Westwood Girls Golf Program 2015

 Players should be medically cleared and ready to go when the season officially begins.  Players are expected to have their clubs, bags & clothing at the school in the locker room everyday.  Players should dress appropriately to all practices and matches. Appropriate dress means a collared shirt, pants (khaki’s, slacks, etc.) of an appropriate length, Capri’s/Skorts (of an APPROPRIATE length), sneakers, or golf shoes. No blue jeans, sweats, cargo pants, shorts, or t-shirts.  Players are expected to be at practice consistently during the season. Immediately after school players need to be changed and out front of the school as SOON AS POSSIBLE. For Mondays in the month of March players are expected to be ready at 3:45PM in front of the school (coaches have meetings).  ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY – failure to attend ANY practices (excused or not), poor effort, and being disruptive AT ANY POINT can result in lack of playing time and possibly even more serious consequences.  If you cannot make a practice you need to inform the coach at least 48 hrs. in advance in person AND with an email with a legitimate excuse.  We have practice and matches during spring break vacation from March 30th – April 3rd and ALL ATHLETES ARE EXPECTED TO ATTEND! The coaching staff needs to know about any reasons why a student-athlete would miss or need to leave early from a practice or match.  Practices are the time we have as a group to improve. That means coach helping player and teammates helping one another. When you are at practice you are expected to be 100% focused on the Westwood Girls Golf Team. To that end there will be no eating during practice, and phones will be taken at the beginning of practice and returned to you when practice is over!  Players are expected to take care of the equipment that is entrusted to them. This includes golf bags, shirts, sweaters, or anything else provided to them by the athletic department. In addition, student- athletes should care for their own equipment (golf clubs) by cleaning them on a regular basis. Doing so teaches responsibility and enhances the player’s ability to strike the ball cleanly.  Players are expected to use appropriate language and demonstrate positive behavior whether at the driving range, in a classroom, at a practice facility or practice round, or during a match. Inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately by the coaching staff.  Players are expected to express any concerns they may have (about anything) directly to the coach. It is the student-athlete’s job, not the parents, to initiate a discussion with the coach about any concern that they might have. The coaching staff would expect to be made aware of any schedule change or conflicts well in advance.  Mandatory parent meeting - TBA