Draft Minutes from The

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Draft Minutes from The


COST Action ES0601

“ Advances in homogenisation methods of climate series: an integrated approach (HOME)”

Bucharest May 19-20, 2010

19th of May 2010

Sorin Cheval, local organiser welcomes the participants

MC5D1 Minutes of MC4 adopted (unanimous decision) MC5D2 Agenda adopted

Bosnia delegate introduced (Dr. Nedzad Voljevica) No matters arising

1. COST Office

Chandrasa Sjamsundin (COST Office, ESSEM, on behalf of Carine Petit, ESSEM Science Officer) presents some news from the COST office

Main points of this presentation:

 now 36 COST countries;  new template for application for non-COST country joining;  Bosnia application: still under intention to sign;  New instruments and new rules (especially for meeting supports, that are now limited to 30€ without justification – note that this does not apply to ES0601 since GH needs the justifications);  Possibility go to Australia for “RSTSM” funding - not many applications to go there  To the question of VAT, which is not normally paid by COST, Grant Holder may provide a “non-VAT” exemption document – but VAT is normally not supported by COST funds.  Reykjavik ESSEM meeting end of June. ES0601 will be represented by O. Mestre.  According to COST regulations, STSM may be held in Andorra;  Actually COST is under financial audit;  Any change in WP and expenditure must be notified to COST;  Scientific report/minutes should be sent to COST office;  Preparation of 2011 budget : indicative budget of 80k€ (8 months remaining)  Preparation of a “plan B” budget in case that more money is finally available (~20k€)  6 months extension has to be voted by the MC.  COST will be present at ECAC conference.  New emails and domain name for COST: cost.eu  e-COST http://www.cost.eu/e-cost  A number of problems were reported in the download of COST forms. Should be fixed soon.

2. GH report (made by O. Mestre)

 40k€ spent, additional costs of the MC should be around 25k€;  Approximately 35k€ left, to be spent before end of September 2010;  New meetings and STSMs need to be approved by the MC;  Needs all receipts and a copy of passport for those who did not provide them yet, to comply Spanish laws.

3. Activity report (O. Mestre)

Main achievements this year:

 Bibliography report now done;  Intercomparison simulations;  Benchmark experiment achieved, followed by Mallorca meeting. This experiment gave rise to 14 STSMs;  Practical recommendations discussed in Mallorca;  Advances in daily data;

To be improved: agreement on the future software. WG5 needs to be created.

4. Presentations by WG leaders

Bibliography (E. Aguilar)

Enric Aguilar recalls homogenization website. Uploaded presentations are to be provided to:

[email protected] Large survey, constantly updated survey (>400 articles, methods, data homogenization) Access to survey requires registration. Accessing the intranet, allows browsing folders. WG1 folder contains different subfolders (methods, comparisons, reviews).

A report has been written, giving all references, together with statistics. Temperature is the more represented element, followed by precipitations, and then other elements. SNHT is the dominant method. A lot of articles are recently dealing with daily data.

Benchmark (V. Venema)

Victor Venema provides a description of the benchmark, a description of added inhomogeneities, with examples of network inhomogeneities. Solutions are in “orig” directories. The 26 contributions are then presented. The “manual” algorithms focused on the surrogate networks, while automatic methods did also handled synthetic data. Scores are introduced: RMSE, biased corrected RMSE, trend reconstruction.

Main conclusions are:

 absolute methods are to be avoided  there were some programming errors in some procedures  coder is the best operator. For manual methods, results may vary according to operator and its training → training is necessary  automatic algorithms can provide quite good results  benchmark with multiple networks is necessary.

Still more analysis to be done, concerning long term trends for example, but main results achieved.

Discussion followed, about the possibility of a wind surrogate benchmark and including metadata in the networks (Petrovic) and the difficulties on doing so (Aguilar), ensembles of realizations (Haimberger). The need for automatic (as far as possible) procedures is stressed.

5. Action planning for may 2010-september 2010

We take advantage of the presence of Chandrasa Sjamsundin on 19th of May to prepare the Action planning for the end of this grant period (~35k€ left)

 Priorities are: unification of procedures (2 days meeting requested, 4 persons)  Final benchmark analysis (WG2 meeting)  R summer school  Analysis of daily benchmark


Accepted (unanimous decision)

TS (duration: 1 week) to be held in Vila Real (Portugal) – alternatives are Brno (CZ) or Tarragona (SP) Local Organiser: Dr Mario Gonzalez Pereira

Budget 12 attendees, 2 lecturers Grant of 700€/student 2k€ for lecturer attendance Local support 2k€

MC5D4 STSMs The following STSMs have been accepted (unanimous decision):

1. STSM “Daily benchmark” Date: As soon as possible Place: Bonn U. Host: V. Venema Attendee: Jasmina Hadzimustafic Budget: 2k€

2. STSM “Quantile matching correction” Date: 2/8/2010 – 13/8/ 2010 Place: Brno Host: Petr Stepanek Attendee: Spanish student (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) Budget: 2k€

3. STSM “Vincent method - correction” Date: 2/8/2010 – 13/8/ 2010 Place: Brno Host: Petr Stepanek Attendee: Portuguese student (UTAD Vila Real) Budget: 2k€

4. STSM “HOM/SPLIDHOM” Date: 30/08/2010-10/09/2010 Place: Toulouse Host: O. Mestre Attendee: ZAMG student (Barbara Chimani) Budget: 2k€

5. STSM “UBRIS-WIEN” Date: 30/08/2010-10/09/2010 Place: Toulouse Host: O. Mestre Attendee: ZAMG staff (Johanna Nemec) Budget: 2k€

6. STSM “UBRIS-PRAHA” Date: 30/08/2010-10/09/2010 Place: Toulouse Host: O. Mestre Attendee: Pavel Zharadnicek (Brno U.) Budget 2k€

Additional methods will be tested without need of STSM : MISH and CLIMATOL MC5D5 EM meeting “Models”

The following EM meeting has been accepted (unanimous decision):

EM meeting on correction models Date : 29-30th of July Place : Toulouse (local organizer: O. Mestre) ~4 attendees Budget: 4k€ (no meeting support)

MC5D6 WG2 meeting “benchmark final”

The following WG meeting has been accepted (unanimous decision):

Date : 13-14th of September Place : Zurich (local organizer: MeteoSwiss to be asked)~12 attendees Budget: 10k€ (+ meeting support to be decided by core group vote)

MC5D7 Website development

If this year's budget allows, 2k€ for supporting the website development (4th and last grant of the Action), to be allowed to U. Tarragona (Alba Gilabert). Unanimous agreement. If this Action year budget does not allow the website grant, 2k€ will be taken on 2010/2011 budget.

MC5D8 Unanimous agreement for preparation of second installment of grant

Last year of the Action is then discussed. Participants agree for a final event in Budapest, May 2011, small coding meetings (WG5), and as many TS as possible. A WG4 meeting has also to be organized. It is decided that final decisions and votes will be done during day two of the meeting.

Chair thanks Chandrasa Sjamsundin for taking time to come to Bucharest, and wishes her a good trip back.

Participants continue then with activity reports.

T. Szentimrey presents some slides about validation scores.

Presentation by I. Auer (practical recommendations). Discussion around the use of absolute methods for early series (Venema), use of proxy as references (Nordli, Haimberger). All recommendations were carefully discussed by the participants, and some modifications were made.

20th of may 2010

WG4 report was presented by Petr Stepanek (overview of activities carried out, preliminary comparison of available correction methods, preliminary results applying co-variables for two sites comparison), followed up with discussions around scores. Additional experiments were presented for daily methods by O. Mestre (influence of correlation coefficient with reference series).

WG2 presentation (G. Vertačnik) shows experiences with iCraddock, particularly show the influence of the operator.

After finishing discussions about scientific matters, planning of year 4 of the Action starts. Activities are planned on the basis of a 80k€ budget, provided that GH will get then 12k€.

MC5D9 Unanimous agreement for preparation of next year grant MC5D10 Unanimous agreement for prolongation of 6 months of the Action MC5D11 Election of WG5 leader: José Guijarro (SP) unanimously elected

Note that before votes occurs, T. Szentimrey states that he is not in favour of this WG5, since he thinks that procedures can hardly be harmonized. He recommends the adoption of MASH as software. Chair and Vice Chair recall that software implementation is one main point of the MoU signed by the participants of the Action, and that COST would not be happy to get an old software as a result – besides this, MASH performances, even if good, do not justify its adoption. Chair states that MASH might be proposed as an alternative, provided the code is distributed in R, but the main goal of the Action is to provide improved methods.

Announcement will be made for volunteers by O. Mestre for help with coding.

MC5D12 Final Event in Budapest (June 2011) approved (unanimous agreement) with financial details stated below.

Next MC (and final) meeting will take place in Budapest, 8-9th of June 2011, just after seminar on Homogenization organized by Hungarian Met. Office.

Dedicated budget: 30k€+2k€ of support meeting.

MC5D13 3xWG5 meetings will be organized during the last year of the Action, for a budget of 4k€ each (unanimous decision).

Date and place of those WG5 meetings will be decided later by WG5 leader.

MC5D14 1xWG4 meeting will be organized during the last year of the Action, for a budget of 10k€+500€ of support meeting (unanimous decision).

MC5D14 2 Training schools (budget: 6k€) will be organized, to train climatologists to the new software. Date and place to be decided later. Unanimous agreement. More will be organized, with better funding for the trainees, in case budget is higher than 80k€. To be decided later.

Discussions occur around the publications. Given the remaining funds, publications should be funded by main authors' institutions – the possibility of special issue in a Journal (such as Meteorologische Zeitschrift) has been discussed, without consensus, as well as COST book redaction.

Possibility of a RSTSM to Australia has to be studied, as well as ESRs. ). No AOB discussed.

O. Mestre warmly thanks our local organizers Sorin Cheval and Constanta Boroneant for their perfect organization and kindness, and closes the meeting at 18H. Annex 1. List of MC members: to be found on the web: http://w3.cost.esf.org/index.php?id=206&action_number=ES0601 Chair Vice Chair Dr Olivier MESTRE Dr Ingeborg AUER

COST Participants Country MC Member Austria (MC Member) Dr Ingeborg AUER Austria (MC Member) Dr Leopold HAIMBERGER Belgium (MC Member) Dr Gaston DEMAREE Bosnia and Herzegovina (MC Member) Mr Nedzad VOLJEVICA Bosnia and Herzegovina (MC Member) Mr Zeljko MAJSTOROVIC Bulgaria (MC Member) Dr Tania MARINOVA Bulgaria (MC Member) Dr Vesselin ALEXANDROV Croatia (MC Member) Ms Janja MILKOVIC Cyprus (MC Member) Prof. Konstantinos FOKIANOS Czech Republic (MC Member) Prof. Rudof BRAZDIL Czech Republic (MC Member) Mr Petr STEPANEK Finland (MC Member) Ms Hanna TIETAVAINEN Finland (MC Member) Dr Heikki TUOMENVIRTA France (MC Member) Dr Valerie DAUX Germany (MC Member) Dr Victor VENEMA Germany (MC Member) Mr Gerhard MULLER-WESTERMEIER Greece (MC Member) Prof. Athanassios ARGIRIOU Hungary (MC Member) Dr Monika LAKATOS Hungary (MC Member) Dr Tamas SZENTIMREY Ireland (MC Member) Ms Mary CURLEY Italy (MC Member) Prof. Maurizio MAUGERI Italy (MC Member) Dr Michele BRUNETTI Italy (MC Substitute Member) Dr Teresa NANNI Latvia (MC Member) Ms Lita LIZUMA Latvia (MC Member) Agrita BRIEDE Netherlands (MC Member) Dr Theo BRANDSMA Netherlands (MC Member) Mr Albert KLEIN TANK Norway (MC Member) Mr Lars ANDRESEN Norway (MC Member) Mr Oyvind NORDLI Poland (MC Member) Dr Janusz FILIPIAK Poland (MC Member) Dr Miroslaw MIETUS Portugal (MC Member) Prof. Ana MONTEIRO SOUSA Portugal (MC Member) Dr Mario GONZALEZ PEREIRA Romania (MC Member) Dr Sorin CHEVAL Romania (MC Member) Dr Constanta Emilia BORONEANT Serbia (MC Member) Mr Predrag PETROVIC Slovak Republic (MC Member) Mr Peter KAJABA Slovak Republic (MC Member) Dr Oliver BOCHNICEK Slovenia (MC Member) Mr Gregor VERTACNIK Slovenia (MC Substitute Member) Mr Miha DEMSAR Spain (MC Member) Dr Enric AGUILAR Spain (MC Member) Dr Jose Antonio GUIJARRO Spain (MC Substitute Member) Dr Luis GIMENO Sweden (MC Member) Prof. Anders GRIMVALL Sweden (MC Member) Dr Hans LINDERHOLM Switzerland (MC Member) Dr Mischa CROCI-MASPOLI Switzerland (MC Member) Stefan BROENNIMANN United Kingdom (MC Member) Dr Rob ALLAN United Kingdom (MC Member) Prof. Philip JONES

Non-COST Participants Institution MC Member

National Climate Centre, Australian Bureau of Meteorology - (Australia) Dr Robert FAWCETT Andorran Research Institute, CENMA/IEA – Centre d’Estudis de la Neu I la Muntanya d’AndorraMr Pere ESTEBAN - (Andorra) Annex 2. Participants to the MC

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