A Periodical Newspaper for and by the People
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The Prints of Peace October 2017
A periodical newspaper for and by the people of Peace Lutheran Congregation, Vernon, BC.
1 A M e s s a g e f r o m P a s t o r D a v i d
Happy Anniversary! Sing a New Song!
Time moves on and quickly we approach our celebrations of being Peace Lutheran Church for EIGHTY YEARS. Remember to get your banquet ticket for October 21, from Janice Mezynski. Plan to attend the special celebration worship service on Sunday, October 22. Consider a special offering to our anniversary Tree Project as we raise $800 to plant 800 trees in Ethiopia and one tree at Peace. We have much to celebrate and together we will sing a new song. One of the new songs we will sing was written by Karen Lee for the 50th anniversary and will be adapted for this 80th year celebration. To the tune of How Great Thou Art, it goes like this: O God of Peace Your hands of loving guidance Have carried us through years of growth and grace. Your might and power, And gifts of awesome kindness Remind us of the glory of your face.
Refrain: O God of Peace Our future’s ever sure. Your own are we, through eternity.
2 O God of Peace We’ve placed our trust in you. Your own are we; our futures sure! From dreams and hopes, And humble meeting places, This church has grown, through eighty years of grace. And now in praise We meet in celebration, To pray and sing, and lift your name on high. Refrain
Guide us to serve To reach the poor and homeless Those hurting, lonely people all around. Your love make known Your gift of free salvation To those whose lives are burdened and sin-bound. Refrain
O God of Peace will be our rallying song on October 22. Under God’s guiding presence we remember and celebrate all that we have known of Peace Lutheran Church. In Jewish tradition, names are very important as a way of shaping a person’s identity. For us to live up to our name, to embody God’s Peace for the world is a tall order. Our celebration acknowledges that we are not only Peace in name, but that we are touched by the reconciling love of God in Christ so we may live in a new state of Peace. May God grant us grace to grow in peace. I have written a hymn for which the original tune is still developing. It is called, By God’s Grace, We are Peace. Refrain: By God’s grace, we are peace. May the ways of Christ increase; Fill this body through and through, And our caring hearts renew. 3 By God’s grace, we are peace. May divisive conflicts cease. Permeate all that we do With a love, divine and true. Gospel seed in ready soil Springing up midst faithful toil, Since the first time people gathered here together. Rooted deeply in this place By God’s patience, love and grace May we live and serve and grow in Christ forever. Refrain:
Generations passed before. Their devotion is the core Of the legacy of life to all the branches. May the fruit those branches bore Bud to blossom, bearing more Love divine in all our words and acts advances. Refrain
So we pray that we may be Fruit of love from the same tree We are baptised and set free to live and flourish. Jesus calls us. Now may we Practice hospitality At the table of the Lord where we are nourished. Refrain
By God’s grace, we are Peace! May God bless us as we gather to give thanks for eighty years. Peace, Pastor David
4 Together In Christ
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) have prepared a study to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017. The process of developing these resources has been an occasion of dialogue and of a deepening of relations between our two communions in Canada. Over the course of two years, a joint CCCB-ELCIC working group has been diligently planning on how to encourage our faithful to prayerfully reflect on the past 500 years; to offer thanksgiving to God for the progress made in our efforts toward reconciliation; and to pray for pardon and peace wherever our words or actions have fallen short of what Christ demands of us as Christians. Together, we are seeking to be people of reconciliation striving toward Christian unity.
Roman Catholics, Lutherans and anyone who is interested is invited to participate in a five-part parish study which covers the 500-year arc of history from the 16th Century Reformation until now. The resource is designed to bring Catholic and Lutheran parishes together to facilitate conversation, study and prayer. The resource touches on some of the events and theological questions surrounding the Reformation and the
5 advancements in reconciliation which have occurred over the past 50 years.
Session will take place on Tuesdays, at 7:00 until 8:30 p.m. from October 3, through October 24, at Peace Lutheran Church, 1204 30 Ave in Vernon.
A copy of the Together in Christ: Participant’s Guide Contains everything required by each participant to fully engage the video material, Bible study, prayers and group reflection in each of the five study sessions. You may download your own at http://elcic.ca/ecumenical/documents/4-TogetherinChrist- ParticipantsGuide.pdf or contact Pastor David Hunter to request a printed copy ([email protected])
On the occasion of Pope Francis’ apostolic journey to commemorate the Reformation in Lund, Sweden (October 31—November 1, 2016), Pope Francis and Bishop Munib Younan, President of the Lutheran World Federation, signed a powerful joint statement which read in part: While we are profoundly thankful for the spiritual and theological gifts received through the Reformation, we also confess and lament before Christ that Lutherans and Catholics have wounded the visible unity of the Church. Theological differences were accompanied by prejudice and conflicts, and religion was instrumentalized for political ends. Our common faith in Jesus Christ and our baptism demand of us a daily conversion, by which we cast off the historical disagreements and conflicts that impede the ministry of reconciliation. While the past cannot be changed, what is remembered and how it is remembered can be transformed. We pray for the healing of our wounds and of the memories that cloud our view of one another. We emphatically reject all hatred and violence, past and
6 present, especially that expressed in the name of religion. Today, we hear God’s command to set aside all conflict. We recognize that we are freed by grace to move towards the communion to which God continually calls us.
P e a c e L u t h e r a n C o u n c i l M e e t i n g H i g h l i g h t s S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 7 Russ Crawford called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. Present: Peter Nisse, Russ Crawford, Bob Lenz, Ron Birch, Heather Skerritt, George Wood, Ralph Litzenberger, Irma Lipski, Janice Mezynski, Pr David. Absent: Susan Lloyd. Devotions: Janice led in devotions entitled “Experiencing God’s Peace”. Motion 2017-49: MSC that agenda be adopted as amended. Motion 2017-50: MSC that minutes be adopted as presented.
Continuing Business: a) SIC – (Southern Interior Conference [Region]) report as presented. Everything is in order and ready to go for this event. b) Garage Sale- very successful. Approximately $1600 was raised for roof replacement fund. A couple truck loads to landfill and loads to Value Village as well of leftover items.
7 c) 80th Anniversary- report as presented. Committee has this event planned out. d) ELW letter re kitchen maintenance. Russ has spoken to the ladies, who will take care of issues re outdated items in the fridge, etc. e) Musty smell in basement room. This was decided to be an issue of no ventilation in the room involved. Measures have been taken to combat the odour. f) Office copier and janitor supplies- no report. g) BC Societies act- no report. h) Revision of mandates- An issue of inclusion will be brought forward at Election Meeting in November and AGM in January.
Treasurer’s Report: as presented. Our finances are very good. The flooring in basement and the roof replacement were mostly raised through special donations from congregation and groups. Ron Birch will give a report in October to congregation, thanking all for donations and support. Motion 2017-51: MSC that our quarterly payment of $3000 be sent to the BC Synod. Motion 2017-52: MSC that Treasurer’s Report be accepted as presented. Chairperson’s Report- no report. Committee Reports; a) Worship Committee- as presented. Choir has started and new members are welcome. A Jazz Eucharist is planned for the SIC. The names of pastors who have served at Peace will be engraved on a plaque which has been ordered. A plaque from the 50th anniversary 8 is already in place, and we need a second plaque for more names. Next meeting is September 27. b) Education Report- as presented. A welcome back hot dog lunch with cake was held on September 10/17. Registration forms have been sent out by email for students to attend Sunday School. The next meeting is October 25/17 at 3:30 pm. c) Finance and Stewardship- no report. Meeting to be held soon. d) Congregational Life- as presented. The planning for the SIC is in place. Dietary concerns such as gluten, lactose and vegan are being addressed. e) Church in Society- no report f) Property Management- as presented. Approximately $1600 was raised at Garage Sale. Roofing should be done by the end of September, depending on weather. The eaves roughing will be replaced after the roof is finished. A memorial tree for our 80th anniversary will be planted. Peter and Horst will choose a medium size (when full grown) tree to plant. Peter plans that painting on the north, east and south sides plus door and window frames will be done next year. g) Mutual Ministry- no report. Pastor’s Report- as presented. Two delegates are needed for the SIC. Our 80th Anniversary pictorial directory should be ready for the event. Banquet tickets are available for the anniversary. Starting October 3rd, a study entitled “Together in Christ” will be held in conjunction with St James and Our Lady of the Valley Catholic churches. Father Peter and Pr David will lead these studies. Only 4 sessions will be held this year, and the 5th will hopefully be held during the Week of Christian Unity early next year. New Business: 9 a) Dianna (Koch) Barrett has resigned as Banking Officer and from the Altar Guild. Joyce Berry and Linda Wood have offered to take on this position, and Jennifer Gardner will join them next year upon her return from China. Russ will speak to Joyce and Linda to see if they are still available and could co-manage this position.
b) A request was received from the Society for Creative Anachronism for use of building space. They would need use of this space every 2nd Wednesday from 7-9 pm.
Motion 2017-53: MSC that building space to rented to the Society for Creative Anachronism for $150.00 per month. Next Meeting; Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 7 pm sharp. Devotions: Ron Birch (also responsible for coffee on the 3rd Sunday of October) Motion 2017-54: MSC that meeting be adjourned at 8:15 pm. The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted, Janice Mezynski
ELCICommunique Gleanings
Healthy Church Updates
ELCIC Interfaith Relationships In July, the ELCIC approved Encountering Our Neighbours of Other Faiths: ELCIC Interfaith Guidelines. This document encourages and assists ELCIC people to greet their neighbours of other faiths. Perhaps your congregation or community might make it a part of your fall program to
10 meet the people in a nearby synagogue, mosque or temple. If you are greeting people in the local mosque, you might wish to have a copy of the next item as an object of conversation somewhere down the road. Both documents are in keeping with Welcoming the Stranger which ELCIC adopted in 2015.
Muslim-Christian Relationships In July, the ELCIC approved a Statement to Muslims in Canada.This document would be useful to any community interested in deepening relations with their Muslim neighbour. Helpful as a token of good will and object of conversation.
Continuing Education Plan (CEP) The ELCIC's Continuing Education Plan (CEP) can enhance almost any aspect of your mission and ministry goals. CEP funds are available to members of the plan for classes, seminars or conferences that maintain or upgrade skills for ministry and/or employment including theology, worship, teaching, leadership-for-mission, spiritual care, and time management. Funds can also be for intentional learning through individual coaching and spiritual direction. For more information please go to: http://elcic.ca/Leadership/For-Ministers/Continuing-Education- Plan.cfm
Ecumenical and Interfaith Study at Bossey, Switzerland The World Council of Churches offers continuing education possibilities which might be of interest to ELCIC rostered ministers. Most of these seminars are offered at the Bossey Institute (near Geneva, Switzerland) but there are exceptions. Detailed information is available on the Bossey website: http://www.oikoumene.org/en/what-we-do/continuing-formation
Parliament of the World's Religions The next international gathering of the Parliament of the World's Religions will be held in Toronto, November 1-7, 2018. The Parliament, which is open to all, affords people a rich context in which to explore the astonishing variety of faith expression alive in the world today. The event
11 represents a significant close-to-home continuing education possibility. Visit their website at: https://parliamentofreligions.org/
Compassionate Justice
Seek #JusticeAndPeace in the Holy Land The World Council of Churches offers an online resource inviting you to meet 12 people with different backgrounds, sharing their hopes for justice and peace in the Holy Land. For more information, please click on the following link: https://www.oikoumene.org/en/what-we-do/12-faces- of-hope
World Week of Peace in Palestine and Israel - September 17-24 During this week which includes the International Day of Prayer for Peace on 21 September, church organizations, congregations, and people of faith are encouraged to bear a common witness by participating in worship services, educational events, and acts of support in favour of peace and justice for Israelis and Palestinians. For more information and for resources, please click on the following link: http://www.oikoumene.org/en/press-centre/events/world-week-of-peace- in-palestine-and-israel
Study Guide for Conversations on Medical Assistance in Dying The ELCIC has prepared a new resource for conversations on the needs of people in times of death and dying. National Church Council commends it to congregations and members. The Task Force looks forward to hearing feedback from your conversations. Feedback deadline is February 1, 2018. To access this study guide, please click on the following link: http://elcic.ca/Decisions-at-the-end-of-life/
Time for Creation The ELCIC invites members and congregations to join with Christians of various traditions in making Time for Creation a part of your worship experience from September 1 to October 4, 2017. Please check on the
12 following link from time to time for updates on available resources. http://elcic.ca/Stewardship/Stewardship-of-Creation/default.cfm
Let Justice Roll This is a new resource to encourage implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. It includes:
A theological reflection Some Frequently Asked Questions about the UN Declaration A guide for visiting your Member of Parliament A guide for banners to declare commitment to reconciliation
To access this resource, please go to: http://elcic.ca/CompassionateJustice/documents/Let-Justice-Roll.pdf
Mining Justice: Open for Justice Make Canada 'Open for Justice' by enacting an extractive-sector Ombudsperson and facilitating access to Canadian courts for those harmed by the international operations of Canadian resource extraction companies. KAIROS invites you to write a letter to your MP in support of mining justice.
In the 2013 Joint Declaration, the ELCIC committed to supporting Responsible Resource Extraction. http://elcic.ca/Documents/documents/JointAssemblyDeclaration2013_FIN AL.pdf
CAEH National Conference on Ending Homelessness The National Conference on Ending Homelessness arms policy makers, funders, researchers, advocates, community leaders and front line workers with the inspiration, information, tools and training they need to end homelessness. The 2017 conference will take place in Winnipeg from October 25-27. www.conference.caeh.ca 13 Chew on This! On October 17th Dignity for All will mark the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty with Chew on This - a campaign to lift up issues of food insecurity and the need for a federal antipoverty plan.
Effective Partnerships
Waterloo Ministries Directory - Spring 2017 Edition The Spring 2017 edition of the Waterloo Ministries Directory is available on the ELCIC website. The directory lists ministries where Anglicans and Lutherans are working together and takes its name from the Waterloo Declaration which saw Canadian Anglicans and Lutherans enter our full- communion relationship. The directory is revised twice a year. Please forward any additions/revisions for the Fall, 2017 edition to Rev. Andre Lavergne, Assistant to the Bishop, Ecumenical and Interfaith, at [email protected] .
Continue to Pray for the LWF Communion You are invited to pray for the LWF Communion of churches, and for our common calling to participate in God's mission.
LWF Offers Many Helpful Resources The Lutheran World Federation offers a great many resources which touch on every aspect of Christian life and ministry. Look for recently prepared items on women in ordained ministry, gender justice and much more. Please click here for more details.
Redesigning the Tree of Life - Synthetic Biology and the Future of Food The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) offers an opportunity for theological reflection and ethical discussiion on synthetic biology and food security. An event titled Redesigning the Tree of Life: Synthetic Biology and the Future of Food will take place on November 2-4, 2017 in Toronto. For more information, please go to: http://www.councilofchurches.ca/whats-new/futureoffood/
14 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - January 18-25, 2018 The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) invites you to join Christians around the world during January 18-25, 2018, Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. An ecumenical team from the Caribbean region has prepared 2018 international Week of Prayer resources. The theme - "Your Right Hand, O Lord, Glorious Power" (Exodus 15:6) - is inspired by the Exodus narrative of crossing the Red Sea and the song of Miriam and Moses. The 2018 theme reflects the Caribbean experience of slavery, colonialism and liberation. The ecumenical worship service and 8 Days of Prayer cycle include themes of human dignity, economic justice and the modern-day slavery of human trafficking, among others. The Caribbean authors like the theme of God's deliverance from oppression, and the call and commitment of Christians to work for liberation and justice,with t he overarching WPCU focus on the common prayer and the work for the unity of all Christians.
The 2018 Week of Prayer resources (in English and French) will be available for download on weekofprayer.ca / semainedepriere.ca on September 1, 2017. You may also purchase print resources by contacting Maria Simakova, Coordinator, Commission on Faith and Witness: [email protected] or at (416) 972-9494 extension 23. To read the letter of invitation from CCC, please click here.
New World Council of Churches Bible Studies A series of 12 monthly Bible studies inspired by themes related to the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace is available online on the website of the World Council of Churches (WCC). Many of the studies will resonate as significant Canadian issues and themes. To visit the website, please click here.
WCC's Current Dialogue At the close of the 50th year since Vatican II's declaration on Christian relations with other religions, relations between Christians and Jews, and between Christians and Muslims, are freshly explored in issue 58 of Current Dialogue. Helpful witness for the Canadian context. Available online in PDF at no charge.
15 Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) ELCIC young adults ages 21 to 29, are eligible to apply for the ELCA's Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program. YAGM invites participants into a transformative, year-long journey in international service. ELCIC member Nicholas Stienberg has been selected as a YAGM participant for 2017-2018, to serve as a volunteer in Australia. You can learn more about YAGM and how to support young adults on this journey at: http://elcic.ca/Global-Mission?YAGM.cfm
CLWR: Now the children can bathe
Children in Mokolo East in Boroli, Uganda used to only wash their legs, not their whole bodies. With the nearest well three kilometres away, access to and availability of water was a significant challenge for community members. With the establishment of a new well, the children now have access to enough water to bathe. Learn more: http://bit.ly/2tzZhJG
CLWR Sunday 2017 worship resource The Canadian Lutheran World Relief's CLWR Sunday 2017 theme is Our Common Humanity, which highlights our commonality as God's children as we seek out ways we can work towards a world where people live in justice, peace and dignity. Download the resource: http://bit.ly/2uyu6Q1
Join the CLWR team! We are hiring a Program Manager and an IT Specialist based out of our Winnipeg office. Learn more: http://bit.ly/2uuHRkf Donations to Assist with Disaster Relief in BC A number of people have been asking whether or not donations may be made through CLWR to assist with disaster relief in BC regarding the 16 wildfires throughout our province. I held a conference call with a CLWR representative last week and CLWR's advice is that for the immediate and medium term, donations should be made to the Canadian Red Cross. This organization is best placed to respond to the needs. Funds also may be donated to the Mennonite Disaster Services. Let us pray for all those who have been evacuated from their homes, for all those fighting the fires as well as those providing logistics and support, and for those providing disaster relief services. May all be kept safe and may quenching rains fall upon this land. Peace be with you all, +Greg
U p c o m i n g a t P e a c e
TIM LEE MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT – Oct. 1st @ Hillview Golf Course @ 2:00 PM CHOIR – Monday’s @ 7:00 PM ( NO CHOIR OCTOBER 9 th ) CONFIRMATION CLASSES - Tuesday’s @ 4:15 pm ( NO CLASS OCTOBER 31 ST) ADULT STUDY SERIES – “Together in Christ” Tue.’s @ 7:00PM ( NO GROUP OCT. 31 ST ) PRAYER SHAWL – Wednesday, October 4th @ 10:00 AM QUILTERS – Thursday’s @ 10:00 AM SUNSHINE SENIORS –Friday’s October 6th & 20th @ 1:30 PM HERON GROVE SERVICE – Sunday, October 8th @ 2:30 PM 80 th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION MEETING – Wednesday, October 11th @7:00 PM ELW FALL EVENT – Saturday, October 14th – Salmon Arm COUNCIL – Wednesday, October 18th @ 7:00 PM 80 th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION – Saturday, October, 21st @ 5:30 PM POTLUCK – Sunday, October 22nd (1 week earlier than normal) ELW – meeting is on Tuesday, October 24th @ 1:00 PM 17 SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETING – meeting Wednesday, October 25th @ 3:30 PM NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER DEADLINE – Thursday, October 26th
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P e a c e L u t h e r a n P r a y e r C h a i n … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Is sponsored by our ELW, it is made up of individuals who have made a commitment to pray for others in need. Those with a particular concern for themselves or others are invited to contact Rita Makasoff and explain the circumstances for which prayers are requested.
Magazine renewals are due! $ 17.85/year Deadline: October 31 st Please advise Pam by Email [email protected] or call the office 250-545-5787 if you wish to continue, stop or start a subscription.
18 Contact Me: Office Hours: Pam McCreight [email protected] Telephone 250-545-5787
Tuesday 8:30-12:30 Thursday 8:30-12:30 Friday 10:00-12:00