Veterans Memorial Park Foundation of Pensacola, Inc. Minutes
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Veterans Memorial Park Foundation of Pensacola, Inc. Minutes Tuesday, September 16, 2014 9:00 A.M. Vince Whibbs Conference Room 1st Floor, City Hall
Members Present: President Jack Brown, Mike Swinehart, John Clark, Dave Glassman, John Ochs, Roger Rowe and Charles Switzer
City Representative: Bill Weeks
Members Absent: Joe Denmon, Roberto Rivera, Joe Glover, Jill Hubbs, Paul Entrekin and Butch Hansen
President Brown called the meeting of the Veterans Memorial Park Foundation Board of Directors to order at 0900. President Brown led those present in prayer/ moment of silence, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. He acknowledged and welcomed the visitors.
Visitors: Pete McKanna, GCVAC Warren Palmer, Volunteer Ray Lantz, Sons of the American Revolution Bill Clark, Pensacola Special Forces Carolyn Appleyard, West Florida Public Library Melissa Davis, West Florida Public Library Jim Sanborn, 1370 WCOA Radio
President Brown introduced Carolyn Appleyard and Melissa Davis who were in attendance representing a special program of the West Florida Public Library. Ms. Davis spoke on behalf of the library and explained that the library received a grant to host a program called “The Big Read.” There are similar programs around the country. In our community The Big Read will feature a book called, “The Things They Carried,” by Tim O’Brien. It deals with the legacy of the Vietnam War and the author’s experiences in Vietnam. Throughout the month of October, there will be a series of events about this book and author. Ms. Davis wanted us to be aware of the Program and the book. She feels this book is an appropriate one to feature in our community with its heavy military presence. A copy of the book was provided to all board members.
There was discussion on how the Park and/or the board could work with the program. President Brown felt this project certainly fit in with the Park’s educational mission. It was agreed that information on the Program would be put on the website.
Jim Sanborn with 1370 WCOA radio station reported they are planning another event on Veterans Day, similar to last year, at the Hawkshaw property which is across from the Park. He wanted to make sure that the property would be available and they would have access to needed
1 infrastructure for the event. Bill Weeks did not believe there would be any problem. It was also suggested that we look into having Porto-Potties as last year. Jack Brown will check with the Sports Association about using the ones that will already be in place for a planned run the weekend before Veterans Day. Jim also said that they would not interfere with the parade and plan to start at 10:00 and end at 11:00. He noted the station wants to make this an annual event.
Ray Lantz with the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) wanted to present the board detailed information regarding the paver project for the Revolutionary War Memorial which is to recognize donors. He provided board members with a description of the project; attached to the minutes. The SAR would like to complete this project as soon as possible in respect for the donors to the Memorial. President Brown explained that we had agreed that City Councilman Brian Spencer would be acting as a go between the board and the Architectural Review Board to insure that was some consistency in such projects. He assured Mr. Lantz that he understood their desire to complete the paver project and will contact Mr. Spencer to determine where they are in the process.
Minutes: Charlie Switzer commented that the donation last week of $5,000 in his honor was the result of the efforts of Mike Swinehart. The minutes of the September 2, 2014 meeting were approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report: John Ochs reported a bank balance of $104,639.85.
President’s Report: Met at the Park with representatives of Panhandle Alarm to review proposed Park security. Krewe of Quasimodo has received the draft Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), prepared by Ed Holt, which outlines responsibilities between the Krewe and Park regarding their involvement with the Marine Bell Tower Memorial. It was suggested to change the word “supplemental” to “monument” in the title. Comments on the agreement should be forwarded to Mr. Holt. Copy of the proposed agreement is attached to the minutes. Park clean up with the new Chief’s Association group went extremely well. They did a great job and the effort received excellent media coverage. Was suggested that, if possible, there be a link to the Channel 3 coverage with our website.
Roger Rowe reported on the following: Pointed out that there was a new military reporter at the Pensacola News Journal, Marketta Davis. Electrical and internet connections are now complete to the kiosk. Final BP report is nearing completion and any excess funds will be put into escrow for the Global War on Terror Memorial. Last item needed is a breakdown on marketing efforts. It was suggested that Jill Hubbs directly contact Derrick Owens with information. Reported that the Panhandle Alarm Company’s proposal was comprehensive, but the Korean Memorial is still problematic. Might need to install a pole for a camera to cover that Memorial. Panhandle Alarm should attend a board meeting to answer questions from members. It was noted that no system is fool proof; however, the Park does remain susceptible to vandalism. He is aware that the Korean and World War II Memorials are having ongoing light problems.
Other Business: Charlie Switzer spoke to Joe Denmon about his attendance and asked if he felt he could continue to serve on the board. Mr. Denmon felt that it would probably be best if he resigned his position. It was noted that he has another year on his term; through October 2015. There was consensus that Pete McKanna who had previously submitted an application and has attended most of the Park meetings should be elected to fill that term. It was felt that Mr. Denmon should be requested to submit his resignation in writing. Following receipt of that official resignation, Mr. McKanna could be sworn in at a board meeting. It was noted that could be done by the Secretary. Ellen Peppler, who has submitted an application for membership, has been recommended for approval by President Brown. She would be filling a three year term of office. It was agreed that elections would be held on October 14, 2014 meeting; with members assuming office on October 28, 2014. Board attorney, Ed Holt, presented a proposed bylaw amendment which would create the position of ex-officio Immediate Past President. In reviewing the wording it was noted that an Immediate Past President could also be in a voting member whose term has not expired. A copy of that proposed amendment is attached to the minutes. Mr. Holt said he would change that wording for consideration at our next meeting. Signage for the Park was discussed which would indicate Park hours and what activity would be prohibited. Charlie Switzer and Ed Holt agreed to attempt some wording which would be acceptable. There continues to be ongoing confusion regarding the Park’s website versus the Wall South website. It is very easy when looking for the Park’s site to be misdirected to the “old” board’s website. This can only be changed by someone from the Wall South who has administrator access to that site. No one from that group seems to know who that would be. President Brown has made attempts to contact John Pritchard in an effort to resolve the issue but has yet to have a conversation with him. President Brown made an attempt to call Mr. Pritchard during the board meeting and got a message. Another message was left to please contact President Brown to resolve this matter.
Next Meeting/Adjournment: The next meetings will be September 30, October 14 and October 28; same time and location. Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:40.
Submitted by:
John B. Clark