Genetic Disease Information Checklist

_____ Name of disease

_____ Symptoms

_____ How disease is passed on (Do both parents need to carry gene or just one parent? Do parents need to have disease in order to pass it on?)

_____ Description of treatments, any experimental research being done on disease

_____ Does person have a shorter life span than average?

_____ Are certain populations more likely to get this disease?


Genetic Disease Information Checklist

_____ Name of disease

_____ Symptoms

_____ How disease is passed on (Do both parents need to carry gene or just one parent? Do parents need to have disease in order to pass it on?)

_____ Description of treatments, any experimental research being done on disease

_____ Does person have a shorter life span than average?

_____ Are certain populations more likely to get this disease?


Genetic Disease Information Checklist

_____ Name of disease

_____ Symptoms

_____ How disease is passed on (Do both parents need to carry gene or just one parent? Do parents need to have disease in order to pass it on?)

_____ Description of treatments, any experimental research being done on disease

_____ Does person have a shorter life span than average?

_____ Are certain populations more likely to get this disease?
