Ulverston Town Council s2

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Ulverston Town Council s2

ULVERSTON TOWN COUNCIL Town Hall Town Clerk: Jayne Kendall Queen Street Town Mayor: Cllr Dr Bharath Rajan Ulverston Deputy Mayor: Cllr Mark Wilson Cumbria LA12 7AR Telephone: (01229) 585778 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ulverstoncouncil.org.uk Twitter: @UlverstonTC Facebook: Follow us on Facebook

Minutes of the Meeting of Ulverston Town Council held in the Town Hall on Monday 20 July 2015 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllr’s B. Rajan (Chair), J. Clough, P. Cooper, J.Harris, M. Hornby, P. Jones, P. Lister, C. Pickthall, J. Pickthall, J. Prosser, B Tate, M. Wilson. Apologies: N. Bishop Rowe, H. Irving, J. Jenkinson, B. Marr, A. Rigg, P. Smith,

Also Present: Town Clerk, Press (1) Public (3)

U45. Requests for Dispensations: None received:

U46. Declaration of Interest : Cllr Rajan declared that he is member of SLDC planning committee Cllr J Pickthall declared she is a member of Ulverston Community Enterprise. Cllr Lister referred to SL15/0590. He said that traditionally council does not comment on applications from councillors family members. This was agreed unanimously.

U47. Part II: It was proposed that council move into Part II for item U69. Proposed: Cllr P. Lister. Cllr. J Pickthall. Unanimously approved. . U48. Town Mayor’s Announcements: The Town Mayor presented The Very Reverend Canon S Flannery with a certificate of appreciation from the Town Council on the occasion of his retirement. The Town Mayor presented Miss Cecile Bourlon with a presentation coin for her and also her stepfather, the Mayor of Albert Stephane Demilly. The Mayor had attended  Ulverston Parish Church for a recital by the Will Todd Group as part of the Ulverston International Music Festival.  Inaugurations of Barrow Mayor, Millom Mayor and the Kendal Mayor,  Opening on new café at Swarthmoor Hall and refurbished accommodation.  Reception with the High Sherriff at Brathy Hall.  Battle of the wind bands at the Coronation Hall.  Opened the Furness Tradition Festival on 11 July.  Performance of Alice in the Park at Lightburn Park  Ulverston Canal Gala

U49. Public Participation:

1 Bill Shaw. LA12 7JE. Wanted to find out who is responsible for emptying gulleys in the road and how they can be cleaned out. Several are very full and overflowing. Cllr Wilson answered the question and said that the Better Highways website is the place to look. It was also suggested that Mr Shaw e mail Cllr Wilson for details.

U50. Minutes: The minutes of the council meeting held on 15 June 2015. Proposed: Cllr .P. Lister. Seconded: Cllr. M. Hornby. Unanimously approved.

U51. Police, SLDC and CCC The clerk read a report from the police which confirmed that Sgt Johnson and two other officers would move to an office at the Ulverston Business Centre shortly. This office would not be open to the public however, it was hoped that the police would have a presence in the SLDC office at the Coronation Hall. All operational staff will be moved to Barrow and their duty period will start from there

Cumbria County Council and SLDC. Cllr Wilson reported that SLDC had issued a report ‘Housing – Fit for the future’ report as part of SLDC’s Overview and Scrutiny committee. He also reported that the Boundary Commission had visited SLDC.

U52. Town Planning: SL/15/0519 St. Mary’s RC School, Springfield Road. Mrs. Nicola Reilly Approve SL/15/0292/3 Midland Bank Plc, New Market Street HSBC Group PLC Approve SL/15/0501/2 58 & 58A Market Street, Ulverston. Mr. D. Sidebottom Approve SL/15/0490 34 Woodland Road, Ulverston. Mr. Phil Wood Approve SL/15/0373 76 Soutergate, Ulverston. Mrs. Sarah Bangham Refuse because it is retrospective. 6 against 3 abstained. SL/15/0523 Glaxochem Ltd, North Lonsdale Rd, Mr Peter Healy Approve SL/15/0544 43 Hest View Road, Ulverston. Mr. Mike Jones Approve SL/15/0564 Ground Floor Flat, 16 Lower Brook Mr Steven Martin Approve SL/15/0618 17 Church Fields Ave, Ulverston. Mrs B. Redhead Approve SL/15/0590 26 Meeting House Lane, Ulverston. Mr Peter Hornby The council did not comment on this application as it affects a council family member. Planning appeal to note: Land off County Road, adjacent to Kirkland’s Ulverston. Proposed Development: Erection of a single detached garage. Ref: SL/14/1201

U53. Correspondence: The clerk reported that Charter Medieval Market poster would be available shortly. Members noted that a World Food Market would be held this weekend.

U54. External Organisations: The report from St John Ambulance was noted.

U56. Groundwork. Members noted the report from Groundwork on the work the organisation has undertaken in Ulverston.

2 U57. Ulverston Community Enterprise. Presentation of the UCE business plan (attached) and update on next steps. Cllr Pickthall drew member’s attention to the vision articulated in the Executive Summary and the Mission statement which is: ‘To reclaim Ulverston’s assets for the common good’. Three principle assets are under negotiation with SLDC; the Coronation Hall, The Market/Market Hall and the Car Parks. A number of meetings have been held with SLDC. She said that the business plan was draft and she was very keen that the town council was completely involved. A major consultation event was taking place to get a cross section of views on what they would like to see at the Coronation Hall. An online questionnaire will be put on the town council website.

SLDC will be discussing this at its October cabinet and the outcome and full report including figures would come to town council at this time. UCE has produced a very comprehensive financial model based on SLDC figures.

Members noted the report and wished the project well and thanked Cllr J. Jenkinson, Cllr J. Harris and Cllr J Pickthall for all their hard work.

U58. Town Beck Flood Alleviation Scheme: The Environment Agency will commence work on the Town Beck Flood Alleviation scheme beginning at the Gill in August 2015. Members noted the update from Cllr. M. Wilson

U59. SLDC Parish Charter: Members noted the revised Parish Charter from SLDC.

U60. Town Council Office and Chamber: a. To approve a recent Executive Decision made by the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Leader of the council on the final design of the new town council office at Brogden Street and to note the final design showing the entrance facing towards the Coronation Hall Car Park. Proposed: Cllr P. Lister. Seconded: Cllr. M. Hornby. Unanimously approved.

b. That the town council organise two half day open events when residents can visit the town council chamber. This was noted

c. To inform members that following a proposal from the town council, SLDC Intend to arrange an auction of the contents of the Town Council Chamber, which it owns, at a time and date to be notified. This was noted.

U61. 20mph speed limit: Proposal: That the town council appoint a task and finish working group of councillors to pursue a 20 mph speed limit for the town with the aim of achieving this within 12 months. The group to comprise three Labour members including the Deputy Mayor (as chair) two from the Conservative group and one independent. Proposed Cllr. C. Pickthall. Seconded: Cllr. P. Lister. Unanimously approved.

U62. Planting in Ulverston: a. That the council insist that South Lakeland District Council plant the flower beds at Tank Square, for which they have been responsible for the last ten years, as soon as possible. b. That the responsible department enters into meaningful dialogue with Ulverston in Bloom and the town council immediately.

3 c. That Ulverston Town Council enters in a negotiation with SLDC to transfer SLDC’s planting budget to Ulverston Town Council to manage locally.

Proposed: Cllr. J. Pickthall. Seconded: Cllr. P. Cooper. Unanimously approved.

U63. Community Toilet Scheme: Proposal: That the town council investigate ways in which a Community Toilet scheme could be organised to enable residents and visitors to be fully aware of the provision of WC facilities in the town and when they will be open for use. Proposed: Cllr M. Wilson. Seconded: Cllr. P. Lister. Unanimously approved.

U64. Planning regulations: Proposal: This council deplores the shortcomings of the planning regulations which allow owners/developers to gain planning permission for sites, demolish buildings and then leave the sites derelict for long periods of time to the detriment and disfigurement of their neighbourhoods. Ulverston Town Council urges the MP, SLDC, CALC and the LGA to vigorously lobby government to introduce regulations to prevent such abuses. The council will also respond using the Sustainable Communities Act. Proposed: Cllr C. Pickthall. Seconded: Cllr. M. Hornby. Unanimously approved.

U65. Finance and Grants Standing Committee: 1. Management Accounts. Proposed: Cllr Lister. Seconded Cllr. M. Hornby: Unanimously approved.

2. Allotments. To consider a proposal from Allotments Standing Committee and the Finance and Grants Standing committee, not to increase the rental for 2015/16. This decision was deferred until there is clarity on the cost of repairing the wall at Hill Fall. The clerk reminded members that this would mean that the allotment rental notices could not be sent out until a decision to increase or not was approved by full council in September.

3. Auto Enrolment of Pensions. To note the requirement of the town council to enrol all staff in a pension scheme. This was noted.

4. Grant. To approve a grant of £750.00 for MIND. Proposed Cllr. P. Lister Seconded Cllr. M. Hornby. Unanimously approved.

5. Payments: Cllr. C. Clough and Cllr J Pickthall were nominated to sign cheques.

6. Council approved the following process for signing cheques in August when the council does not meet:  A list of payments to be sent to all councillors during the second week in August for comment.  If councillors have no concerns, then two members are proposed to sign the cheques on Tuesday 18 August 2015 at 10am.

Proposed: Cllr Lister, Seconded: Cllr C Pickthall. Unanimously approved.

U66. Other Matters : Cllr Clough: Requested that Cllr Vincent and GSK attend the next town council meeting to report on the plans for the leisure centre. . Cllr C. Pickthall. Ford Park - period of call in has now passed for judicial challenge and building work will start in the autumn

4 Cllr J. Pickthall. Heart of Ulverston Award is now in its third year. Members are asked to make nominations. Cllr. P. Jones. Deplore the notices that are appearing on lamp posts around Ulverston. She would like to thank all colleagues for Father Flannery’s gracious reception this evening. She asked for help with the Charter coffee morning. which is on Thursday 10 September.

U67. Public: No comments were made

U68. Date of Next Meeting: Members to note the date of the next meeting of Ulverston Town Council which is: Monday 21 September 2015 at 7.00 pm at the Supper Room, Coronation Hall.

U69. Part II: Staff. It was agreed to authorise the clerk to work her core hours from Monday to Thursday 8 – 5 and Friday 8 – 12.30. The clerk would continue to work out of hours as required. Proposed Cllr. J. Pickthall. Seconded Cllr. M. Hornby. Unanimously approved.

The meeting finished at 9pm


Town Mayor


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