Washington Alaskan Malamute Adoption League
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Foster Home Agreement
I, ______, hereby agree to abide by the following during the time I am fostering dogs OR performing other volunteer duties for ______.
1) I understand that if I choose to foster, my role as a foster home is solely as a temporary home, and that the placement of any dogs I foster will be conducted by or approved by ______. 2) I am not authorized to speak for______or to enter into any agreements for the organization without express written permission from the RESCUE. 3) I will not undertake any actions that could be considered inconsistent with RESCUE’s mission. . I understand that my volunteer position will be terminated if my conduct is deemed detrimental to the best interests of the organization. 4) I understand that I am personally responsible for any and all financial expenses that I might incur in my effort to foster dogs or carry out my volunteer duties. 5) As a representative of a non-profit organization, I understand that I may never profit from the care of or placement of a rescued dog or from any activity I undertake as a volunteer for the benefit of RESCUE. 6) I agree to keep foster dogs or dogs that I may handle for RESCUE securely confined while in my care. 7) I understand that RESCUE cannot and does not guarantee the temperament, health or behavior of rescued dogs I may handle. I am aware that dogs may cause property damage or personal injury to myself, my family or others. 8) I certify I carry adequate insurance coverage in the event of personal or liability damages resulting from a dog I may handle or other volunteer activities I carry out for RESCUE. 9) I agree to hold harmless RESCUE, their successors, heirs or assigns, any agent carrying out duties on behalf of RESCUE, and any and all participating persons who might be claimed to be liable, whether or not herein named, from any and all actions, causes of action, lawsuits, claims and demands which I now have or may hereafter have, arising out of, or in any way relating to, any and all injuries and damages, to both person and property, and also any and all injuries and damages that may develop in the future, as a result of or in any way relating to my participation as a RESCUE volunteer or foster home. 10) I agree that this release shall be legally binding upon the undersigned and his/her respective heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors and assigns.
I have carefully read this Agreement/Release and fully understand its contents, and sign it of my own free will.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Address: ______Phone: ______
______E-mail: ______
RESCUE: Name:______
Phone: ______E-mail:______Home Adoption/Foster Application
Name______Phone _____-______-______Email:______Address______Occupation______City/State/Zip______Work phone ____-____-______Fax ____-____-______Environment: House: Own___ Rent__ Apartment/Condo: ___ Urban___ Suburban___ Rural___ Please list all family members and their ages. (Please include live-in help and frequent visitors.) ______
Is anyone in the family allergic to dogs?______
Why do you want to foster or adopt a Husky/Malamute? ______Preferences: Male____ Female____ Does size matter?______
Do you have a Fenced-in Yard? ____Yes ______Directly accessible from at least one door of the house ______Detached from the house so that you must walk out to it Approximate area of yard ______Fence Type ______Fence Height ______No How and how often would you handle exercise and ““bathroom”” exercise: ______Swimming Pool: Y / N In-ground ____ Above ground ____ Separately fenced? Y / N "Dog-proof" steps? Y / N
EXPERIENCE: Have you ever owned a Husky or Malamute? Y / N M____F____
If not, what breeds have you owned? ______Do you have any house cats? Y / N Any outside cats? Y / N Please list all of your other pets, their ages, and indicate whether they are neutered/spayed: ______Are all of your pets currently up-to-date on all shots? Y / N Are the dogs on a monthly heartworm preventive? Y / N LIVING WITH YOUR ADOPTED OR FOSTER DOG Will your adopted or foster dog . . .
have run of the house? Y / N If not, to what areas will he be confined? ______be allowed on the furniture? Y / N have dog beds or blankets here & there? Y / N sleep in your bedroom? Y / N If not, where? ______
How many hours at one time is no one home? ______Where will he be during this time? ______Crated? Y / N Are you familiar with a dog crate? Y / N Do you own a bigger-than Malamute-size crate? Y / N When would you use one? ______In what room would you put the crate? ______
Have you had any formal dog training instruction? Y / N Do you enjoy obedience training? Y / N Do any of your dogs have an obedience title? Y / N Would you welcome the challenge of turning an unruly, young Husky or Malamute upstart into a responsive, loving companion? Y / N
How would you separate dogs/animals that may not coexist peacefully or safely? ______
Can you (do you have the facilities to) bathe and blow dry an Husky/Malamute? Y / N Do you (can you) properly groom Husky or Malamute? Y / N If you cannot personally groom a Husky/Malamute correctly, do you know a groomer who can? Y / N Can you provide pictures (digital or regular)? Y / N
REFERENCES Your Veterinarian ______Phone ______-____-______
PERSONAL REFERENCES: (Please provide two, perhaps a friend and a neighbor) Name ______Phone ______-______-______Address ______Name ______Phone ______-______-______Address ______Email address ______
“The information I have provided in this application is true and complete. I understand that caring for a dog no matter how short-term is a serious commitment.”
Foster or Adopter Candidate
Send Completed Application to: Email: Description of DOG: ______Date: ______
Name: ______Sex:______Age: ____ Neutered ____ Spayed______
Eye Color: ______Coat Color: ______Chip # ______
We, ______, the undersigned ADOPTER who resides at ______, is adopting DOG from ______, OWNER/RESCUE who resides at ______, and I/WE agree to the following terms and conditions of this agreement in the adoption of the above-described hereinafter referred to as DOG. This agreement will go into effect the ____ day of ______2015.
1. Rescue. The OWNER/RESCUE adopted/rescued DOG from ______animal kill shelter in ______State, Shelter ID # ______on ______, 2015 to save his life and has no information on his background. What we know currently about this DOG is: ______All medical shots are currently up to date and that paperwork will come with this Agreement. DOG eats morning and evening.
2. Contact. The ADOPTER agrees that if for any reason ADOPTER cannot keep DOG that he will be returned to OWNER/RESCUE only and that OWNER/RESCUE can periodically check on DOG. If the ADOPTER foresees moving from the original given address, the ADOPTER must notify OWNER/RESCUE with the new address, phone number and email address PRIOR of making the change.
3. Identification. The DOG is chipped through ______with OWNER/RESCUE information and ADOPTER is responsible to change the owner information to the ADOPTERs information. ADOPTER must go online and go to Petlink or HomeAgain and register the chip number into ADOPTER name.
4. Humane Care. The DOG shall reside inside the ADOPTER’s home and be treated as a household pet and member of the family. The DOG shall be afforded the same love and attention provided to the other household dogs, and maintained in a stress-free environment. The ADOPTER agrees to provide humane care, including but not limited to adequate food, water, shelter, exercise, socialization, grooming, and the same level of care as they do their own dogs. Under no circumstances is the Dog to be left outdoors unsupervised (this includes no doggie doors from patio/home into yard, and or the use of an outdoor kennel for housing the DOG. In addition the Dog is not to be left unattended with small children at anytime. In addition, DOG shall not be left unattended in any vehicle (running or not, windows open or not) in any type of weather or for any amount of time.
5. Heartworm Preventative. DOG is currently on ______and has been given it on the ______week of every month. Trifexis cannot be given to DOG. It has been found to cause death in dogs. DOG has also been given ______on the first week of each month.
6. Evaluation. The OWNER/RESCUE has found DOG to be extremely good natured and calm. OWNER/RESCUE describes how DOG is with small children of different ages, other dogs and/or cats. ______
______7. Fencing. The ADOPTER agrees that the definition of an adequate fence is a fence that prevents the DOG from jumping, digging, or exiting through gates not properly secured. The fence will be secure enough to prevent intruders or small children from easily gaining entry. The DOG is never to be left unattended in the yard at any time.
8. Exercise. The ADOPTER shall provide the DOG with a securely fenced yard or other humane means of exercise, and never allow the DOG off lead in unsecured areas. The DOG shall never be chained or kept constantly outdoors, nor be crated (wire crate only) for more than a few hours in a 24-hour period of time.
9. Illness. ADOPTER acknowledges and understands that the DOG ______10. Hurricane/Earthquake/Fire. In the event of a hurricane, fire or earthquake warning, and should the ADOPTER need to evacuate, the ADOPTER agrees to take the DOG with them.
11. Property Rights. ADOPTER has full custody of DOG once DOG is picked up from OWNER/RESCUE. If the ADOPTER can no longer keep the DOG, then the ADOPTER agrees to notify the OWNER/RESCUE immediately. The DOG shall not be sold, abandoned, relinquished to a pound or shelter or to any other Rescue group, transferred, or given to any individual or to any retail or wholesale establishment for the purpose of sale or resale to the public or to any research institution where medical experimentation or other practices take place. Under no circumstances is DOG to be given to anyone other than back to OWNER/RESCUE on this Agreement unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.
12. Adoption Fee: ADOPTER is paying ______adoption fee upon signature of this Agreement.
13. Duration of Agreement. This Agreement is forever.
The ADOPTER understands that non-compliance with any of the above terms can result in prosecution and the ADOPTER agrees to pay OWNER/RESCUE any and all expenses, including court costs and reasonable attorney fees. The ADOPTER acknowledges that OWNER/RESCUE has advised that the DOG may have been neglected or abused and may require special care or precautions. The ADOPTER is aware the DOG may dig, chew, soil or exhibit other undesirable traits unless properly supervised and trained. In consideration to the adopting of this DOG, the ADOPTER agrees to assume full responsibility and liability for the conduct of the DOG upon this date of this agreement. The ADOPTER agrees to hold harmless OWNER/RESCUE for any damages or costs resulting from liability, know or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated as a result of the DOG’s conduct on or after the date of this agreement on this ______day of ______2015.
Signature of ADOPTER:______Print Name: ______Cell: ______Email: ______
Signature of OWNER/RESCUE: ______Print Name: ______Cell: ______Email: ______