Agenda for August 28 Steering Committee Meeting s5
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Present: Dawn Addy, Leonard Bliss, Cyra Choudhury, Jennifer Doherty-Restrepo, Alan Gummerson, C. Delano Gray, Kyle Perkins, Cliff Perry, Joerg Reinhold, Neil Reisner Absent: Marianna Baum, Juan Lozano, Osama Mohammed, Pablo Simon, Kathleen Wilson No Representation: Library Guests: Damaris Valdes, Douglas Wartzok
1. Approval of the Agenda – Moved and Approved 2. Approval of Steering Committee Minutes of August 21, 2012 – Moved and Approved 3. Chairperson’s Report – The Chair welcomed the new committee members. He asked the committee members to look at his written report.
The Board of Trustee Committees meet tomorrow. The full board meets next week. Chair Gray highlighted some of the key issues to be discussed by the BOT. The Steering Committee discussed these issues as follows: Fairgrounds discussion will continue. FIU is in negotiations with Biscayne Landing for the development of an additional access road at 143rd St. Market Rate: o Two new market rate degree programs will be presented to the Board of Trustees: Masters in International Real estate and Masters in Psychology. Many graduate programs intend to go to market rate if possible. The Medical Administration is pushing hard for market rate programs. There are no undergraduate market rate programs planned. o The question was asked, “Are there any legal issues for putting so many programs at market rate when we are a public university?” There used to be SACS stipulations about requiring the offering of the same program on campus, in the classroom. The Masters of Accounting offered its campus degree at midnight (and of course nobody enrolled). But it was offered. (see Provost report) o We need to determine how market rate affects accessibility. The Graduate Council has the right to monitor the effectiveness of this and all of our graduate programs. On-Line: The decision making process for putting courses on-line has not been questioned and a concern was raised that these programs limit access. Delano will speak to CFO Jessel about how the process works. Currently there is no approval needed if the course already exists on the books. New Law: under the new “Free Report” there is a section requiring researchers to disclose if they hire a spouse or children. The intent is to see how broadly this constitutes a conflict of interest. It was suggested that we consult Ken Jessel on this matter as well. (see Provost report) All Tenure and Promotion cases must have final approval by the Board of Trustees (BOT).
4. Topics for discussion and action: A. Replacement for Len on the Board of the Foundation - Dr. Bliss will continue to represent the Faculty Senate on the Board of the Foundation B. Academic Policy and Personnel Committee-Non Tenure Faculty on Committee - It was determined that the committee cannot restrict what the senate has already approved and there is not such tenure stipulation. C. Biscayne Bay Senate-Strategic Vision Plan - – Due to a shortage of time, this agenda item was tabled to be taken up at the next meeting. D. Clarification of Article V 2a. and Article V Section C and F of the constitution - Needs further review. Ask Senator Dandapani for clarification. – Due to a shortage of time, this agenda item was tabled to be taken up at the next meeting. E. Construction at Park View Housing and the Preserve – Due to a shortage of time, this agenda item was tabled to be taken up at the next meeting. F. Parking (see Provost report) G. Agenda for the September 11, 2012 Faculty Senate Meeting – Moved and Approved
5. Provost’s Report – Provost Wartzok Market rate and On-line Programs: There is no requirement to offer a non-market-rate alternative to the market rate programs. Also the requirement that an undergraduate degree program has to be offered fact- to-face if it is offered on-line will probably fade as the State moves to encourage more on-line options. Access: President Rosenberg’s focus on access is clearly directed to undergraduate admission to FIU. The College of Business (COB) graduate programs are almost entirely at market rate. The MAGG (Masters in Administration of Global Governance) was approved last year for market rate out of College of Arts and Sciences (CAS). There continues to be a prohibition on market rate for programs in areas that have been identified as “high need” such as those in education and nursing at the undergraduate level. Shuttles: the Provost investigated shuttles and campus class scheduling times and determined there is no problem on BBC for classes ending at 6:00pm the shuttle departure time is 6:45. There are some synchronization issues on Tuesdays and Thursdays because the shuttle runs the same schedule every day. The Provost said the Tuesday/Thursday schedule will be changed to accommodate teaching schedules. Football Season Tickets: Faculty who have been season ticket holders were notified by FIU Athletics that a season ticket will cost $500 this year (as opposed to $50 in past years). This was explained as an increase to $100 with a “mandatory donation” of $400. The Provost will look into this and report back. Parking: Are administrative spots open to all students, faculty and staff? Faculty spots have turned into student spots and it seems the “Campus Access Fee” discourages taking public transit. It was suggested that we investigate parking models used at other inner city campuses. New Hires: of the 47 new hires based on 2012-13 enrollment growth, 29 were tenure earning, and the rest were non-tenure positions: 1 visiting, 1 clinical, and 16 instructors. [See attached for promised complete breakdown.] The question was raised, are administrators included in these numbers and can we sort them out because they often inflate our sense of faculty size? See appendix A for breakdown of new hires. Board of Governors (BOG): has identified a total of 36 benchmark indicators in work plans. The main focus will be on: Quality, STEM, Graduation Rates, and Student Ability to obtain Jobs upon graduation. Question: To what extent do Administration, Departments and the Graduate School monitor the quality of teaching programs? Response: external evaluators, the Quality Matters program, peer evaluations and external evaluations of syllabi. With evaluation of non-tenure faculty promotion peer evaluation is encouraged (there are Student Learning Objectives (SLO’s) for all programs and courses.) There is a fine line between academic freedom and telling people what to teach. BOG determination for Return on Investment (ROI) focuses on quality. 6. Unfinished Business Please send Preserve walk ideas to the Environmental Committee. 7. New Business: None Announcements
The next Faculty Senate meeting is on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 at 1:00pm in the Wolfe University Center 155. All are invited. The next meeting of the Steering Committee is on Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 1PM in GL 835. Go to for regularly updated information on the Faculty Senate. Appendix A
ROI/INCR 30 1 11 5 47 29 1 1 16 47 College 4 1 2 0 7 3 1 1 2 7 Prior Year FFM 10 0 2 1 13 8 2 0 3 13 Res/Aux 4 1 0 4 9 1 4 0 4 9 COM 8 1 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 9 TOTAL NEW 56 4 15 10 85 41 17 2 25 85
Replacement Colleges 38 8 6 8 60 31 10 5 14 60 COM 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 40 8 6 8 62 31 12 5 14 62
FACULTY HIRES ALL COLLEGES 86 11 21 18 136 72 18 7 39 136 COM 10 1 0 0 11 0 11 0 0 11 TOTAL HIRES 96 12 21 18 147 72 29 7 39 147 TEN/TEN EARN NON TE CLINICAL TOTAL Instructor/Lecturer 0 39 0 39 Assistant Professor 58 16 4 78 Associate Professor 8 0 1 9 Professor 6 3 2 11 Asst. Sch/Sc/Eng 0 2 0 2 Instructor Librarian 0 3 0 3 Asst. Librarian 0 1 0 1 Univ. Librarian 0 2 0 2 Faculty Admin 0 2 0 2 TOTAL 72 68 7 147