EDEWG Standards Change Request
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EDEWG Change Request # 040
This EDEWG Change Request can be found on the PUC website at http://puc.paonline.com/electric/EDI/edewg_download.asp
Requester’s Name: LDC/TPS Name: Phone # : Tara Burton Met-Ed / Penelec/Penn Power 440.717.6808 Date of Request: Affected EDI Transaction Set #(s): E-Mail Address: 03/04/2004 867 Historical Usage [email protected] Requested Priority Requested Implementation Date: Status: (emergency/high/low): HIGH ASAP 06/03/04 Approved / Implemented in 02/2007 IG
Brief Explanation (This will be copied into the description in the Change Control Summary Spreadsheet):
Add new segments to the 867 Historical Usage transaction that will further define customer usage values and change specific segments in the IG867HU that are currently defined as being not used in PA to optional and that FirstEnergy will provide
Detail Explanation (Exactly what change is required? To which Implementation Guides? Why?):
ADD REF Segment (TU=Type of Metering) to the 867 Historical Usage transaction set. REF01 TU REF02 41 Off Peak 42 On Peak 43 Intermediate
51 Totalizer REF03 A free form description to clarify the related data elements and their content
ADD MEA Segment page to the 867 Historical Usage transaction set. MEA02 PRQ (consumption) MEA03 Quantity of consumption delivered for service MEA04 Code specifiying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. K1, K2, K3, K4, K5 and KH MEA07 Code used to benchmark, qualify or further define a measurement value. 41, 42,43,51,66
Change REF*LO (Load Profile) from not used to optional and FirstEnergy will provide Change REF*NH (LDC Rate Code) from not used to optional and FirstEnergy will provide Change REF*BF (LDC Bill Cycle) from not used to optional and FirstEnergy will provide
For Change Control Manager Use Only: Date of EDEWG Discussion: Expected Implementation Date: 3/4/04, 5/6/04, 6/3/04 NLT 7/31/04
EDEWG Discussion and Resolution:
3/4/04 - FirstEnergy had submitted a Change Control to allow sending of some additional fields for PA. There was some discussion from suppliers that there are inconsistencies in the way some of the
1 utilities are using the fields in NJ. This was discussed, and the differences are related to whether a company sends historical usage at the account level or the meter level. Some of the features added include adding Rate code, and adding indication for time of use. In reviewing the Change Control on the call, it was decided that FirstEnergy will create an example and add any clarifications necessary for PA. Some suppliers commented that the data FirstEnergy is providing is valuable.
5/6/04 - When does FirstEnergy plan to implement, or has it been implemented already? It has not been implemented for Pennsylvania.
FirstEnergy is already using the proposed format in New Jersey, and has not experienced any problems.
Action Item: All - Any comments to the FirstEnergy proposal must be posted to the ListServer by May 21, 2004. If no comments are posted, it will be considered approved.
FirstEnergy was requested to offer testing (not mandate) to suppliers after the transaction has been approved. Some suppliers suggested sending a text file would be sufficient.
Action Item: FirstEnergy FirstEnergy will evaluate what type of testing it may offer, and will inform EDEWG on the June EDEWG call of their plans.
The earliest implementation date is likely to be mid-July, 2004. FirstEnergy will inform suppliers of the exact implementation date via email.
Transaction Set Purpose Code: 52, Response to BPT*52*1999070112300001*19990701*DD Historical Inquiry Reference Identification: 1999070112300001, Transaction Date: 19990701, Report Type Code: DD, Usage N1*8S*LDC COMPANY*1*007909411 LDC Company N1*SJ*ESP COMPANY*9*007909422ESP1 ESP Company N1*8R*JANE DOE Customer name REF*11*8645835 ESP Account Number REF*12*519703123457 LDC Account Number REF*45*451105687500 Old LDC Account Number
Segment Contents Element Description PTD*SU Summary Loop for kwh QTY*QD*6030*KH Quantity (kwh) MEA*PRQ*2500*KH*41 Off peak kwh MEA*PRQ*3530*KH*42 On peak kwh Total kwh (will only be reported if no TOU metering on MEA*PRQ*6030*KH*51 account and should equal QTY amount) DTM*150*19990529 Service Period Start DTM*151*19990630 Service Period End QTY*QD*5210*KH Quantity (kwh) MEA*PRQ*2000*KH*41 Off peak kwh MEA*PRQ*3010*KH*42 On peak kwh
Total kwh (will only be reported if no TOU metering on MEA*PRQ*5210*KH*51 account and should equal QTY amount) DTM*150*19990427 Service Period Start DTM*151*19990529 Service Period End QTY*QD*4850*KH Quantity (kwh) MEA*PRQ*2000*KH*41 Off peak kwh MEA*PRQ*2850*KH*42 On peak kwh Total kwh (only total will be reported if no TOU metering MEA*PRQ*4850*KH*51 on account and should equal QTY amount) DTM*150*19990327 Service Period Start DTM*151*19990427 Service Period End
PTD*SU Summary loop for Demand QTY*QD*21*K1 Quantity (Demand) MEA*PRQ*15*K1*41 Off peak kw MEA*PRQ*21*K1*42 On peak kw Total kw (only total will be reported if no TOU metering on MEA*PRQ*21*K1*51 account and should equal QTY amount) DTM*150*19990529 Service Period Start DTM*151*19990630 Service Period End QTY*QD*19*K1 Quantity (Demand) MEA*PRQ*17*K1*41 Off peak kw MEA*PRQ*19*K1*42 On peak kw Total kw (only total will be reported if no TOU metering on MEA*PRQ*19*K1*51 account and should equal QTY amount) DTM*150*19990427 Service Period Start DTM*151*19990529 Service Period End QTY*QD*23*K1 Quantity (Demand) MEA*PRQ*18*K1*41 Off peak kw MEA*PRQ*23*K1*42 On peak kw Total kw (only total will be reported if no TOU metering on MEA*PRQ*23*K1*51 account and should equal QTY amount) DTM*150*19990327 Service Period Start DTM*151*19990427 Service Period End
PTD*FG Scheduling Determinants Loop REF*LO*RS Load Profile REF*NH*RESNH LDC Rate Code REF*BF Billing Cycle QTY*KC*752*K1 Capacity Obligation QTY*KZ*752*K1 Transmission Obligation
Also added PTD*SU loop for K3
6/3/04 - Action Item from last call: All - Any comments to the FirstEnergy proposal must be posted to the ListServer by May 21, 2004. If no comments are posted, it will be considered approved.
No comments were received so this is considered approved
Action Item from last meeting: FirstEnergy FirstEnergy will evaluate what type of testing it may offer, and will inform EDEWG on the June EDEWG call of their plans.
Follow Up Action Item: First Energy will follow up with additional information on their planned implementation date and inform EDEWG of their test plans.
EDEWG had an assumption from the May 2004 meeting, that the earliest implementation date is likely to be mid-July, 2004 and that FirstEnergy will inform suppliers of the exact implementation date via email.
Priority Classifications
Emergency Priority Implemented within 10 days or otherwise directed by EDEWG High Priority Changes / Enhancements implemented with 30 days. The next release, or as otherwise directed by EDEWG Low Priority Changes / Enhancements implemented no earlier than 90 days, Future Release, or as otherwise directed by EDEWG
Please submit this form via e-mail to both the PUC at [email protected] and to the Change Control Manager, Diane Goff at [email protected]
Your request will be evaluated and prioritized at an upcoming EDEWG meeting or conference call.