Private Sector Housing Plan
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Private Sector Housing Action Plan
2004/05 – 2006/07
Consultation Draft
1 Introduction promoting energy efficiency schemes such as Warm Front, improving the This document is an action plan to deliver the Council’s private sector housing standards of private accommodation occupied by vulnerable people, priorities and targets over the next three years. We consulted a range of encouraging better services for tenants from all types of landlord, tackling stakeholders in the formulation of this document. (Details to follow). It empty homes and implementation of initiatives to tackle low demand and should be read in conjunction with the Council’s Housing Strategy 2003- abandonment. As a result of our strong housing market the Borough does not 2007, which can be found be found on the Council’s website www.reigate- experience the problems associated with low demand and abandonment. . The Private Sector Housing Service provides advice, information and enforcement of standards in private sector housing in the The South East Regional Housing Strategy reflects many of the above Borough. This includes private sector housing enforcement, both single and national priorities. It highlights the need to tackle empty homes and make multi occupied dwellings, drainage, illegal evictions and harassment, grants best use of existing housing. and loans for repairs, grants for disabled adaptations and regulation of mobile home parks The Regulatory Reform Order (2002) has brought about significant changes in the way Councils can approach the problem of unfitness and disrepair in About the Borough private sector homes. It has enabled councils to take a more flexible approach The Borough of Reigate and Banstead is located due south of London within to tackling unfitness and disrepair and in setting their own priorities. For the Metropolitan Green Belt. Some 70 per cent of area is countryside. example, Councils can now offer loans and/or equity release schemes to The Borough has distinct towns and villages some of which form owner-occupiers to enable them to make repairs and adaptations to their significant urban areas. The area has a vibrant local economy and homes. booming property market and is home to the head offices of several large companies including Pzier, Legal and General and E-Sure. The Looking to the future, the draft Housing Bill 2003 intends to introduce further Borough’s proximity to Gatwick Airport and good transport links to changes aimed at providing a more comprehensive way to assess housing London and the South Coast make this an attractive place to live. The disrepair through the adoption of a Health and Safety Rating System and Borough has the second largest population in Surrey of just over improve the safety and management of houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) 126,500, form over 51,000 households. through a national licensing system.
SECTION ONE – HOUSING FACTS 1.2 The Borough Policy Background Our Private Sector Housing Action Plan supports the following aims in the Borough’s Community Plan: 1.1 The National and Regional Policy Background In this section we will take a brief look at the key pieces of national and regional policy relating to private sector housing renewal, much of which has Community Plan ‘Your Community Your Future’ influenced the key issues contained in this Plan.
The Government’s Policy Statement ‘Sustainable Communities: Building for Providing facilities / improving life chances the Future (2003)’, sets outs a range of national housing, community and Opportunities for for young people in the social priorities and targets. It recognises that private sector housing is a great Young People Borough resource; therefore the Government has made a commitment to ensuring that the best use is made of existing housing. It intends to achieve this by Providing Low-Cost enabling people to live in 2 Housing affordable, good quality local accommodation 1.3 How we decide our priorities In deciding priorities for private sector housing renewal, we undertook consultation with a range of stakeholders during December 2003 and January 2004. We based our consultation on the key findings of the Private Sector Helping Older People allowing older people to Housing Stock Condition Survey (2002), the housing market and needs of To stay independent stay independent and residents and resources available to deliver outcomes under the following healthy through Community-based services headings: The Council’s vision statement to work towards the achievement of sustainable and thriving communities for all the people who live and work in . Advice and Information the Borough, based on the principles of self reliance, personal responsibility . Helping Older People and freedom of choice underpins the priorities of this Action Plan. This . Improving Housing Conditions Action Plan also contributes to the following objectives contained in the . Helping Vulnerable People to Access Housing Corporate Plan: The following section contains information on the key findings of the Housing Stock Condition Survey, the local housing market and population. Corporate Plan ‘Shaping the Future’ The Local Population The Borough has a growing proportion of householders aged over 60 (16%). Caring for the improving energy efficiency This Action Plan must ensure that the needs of the growing population of Environment older people are met in terms of providing advice and assistance to help them to remain independent in their own homes as long as possible. Safer Communities improving housing standards The Housing Market According to the 2001 Census almost 79% of households in the Borough are owner-occupiers, 7% live in privately rented homes and some 13% occupy Balanced Housing improving private sector social rented accommodation. There is a strong housing market with demand Provision housing standards outstripping supply resulting in the overall condition of the stock being Processing grants for relatively good. However one significant consequence of high house prices is Disabled Facilities & that many people, particularly young people leaving home are unable to afford repairs to purchase homes and have difficulty affording private rented accommodation. NB Overall average house prices in the Borough are Working in supporting & working with £253,845. Partnership the voluntary & public sectors to provide joined up The recent Housing Needs Survey concluded that there is a need for some 543 services affordable housing units per year. An increased supply of low cost private rented accommodation may assist households on low incomes.
3 Unfitness As with unfitness, two factors affect the cost of urgent repairs: the age of the The Stock Condition Survey (2002) identified that by far the majority (over building and whether it is lived in. Our survey estimates that the cost of 95%) of the housing stock in the Borough meets the statutory fitness standard urgent repairs to buildings built before 1964 are higher than newer buildings. (see appendix 1). Overall, 4.9% (2,565) of homes are unfit for human Overall, the highest repair costs are for empty properties, they cost on average habitation and over 85% of all unfit homes in the Borough are privately 2.5 times more than repairs to other properties. owned. This is better than the national unfitness rate of 7.5% and also marks an improvement on the 7.3% of unfit homes identified in the 1995 Stock Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) Condition Survey. Our survey estimates there are over 600 buildings acting as HMOs, they provide around 1,500 lettings. Nationally some of the worst housing The survey found: conditions are found in HMOs. Our survey found that HMO buildings 95% (49,787) of the stock meets the statutory fitness standard showed some distinct characteristics, most notably around three-quarters were 4.9% (2,565) are unfit for human habitation (an improvement of built prior to 1919 and around three-quarters are privately rented. 2.4% since the last survey in 1995) 2,182 of the unfit homes (85%) are privately owned Using the HMO fitness standard, the Survey estimated that 53% of HMOs 391 of the unfit homes are privately rented (16% of the total of were unfit for the number of occupants. This is mainly due to failure to meet privately rented homes fire precautions standards. Other significant issues relating to HMOs are that 827 of unfit homes (32%0 were built before 1919 they are generally to be found in older buildings, with 75% dating pre 1919, 272 of unfit homes (28%) are empty 75% are in the private rented sector and the majority of occupiers are non pensioner adults with no children 96%. Current data indicates 42 high risk The highest levels of unfitness are found in childless households consisting of HMOs (3 storey properties). Work to encourage or enforce landlords to adults below pension age and in pensioner only households improve HMOs is well underway. We have a proactive programme to identify new HMOs by way of street surveys and have a programme of inspections Disrepair and re inspections for all known high risk HMOs. All remaining high risk Many properties that meet the statutory fitness standard suffer from disrepair. HMOs (14) are targeted to be inspected by summer 2004 with a further re- Our survey assessed how many properties require repairs and estimated the inspection of 10 high risk HMOs this year and another 5 programmed in cost of work to tackle urgent repairs in the short, medium and long term. The between now and December 2005. Following on from this will be proactive overall cost of meeting all disrepair in the Borough is estimated to be £119.7 inspections of 2 storey HMOs along with programmed risk based re- million. This averages to a repair cost of around £2,285 per dwelling, below inspections. the South East average of £3,172 per dwelling. Energy Efficiency Some properties need urgent repairs in the next year to safeguard the health, Our survey identified that across all housing stock the average energy safety, security and comfort of the occupants. The need for urgent repair is a efficiency level, assessed using the Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP), problem affecting around 11% of homes (or 5,949 properties) in the Borough. was 45. The national average is 44 for the South East, although there is some Our Survey estimates that the average cost of carrying out urgent repairs will variation in the SAP ratings for different tenures and types of property. In be £1,272 per dwelling. particular, private rented accommodation had the lowest energy efficiency rating, with an average rating below 40. A small proportion of this tenure (8.5%) had very poor energy efficiency, with a SAP rating below 20. We are
4 now in the process of “smart” targeting people living in private rented Anchor HIA £22,000 £22,000*** TBA accommodation and who are on benefits. Survey Work is being planned in SAFE Scheme TBA £10,633**** TBA order that individual homes that are in need of urgent attention, SAPS of less Total £256,585 £410,633 £306,000 than 20, can be identified. Looking at building type the Survey found that converted flats showed the lowest energy efficient standard, with an average Staff salaries to manage the above amounted to: rating of 33. £135,00 for 2002/03, £137,500 for 2003/04 and £151,500 for £2004/05
Empty Homes Up to an additional £10,000 can be funded towards Anchor HIA if Research carried out in 2003 indicated there were 50 homes empty for over there is a deficit on 2003/04 budgets. five years. These properties represent a lost resource to the Borough in * This represents the 40% contribution of the Council after 60% meeting the demand for housing. Empty homes frequently attract crime and subsidy. anti-social behaviour and impact of the local environment. ** this figure includes carry forward of under spend from 02/03 *** This level of funding resulted in £170,000 works being undertaken in 2003/04, 75% of which was publicly funded and 25% private funding. Need to put budgeted costs in for year 2004/05 for Resources for Delivery Anchor based on bids. **** This does not represent the full cost of the service or partner This section outlines both recent and projected expenditure on private sector organisations contributions housing in the Borough. Staffing Expenditure in 2002/03 – 2004/05 The Borough Council has a Private Sector Housing Team, which form part of Excluding Service Costs the Housing Services Service Unit. The team comprises four officers; a Private Sector Housing Manager, a Senior Environmental Health Officer specialising in Housing, a Housing and Health Technical Officer and a 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 Housing Improvements Officer. The Team is supported by the Housing RBBC Expenditure RBBC Funding RBBC Funding Project Services Service Unit. Disabled £118,278* £107,600 £126,000* Facilities Grants Houseproud £10,000 £10,000 Review 2 year pilot Working in Partnership The Council enjoys an effective working partnership with Anchor Agency Small Scale £35,658 £114,400** £75,000 Care and Repair Scheme to assist older and disabled people to live Repairs independently in their homes. The Agency also operates a ‘Handyman’ Assistance service and the SAFE Scheme. The ‘Handyman’ service is a small-scale (formerly HRA) repairs service for older and disabled people for which a charge is made, Large Scale £70,649 £146,000** £105,000 typical work includes putting up grab rails, fixing taps, putting up curtain Repairs rails. Assistance (formerly Renovation grants)
5 As part of the Council’s commitment to reducing crime and anti-social household repairs. These will contain practical step-by-step guidance as well behaviour the Council operates a SAFE Scheme. The purpose of the scheme as information on where to find help and assistance. is to provide assistance to older owner occupiers following a burglary to secure the property and ensure sufficient door locks are put in place. Works We are aware that it is often difficult to find good, reliable and trustworthy following a burglary are referred to as ‘Target Hardening’ and are to prevent a builders to undertake repairs and building works. We will be publishing an second burglary, which often occurs in the homes of the elderly. advice and information leaflet containing the details of builders that have been inspected by an independent agency. The leaflet will also contain some guidelines of how to go about arranging work and highlight some common issues that can arise.
2.2 Encouraging the owners of empty homes to bring them back into use SECTION TWO - DELIVERY According to the Council’s records as at the 1 April 2003 there are approximately 300 properties in the Borough that have been empty for over Advice and Information six months and a further 50 properties that have been empty for over five years. These homes represent a valuable resource to the Borough at a time Our Aims where demand for all types of housing in the Borough outstrips supply. Empty homes are at risk of vandalism and can attract anti-social behaviour, . To promote improved repairs and safety standards for all homes which in turn increase the fear of crime in an area and can affect property . To encourage the owners of empty homes to bring them back into use values. . To improve the energy efficiency of homes to help those suffering from fuel poverty and reduce consumption of the world’s resources What powers have we got to deal with these properties can we acquire for sale onto RSL’s or developers? Options available to the Council range from basic 2.1 Improving the repair standard of homes in the Borough advice, through to compulsory purchase and are detailed below: The Council’s policy is to encourage improved housing standards in the Borough through the provision of advice and information. In our capacity as a Advice and information on how to bring the property back into use. Local Authority we are able to give independent and impartial advice as well Enforcement action where property is unfit for human habitation, this directing individuals to other agencies and services for assistance. could include, repair, closure, demolition or deferred action and would require the service of a statutory notice. The private sector housing stock condition survey, highlighted that houses in Compulsory purchase. multiple occupation pose a greater risk to their occupants in terms of inadequate fire and safety precautions and are more likely to suffer from disrepair than other homes. In response to this, the Council has designed a The Council is committed to bringing as many empty homes back into use as “Log Book” for private sector landlords, which contains a checklist of fire possible. We will do this by giving advice and information to owners to assist safety checks and procedures to be carried out over a period of 12 months and them to take steps to bring their asset into use. Our information pack will this will form part of the Landlords information pack, which is being include advice on lettings, selling, private sector leasing to Registered Social produced. We will be publishing a series of advice leaflets about small Landlords and as well as sign posting to other agencies for advice on equity
6 release and other options. We will aim to tackle long term and shorter empty households to make the necessary investment. Many different organisations homes to improve the appearance of neighbourhoods and increase the provide financial and/or practical assistance to low-income households to available of home for people who live or work in our Borough. improve the energy efficiency of their homes, the number of different schemes confuses many people. We aim to simplify this by working with selected 2.3 Encouraging energy efficient homes agencies to deliver the most effective service to householders. Poor energy efficiency in homes wastes natural resources, creates unnecessary pollution and prevents many households from being able to heat their homes We intend to operate a ‘one stop’ energy efficiency advice shop to all adequately. The Home Energy Conservation Act (HECA) 1995 set a target households in partnership with Enact Energy. Through this partnership will for all local authorities to bring about a 30% improvement in the energy be targeting low-income households with information on national schemes efficiency of residential accommodation between 1996 and 2006. For the last such as Warm Front (details of Warm Front can be found in appendix 2). We four years we have not had a dedicated officer dealing with energy efficiency will also be launching a Heat and Sun Scheme for other households, this issues and as a result we only have figures for improvements in the private scheme will offer discounted loft insulation and cavity wall insulation to sector stock for 2002/03, which show a small improvement of 0.12%. households on moderate incomes. The scheme will be self-financing through top slicing of paid works built into the discounted price. The biggest barriers to achieving the HECA target are a lack of public awareness of energy efficiency and the limited resources available to some
Action Corporate Target Resources Lead Team and Partners Links Publicise availability of Balanced Housing . Leaflet produced by December 2003 Within existing Private Sector Housing Team leaflet on eligibility for Provision . Leaflet available on website and in Help budgets assistance with repairs Shops by April 2004 Produce and publicise leaflet Balanced Housing . Leaflet produced by December 2003 Within existing Private Sector Housing Team on disabled facilities grants Provision . Leaflet available on website and in Help budget Shops by April 2004 Produce and publish a list of Caring for the . Leaflet produced by March 2004 Within existing Private Sector Housing Team local builders to undertake Environment and . Leaflet available in Help Shops and on Budgets household repairs in the Balanced Housing website by April 2004 Borough Provision Produce advice and Balanced Housing . Leaflet produced by August 2004 Within existing Private Sector Housing Team information leaflets on small Provision budgets repairs and maintenance issues
7 Develop the cross Local Balanced Housing . Increase membership of the forum 2003/04 Within existing Private Sector Housing Team in partnership Authority boundary Private Provision onwards budgets with Southern Private Landlords Landlords Forum as a vehicle . Collect information on the property Association, Crawley Borough Council, for promoting and sharing portfolios of members Tandridge District Council, Mole Valley best practice, gathering District Council, Horsham District Council information and for and Mid Sussex District Council consultation Bring 18 empty homes back Providing Low Bring a total of 18 homes back into use by No funding in Private Sector Housing Team and into use Cost Housing and 2005/06: place Development and Enabling Team What are the mechanisms for Balanced Housing . 6 homes in 2003/04 achieving this? See para. 2.2 Provision . 6 homes in 2004/05 Horizon HA . 6 homes in 2005/06 Improve the energy efficiency Caring for the . Each year undertake a mail shot targeted at Within existing Enact Energy/The Energy Care Network/ levels of homes occupied by Environment low-income households to promote Warm staff levels Warmfront/Local Fuel Poverty Group low-income households in the Front grants 2003/04 – 2005/06 Cost of £200 Borough per annum met by WarmFront . Achieve a take up of 100 WarmFront grants each year 2003/04 – 2005/06 ( This is a central Government Grant) Promote The Heat Project to Caring for the Use existing channels of communication to Within existing Enact Energy/The Energy Care Network/ owner occupiers environment gather Home Energy information from staff levels Warmfront/Local Fuel Poverty Group residents to link to GIS project (under development) Develop a comprehensive Caring for the Use existing channels of communication to Within existing Enact Energy/The Energy Care Network/ energy efficiency data base of environment gather Home Energy information from staff levels Warmfront/Local Fuel Poverty Group the Housing Stock residents to link to GIS project (under development)
Helping Older People . To support older people to remain independent in their own homes wherever possible Our Aims . To help people to feel safe in their own homes . Helping to keep homes in good repair
. To develop the principles of self reliance, personal responsibility and 3.1 Supporting older people to remain independent freedom of choice The Council undertook a review of its existing repairs grant policy in 2002. This review was triggered by the housing renewal reforms set out in the
8 Regulatory Reform Order 2002 and the findings of the private sector stock grants that meet timescales set out in Government guidance on good working condition survey. practices.
The Review found that in general, many owner-occupiers can afford to A Borough wide Task Group, including RSLs is also looking at improvements maintain their homes to a satisfactory standard. However, older owner- that can be made to support services to grant applicants through the process of occupiers are less able to maintain their homes due to a number of factors adaptations being undertaken. including frailty and the cost of repairs. Many older owner-occupiers in the Borough are equity rich but income poor. Given the ageing population in the area it is likely that there will be an increase in the numbers requiring adaptations and large-scale repairs to enable them to live independently in their own homes. 3.2 Helping people to feel safe in their homes For many older people in the Borough the fear of crime is greater than the In view of the above and the costs of repairs to homes over the next ten years actual incidence of being a victim of crime. To reduce the fear of crime and as identified by the stock condition survey, the Council has joined an equity reduce opportunities for crime grant assistance under the Small Scale Home release scheme for owner occupiers aged over 60 years. We were one of the Repairs Assistance scheme can be paid towards security measures first local authorities to join Houseproud on a two-year pilot scheme. recommended by the Crime Prevention Officer for owners of property on Houseproud is a ‘not for profit’ organisation that arranges loans for the elderly eligible means tested benefits. with a guarantee of no repossession. This service is available to all elderly homeowners. Loan arrangement and technical fees are paid for owners who Distraction Burglary targeting older people (also called “Bogus Callers”) has are living in unfit housing and are on income support. been an increasing problem nationally and its reduction has been recognised by the Reigate & Banstead Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnership (CDRP) Some older people need adaptations to their homes to enable them to continue as a priority. To tackle this, in addition to allocating funding towards the to live safely and independently. Disabled facilities grants are available to SAFE “Handyman” scheme, GOSE CDRP monies are also funding a new assist with the costs of making adaptations up to a maximum of £25,000. The initiative (Operation Foresight) established by the Borough Police team, to Council works in partnership with Special Care Teams based within Adults provide elderly people with advice and practical equipment, to combat bogus and Community Care Teams in the Borough to assess applicants and organise callers e.g. spy / speaker holes, strong door chains & highly visual security appropriate work to properties. We need to improve our partnerships and to reminders. The scheme will work closely with social services and the SAFE this end the County Council is setting up a working group to look at good handyman scheme run by Anchor, which carries out security upgrades for practice at all stages when dealing with DFGs. RBBC officers will be part of older vulnerable residents. these groups to try and achieve improvements in working practices to meet the new target times and ensure applicants receive an efficient and timely service. The targets suggested are from enquiry to completion as follows: High Priority 16 weeks, Medium 30 weeks and Low 52 weeks. Currently we are approving 75% of DFGs within 4 weeks of application but 3.3 Helping to keep homes in good repair the group will look at all stages of the process to see if there are any particular The Council has decided to continue to offer grants to assist people on means areas/agencies that cause delays, with a view to improvements being made. tested benefits to make small repairs to their homes. They are available with We intend to work towards achieving completion times for disabled facilities no repayment conditions for owners and tenants who have a repairing
9 obligation to make the dwelling safe, secure and weather tight. These grants The Service undertakes a huge variety of odd jobs and repairs, from fitting are subject to a limit of £3,000 on each application and a total of £5,000 in any locks to laying concrete for paths. A small labour charge donation is three-year period. We have published a leaflet on small-scale repairs grants, it requested made in addition to the cost of materials. This service is invaluable contains information on eligibility and making applications. to many older people who are worried about employing ‘cowboy’ builders.
. Many repairs are relatively minor and can be fixed by an ‘odd job’ person. Working in partnership with Anchor Home Improvement Agency, the Council supports a ‘ SAFE Handyman Service’. This service is available to Borough residents over 60 years, people with a disability and vulnerable households.
Action Corporate Links Target Resources Lead Team and Partners Assist home-owners aged 60 Balanced Housing Promote the Houseproud equity release and loans £10,000 per annum Private Sector and over to make repairs Provision, Working scheme: subscription 2002/03- Housing Team and improvements to their in Partnership and . Assist 15 people during 2003/04 2003/04 working in homes to enable them to Helping Older . Assist 25 people during 2004/05 Future budget to be partnership with the continue living People to Stay . Review of Houseproud Scheme to be completed agreed following Home Improvement independently Independent in 2005/06 review of Houseproud Trust in 2005/06 Working with Anchor Balanced Housing . £22,000 per annum Private Sector Staying Put to help elderly, Provision and As part of the current monitoring of RSLs we will grant towards Housing Team disabled and vulnerable Working in be looking at targets for HIAs that are realistic and running costs (this working in people to repair and adapt partnership achievable within the resources available. The budget is currently partnership with their homes review of HIA provision will be undertaken being reviewed) Anchor Staying Put following the results of the ODPM consultation on HIAs which is expected in March 2004 Improve assessment and Balance housing Need a target about progress to meet Government Within existing Private Sector processing of disabled provision Guidelines e.g. budgets Housing Team facilities grants to minimise 2003/04 improve turnaround to XX weeks working in delays and comply with 2004/05 improve turnaround to YY weeks partnership with Government Guidance 2005/06 achieve an average turnaround time of ZZ Surrey County weeks Council and The targets will be determined following the results Anchor Staying Put of the Working Group referred to in Para. 3.1
10 Continue to support the Safer Communities 200 households assisted per annum Ad hoc funding; Community Safety SAFE Handyman Scheme Achieve 90% customer satisfaction rate applications made for Co-ordinator, which is run by Anchor Improve clients’ safety & comfort in their own core funding from working in Staying put as a ‘bolt-on’ homes Grants to Voluntary partnership with service to vulnerable elderly Organisations, Surrey Anchor Staying Put people, carrying out minor Adults & Community repairs and upgrading Care (Social Services) security & GOSE CDRP money, funding. not guaranteed
7.5%, we are committed to reducing the number of unfit homes to 4.7% (2,445) by 2005/06. Many owner-occupiers can afford to maintain their homes to an acceptable standard, but some would benefit from encouragement and advice. The Council is planning a new leaflet giving advice on small household repairs this is intended to assist householders to prevent homes falling from minor disrepair to major disrepair. In addition, a leaflet containing a list of approved Improving Housing Conditions builders will be available in the future. We intend to publicise the availability of our leaflets through an article in a future edition of the ‘Borough News’. Our Aims For some householders who cannot afford to repair their homes we have a . To encourage improvements in the standards of private homes small scale repair grants programme. Information on the conditions and eligibility criteria area set out in a leaflet available in Help Shops and from the . To improve the standard repair and management of rented Private Sector Housing Team. We are also piloting the Houseproud scheme accommodation including HMOs for homeowners aged over 60 years. This ‘not for profit’ company can offer . To provide an efficient response service to complaints about private loans to homeowners to repair, improve and adapt their homes with a sector homes guarantee no repossession whilst the owner-occupier remains in the homes. More information on this scheme is available in a leaflet. Housing Services 4.1 Encouraging improvements in the repair of homes are developing a website that will give information on all of it’s service areas The Council’s policy is to encourage the renovation of any homes not up to and allow the downloading of leaflets and documents on line and will be modern standards. Unfitness levels are relatively low in the Borough, this is endeavouring to provide an online service for complaints and applications. partly a consequence of the strong local housing market. According to our Private Housing Stock Condition Survey there are an estimated 4.9% (2,565) unfit homes in the Borough. Although this is below the national average of 4.2 To improve the standard of repair and management of rented accommodation including HMOs 11 The Council is committed to encouraging the provision of good standard We are also responsible for ensuring that the seven licensed mobile home rented accommodation. Good landlords are encouraged, bad landlords are parks (356 homes) in the Borough meet national standards and conditions. made to perform better, if necessary using enforcement action. In common We have a programme in place to ensure sites are inspected regularly. with most local authorities, the tenure with the highest proportion of unfit homes is private rented accommodation. Our Stock Condition Survey 4.3 To provide an efficient response service to complaints about estimates that there are 600 HMOs in the Borough. This type of private sector homes accommodation is often the first step on the housing ladder for young people The Private Sector Housing Team receives many complaints about the and enforcement of standards, (see appendix 3), will ensure that condition of private rented property, owner occupied homes and enquiries accommodation is safe and adequate for the numbers of residents relating to drains and public and private sewers. Responding to these accommodated in a building. The Private Sector Housing Team are in the complaints and issues takes up a great deal time. We aim to respond to process of gathering information on all HMOs as part of a programme of complaints about drainage blockages with 24 hours of receiving the complaint inspection of HMOs. Within this programmed inspection of HMOs, buildings and to housing complaints within five days. that are three storeys or more above ground level are a particular priority. We are taking a more pro-active role in relation to private rented accommodation. As mentioned in section 2.1, we have produced a Log Book for landlords on fire safety checks and precautions. We are also active Work 2003/04 (at 2004/05 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 members of a private sector landlord’s forum. The forum set up in early 2003 Volumes 31/10/03) Estimated is run in partnership with Mole Valley District Council, Crawley Borough Total 131 370 222 102 210 Council, Horsham District Council, Tandridge District Council, Mid Sussex Complaints Council and the Southern Private Landlords Association. Through this forum Drainage 59 129 79 56 75 we intend to develop good relations with landlords and promote good practice Caravans 6 15 2 2 5 in maintenance and management. Enforcement 66 226 141 44 130
Action Corporate Links Target Resources Lead Team and Partners Reduction in the number of Caring for the environment . 9 properties made fit 2003/04 Within existing Private Sector Housing unfit homes in the Borough and . 12 properties made fit 2004/05 staff levels Team Balanced Housing Provision . 13 properties made fit 2005/06 Improve the overall Caring for the Environment . 10 properties brought up to prescribed Within existing Private Sector Housing Standards in houses in and legal standards each year 2003/04 – staff levels Team multiple occupation (HMOs) Balanced housing provision 2005/06
Develop a comprehensive Caring for the Environment . 25 % of HMOs recorded in 2003/04 Within existing Private Sector Housing database of all HMOs in the and . 29% HMOs recorded in 2004/05 staff levels Team
12 Borough Balanced Housing Provision . 32% HMOs recorded in 2006/07 (private sector housing survey estimates a total of 600 HMOs) percentages are cumulative Undertake a programme of Caring for the Environment . 24 high risk HMOs inspected 2003/04 Within existing Private Sector Housing inspection of ‘high risk’ (3 and . 24 high risk HMOs inspected 2004/05 staff levels Team storey) HMOs Balanced Housing Provision . 24 high risk HMOs inspected 2005/06 This will include some re-inspections Respond to complaints about Balanced Housing Provision Respond in writing within five working days Within existing Private Sector Housing private sector housing within staff levels Team set timescales Take action on routine Balanced Housing Provision 100% of complaints relating to blockages Within existing Private Sector Housing drainage complaints within responded to within 24 hours staff levels Team prescribed timescales 97% of complaints relating to defective drainage responded to within 5 days Implement programme of Balanced Housing Provision . Review one site per year Within existing Private Sector Housing reviewing and updating ( the review will not commence until the previously revised site staff levels Team mobile home site licence licence has been complied with) conditions
The Council operates a rent deposit guarantee scheme in partnership with Redhill and Reigate YMCA Next Step. This pilot scheme aims to guarantee the rent deposit of up to 20 homelessness households including single people
Helping Vulnerable to Access Housing aged over 30 years, couples and families of all ages that are referred directly Our Aims by the Council a year. Next Step also operate an independent rent guarantee scheme for single young people. Both schemes have developed good working . To make housing more accessible for those in most housing need relationships with reliable private landlords who provide accommodation that . To enable disabled people to live independently meets legislative standards.
5.1 To make housing more accessible for those in most housing Next Step provides advice, information and support to private landlords and need clients. Before making a deposit guarantee available each property is viewed by Next Step to ensure it is in satisfactory condition and to conduct an Housing conditions have a major impact upon the health and well being of inventory. Any concerns are brought to the attention of the Private Sector individuals, households and communities. Therefore access to safe housing in Housing Team. satisfactory repair is important, particularly to vulnerable households.
13 The Council also provides a comprehensive housing advice service. Advice is given to tenants about harassment, eviction, housing benefit, the rent deposit 5.2 Disabled residents guarantee scheme, disrepair and tenancy issues. Landlords can also obtain advice and support on their rights and responsibilities. Owners and tenants in Disability also affects vulnerable residents who can access disabled facilities financial difficulties are offered debt counselling and housing advice. grants as detailed in Para. 3.1 and actions in table on page 9 & 1.0
Action Corporate Links Target Resources Lead Team and Partners In partnership with the Balanced Housing Provision Provide rent deposit £20,000 ODPM grant Homelessness and Housing YMCA homeless households guarantees for 20 households funding Advice Team and Redhill and to privately rent homes in 2003/04 £20,000 Council funding Reigate YMCA Next Step Targets for 2004/05 and 2005/06 to be advised
Appendix 1
To be fit for human habitation a dwelling must meet the following standard.
(a) it is structurally stable, (b) it is free from serious disrepair, (c) is free from dampness prejudicial to the health of the occupants (if any). (d) it has adequate provision for heating lighting and ventilation (e) it has an adequate piped supply of wholesome water, (f) there are satisfactory facilities in the dwelling house for the preparation and cooking of food, including a sink with a satisfactory supply of hot and cold water (g) it has a suitably located water-closet for the exclusive use of the occupants (if any), (h) it has, for the exclusive use of the occupants (if any), a suitably located fixed bath or shower and wash hand basin each of which is provided with a satisfactory supply of hot and cold water.
14 (i) it has, for the exclusive use of the occupants (if any) a suitably located fixed bath or shower and wash-hand basin each of which is provided with a satisfactory supply of hot and cold water (j) it has an effective system of the draining of foul, waste and surface water. if, a dwelling fails this standard and if that failure makes the premises not reasonably suitable for occupation, then it is unfit
The most satisfactory course of action in relation to unfit property needs to be determined followed by the service formal enforcement notices requiring any of the following
Repair Demolition Closure Deferred Action
Appendix 2
The aim of these grants is to reduce your fuel bills, keep your home warm and free of damp and reduce carbon dioxide emissions through lower energy use.
Most of the grants are offered to householders meeting certain eligibility criteria. These include whether or not you receive an income of disability-related benefit, whether your home is rented or owned, where you live and how energy efficient your home currently is.
Warm Front Grant
The Warm Front grant and the Warm Front Plus grant were introduced in June 2000. Eaga Partnership manages the scheme in 3 out of 4 regions (London & South East, North East &
North West and South West & West Midlands.)
15 The Warm Front grant provides a package, up to the value of £1500, of energy efficiency and heating measures specifically tailored to the needs of your property. Energy efficiency advice, tailored to each household, is provided by Eaga Partnership's Home Visits team in accordance with the Energy Savings Trust's Code of Practice. This grant is subject to funding availability, however our staff will advise you about this.
The following may be able to claim a grant of up to £1500 under Warm Front:
Householders who 1) have a child under 16 or 2) are pregnant and have been given a maternity certificate MAT B1, and are also in receipt of one or more of the following benefits:
Income Support
Housing Benefit
Council Tax Benefit
Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
Householders who are in receipt of one or more of the following benefits:
Working Tax Credit (which must include a disability premium).
Child Tax Credit (with income less than £14,200)
Income Support (which must include a disability premium).
Housing Benefit (which must include a disability premium).
16 Council Tax Benefit (which must include a disability premium).
Attendance Allowance
Disability Living Allowance
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (which must include Constant Attendance Allowance).
War Disablement Pension (which must include the mobility supplement or Constant Attendance Allowance).
The Warm Front Plus Grant
The Warm Front Plus grant provides a package of energy efficiency and heating measures, including central heating, specifically tailored to the needs of your property. Energy efficiency advice, tailored to each household, is provided by Eaga Partnership's Home Visits team in accordance with the Energy Savings Trust's Code of Practice. This grant is subject to available funding, however, our staff will advise you about this.
To qualify for the Warm Front Plus grant, householders should be 60 or over, and receiving one or more of the following benefits:
Pension Credit (This includes either, or both of the Guarantee Tax Credit or Savings Tax Credit parts of Pension Credit).
Income Support
Council Tax Benefit
Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
Housing Benefit
17 Appendix 3
An HMO is unfit for the number of occupants if it fails to meet the following standard.
(a) there are satisfactory facilities for the storage, preparation and cooking of food including an adequate number of sinks with a satisfactory supply of hot and cold water;
(b) it has an adequate number of suitably located water closets for the exclusive use of the occupants;
(c) it has, for the exclusive use of the occupants, an adequate number of suitably located fixed baths or showers and wash-hand basins each of which is provided with a satisfactory supply of hot and cold water;
(d) subject to section 365, there are adequate means of escape from fire; and (f) there are adequate other fire precautions.
Standards of Management are also applicable to HMOs.
18 Regulations exist under the following headings.
4) Water supply and drainage 5) Supply of gas and electricity 6) Parts of the house in common use 7) Installations in common use 8) Living accommodation 9) Windows and ventilation 10) Means of escape from fire 11) Outbuildings, yards etc in common use 12) Disposal of litter and refuse 13) General safety of residents 14) Duty to display notices