this it can cause negative impact on human health

5. Conditionally Suitable Food Product is a product which: A.*Has significant deviations from State Standard on this kind of products and can cause negative impact on human health, but these deviations can be eliminated by additional culinary work up B. Has some non-significant deviations from State Standard on this kind of products and can’t cause negative impact on human health C. Satisfies all requirements of State Standard on this kind of products and can’t cause negative impact on human health D. Has some non-significant deviations from State Standard on this kind of products and can cause negative impact on human health E. Has significant deviations from State Standard on this kind of products, these deviations can’t be eliminated by additional culinary work up and due to this it can cause negative impact on human health

Source of information: All-Ukrainian Test Database

№ з/п 2 № з/п у БД 2971 The first-rate wheat bread was brought to the hospital food-block: with humidity of 45 %, acidity of 3 , porosity of 67 %. Evaluate the quality of the bread, please A. *Of good quality B. Of poor quality C. Adulterated D. Conditionally fit E. Of the lowered quality

№ з/п 89 № з/п у БД 3304 Wheat flour came to realization in the trade network. By the documents its sort was defined as “extra”. Labanalysis data: color: white with yellowish, humidity: 17%, smell: acidous, acidity: 10, taste: acidous, glutens: 15%, crunch: no. Assess quality of product. A. *poor quality product, not suitable for using B. flour of high quality, can be used w/o limitations C. conditionally suitable for using D. flour has low humidity, not suitable for using E. flour has high humidity, not suitable for using

№ з/п 102 № з/п у БД 3317 While answering the state examination a student of medical faculty said that the sanitary lab decides the problem about suitableness of food for using. Could you correct your colleague’s answer? A. *health officer gives final conclusion about food quality B. assistant of health officer gives a conclusion C. dietologist gives final conclusion D. cook gives the conclusion E. customer gives a conclusion

Topic 15: Study of nutrition adequacy and balance. Procedure of Human Energy Expenditures calculation. Determination of Nutrient Demands.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 25: PP. 264-274. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 18: PP. 87-92.

1. To the set of nutrition theories wasn’t included: A.*Holistic Theory B. Blood-forming theory C. Adequate Nutrition Theory D. Balanced Nutrition Theory E. Rational Nutrition Theory

2. Adequate nutrition: A.*Is a nutrition, which covers all energetic needs of the organism B. Is a nutrition with optimum ratio between the basic kinds of nutrients (Proteins, Fats & Carbohydrates) C. Is a nutrition which is conforming to the organism’s needs by qualitative & quantitative contents D. Is a rational nutrition with taking into account of non-infectious diseases’ alimentary risk factors & individual peculiarities of concrete personal genetic aptitude (for ex., preventive diet for atherosclerosis) E. Is a nutrition, which makes weaker the harmful industrial factors’ influence on the organism & because of this it prevents forming of professional diseases

3. Balanced nutrition: A.*Is a nutrition with optimum ratio between the basic kinds of nutrients (Proteins, Fats & Carbohydrates) B. Is a nutrition, which covers all energetic needs of the organism C. Is a nutrition which is conforming to the organism’s needs by qualitative & quantitative contents D. Is a rational nutrition with taking into account of non-infectious diseases’ alimentary risk factors & individual peculiarities of concrete personal genetic aptitude (for ex., preventive diet for atherosclerosis) E. Is a nutrition, which makes weaker the harmful industrial factors’ influence on the organism & because of this it prevents forming of professional diseases

4. Rational Nutrition (extended definition): A.*is a nutrition which is conforming to the organism’s needs by qualitative & quantitative contents B. is a nutrition, which covers all energetic needs of the organism C. is a nutrition with optimum ratio between the basic kinds of nutrients (Proteins, Fats & Carbohydrates) D. is a rational nutrition with taking into account of non-infectious diseases’ alimentary risk factors & individual peculiarities of concrete personal genetic aptitude (for ex., preventive diet for atherosclerosis) E. is a nutrition, which makes weaker the harmful industrial factors’ influence on the organism & because of this it prevents forming of professional diseases

5. Brief summarized definition of Rational Nutrition: A.*It is an adequate and balanced nutrition both B. It is an adequate nutrition C. It is balanced nutrition D. It is a preventive nutrition E. It is a protective nutrition

Topic 16: Study of nutrition adequacy and balance. Hygienic Evaluation of Human Individual Nutrition and Collective Nutrition of Organization’s Personnel.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 26: PP. 275-287. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 19: PP. 92-96, 98- 102.

1. Caloric Coefficient of Proteins: A.*4,1 kcal B. 3,14 kcal C. 9,3 kcal D. 4,5kcal E. 4,6 kcal

2. Caloric Coefficient of Fats: A.*9,3 kcal B. 4,1 kcal C. 3,14 kcal D. 4,5kcal E. 4,6 kcal

3. Caloric Coefficient of Carbohydrates: A.*4,1 kcal B. 3,14 kcal C. 9,3 kcal D. 4,5kcal E. 4,6 kcal

4. Proteins are the source of nutrilities: A.* Essential amino acids /20 “miracle” amino acids/ B. Essential fat acids (Linoleic Acid, Linolenic acid, Arachidonic acid) C. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) D. Vitamin PP (Nicotinic Acid) E. Vitamin H (Biotin)

5. Fats are the source of nutrilities: A.* Essential fat acids (Linoleic Acid, Linolenic acid, Arachidonic acid) B. Essential amino acids /20 “miracle” amino acids/ C. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) D. Vitamin PP (Nicotinic Acid) E. Vitamin H (Biotin)

Source of information: All-Ukrainian Test Database № з/п 90 № з/п у БД 3305 The dockers work at the port in night schift from 23.00 to 7.00. By heaviness of labour this group of workers has hard physical labour. What nutrition mode will you advise for them? A. *3-times meal, total calorie value 3700 kcal B. 3-times meal, total calorie value 3200 kcal C. 4-times meal, total calorie value 3200 kcal D. 5-times meal, total calorie value 5000 kcal E. liberated, total calorie value 3000 kcal

Topic 17: Study of nutrition adequacy and balance. Procedure for evaluation of Human Nutritional Status and Vitamin Provision of Human Organism.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 23-24: PP. 246-256, 257-263. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 19, 21: PP. 96-98, 110-115.

1. The main kinds of human nutritional status are all following kinds, but with exception of: A.*Ordinary B. Usual C. Optimum D. Excessive E. Insufficient

2. Ordinary nutritional status of men is: A.*A result of normal food provision of the organism (which satisfying all requirements to rational nutrition) in usual conditions B. A result of usual food provision of the organism (which satisfying all requirements to rational nutrition) in usual conditions C. Is a result of normal food provision of the organism according to the special food norms, which take into account a possibility of influences of extreme and stressful conditions on the organism (for ex., unusual work conditions) D. Is a result of significant excess (qualitative and quantitative) of provision with food substances E. Is a result of significant deficit (qualitative and quantitative) of provision with food substances

3. Optimum nutritional status of men is: A.*Is a result of normal food provision of the organism according to the special food norms, which take into account possibility of influences of extreme and stressful conditions on the organism (for ex., unusual work conditions) B. Is a result of normal food provision of the organism according to the special food norms, which take into account possibility of influences of optimum conditions on the organism (for ex., optimum work conditions) C. Is a result of normal food provision of the organism (which satisfying all requirements to rational nutrition) in usual conditions D. Is a result of significant excess (qualitative and quantitative) of provision with food substances. E. Is a result of significant deficit (qualitative and quantitative) of provision with food substances

4. Excessive nutritional status of men is: A.*Is a result of significant excess (qualitative and quantitative) of provision with food substances B. Is a result of non-significant excess (qualitative and quantitative) of provision with food substances C. Is a result of normal food provision of the organism (which satisfying all requirements to rational nutrition) in usual conditions D. Is a result of normal food provision of the organism according to the special food norms, which take into account possibility of influences of extreme and stressful conditions on the organism (for ex., unusual work conditions) E. Is a result of significant deficit (qualitative and quantitative) of provision with food substances

5. Insufficient nutritional status of men is: A.*Is a result of significant deficit (qualitative and quantitative) of provision with food substances B. Is a result of non-significant deficit (qualitative and quantitative) of provision with food substances C. Is a result of significant excess (qualitative and quantitative) of provision with food substances D. Is a result of normal food provision of the organism (which satisfying all requirements to rational nutrition) in usual conditions E. Is a result of normal food provision of the organism according to the special food norms, which take into account possibility of influences of extreme and stressful conditions on the organism (for ex., unusual work conditions)

Source of information: All-Ukrainian Test Database № з/п 4 № з/п у БД 2973 Matusis` Device is used for estimation of providing of an organism with: A. * Vitamin C B. Vitamin B 1 C. Vitamin B 6 D. Vitamin B 12 E. Vitamin A

№ з/п 84 № з/п у БД 3299 Patient С., 15 year old, consulted his physician with complaints of the night blindness. Objectively: rised darkness adaptation time, Bitot’s spots on conjuctive. Patient’s skin is dry, desquamatous, folliculitis signs of the face skin. What foods do you consider should he eat to prevent this disease? A. *butter and carrots B. lard and garlic C. sunflower oil and cabbage D. margarine and potato E. cocoas milk and pineapples

№ з/п 92 № з/п у БД 3307 Soldier Р,. 19 year old, was brought to the military hospital with complaints on fatigability, gum bleeding. Objectively: dryness and paleness of the skin, acrocyanosis. Interdental spaces of the gums edematous, gums are loosened, cyanotic. Folliculitis signs. Vitamin С excretion with urine: 0,27 mg/hour. Estimate vitamin C supply of the soldier organism and specify its standards for ascorbic acid excretion with urine A. *low (norm: 0,7-1,0 mg/h.) B. low (norm: 2,0-3,0 mg/h.) C. low (norm: 1,0-1,5 mg/h) D. high (norm: 0,1-0,2 mg/h.) E. normal (norm: 0,2-0,6 мg/h.)

№ з/п 93 № з/п у БД 3308 Family physician advised for patient to rise vitamin C and calcium supply of the organism by drinking milk and eating sorrel. What mistake has he done? A. *calcium is not absorbed in the presence of oxalic acid B. sorrel is poor in vitamin C C. milk does not content calcium D. these foods are allergenic E. alimentary correction hasn’t any advantages in comparison with pharmacological one

№ з/п 94 № з/п у БД 3309 The daily diet of a porter contains 110 g of protein (including 61 g of animal origin), 120 g of fat, 400 g of carbohydrates. His losses of energy are about 4000 kcal per day. What ways to optimize his nutrition could you advise? A. *increase carbohydrates content B. increase quantity of animal protein in the diet C. increase quantity of vegetable protein D. increase fat content E. decrease quantity of animal protein Topic 18: Alimentary and Alimentary-Conditioned Diseases Prevention. Hygienic basis of Medical-Dietary Nutrition (Clinical Nutrition) and Medical-Preventive Nutrition.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topics 27,29: PP. 288-296, 312-313. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 20,21: PP. 103-109, 110-117.

1. Preventive Nutrition A.*Is a rational nutrition with taking into account of non-infectious diseases’ alimentary risk factors and individual peculiarities of concrete personal genetic aptitude (for ex., preventive diet for atherosclerosis) B. Is a nutrition for sick persons, which prevents further development of current (existent) diseases C. Is a nutrition with optimum ratio between the basic kinds of nutrients (Proteins, Fats & Carbohydrates) D. Is a nutrition which is conforming to the organism’s needs by qualitative & quantitative contents E. Is a feeding, which makes weaker the harmful industrial factors’ influence on the organism & because of this it prevents forming of professional diseases

2. Medical-Preventive Nutrition A.*Is a nutrition, which makes weaker the harmful industrial factors’ influence on the organism & because of this it prevents forming of professional diseases B. Is a rational nutrition with taking into account of non-infectious diseases’ alimentary risk factors & individual peculiarities of concrete personal genetic aptitude (for ex., preventive diet for atherosclerosis) C. Is a nutrition, which covers all energetic needs of the organism D. Is a nutrition with optimum ratio between the basic kinds of nutrients (Proteins, Fats & Carbohydrates) E. Is a nutrition which is conforming to the organism’s needs by qualitative & quantitative contents

3. Medical-Preventive Nutrition includes respective set of standard rations. Their total amount is: A.*5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 E. 9

4. Medical-Dietary Nutrition /Diets/ A.*Is a nutrition for sick persons, which prevents further development of current (existent) diseases B. Is a feeding with optimum ratio between the basic kinds of nutrients (Proteins, Fats & Carbohydrates) C. Is a feeding which is conforming to the organism’s needs by qualitative and quantitative contents D. Is a rational feeding with taking into account of non-infectious diseases’ alimentary risk factors & individual peculiarities of concrete personal genetic aptitude (for ex., preventive diet for atherosclerosis) E. Is a feeding, which makes weaker the harmful industrial factors’ influence on the organism & because of this it prevents forming of professional diseases

5. Medical-Dietary Nutrition includes respective set of standard rations. Their total amount is: A.*15 B. 20 C. 10 D. 25 E. 50

Source of information: All-Ukrainian Test Database № з/п 26 № з/п у БД 3335 Mrs. Т., 33 years old works as the secretary. Her diet contains 150 g of protein (including 100 g of animal), 200 g of fat, 600 g of carbohydrates. What pathology can effect this diet? A. *obesity B. schizophrenia C. paradontosis D. common cold E. uterine fibromyoma

№ з/п 112 № з/п у БД 3327 After eating of raw duck eggs the family with signs of gastroenterocolitis was delivered to hospital t. What disease can be the most probable? A. *salmonellosis B. erysipelas C. leptospirosis D. botulism E. ergotism

№ з/п 129 № з/п у БД 3346 Mr G. uses untreated feces for fertilizing. He sells vegetables at the city market. What infestation can occur among his customers? A. *ascaridosis B. trichinosis C. shistosomatosis D. dracunculosis E. opistorchosis

Topic 19: Medical-sanitary supervision of organization of nutrition in medical treatment facilities.

Source of information: Department Manual, Author of the Manual: Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Mandatory Reading - Recommended Reading -

1. Documents necessary for nutrition unit sanitary control: A.*Personal Medical Cards of nutrition unit personnel, Log Book of Periodical Medical Examinations, Log Book of Current Medical Examinations for Revelation of Catarrhal Signs or Acute Respiratory Infections, Log Book of Medical Examinations for Revelation of Diarrhea and Another Enteric Symptoms B. Personal Medical Cards of nutrition unit personnel, Log Book of Periodical Medical Examinations, Log Book of Current Medical Examinations for Revelation of Catarrhal Signs or Acute Respiratory Infections C. Personal Medical Cards of nutrition unit personnel, Log Book of Periodical Medical Examinations, Log Book of Medical Examinations for Revelation of Diarrhea and Another Enteric Symptoms D. Log Book of Periodical Medical Examinations, Log Book of Current Medical Examinations for Revelation of Catarrhal Signs or Acute Respiratory Infections, Log Book of Medical Examinations for Revelation of Diarrhea and Another Enteric Symptoms E. Personal Medical Cards of nutrition unit personnel, Log Book of Current Medical Examinations for Revelation of Catarrhal Signs or Acute Respiratory Infections, Log Book of Medical Examinations for Revelation of Diarrhea and Another Enteric Symptoms

2. Set of Standard Rations (by Pevsner) includes Diets for patents with different kinds of pathology. For post- operation patients (in period of first 3-6 days after massive operation) physician must prescribe: A.*Diet number 0 B. Diet number 1 C. Diet number 2 D. Diet number 3 E. Diet number 4

3. Set of Standard Rations (by Pevsner) includes Diets for patents with different kinds of pathology. For patients with Acute Colitis or Acute Enterocolitis physician must prescribe: A.*Diet number 4 B. Diet number 1 C. Diet number 2 D. Diet number 3 E. Diet number 0

4. Set of Standard Rations (by Pevsner) includes Diets for patents with different kinds of pathology. For patients with Liver Diseases physician must prescribe: A.*Diet number 5 B. Diet number 1 C. Diet number 2 D. Diet number 3 E. Diet number 4

5. Set of Standard Rations (by Pevsner) includes Diets for patents with different kinds of pathology. For patients with Podagra (Gout) physician must prescribe: A.*Diet number 6 B. Diet number 1 C. Diet number 2 D. Diet number 0 E. Diet number 4

Source of information: All-Ukrainian Test Database № з/п 74 № з/п у БД 3289 S., 59 year old male is ill with generalized arteriosclerosis with blood circulation insufficiency. What ratio between the nutrients do you consider to advice? A. *proteins : fats : carbohydrates = 1 : 0,5 : 3 B. proteins : fats : carbohydrates = 1 : 1,0 : 4 C. proteins : fats : carbohydrates = 1 : 1,0 : 5 D. proteins : fats : carbohydrates = 1 : 1,3 : 4 E. proteins : fats : carbohydrates = 1 : 2,0 : 3

Topic 20: Methods of food poisonings investigation and prevention.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 29: PP. 306-313. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 22: PP. 117-123.

1. Food poisonings are: A.*Acute or chronic diseases due to consumption of food, which was massively bacterized by denoted type of microorganisms or polluted by microbial or amicrobial toxins B. Acute diseases due to consumption of food, which was massively bacterized by denoted type of microorganisms or polluted by microbial or amicrobial toxins C. Chronic diseases due to consumption of food, which was massively bacterized by denoted type of microorganisms or polluted by microbial or amicrobial toxins D. Acute or chronic diseases due to consumption of food, which was massively bacterized by denoted type of microorganisms E. Acute or chronic diseases due to consumption of food, which was massively polluted by microbial or amicrobial toxins

2. There is a set of common symptoms of all Acute Enteric Poisonings which includes: A.*Direct connection with food consumption, mass character of the poisoning’s out-burst, super acute attack of disease (as a rule on a background of absolute health), preferable damage of organs of alimentary tract, non- contagious character of disease, ending of mass alimentary poisoning after the causable food product (aliments) exception & confiscation B. Direct connection with food consumption, mass character of the poisoning’s out-burst, super acute attack of disease (as a rule on a background of absolute health), preferable damage of organs of alimentary tract, non- contagious character of disease C. Direct connection with food consumption, mass character of the poisoning’s out-burst, super acute attack of disease (as a rule on a background of absolute health), preferable damage of organs of alimentary tract, ending of mass alimentary poisoning after the causable food product (aliments) exception & confiscation D. Direct connection with food consumption, mass character of the poisoning’s out-burst, super acute attack of disease (as a rule on a background of absolute health), non-contagious character of disease, ending of mass alimentary poisoning after the causable food product (aliments) exception & confiscation E. Direct connection with food consumption, mass character of the poisoning’s out-burst, preferable damage of organs of alimentary tract, non-contagious character of disease, ending of mass alimentary poisoning after the causable food product (aliments) exception & confiscation

3. According to Classification of Food Poisonings the Botulism must be classified as: A.*Bacterial Toxicosis B. Bacterial Toxicoinfection C. Amicrobial Organic Toxicosis D. Amicrobial Inorganic Toxicosis E. Mycotoxicosis

4. According to Classification of Food Poisonings the Staphylococcal Toxicosis must be classified as: A.*Bacterial Toxicosis B. Bacterial Toxicoinfection C. Amicrobial Organic Toxicosis D. Amicrobial Inorganic Toxicosis E. Mycotoxicosis

5. According to Classification of Food Poisonings the Salmonelliasis must be classified as: A.*Bacterial Toxicoinfection B. Bacterial Toxicosis C. Amicrobial Organic Toxicosis D. Amicrobial Inorganic Toxicosis E. Mycotoxicosis

Source of information: All-Ukrainian Test Database № з/п 25 № з/п у БД 3334 An Odessa inhabitant colected mushrooms in the forest, fried and ate them. In 12 hours he felt severe abdominal pains, vomiting bloody diarrhea. In the end of the 1st day of disease jaundice, hepatomegalia and oliguria developed. There were convulsions also. He passed on 3rd day of the disease. What is the cause? A. *poisoning with Death Cap B. overcooling C. poisoning with margarine preservants D. poisoning with fly agaric E. poisoning with false morel

№ з/п 86 № з/п у БД 3301 They brought the patient Т., 32 year old, with acute gastroenteritis signs to the reception ward of the municipal infectious hospital. He has fallen ill suddenly. Four hours ago he had a lunch with his girlfriend. He drank alcohol beverages, ate some ham, Russian salad, stuffed cabbage-rolls and other foods. He ate ice-cream withstrawberries and rum. From his girlfriend it’s known that ice-cream was melted and frozen again. What food caused these symptoms? A. *ice-cream B. ham C. alcohol drinks D. Russian salad E. stuffed cabbage rolls

№ з/п 114 № з/п у БД 3329 For keeping meat soup with salted cucumbers in the workers canteen they used a zinc-coated bucket. In 2-3 hours after eating this soup 5 workers had vomiting. Sick men were hospitalized. In a day all signs disappeared. What is the disease? A. *zinc poisoning B. botulism C. overeating D. iron poisoning E. staphylococcal intoxication

№ з/п 130 № з/п у БД 3347 The man with jaundice was brought to the hospital. He considered that his state was caused by roasted peanut. What mycotoxine was found in peanuts? A. *aflotoxine B. ergotoxine C. botulotoxine D. phasine E. solanine

Topic 22: Hygienic evaluation of Labour hardness and Labour tension. Source of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 32: PP. 326-336. Recommended Reading

Source of Information – All-Ukrainian Test Database № з/п 147 № з/п у БД 3364 Professiogram of assembly shop of the automobile plant includes the following elements: conveyer, assembly works with power 15 W/hr, the number of the operations – 3 per minute. What is the criterion for work intensity in these conditions? A. *monotony. B. power of work, W C. emotional pressure D. intellectual intensity E. operative memory volume

Topic 23: Hygienic evaluation of noise and vibration impact on human health.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): of Vinnitsya Pyrogov Memorial Medical University Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 33: PP. 337-351. Recommended Reading

1. Give a definition of "noise": A. *A collection of sounds that disturb the perception of useful sounds, breaking silence, have an adverse effect on the body B. Acoustic vibrations of a medium with a frequency less than 16 Hz C. Mechanical periodic oscillations of elastic bodies under the influence of external force D. Acoustic vibrations of a medium with a frequency above 20000 Hz E. It is too loud bad music.

2. Give the definition of "vibration": A. *Oscillatory movements of elastic bodies B. Sound of a loudness above 130 dB C. Stimulated emission under the action of external force D. Acoustic vibrations of a medium with a frequency above 20000 Hz E. Acoustic vibrations of a medium with a frequency of less than 20 Hz 3. Name the basic physiological and hygienic characteristics of noise: A. *Spectral distribution of the frequency, intensity, loudness B. Wavelength, intensity, sound pressure C. The period of oscillations D. Loudness, vibration velocity, acceleration E. Intensity

4. List the types of noise by character of spectrum: A. *Tonal, broadband noise B. Household C. nonconstant pulse noise D. Manufacturing E. Constant, tonal, nonconstant pulse noise.

5. Give the definition of "ultrasound": A. *Acoustic oscillations of a medium with a frequency above 20000 Hz B. Acoustic oscillations of a medium with a frequency below 100 Hz C. Sound of a loudness below 20 dB D. Sound of a loudness above 130 dB E. Acoustic oscillations of a medium with a frequency below 16 Hz

The 3rd level tests (Information source – All-Ukrainian Test Database) № з/п 116 № з/п у БД 3331 The worker of a forge shop consults his physician about complaints of poor hearing, fatigability, headache. Tonal audiography has been conducted. There are signs of sensitive surditas on the audiogram. What prevention could you advise? A. *use antiphones B. hermetize the equipment C. eat caviar D. wear rubber shoes E. change managers at the enterprise

№ з/п 142 № з/п у БД 3359 Student Н. is estimating the noise rate in the punching workshop. What device is he using? A. *Phonovibrometer B. Analysator of noise spectrum C. Audiotester. D. Actinometer E. Piranometer.

Topic 24: Hygienic evaluation of dust and toxic chemical substances. Hygienic Evaluative Methods for harmful and dangerous factors of industrial environment and organism reactions connected to their impact. Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): of Vinnitsya Pyrogov Memorial Medical University Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 12, 31: PP. 131-140, 317-325. Recommended Reading

1.Name, please, classification of dust by chemical composition (origin): A. *Organic, inorganic, microbiological, dust of mixed origin B. Organic, inorganic, microbiological, dust of mixed origin C. Indifferent, toxic, D. Organic, inorganic, microbiological, dust of mixed origin E. Organic, inorganic, microbiological, dust of mixed origin

2. Please, specify the groups of dangerous and harmful manufacturing factors: A. *Factors of physical and chemical nature, biological factors, psychophysiological factors B. Epidemiologically difficult environment, ionizing radiation, C. Noise, industrial vibration, dust, toxic substances, unsatisfactory occupational guidance D. Internal factors, factors of physical and chemical nature, biological factors, psychophysiological manufacturing factors, bacterial dust. E. Poor organization of work, bad occupational training.

3. Designate the main kinds of mineral dust: A. *Asbestos, graphite, quartz, sand B. Cotton, wood, paper, flour, linen, tobacco C. Woolen, horn, bone, dust of hair D. Copper, lead, wooden, paper, linen, stone E. Cement, phosphorus, graphite, sand, cooper, lead, wooden.

4. Quantity of dust in atmospheric air on the territory of living zone of city mustn’t be more than: A. *0,25 mg/m3 B. 10,0 mg/m3 C. 1,0 mg/m3 D. 50,0 mg/m3 E. 0,01 mg/m3

5. List the main types of labor: A. *Dynamic physical work, physical static work, mental work B. Administrative work, analytical work, playing games C. Physical local work, physical regional work, psychiatric work D. Physical work, mental, physical dynamic work, mental creative work E. Administrative work, creative work, analytical work.

Topic 25: Foundations of Labor Protection in medicine. Sanitary legislation in the field of Labor Protection. Labor Protection Service at the Medical Treatment Facility: responsibilities, rights and organization of work. Peculiarities of Labor Protection for different profile physicians and basic ways of Working Environment Negative Impact Prevention.

Source of Information – All-Ukrainian Test Database № з/п 29 № з/п у БД 3181 Whatever document to the medical worker is required to represent at the reception on work? A. certificate about registration. B. labour book. C. *diploma. D. military ticket (for liable for military service). E. passport.

№ з/п 108 № з/п у БД 3323 The anestesiologist gives narcosis to the patient, he uses a non-reversive contour. Anesthetic is halothane. Air temperature in the operation room is 21°С, humidity 50 %, level of noise 30 dB. What occupational hazards is the most significant in these conditions? A. *air pollution with anesthetic B. improper occupational microclimate C. high level of noise D. mental overfatigue E. compelled working pose

№ з/п 67 № з/п у БД 3664 During an exam, while giving the definition of ''manufacturing microclimate'' a student included the following compo- nents to the concept: temperature of the air, moisture of the air, speed of the air, ultraviolet radiation, atmospheric pressure the irradiation. Which components named by student were wrong? A. * Pressure, irradiation, ultraviolet radiation B. Irradiation C. Atmospheric pressure D. Atmospheric pressure and irradiation E. All are right

№ з/п 77 № з/п у БД 3292 In the sanitary inspection of labour conditions of miners they found: air temperature – 26 ºС, relative humidity 40%, dust pollution - 135 mg/m3, silica content in the dust 45%. Miners work by the “dry” technology. What disease can cause occupational environment conditions? A. *silicosis B. urine stones C. gallstones D. olivinosis E. pulmonary hemosiderosis

№ з/п 82 № з/п у БД 3297 The worker of battery plant consults physician with complaints of weakness, headache, Status praesens objectivus: paleness, dark line on the gums, systolic murmur of the heart apex. In blood: microcytaric anemia, basophilic grainy RBC, reticulocytosis. Urine analysis: porfirinuria 0,25 mg/l. What conditions of occupational environment may the disease cause? A. *high lead content in the air of the working zone B. high sulfuric acid content in the air of the working zoned C. high alkaline content in the air of the working zone D. high benzene content in the air of the working zone E. high iron oxide content in the air of the working zone

№ з/п 101 № з/п у БД 3316 The worker of “Bios” enterprise producing laundry detergents consults her health provider with complaints of rash at the opened areas of the face skin, neck and hands. What prevention is necessary? A. *to use hermetic equipment B. to change assortment of the production C. to use air conditioning D. to use individual protective equipment E. misemploy her

Topic 26: Industrial Medical Department and Industrial Medical Station/Center (Working Physician’s Office or Factory's Sectorial Doctor’s Office). Hygienic aspects of working physician vs. factory’s sectorial doctor activities. Procedure of morbidity study among employees.

Source of Information – All-Ukrainian Test Database № з/п 66 № з/п у БД 3662 The chief principle of forming the therapeutic divisions of industrial sections is: A. * the number of workers B. worker’s age C. personnel length of work D. staff’s composition according to health groups E. service range

№ з/п 30 № з/п у БД 3182 Periodic medical surveys are carried out for: A. *Periodic inspection of the certain contingents of workers B. inspectionof the certain contingents of workers at reception on the robot C. Revelation of some diseases at early stages D. Directions on MSEC E. Revelation and formations of contingents for dispensary supervision

№ з/п 36 № з/п у БД 3188 Give determination of maintenance of concept “morbidity”: A. *sum of cases of the first exposed diseases among the population. B. sum of the registered illnesses among the population. C. sum of visits of the population MPE. D. sum of being ill persons among the population. E.sum of patients of needing treatment.

№ з/п 37 № з/п у БД 3189 People, which do not have complaints, chronic diseases in anamnesis, functional rejections and organic changes in organs and systems, behave to the group: A. *healthy (1-2 group) B. it is conditional healthy C. it is potential patients D. patients E. practically healthy

№ з/п 45 № з/п у БД 3197 Purpose of tertiary prophylaxis: A. *rehabilitation of patients losing possibility complete valuable vital functions B. forming of adequate relation of population to the system of health protection C. Elimination expressed factors of risk, which at certain terms can result in the origin, intensification, relapse of disease D. Activation of public funds and organizations in regard to medicine E. Warning of origin and influences of possible factors of risk of diseases

№ з/п 46 № з/п у БД 3198 What establishments provide tertiary medical aid? A. *diagnostic and medical centers, dispensaries B. medical centers, dispensaries a child's policlinic C. specialized and multi profile establishment (regional, central, city) D. womanish consultations, permanent establishments, policlinic of city. E. specialized and multi profile hospitals (district, regional, city)

Topic 27: Investigation Procedure for Case of Occupational Disease or Occupational Poisoning. Investigation and registration of accidents at industrial enterprises. Accident Investigation Commission at the Enterprise: order of design, rights, and responsibilities.

Source of information: Department Manual, Author of the Manual: Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 35: PP. 358-364. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 29: PP. 158-161.

1. Kinds of Occupational Diseases according to their Classification: A. *Proper Occupational Diseases, General Diseases with Occupational Factor of Genesis B. Proper Occupational Diseases, General Diseases with Occupational Factor of Genesis, Multifactor diseases with Occupational Risk Factor C. Proper Occupational Diseases, General Diseases with Occupational Factor of Genesis, Non-clarified Etiology Occupational Pathology D. Proper Occupational Diseases, General Diseases with Occupational Factor of Genesis, Multifactor diseases with Occupational Risk Factor E. Proper Occupational Diseases, General Diseases with Occupational Factor of Genesis, Non-clarified Etiology Occupational Pathology

2. Occupational Poisoning is a: A. *pathological process in result of chemical nature harmful industrial factor(s) impact on human organism B. pathological process in result of microbiological nature harmful industrial factor(s) impact on human organism C. pathological process in result of biological nature harmful industrial factor(s) impact on human organism D. pathological process in result of plant origin harmful industrial factor(s) impact on human organism E. pathological process in result of animal origin harmful industrial factor(s) impact on human organism.

3. Acute Occupational Poisoning is a: A. *pathological process in result of temporary intensive impact of chemical harmful industrial factor(s) on human organism B. pathological process in result of constant moderate impact of chemical harmful industrial factor(s) on human organism C. pathological process in result of temporary intensive impact of microbiological harmful industrial factor(s) on human organism D. pathological process in result of constant moderate impact of microbiological harmful industrial factor(s) on human organism E. pathological process in result of temporary intensive impact of mechanic harmful industrial factor(s) on human organism

4. Chronic Occupational Poisoning is a: A. *pathological process in result of constant moderate impact of chemical harmful industrial factor(s) on human organism B. pathological process in result of temporary intensive impact of chemical harmful industrial factor(s) on human organism C. pathological process in result of temporary intensive impact of microbiological harmful industrial factor(s) on human organism D. pathological process in result of constant moderate impact of microbiological harmful industrial factor(s) on human organism E. pathological process in result of temporary intensive impact of mechanic harmful industrial factor(s) on human organism

5. Specific action of Industrial Poisons can include: A. *acute poisoning, chronic poisoning, general toxic effect, allergenic action, fibrogenic action, irritative action B. acute poisoning, chronic poisoning, general toxic effect, allergenic action, fibrogenic action, irritative action, carcinogenic action C. acute poisoning, chronic poisoning, general toxic effect, allergenic action, fibrogenic action, irritative action, carcinogenic action, mutagenic action D. acute poisoning, chronic poisoning, general toxic effect, allergenic action, fibrogenic action, irritative action, carcinogenic action, teratogenic action E. acute poisoning, chronic poisoning, general toxic effect, allergenic action, fibrogenic action, irritative action, carcinogenic action, gonadotropic (= gonad-seeking) action.

Source of information: All-Ukrainian Test Database

№ з/п 105 № з/п у БД 3320 The worker of the chemical enterprise visited a health provider with complaints of irritability, poor workability, insomnia, headache. Objectively: arhythmical tremor, asymmetry of tendous and periostal reflexes, pulse lability, steady red dermographismus. Signs of excretory gingivitis. The worker deals with amalgam producing. Which pathology should be diagnosed? A. *chronic mercury poisoning B. chronic lead poisoning C. chronic gasoline poisoning D. chronic aniline poisoning E. chronic cadmium poisoning

Topic 28: Study of age-specific phychophysiological peculiarities of children and adolescents. School Admission Tests (Tests on School Maturity) in Pediatric Hygiene. Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 40: PP. 416-425. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 24: PP. 131-137.

1.Test by Kern-Erasek (the part of the Express-evaluation of functional readiness of children for education at school) consists of three tasks: A. * Drawing a man B. Drawing an animal C. Copying a short phrase of 12-14 words D. Copying a sentence of 3-4 words E. Copying a group of dots

2. The criteria of functional readiness of children for education at school are: A. *Developed accuracy and coordination of movements Correct pronunciation of difficult letters Enough developed verbal-logical thinking B. Ability of carrying of a school-bag (satchel) C. Ability of carrying of a school-bag (satchel), understanding of 1000 words D. Understanding of 3000 words E. Understanding of 1000 words

3. The deep (profound) psychophysiological study of the higher nervous activity of a child includes: A.*The evaluation of mechanical memory B. Study of electrical processes C. Results of the complex psychophysiological test by Kern-Erasek D. The evaluation of verbal-logical memory E. The evaluation of individual thinking

Information source – All-Ukrainian Test Database The 6 year old girl has the low height. Her growth development is harmonic. She has premolars and incisives of permanent teeth. This year she has been ill with measles and infectious hepatitis. She can calculate and read. She's done Kern-Yiracek's test with 6 scores. Why is the girl not ready to be admitted at school? A. *infectious hepatitis B. low height C. poor results of the test D. absence of all permanent teeth E. measles

Topic 29: Hygienic evaluation of day regimen and learning-and-upbringing process among differently aged pupils.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 40: PP. 416-430. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. :25 PP.138-143 .

1. What should be the maximum mass of a textbook: A. * 300 g B. 100 g C. 500 g D. 1000 g E. 3000 g 2. What parameters characterize the sanitary condition of a textbook: A. * Quality of binding, paper quality B. Maximum weight of textbooks C. Print quality, the headset D. Purity of textbook E. Bright pictures

3. What is the normative coefficient of paper reflection in textbooks: A. * 0.7-0.8 B. 1,0-1,2 C. 0,2-0,4 D. 0,4-0,6 E. 0,5-0,7

4. Enter the optimum distance of the head from the text at reading, for 8-9 years-old children: A. * 25 cm B. 20 cm C. 20-30 cm D. 30 cm E. It does not matter

5. Enter the maximum weight of a set of textbooks and writing instruments (without weight of a schoolbag) for pupils of 1-3 classes: A. * 1 to 2 kg B. 2 to 2.5 kg C. 3 to 3.5 kg D. 4 to 4.5 kg E. 10 to 12 kg

6. List the hygienic requirements for toys: A. * Must have resistant painting to acids and alkalinise, bacteriologically safe, be resistant to high temperatures, should not include contaminants and toxic substances B. Must have stability of paints to acids and alkalis, have bacteriological safety, be resistant to high and low temperatures, correspond to aesthetic requirements C. Must have stability paints to acids and alkalis have bacteriological safety, be resistant to high temperatures, cheap and cute. D. Must meet age-and gender psychophysiological and psychohygienic characteristics of a child, a technical specification, to be soft and nice. E. Must have stability of paints to acids and alkalis have bacteriological safety, have appropriate physicochemical properties to be rough to the touch. Source: Hygiene and Ecology / [Bardov VG, VF Moskalenko, Omelchuk ST and others.], ed. VG Bardov. - Kiev: A new book, 2006. - S. 452.

Topic 30: Hygienic evaluation of equipment and maintenance in nursery/educational institutions. Hygienic assessment of nursery group / school furniture. Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 39: PP. 408-415. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. : PP. .

1. Specify which standard dimension of school desk and chair is necessary for a student with the height up to 115 cm: A. *Dimension 1 B. Dimension 2 C. Dimension 3 D. Dimension 4 E. Dimension 5

2. Specify which standard dimension of school desk and chair is necessary for a student with the height from 131 to 145 cm: A. *Dimension 3 B. Dimension 2 C. Dimension 1 D. Dimension 4 E. Dimension 5

3. Specify which standard dimension of school desk and chair is necessary for a student with the height over 175 cm: A. *Dimension 6 B. Dimension 2 C. Dimension 3 D. Dimension 5 E. Dimension 1

4. Tell us what should be the value of a “distance of a seat” for school desks to provide correct sitting posture: A. *Negative (-2  -3 cm) B. Positive (+2  +3 cm) C. Positive (+5  +10 cm) D. It is inessential E. Negative (-10  -15 cm)

5. Specify what should be the distance from eyes to the working surface when writing for children at a primary school: A. *30 cm B. 20 cm C. 45 cm D. 50 cm E. Depending on height of a child

Information source – All-Ukrainian Test Database

№ з/п 124 № з/п у БД 3659 The impairment of vision can occur in children when carrying out different kinds of work. What main hygienic conditions of labour can provide the prophylaxis of these disturbance? A. * ensuring the good illumination of a child’s working place B. the time restriction of fulfilling work C. the quality of educational books D. a blackboard colour E. the distribution of children in the classroom

№ з/п 132 № з/п у БД 3349 The classroom in the village school has 30 m2. How many 5th year pupils could study in this premise? A. *20 B. 10 C. 15 D. 25 E. 30

№ з/п 133 № з/п у БД 3350 They sell portable desks in the market. Desks are made from light wooden. They heaven’t sharp edges, the cover has an operated inclination (from 1 to 45о), height of the table 0,8 m, sit height 0,5 m, distance of the sit is positive. What disease can be among the children using the desk for home work? A. *right sided scoliosis B. left-sided scoliosis C. flat footedness D. anemia E. hypermetropia

№ з/п 143 № з/п у БД 3360 While school inspecting they defined that third year form has 26 lessons during a weak; on Tuesday the first is Ukrainian lesson, 2nd - music, 3 and 4th - physical training, 5 lessons at a whole. Could you find any infringements in the schedule? A. *number of classes of physical training B. number of lessons per week C. number of lesson per day. D. place of music lesson in the schedule E. place of the Ukrainian language lesson in the schedule

Academic discipline - Hygiene & Ecology

Year of study – 3rd Faculty – Medical Specialisation – General Medicine Academic Term - VIth

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Topic 31-32: Methods of children and adolescents health level evaluation and physical development evaluation. Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Teklyuk Ruslan, Lecturer / Teacher of Hygiene and Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 38: PP. 375-395. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 24: PP. 131-137.

1. Give the definition of "physical development of the child": A. * A set of morphological and functional characteristics of the organism that characterize its growth and development in this period of life B. Growth and development of individual organs and tissues C. The development of the muscular system and its functional characteristics in different periods of life D. The set of measures aimed at preparing physically developed children E. Objective criteria for the evaluation of health and the health of the population

2. Enter the main purposes of massive (vide) examination of physical development of children's groups: A. * Evaluate the impact of environmental conditions on the health of population of certain regions, the development of age- and gender standards of physical development B. Identifying children who are often ill, identifying children who are chronically ill C. Determination of health groups, assessment of mental preparedness D. Determining of the biological age of a child, assessment of physical fitness E. Determination of groups for physical education and the degree of hardening of children

3. List the main somatometrical indices of physical development of children and adolescents: A. * Body length, weight, chest circumference. B. Degree of adiposity, signs of puberty, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes. C. Muscle strength, vital capacity of lungs. D. Body length, the number of permanent teeth, the intensity of ossification of hand bones. E. Characteristics of temperament, anxiety characteristics, character features.

4. List the peculiarities of physical development of children and adolescents: A. * Rapid development, uneven development, the presence of critical periods, plasticity of development processes, large compensatory possibilities B. Slow paces of development, even character development, lack of critical periods, low compensatory possibilities. C. Lack of adaptive capacity, stiffness development processes, minor compensatory possibilities D. The high degree of adaptive capacity, the lability of the development process, significant compensation opportunities. E. Availability of critical periods, high sensitivity, stiffness of developmental processes, large compensatory possibilities.

5. What are the main types of posture: A. * Lordotic, kyphotic, correct, stooping, straightened. B. Correct, rectified, X-shaped, O-shaped. C. Lordotic, kyphotic, scoliotic. D. Direct, rectified, round-shouldered, stooping. E. Normal, stooping, U-shaped.

6. Children with chronic diseases in stage of sub-compensation and decreased functional possibilities of organism belong to: A. First health group; B. Second health group; C. Third health group; D. *Fourth health group; E. Fifth health group. Source of information – All-Ukrainian Test Database № з/п 106 № з/п у БД 3321 A boy 8 year old is under the dispensary supervision because of chronic gastroduodenitis. What group of physical education has the boy? A. *special B. basic C. additional D. preparatory E. medical

№ з/п 118 № з/п у БД 3338 Girl 9 years old, has an average height and harmonic growth development. She was ill with acute respiratory infection for five times. Define group of her health. A. *2nd group B. 1 st group C. 3rd group D. 4th group E. 5th group

№ з/п 12 № з/п у БД 3171 The average body length of neonatal boys is 50,9 cm at a sigma 1,66; and average mass - 3432 at a sigma 5,00. What criterion is correct to compare degree of variability these signs? A. A coefficient of variation. B. A sigma. C. A limit. D. An amplitude. E. A coefficient of association.

№ з/п 34 № з/п у БД 3186 A girl 9 years old, has an average height and harmonic growth development. She was ill with acute respiratory infection for five times. Define the group of her health. A. 2nd group B. 1st group C. 3rd group D. 4th group E. 5th group

№ з/п 54 № з/п у БД 3206 At estimation of physical development a boy is set, that his mass of body is less, than М - 2уR on by regional standards (tables of regression) for lack of chronic pathology. What group of health does a boy behave to? A. ІІ B. ІІІ. C. IV. D. V. E. І.

№ з/п 64 № з/п у БД 3660 What methods does a doctor use when estimating physiologic development in children and teenagers? A. *measuring anthropometric data and functional indices, estimating the findings described B. measuring the chest circumference, the form of the head C. measuring arterial pressure and muscular power D. measuring the concentration of attention E. the description of the biological development level

№ з/п 20 № з/п у БД 3179 The 9 years child with diagnosis “chronic tonsillitis” stands dispanserization control. For 1 year of observation there was one exacerbation of disease. Physical condition is satisfactory. The general state is not infringed. Define group of health: A. III (a). B. II C. I D. III (b). E. III (c).

№ з/п 27 № з/п у БД 3336 Girl 9 years old, has an average height and harmonic growth development. She was ill with acute respiratory infection for five times. Define group of her health A. *2nd B. 1st C. 3rd D. 4th E. 5th

№ з/п 97 № з/п у БД 3312 For training stamina teenager В., 15 year old, started to use a cold shower (water temperature +6оС) for 20-30 minutes. In some days he stopped the procedures because of acute tonsillitis. What water procedures will you advise for strengthening (training stamina) at the beginning? A. *wiping B. bathing in the water reservoir C. Scotch shower D. pouring E. gargling throat with cool water

№ з/п 122 № з/п у БД 3657 Which term for the preparation of homework by the pupils of the eighth – eleventh forms will meet hygienic requirements? A. * 3 hours B. 1,5 hours C. 2 hours D. 3,5 hours E. 4 hours

Topic 33. Medical-Sanitary Control of learning and upbringing process at school. Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Teklyuk Ruslan, Lecturer / Teacher of Hygiene and Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 39: PP. 396-408. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 25: PP. 138-143.

1. Choose the main functional zones of a secondary school: A. Zone of a school building, zone for additional premises, football ground, training and research zone, physical training and sport zone, rest zone, economical zone, bicycle path. *B. Zone of a school building, training and research zone, physical training and sport zone, rest zone, economical zone, green area. C. Zone for additional premises, football ground, training and research zone, physical training and sport zone, rest zone, economical zone. D. Economical zone, bicycle path, football ground, parking apron. E. Rest zone, economical zone, green area, landscaping.

2. Name the main types of architectural and planning compositions of school buildings: A. Story, tiered, jack B. Centralized, stand-alone, mixed C. Ribbon building, ring, string D.*Compact, block, pavilion composition E. Monofunctional, functional, polifunctional

3. Name the most suitable type of a school building. A.*Block composition B. Centralized C. Decentralized D. Complex E. Multistorey building

4. Please, determine optimal amount of a floors in a school building : A. Not above 5 floors B. No more than 1 floor C. Must not exceed 2 floors D. *No more than 3 floors E. No more than 9 floors

5. How many children is the most optimal for a school? A.100-500 persons. B. 200-300 people C. 500 people D. *Until 1000 E. By 2000 people.

Topic 34: Methodology and general scheme for study of environment impact on population health. Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Teklyuk Ruslan, Lecturer / Teacher of Hygiene and Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 19: PP. 213-225. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 2: PP. 13-16.

1. Name five specific techniques for hygiene: a) *epidemiological method; sanitary examination; hygienic experiment; sanitary expertise; sanitary education; b) epidemiological method; sanitary examination; hygienic experiment; mathematic expertise; sanitary education; c) epidemiological method; medical examination; medical experiment; sanitary expertise; sanitary education d) epidemiological method; quantitative research; hygienic experiment; sanitary expertise; case study e) epidemiological method; biochemical research; hygienic experiment; proficiency expertise; sanitary education.

2. The main purpose of hygienic methods is: a) *to evaluate the state of health; b) to diagnose the disease; c) to provide adequate treatment; d) to rehabilitate after treatment; e) to provide the medical basis for recreation planning.

3. The specific weight of the state of environment in population health formation is about: a) *20%; b) 50%; c) 10%; d) 25%; e) 30 %.

4. In order to define the notion of health one must consider that: a) *health is not characterized by only one factor but by a complex of characteristics; b) there is a specific notion of ‘absolute health’; c) individual health is quite different from population health; d) health estimates the correlation between an individual and his/her lifestyle; e) health rating should be done without load or specific exercise.

5. What is individual real health? a) *it is a state of organism at which it can valuably fulfill its social and biological functions; b) it is a state of full social, biological and psychological well-being, when functions of all organs and systems of human organism and environment are balanced; diseases, disease states and physical states are absent; c) it is a statistical average, which characterizes the state of the organism for a certain period of time when no diseases are diagnosed; d) it is a conditionally statistic concept, which is rather fully characterized by demographic factor complex, the level of physical development, disease incidence and frequency of premorbid states, disablement of certain group of population; e) it is an interval within the limits of which quantitative variations of psycho-physiological processes are able to hold live system on the level of functional optimum (optimal area, within which organism doesn’t come out to pathological level of self-regulation).

Topic 35. Selection of observation areas. Integrated hygienic evaluation of environment. Methods of calculation of integrative health index and assessment of population health quantitative criteria in connection with environmental influence. Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Teklyuk Ruslan, Lecturer / Teacher of Hygiene and Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 20, 21 : PP. 226-234, 235-240. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 1: PP. 9-13.

1. Choose proper characteristics of ingredient pollution: A*.Ingredient pollution – pollution with the chemical substances which are alien elements for natural biocenoses; B. Ingredient pollution pollution related to changing of the environment qualitative parameters; C. Ingredient pollution – pollution related to changing of the environment quantitative parameters; D.Ingredient pollution – pollution has an influence on structure of the population of alive organisms; E. Ingredient pollution – pollution provokes landscape and ecosystems changes

2. Choose, please, main kinds of environmental pollution: A. Parametric, ingredient, permissible, pollution which changes environmental qualitative parameters. B. Biocenotic pollution – pollution has an influence on structure of the population of alive organisms; C. *Ingredient, parametric, biocenotic and destructive pollution. D. Destructive pollution – pollution provokes landscape and ecosystems changes. E. Biocenotic and destructive pollution, reconstructive pollution

3. The “normal” state of health is a state of those people who form: a) 95% of confidence interval of population; b) 99% of confidence interval of population; c) 85% of confidence interval of population; d) 80% of confidence interval of population; e) 99,9% of confidence interval of population.

4. Three basic groups of health rate characteristics are: a) medical indices, social well-being indices, mental health; b) sanitary indices, educational indices, mental heath; c) medical indices, epidemiological indices, social indices; d) sanitary indices, social well-being indices, educational indices; e) medical indices, mental health, educational indices.

5. Integral assessment of the population health state consists of the following stages: a) data collection, qualitative and quantitative analysis of health indices, estimation of interdependence between environmental factors and health groups or indices; b) observation, specific testing, qualitative and quantitative analysis of health indices; c) data collection, estimation of interdependence between environmental factors and health groups or indices, qualitative and quantitative analysis of health indices; d) specific testing, data collection, estimation of interdependence between environmental factors and health groups or indices; e) qualitative and quantitative analysis of health indices; collection of additional experimental data, estimation of interdependence between environmental factors and health groups or indices.

Topic 36: Hygienic evaluation of separate hospital structures planning by Hospital Construction Projects

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 29: PP. 306-313. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 22: PP. 117-123.

1. Set of documents of treatment-and-preventive establishment construction project consists of: A.*Passport Part, Explanative Note, Situational Plan, General Plan, Plan of Sanitary Planning and Organization of Public Services, Plans of the Floors (=Horizontal Sections), Fronts (=Facades), Vertical Sections, Plan of Sanitary- Technical and Technological Equipment B. Explanative Note, Situational Plan, General Plan, Plan of Sanitary Planning and Organization of Public Services, Plans of the Floors (=Horizontal Sections), Fronts (=Facades), Vertical Sections, Plan of Sanitary- Technical and Technological Equipment C. Passport Part, Situational Plan, General Plan, Plan of Sanitary Planning and Organization of Public Services, Plans of the Floors (=Horizontal Sections), Fronts (=Facades), Vertical Sections, Plan of Sanitary-Technical and Technological Equipment D. Passport Part, Explanative Note, General Plan, Plan of Sanitary Planning and Organization of Public Services, Plans of the Floors (=Horizontal Sections), Fronts (=Facades), Vertical Sections, Plan of Sanitary-Technical and Technological Equipment E. Passport Part, Explanative Note, Situational Plan, General Plan, Plan of Sanitary Planning and Organization of Public Services, Plans of the Floors (=Horizontal Sections), Fronts (=Facades), Vertical Sections, Plan of Sanitary- Technical and Technological Equipment.

2. The basic variants of resolution on results of Hospital Construction Project Sanitary Expertise: A.*“Approved”, “Approved with Condition(s)”, “Rejected to Approve” B. “Approved Completely”, “Approved Partially”, “Rejected to Approve” C. “Approved Completely”, “Approved Temporary”, “Rejected to Approve” D. “Approved Completely”, “Approved Partially”, “Not Approved” E. “Approved Completely”, “Approved Temporary”, “Not Approved”

3. Variant of resolution on results of Hospital Construction Project Sanitary Expertise “Approved” should be made if: A.*it is a “Normwerte” (corresponding to the State Standard) project with no infringes of hygienic rules and sanitary norms B. there are infringes of hygienic rules and sanitary norms, but these infringes can be eliminated, elimination process has fixed-term and after elimination of infringes this resolution will be changed on “Approved” C. there are infringes of hygienic rules and sanitary norms, but these infringes can be eliminated and term of their elimination is free D. there are infringes of hygienic rules and sanitary norms, but these infringes can be eliminated and term of their elimination is flexible E. the building project has significant and even dangerous infringes of hygienic rules and sanitary norms and these infringes can’t be eliminated, so, this conclusion can’t be changed on another anyway

4. Variant of resolution on results of Hospital Construction Project Sanitary Expertise “Approved with Condition(s)” should be made if: A.*there are infringes of hygienic rules and sanitary norms, but these infringes can be eliminated, elimination process has fixed-term and after elimination of infringes this resolution will be changed on “Approved” B. there are infringes of hygienic rules and sanitary norms, but these infringes can be eliminated and term of their elimination is free C. there are infringes of hygienic rules and sanitary norms, but these infringes can be eliminated and term of their elimination is flexible D. the building project has significant and even dangerous infringes of hygienic rules and sanitary norms and these infringes can’t be eliminated, so, this conclusion can’t be changed on another anyway E. it is a “Normwerte” (corresponding to the State Standard) project with no infringes of hygienic rules and sanitary norms

5. Variant of resolution on results of Hospital Construction Project Sanitary Expertise “refused to Approve” should be made if: A.*there are infringes of hygienic rules and sanitary norms, but these infringes can be eliminated, elimination process has fixed-term and after elimination of infringes this resolution will be changed on “Approved” B. there are infringes of hygienic rules and sanitary norms, but these infringes can be eliminated and term of their elimination is free C. there are infringes of hygienic rules and sanitary norms, but these infringes can be eliminated and term of their elimination is flexible D. the building project has significant and even dangerous infringes of hygienic rules and sanitary norms and these infringes can’t be eliminated, so, this conclusion can’t be changed on another anyway E. it is a “Normwerte” (corresponding to the State Standard) project with no infringes of hygienic rules and sanitary norms

Source of information – All-Ukrainian Test Database № з/п 107 № з/п у БД 3322 The observation department of maternity house is situated on the first floor under the delivery room. In the department there are 10 2-bed wards and 2 – 1-bed ones. The total amount of the beds is 22. Reception of pregnant women is conducted via the isolated unit of the reception ward. What infringements of sanitary rules A. *department placement B. structure of the department C. total amount of beds D. reception mode of pregnant women and women in childbirth E. No infringements

№ з/п 127 № з/п у БД 3344 For providing health care of people living in a new urban district they planned to build a new hospital for 550 beds, situated at the outskirts. The furthest buildings will be at 32 km from hospital. What service radius is the maximum for the urban hospitals? A. *15 km B. 5 km C. 10 km D. 20 km E. 30 km

Topic 37: Hygienic basis of Nosocomial Infection Prevention. Hygienic basis of Sanitary-Antepidemic Regimen. Modern methods of disinfection.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 29: PP. 306-313. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 22: PP. 117-123.

1. Infectious Hospital has special wards for contagious patients. They are: A.*Boxing Ward, Box, Semi-Box B. General Profile Ward, Boxing Ward, Box, Semi-box, Ward Section C. Boxing Ward, Box, Semi-box, Ward Section D. General Profile Ward, Box, Semi-box, Ward Section E. General Profile Ward, Boxing Ward, Semi-box, Ward Section.

2. Box – is a: A.*one-bed ward B. two-beds ward C. tree-beds wards D. four-beds ward E. many-beds ward.

3. Semi-box – is a: A.*one-bed ward B. two-beds ward C. tree-beds wards D. four-beds ward E. many-beds ward.

4. Camerated ward with a sluice (for connection with department corridor) and with separate block for every patient, which is bordered from other blocks and has its own door, was named as: A.*boxing ward B. box C. semi-box D. general profile ward E. intensive therapy ward.

5. Hygienic Standard of Infectious or Tubercular Ward’s area per 1 patient is: A.*no less than 7,5 m2 per 1 patient B. no less than 7 m2 per 1 patient C. no less than 8 m2 per 1 patient D. no less than 9 m2 per 1 patient E. no less than 13 m2 per 1 patient

Source of information – All-Ukrainian Test Database

№ з/п 83 № з/п у БД 3298 In the surgical unit of the hospital the purulent surgery department is placed on the 1st floor, thoracic surgery – on the 2nd floor, general surgery – on the 3rd floor and gynecological – on the 4th. Could you find any infringements in the department placing? A. *wrong placing of purulent surgery department B. wrong placing of thoracic surgery C. wrong placing of gynecological department D. wrong placing of general surgery department E. no infringements № з/п 115 № з/п у БД 3330 In the operating room of the purulent surgery department they amputated the shin in the patient with gangrene. What way is usual for medical wastes disposal? A. *incerination in special stoves B. dispose to landfills C. bury at especial cemeteries D. bury at the hospital territory E. reduce to fragments and dispose to canalization

№ з/п 68 № з/п у БД 3665 A Land area for building of medical-preventive institutions must meet the requirements which are claimed to the house-building. This concerns to: A. * all which are marked B. Relief of a land C. Providing of the flow of the atmospheric rainfall D. Level of subsoil waters E. For all which are marked except C

№ з/п 107 № з/п у БД 3322 The observation department of maternity house is situated on the first floor under the delivery room. In the department there are 10 2-bed wards and 2 – 1-bed ones. The total amount of the beds is 22. Reception of pregnant women is conducted via the isolated unit of the reception ward. What nfringements of sanitary rules A. *department placement B. structure of the department C. total amount of beds D. reception mode of pregnant women and women in childbirth E. No infringements

Topic 38: Hygienic evaluation of patients stay conditions and working conditions of medical staff in medical treatment facilities.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 29: PP. 306-313. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 22: PP. 117-123.

1. One of the main requirements for rational beds dislocation in the hospital ward is a distance from the external wall (with windows) which should be: A.*no less than 0,9 m B. no less than 0,8 m C. no less than 0,7 m D. no less than 0,6 m E. no less than 0,5 m

2. One of the main requirements for rational beds dislocation in the hospital ward is a distance between beds which should be: A.*no less than 0,9 m B. no less than 0,8 m C. no less than 0,7 m D. no less than 0,6 m E. no less than 0,5 m

3. The Hygienic Standard of ward’s height is: A.*no less than 3m B. no less than 3,5 m C. no less than 4 m D. no less than 4,5m E. no less than 2,5 m

4. One criterion of Air Cleanness Sanitary Criteria in the hospital ward - is a Carbon Dioxide which concentration must be: A.*up to 0,1% B. up to 0,01% C. up to 0,04% D. up to 0,08% E. up to 0,07%.

5. One criterion of Air Cleanness Sanitary Criteria in the hospital ward - is a Concentration of Dust which must be: A.*up to 10 mg/m3 B. up to 1 mg/m3 C. up to 5 mg/ m3 D. up to 15 mg/ m3 E. up to 20 mg/ m3

Sourse of information – All-Ukrainian Test Database № з/п 81 № з/п у БД 3296 On inspection of the laundry of the regional hospital it’s defined the relative air humidity is 99%, air movement velocity - 0,6 m/s, air temperature - 15С. What way to optimize occupational environment could you advise? A. *decrease of humidity and air movement velocity and increase of air temperature B. decrease of humidity, air movement velocity and air temperature C. decrease of humidity, increase of temperature and air movement velocity D. decrease of air humidity and temperature of air, increase of air movement velocity E. decrease of temperature and air movement velocity

№ з/п 150 № з/п у БД 3367 In the inspection of occupational environment for medical stuff in the operating room they defined air temperature – 20°С, air movement velocity - 0,15 m/s, relative humidity - 75%, carbon dioxide content - 0,3%, general lightning rate with tube lamps - 400 lx, operating field - 7000 lx. What indices don’t correspond to the standard? A. *relative humidity, carbon dioxide content B. operating field lighting rate, air movement velocity. C. carbon dioxide content, general lighting rate D. carbon dioxide content, air temperature E. relative humidity, general lighting rate.

Topic 39: Hygienic evaluation of hospital attire and daily wear. Methods of Hygienic Assessment for Oral Cavity Care Tools.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 29: PP. 306-313. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 22: PP. 117-123.

1. Total amount of the basic layers of Wearing Package is: A.*2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 6

2. The basic layers of Human Wearing Package are: A.*Underwear / Linen, Dress / Suit, Outwear / Coat B. Underwear / Linen and Dress / Suit C. Underwear / Linen and Outwear / Coat D. Dress / Suit and Outwear / Coat E. Underwear / Linen, Bandage(s), Dress / Suit, Outwear / Coat

3. According to the Classification of Tools for Oral Cavity Care into the Chemical Tools Group we should include the following tools, but with exception of: A.*Tooth-brushes B. Tooth Pastes C. Tooth-powders D. Tooth Elixirs E. Breath Fresheners.

4. According to the Classification of Tools for Oral Cavity Care into the Physical Tools Group we can’t include: A.*Ultrasound B. Tooth-brushes C. Tooth Pastes D. Tooth Elixirs E. Breath Fresheners.

5. Set of Criteria of Underwear Microclimate includes: A.*temperature, relative humidity, gas contents, air movement velocity B. temperature and relative humidity C. temperature and gas contents D. temperature and air movement velocity E. temperature, relative humidity, gas contents.

Topic 40: Psychohygienic basis of human daily activities optimization.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 29: PP. 306-313. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 22: PP. 117-123.

1. Health /as the World Health Organization defined /: A.*is not an absence of any diseases only, but it’s a condition of full physical, psychical and social wellness. B. is an absence of any diseases C. is a condition of full physical, psychical and social wellness. D. is a condition of full physiological comfort E. is a condition of full psychical and social wellness.

2. According to the modern Lifestyle Conception the maximum contribution to the individual health has: A.*lifestyle (and harmful habits especially) B. ecological factors, C. hereditary inclination, D. level of medical service E. level of social service. 3. According to the modern Lifestyle Conception an input of lifestyle into the human health is about: A.*50-55% B. 20-25% C. 15-20% D. 10-15% E. 5-10%.

4. At the main types of lifestyle errors explanation we should exclude: A.*without exception of any denoted measure B. errors in a regime of nutrition and unhealthy diet C. errors in a daily regime of life and organization of living conditions D. low level of physical activity E. presence of harmful habits.

5. Psychohygiene: A. *is a section of General Hygiene, which studies influence of environmental factors and social circumstances on human neuro-mental condition; creates the measures and methods of Mental Health Promotion and elaborates the measures, methods and tools for active prevention of psychical disorders. B. is a section of General Hygiene, which studies influence of environmental factors on human neuro-mental condition. C. is a section of General Hygiene, which studies influence of environmental factors and social circumstances on the human neuro-mental condition; creates the measures and methods of Mental Health Promotion and elaborates the measures, methods and tools for active prevention of psychical disorders. D. is a section of General Hygiene, which studies influence of social circumstances on human neuro-mental condition. E. is a section of General Hygiene, which creates the measures and methods of Mental Health Promotion.

Source of information – All-Ukrainian Test Database № з/п 38 № з/п у БД 3190 The health of population, most, depends on: A. way of life B. terms of external environment C. economic line-up D. heredity E. systems of health protection

Topic 41: Hygienic foundations of Medical Biorhythmology and Chronohygiene. Hygiene of adaptive process. Scientific basis of Chronic Fatigue Diagnosis and Chronic Fatigue Prevention.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 29: PP. 306-313. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 22: PP. 117-123.

1. Medical Biorhythmology is a science about time organization of A.*different physiological functions in human organism B. different pathological processes in human organism C. different psychological functions of the organism D. different physical functions of the organism E. mental workability of person 2. Chronohygiene (which studies hygienic principles of rational time organization of different kinds of activities) is a section of: A.*Phychohygiene B. Physiotherapy C. Therapeutics D. Pediatrics E. Behavioral Pediatrics.

3. Desynchronization is a A.*nonspecific exertion of human organism due to chronobiological disorder B. specific exertion of human organism due to chronobiological disorder C. age-specific exertion of human organism due to chronobiological disorder D. gender-specific exertion of human organism due to chronobiological disorder E. occupation-caused exertion of human organism due to chronobiological disorder.

4. The basic human types by biorhythmological structure of the organism were classified as: A.*Daily type (²lark²), Night type (“nighthawk” – in Western countries, ²owl² - in Slavonic countries), Arrhythmic type (mix type) B. Daily type (²lark²) and Night type (“nighthawk” – in Western countries, ²owl² - in Slavonic countries) C.*Daily type (²lark²) and Arrhythmic type (mix type) D. Daily type (²lark²) and Desynchronic type E. Night type (“nighthawk” – in Western countries, ²owl² - in Slavonic countries) and Desynchronic type

5. Despite of similarity of Desynchronization Disease Clinical Pattern to Chronic Fatigue Disease Clinical Pattern, Desynchronization has very important specific features: A.*more hard arresting (alleviation) and more serious output - decreasing of human lifetime B. more hard arresting (alleviation) C. more serious output - decreasing of human lifetime D. more light arresting (alleviation) E. not so serious outputs

Topic 42: Radiation Control Methods at work with ionizing radiation sources

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 29: PP. 306-313. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 22: PP. 117-123.

1. Positron is an: A.*ant-electron B. neutron C. alpha-particle D. proton E. electron

2. Photon Radiation includes such kinds: A.*Gamma-rays, X-rays B. Gamma-rays, X-rays, Alpha-particles C. Gamma-rays, X-rays, Beta-particles D. Gamma-rays, X-rays, Alpha-particles, Beta-particles E. Gamma-rays, X-rays, Alpha-particles, Beta-particles, Neutrons 3. Alpha-particle is a: A.*Helium atomic nucleus B. electron C. positron D. Argon atomic nucleus E. Neon atomic nucleus

4. Particle Radiation includes such kinds: A.*Alpha-particles, Beta-particles, Neutrons B. Gamma-rays C. X-rays D. Ultra Violet rays E. Infra Red rays

5. The wavelength of Gamma-rays is: A.*up to 0,05 nm B. up to 0,01 nm C. up to 0,5 nm D. up to 10 nm E. up to 15 nm

Topic 43: Calculative methods for Radiation Safety assessment and evaluation of parameters for population protection of external radiation.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 29: PP. 306-313. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 22: PP. 117-123.

1. The main principles of Ant-Radiation (Antirad) Protection are the following: A.*protection by shield (protective screens, etc.), protection by distance, protection by time, protection by quantity, chemical protection (using of respective chemical substances - Radioprotectors) B. protection by distance, protection by time, protection by quantity, chemical protection (using of respective chemical substances - Radioprotectors) C. protection by shield (protective screens, etc.), protection by time, protection by quantity, chemical protection (using of respective chemical substances - Radioprotectors) D. protection by shield (protective screens, etc.), protection by distance, protection by time, chemical protection (using of respective chemical substances - Radioprotectors) E. protection by shield (protective screens, etc.), protection by distance, protection by time, protection by quantity

2. The Somatic Radiolesions (Radioactive poisonings, Actinic injuries) group can’t include: A.*Mutations, Chromosome aberrations. B. Radioactive burn (acute,chronic) C. Cataract D. Acute Atomic Disease E. Chronic Atomic Disease

3. The Genetic Radiolesions (Radioactive poisonings, Actinic injuries) are: A.*Mutations, Chromosome aberrations. B. Radioactive burn (acute,chronic) C. Cataract D. Acute Atomic Disease E. Chronic Atomic Disease

4. Local Radiolesions group can’t include: A. Radioactive burn (acute,chronic) B. Radiodermatitis C. Cataract D. Acute Atomic disease E. Chronic Atomic disease F. Mutations, Chromosome aberrations

5. Condition of Acute Atomic Disease=Acute radiation syndrome forming: A.*acute single dose receiving: 1-10 Zv (100-1000 bers) B. acute single dose receiving: 5-50 Zv (500-5000 bers) C. acute single dose receiving: 10-100 Zv (1000-10000 bers) D. acute single dose receiving: 20-200 Zv (2000-20000 bers) E. chronic multiple low doses receiving: 1-5mZv/day (0,1-0,5 bers/day).

Source of information – All-Ukrainian Test Database

Patient С., 48 years old, participated in the liquidation of Chernobyl disaster consequences. He is treated in in- patient department of municipal hospital. His diagnosis: progressing vegetative insufficiency. What group of biological effects of ionizing radiation this states included in such a state? A. *somato-stochastic B. somatic effects C. geterosis D. genetic E. gormesis

Topic 44: Hygienic evaluation of staff Antirad Protection and Radiation Safety at use of radionuclides and another sources of ionized radiation at the hospital.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 29: PP. 306-313. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 22: PP. 117-123.

1. The basic kinds of human organism irradiation which dependent on radiation source (to choose the most complete answer): A.*External, Internal, Mix B. External C. Internal D. Mix E. External, Internal.

2. Factors which have influence on biological action of External Irradiation: A.*Time of contact, direct influence or via the carrier, kind of carrier, way of penetration into the organism, kind of metabolism in the human organism, speed of removing from the organism, microclimate B. Direct influence or via the carrier, kind of carrier, way of penetration into the organism, kind of metabolism in the human organism, speed of removing from the organism, microclimate C. Time of contact, way of penetration into the organism, kind of metabolism in the human organism, speed of removing from the organism, microclimate D. Time of contact, direct influence or via the carrier, kind of carrier, way of penetration into the organism, speed of removing from the organism, microclimate E. Time of contact, direct influence or via the carrier, kind of carrier, way of penetration into the organism, kind of metabolism in the human organism, speed of removing from the organism.

3. Factors which have influence on biological action of Internal Irradiation: A. Absorbed Dose, Dose Rate of actinogen, dose distribution by time (dose protraction in time, Irradiation once or many times), dose distribution by area (total or local), radioactive contamination area, organism’s functional condition (for ex., pregnancy) B. Dose Rate of actinogen, dose distribution by time (dose protraction in time, irradiation once or many times), dose distribution by area (total or local), radioactive contamination area, organism’s functional condition (for ex., pregnancy) C. Absorbed Dose, dose distribution by time (dose protraction in time, irradiation once or many times), dose distribution by area (total or local), radioactive contamination area, organism’s functional condition (for ex., pregnancy) D. Absorbed Dose, Dose Rate of actinogen, dose distribution by area (total or local), radioactive contamination area, organism’s functional condition (for ex., pregnancy) E. Absorbed Dose, Dose Rate of actinogen, dose distribution by time (dose protraction in time, irradiation once or many times), radioactive contamination area, organism’s functional condition (for ex., pregnancy)

4. Organs and tissues with maximum radiosensitivity: A.*lymphatic nodules, marrow, gonads B. muscles, thyroid gland, adipose tissue, kidneys, spleen, organs of digestive system C. skin, bones D. lymphatic nodules, marrow, gonads, skin, bones E. muscles, thyroid gland, adipose tissue, kidneys, spleen, organs of digestive system, skin, bones

5. Organs and tissues with minimum radiosensitivity: A.*skin, bones B. lymphatic nodules, marrow, gonads C. muscles, thyroid gland, adipose tissue, kidneys, spleen, organs of digestive system D. lymphatic nodules, marrow, gonads, skin, bones E. muscles, thyroid gland, adipose tissue, kidneys, spleen, organs of digestive system, skin, bones

Source of information – All-Ukrainian Test Database № з/п 76 № з/п у БД 3291 They damaged the container with alpha-radioactive substance (solution) with pollution of the work place surfaces. What preventive measures should be used? A. *desactivation of the premises B. degasation of the premises C. respiratory protective equipment D. protective shields E. decrees about duration of the working week

№ з/п 96 № з/п у БД 3311 С., 38 year old, has general labor experience of 15 years, for 10 years he works as a roentgenologist. By dosimeter data he took 40 rem during these years. Can С. work by his specialty in future? A. *yes, he can B. no, he can’t C. he can but by the order of Ministry of Health D. he can but after rehabilitation treatment E. he can but after changing dosimeter

№ з/п 111 № з/п у БД 3326 Surgeon В., 36 years old, working at the thoracic department of the oncological dispensary. This year he has been subjected to X-ray scopy for several times (with esophageal contrasting). What maximum admissible dose is defined for this professional category? A. *2 mSv B. 20 mSv C. 10 mSv D. 5 mSv E. 1 mSv

№ з/п 139 № з/п у БД 3356 The X-ray room of the cardiological center is placed on the 2nd floor and has 40 m2 total square. The operating control panel is behind the shielded screen. The physician’s working place is 2 m from the apparatus. No adjoining wards by the vertical and horizontal. How many premises the X-ray room should consist of as? A. *3 B. 1 C. 2 D. 4 E. 5

№ з/п 151 № з/п у БД 3368 Mrs. Y. lives in polluted area in the zone of severe radioecology. She has own household with the garden and she doesn’t work. She consult physician about using vegetables from the garden to rise excretion of the radionuclides. You should recommend vegetables with the highest fiber content (more then 1 %). A. *pumpkin B. paprika C. vegetable marrow D. carrot E. cabbage

Topic 45: World Health Organization (WHO): goals and tasks. WHO preventive programs.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 29: PP. 306-313. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 22: PP. 117-123.

1. The World Health Organization is a special establishment of United Nations which was designed in: A.*1948 B. 1950 C. 1958 D. 1960 E. 1968

2. The newest Program of World Health Organization in Public Health is: A.*The Millennium Development Goals B. Agenda 2000 C. SD-PROMO D. A Global Partnership for Development E. Health for All Towards 2000

3. The term of beginning of the last World Health Organization Program in Public Health is: A.*2000 B. 2001 C. 2002 D. 2003 E. 2004 F. 2005 4. The term of ending of the last World Health Organization Program in Public Health is: A.*2015 B. 2010 C. 2009 D. 20020 E. 20012

5. The goals of newest Program of World Health Organization in Public Health, which was named as “The Millennium Development Goals” are: A.*to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, to achieve universal primary education, to promote gender equality and empower women, to reduce child mortality, to improve maternal health, to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, to ensure environmental sustainability, to develop a global partnership for development B. to achieve universal primary education, to promote gender equality and empower women, to reduce child mortality, to improve maternal health, to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, to ensure environmental sustainability, to develop a global partnership for development C. to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, to promote gender equality and empower women, to reduce child mortality, to improve maternal health, to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, to ensure environmental sustainability, to develop a global partnership for development D. to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, to achieve universal primary education, to reduce child mortality, to improve maternal health, to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, to ensure environmental sustainability, to develop a global partnership for development E. to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, to achieve universal primary education, to promote gender equality and empower women, to reduce child mortality, to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, to ensure environmental sustainability, to develop a global partnership for development

Topic 46: WHO activities in sphere of environment protection and chemical substances safety. Foundations of healthy lifestyle in WHO problems.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 29: PP. 306-313. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 22: PP. 117-123.

1. The European Net of Healthy Cities was designed according to the profile program of WHO. It was in: A.*1986 B. 1985 C. 1990 D. 1995 E. 2000.

2. It was designed a conceptual paradigm of sustainable development of society. The type of sustainable development paradigm is: A.*Triple B. Double C. Primary D. Secondary E. Tertiary

3. A set of guidelines of profile program of World Health Organization (WHO) “Healthy Cities” includes the following fields of interests, but with exception of: A.*Feeding rations B. Environmental Hygiene in Dwelling Building and Populated Areas Planning C. Fighting Against Harmful Insects and Rodents in Towns/Cities D. Urbanization and Children Health E. Drain of Shower Flows

4. According to the Sustainable Development Paradigm its definition should include such structural parts: A.*ecological component, economic component, social component B. ecological component and economic component C. ecological component and social component D. economic component and social component E. ecological component and political component

5. The United Nations document of global level for regulation of all countries activities in sphere of industrial refuse limitation which was designed in 1999 was named as: A.*The Global Compact B. Agenda 21 C. The Millennium Development Goals D. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change E. Healthy Cities.

Source of information – All-Ukrainian Test Database

№ з/п 38 № з/п у БД 3190 The health of population, most, depends on: A. way of life B. terms of external environment C. economic line-up D. heredity E. systems of health protection

Topic 47: Influence of hot climate on life conditions and population health

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 29: PP. 306-313. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 22: PP. 117-123.

1. Tropics include such belts of Earth surface: A. *equatorial belt, tropical belt and subtropical belt B. equatorial belt C. equatorial and tropical belts D. moderate belt, equatorial belt, tropical belt and subtropical belt E. opical and subtropical belts

2. Air humidity /ah/ evaluation as very high in tropical belt: A. *over than 85% B. over than 75% C. over than 80% D. over than 70% E. over than 65%.

3. Air humidity /ah/ evaluation as very low in tropical belt: A. *up to 30% B. up to 20% C. up to 40% D. up to 50% E. up to 45%.

4. Air humidity /ah/ evaluation as optimum in tropical belt: A.*30-55% B. up to 30% C. 55-70% D. 70-85% E. over than 85%.

5. Air humidity /ah/ evaluation as moderately dry in tropical belt: A.*55-70% B. up to 30% C. 30-55% D. 70-85% E. over than 85%.

Source of information – All-Ukrainian Test Database

№ з/п 95 № з/п у БД 3310 A 40- year old inhabitant of the city of Kiev arrived in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) in July of 1998. In an hour after arriving he lost consciousness after leaving the international airport terminal. After medical aid he was delivered to the hospital. His state was characterized with the following signs: expressed adinamia, severe headache with nausea, the skin was hyperemied, wet; body temperature was rised up to 39оС; short breathing, tachicardia. The tourist has never been to hot climate countries. What is the cause of syncope? A. *hot climate impact B. new impressions C. tourist’s age D. Impact of flight E. poor health state of the tourist

Topic 48: Problems of Municipal Hygiene in countries with hot climate and Tropical Belt Countries

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 29: PP. 306-313. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 22: PP. 117-123.

1. According to the recommendations of WHO for countries with hot climate the source of qualitative water must be provided directly in dwelling or must be accessible in such distance: A.*15 minutes walking distance B. 20 minutes walking distance C. 25 minutes walking distance D. 30 minutes walking distance E. 60 minutes walking distance.

2. The best type of handmade dug well designed for tropical countries was named as: A.*Amazon well B. Mississippi well C. Gang well D. Chuan he well E. Nile well. 3. A type of well which was accepted as a base pipe well model for countries with hot climate and tropical countries is a so called: A.*Abyssinian well B. Mississippi well C. Gang well D. Chuan he well E. Nile well.

4. The basic type(s) of wells recommended by WHO for tropical countries is (are): A.*handmade dug well, bored well (chink), pipe well B. handmade dug well C. bored well (chink) D. pipe well E. bored well (chink) and pipe well.

5. One of set of hygienic requirements to the public toilettes planning for tropical countries is a sanitary distance (between dwelling and public toilette) which is A.*no less than 100 m from dwelling B. no less than 10 m from dwelling C. no less than 1 m from dwelling D. no less than 15 m from dwelling E. no less than 25 m from dwelling.

Topic 49: Problems of Nutrition Hygiene in countries with hot climate and Tropical Belt Countries. Diseases connected with sea-food consumption.

Source of information: Department Lecture, Responsible Lecturer (Author of the Lecture): Krystyna Zaytseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Hygiene & Ecology Department (VNMU) Relevant Source(s) of information: Mandatory Reading Hygiene and ecology: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Ed. by V.G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Kniga, 2009. – Topic 29: PP. 306-313. Recommended Reading Hygiene and ecology: Text-book / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy et al. – Kharkov, 2006. – Chapt. 22: PP. 117-123.

1. Siguatera as a common name of alimentary diseases caused by edible kinds of fish in subtropical and tropical water basins have a lot of causative agents. They are: A.*fish, oysters B. fish, oysters, mollusks C. fish, oysters, scallops D. fish, oysters, scallops, crabs E. fish, oysters, scallops, crabs, mussels.

2. Early symptoms of siguatera are: A. *nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, lip numbness, tongue pricking, throat mucosa pricking, tremor B. nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, tongue pricking, throat mucosa pricking, tremor C. nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, lip numbness, tremor D. nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, lip numbness, tongue pricking, throat mucosa pricking E. abdominal pain, lip numbness, tongue pricking, throat mucosa pricking, tremor, paradoxal sensitivity.

3. In spite of hard early symptoms of siguatera, its Disease Clinical Pattern includes such non-early symptoms as: A.*diarrhea, extremities paresthesia, muscle pain, ataxia, vision decreasing, bradycardia, arterial hypotension, arrhythmia B. extremities paresthesia, muscle pain, ataxia, vision decreasing, bradycardia, arterial hypotension, arrhythmia C. diarrhea, muscle pain, ataxia, vision decreasing, bradycardia, arterial hypotension, arrhythmia D. diarrhea, extremities paresthesia, muscle pain, vision decreasing, bradycardia, arterial hypotension, arrhythmia E. diarrhea, extremities paresthesia, muscle pain, ataxia, bradycardia, arterial hypotension, arrhythmia

4. A pathognomonic symptom for differential diagnosis of siguatera is: A. *paradoxal sensitivity (cool subjects perception as heated subjects, perception of heat subjects as cooled subjects) B. extremities paresthesia and muscle pain C. ataxia D. vision decreasing E. bradycardia and arterial hypotension.

5. The causative agents of so called “mackerel poisonings” are: A.*similar to Histamine substances B. similar to Adrenaline substances C. Brevetoxins D. Tetrodotoxins E. Saxitoxins

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