Herbs Board - Practice Test C

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Herbs Board - Practice Test C

Herbs Board - Practice Test C

1. Which of the 8 methods proposed by Cheng Zhong-Ling is best for treating depression? a) Harmonizing (he fa) b) Draining downward (xia fa) c) Clearing (qing fa) d) Reducing (xiao fa)

2. What would be combined with chuan xiong (radix ligustici chuanxiong) for post-partum blood stasis? a) chi shao (radix paeoniae rubrae) and tao ren (semen persicae) b) chuan xiong (radix ligustici chuanxiong) and dan shen (radix salvia miltiorrhizae) c) yi mu cao (herba leonuri heterophylli) and tao ren (semen persicae) d) chi shao (radix paeoniae rubrae) and chuan xiong (radix ligustici chuanxiong)

3. High amounts of preformed Vitamin A (not beta-carotene) at doses > 5,000 IU/day a) May cause birth defects if taken during pregnancy b) May cause hypertension c) May cause renal failure d) May lead to gastric ulcer

4. Which of the following are actions of ye jiao teng (caulis polygoni multiflori)? a) Settles and calms spirit, Anchors Liver and anchors and preserves floating yang, Prevents leakage of fluids, Topically for chronic, non-healing sores and ulcerations b) Nourishes Heart and blood and calms the spirit, Nourishes the blood and unblocks the channels, Alleviates itching c) Calms Liver, anchors floating yang, and clear Liver fire, Strongly directs rebellious qi downward, Cools the blood and stops bleeding d) Settles and calms spirit, Benefits yin and anchors floating yang, Prevents leakage of fluids, Softens hardness and dissipates nodules

5. yu zhu (rhizoma polygonati odorati) and bai wei (radix cynanchi bai wei) treat a) external wind-heat with deficient yin b) steaming bone disorder with alternating fever and chills c) urinary problems due to hot blood d) post partum fever and irritability due to Deficient Blood 6. Using one herb to reduce or eliminate the toxicity or side effects of another herb is called? a) Mutual antagonism b) Mutual counteraction c) Mutual incompatibility d) Mutual accentuation

7. A patient has sore throat due to a streptococcal infection. The tonsils are swollen and coated. The patient has a temperature, and feels quite ill. The patient has been prescribed erythromycin. Which of the following herbs would act as a synergist? a) ju hua (flos chrysanthemi) b) zhi mu (rhizoma anemarrhenae) c) gui zhi (ramulus cinnamomi cassiae) d) sheng ma (rhizoma cimicifugae)

8. What is the dosage of fan xie ye (folium sennae) when it is steeped alone as a tea? a) 1.5-3 grams b) 9-12 grams c) 6-9 grams d) 3-6 grams

9. Which of the following tonifies the spleen and kidney? a) Onion b) Kelp c) Yam d) Squash

10. How is zi wan (radix asteris tatarici) used to strenghten its lung moistening action and to stop coughing? a) honey fried b) fried in vinegar c) dry fried d) fried in salt 11. zhen wu tang (true warrior decoction), wen dan tang (warm the gall bladder decoction) and xue fu zhu yu tang (blood mansion eliminate stasis decoction) all treat a) Edema b) Palpitations c) Insomnia d) Difficult urination

12. A patient has chills but they are decreasing, and fever which is getting stronger, thirst, headache, muscle aches, and eye pain with red eyes. You prescribe ge jie ji tang (bupleurum and kudzu decoction to release the muscle layer). Three days later he calls to tell you that he is coughing up very thick phlegm. How would you modify your prescription? a) Add gua lou pi (pericarpium trichosanthis) and zhe bei mu (bulbus fritillariae thunbergii) b) Add ban xia (rhizoma pinellia) and increase qiang huo (rhizoma notopterygii) c) Add su zi (frucuts perillae) and bai qian (radix et rhizoma cynanchi) d) Add ban xia (rhizoma pinellia) and gua lou (fructus trichosanthsi)

13. How is xuan shen (radix scrophulariae) prepared to enhance its yin nourishing properties? a) fried in vinegar b) dry fried in salt c) wine treated d) roasted

14. You are treating a patient who has dark, cloudy, scanty and painful urination, dry mouth, and dry throat. You prescribed ba zheng san (eight-herb powder for rectification). Next treatment he reports that the dryness has improved but that he now is holding in his urination. You would modify your prescription with all of the following except a) Add fu ling (sclerotium poriae) b) Increase dosage of mu tong (caulis mutong), hua shi (talcum) and bian xu (herba polygoni avicularis) c) Add rou gui (cortex cinnamomi) d) Add huang bai (cortex phellodendri)

15. Which herb dispels wind-damp, unblocks the channels, and benefit joints, and reduces edema? a) sang zhi (ramulus mori albae) b) qin jiao (radix gentianae qinjiao) c) xi xian cao (herba siegesbeckiae) d) du huo (radix angelicae pubescentis) 16. A patient complains of severe abdominal distention. He has constipation, flatulence, and abdominal pain which increases upon pressure, a tense and firm abdomen. How would you modify da cheng qi tang (major order the qi decoction)? a) Add shen qu (massa fermenta) b) Add da fu pi (percarpium arecae) c) Add lai fu zi (semen raphani sativi) d) Add qing pi (pericarpium viride citri)

17. Which herb is contraindicated with deficient qi and with interior heat? a) chen pi (pericarpium citri reticulatae) b) mu xiang (radix auklandiae lappas) c) wu yao (radix linderae) d) chen xiang (lignum aquilariae)

18. A patient wants help reducing his severe night sweats. He has fever, red face, dry mouth with parched lips, irritability, dry stools. How would you modify dang gui liu huang tang (tangkuei and six-yellow decoction)? a) Add ma huang gen (radix ephedrae) and fu xiao mai (semen tritici aesitivi) b) Add wu wei zi (fructus schisandrae chinensis) and mu li (concha ostreae) c) Add long gu (os draconis) and mu li (concha ostrea) d) Add mu li (concha ostreae) and increase huang qi (radix astragali)

19. What is the dosage for da huang (rhizoma rhei) in da huang fu zi tang (rhubard and aconitum decoction)? a) equal to fu zi (radix aconiti praeparata) b) varies from patient to patient c) less than fu zi (radix aconiti praeparata) d) more than fu zi (radix aconiti praeparata)

20. The western herb Black Cohosh is contraindicated during pregnancy because a) It stimulates uterine contractions b) It causes newborn jaundice c) It causes gestational diabetes d) It increases the risk of eclampsia 21. A patient throws up regularly after eating. Between meals, she experiences belching and acid reflux. Her hands and feet are very cold and she has migraine headaches with nausea before her period. What formula is indicated? a) da jian zhong tang (major strenghten the middle decoction) b) si ni tang (frigid extremities decoction) c) li zhong wan (regulate the middle pill) d) wu zhu yu tang (evodia decoction)

22. A patient had a cold last week and now has constipation. He complains of abdominal distention and feeling full. His abdomen is warm and dry to the touch and it hurts to be pressed. His tongue has dry yellow coat. What is the treatment? a) xiao cheng qi tang (minor order the qi decoction) b) tiao wei cheng qi tang (regulate the stomach and order the qi decoction) c) ma zi ren wan (hemp seed pill) d) da cheng qi tang (major order the qi decoction)

23. How is dang gui (radix angelicae sinensis) used to enhance its ability to warm channels and stop bleeding? a) partially charred b) toasted to ash c) dry fried d) fried in vinegar

24. A patient complains of angina, stabbing pain in the chest that causes palpitations, restlessness and insomnia. Tongue is dark red and pulse is choppy. Which formula is indicated? a) xue fu zhu yu tang (blood mansion eliminate stasis decoction) b) wen jing tang (warm the menses decoction) c) tao he cheng qi tang (prunus order the qi decoction) d) gui zhi fu ling wan (cinnamomum and poria pill)

25. How is zhen gan xi feng tang (sedate the liver and extinguish wind decoction) modified for hypertension? a) Add xia ku cao (spica prunellae vulgaris) and gou teng (ramulus cum uncis uncrariae) b) Increase mu li (concha ostrae) and long gu (os draconis) c) Add ju hua (flos chrysanthemi) and zi hua di ding (radix viola) d) Add ge gen (radix puerariae) and chai hu (bupleuri) 26. A patient has continuous uterine bleeding, red blood with purplish blood clots, hot sensations in the chest, irritability, abdominal pain, and dark urine. What formula is indicated? a) gu jing wan (stabilize the menses pill) b) wen jing tang (warm the menses decoction) c) yu ping feng san (jade windscreen powder) d) si shen wan (four miracle pill)

27. Which of the following herbs has does NOT have a caution for pregnancy? a) dan zhu ye b) tian nan xing c) yan hu suo d) san qi

28. A patient has stifling sensation in the chest and hypochondria, a feeling of something in the throat that can't be swallowed nor ejected, and very strong chest pain. What would you prescribe? a) ban xia hou po tang (pinellia and magnolia decoction) plus sha ren (fructus amomi) and mu xiang (radix aucklandiae) b) ban xia hou po tang (pinellia and magnolia decoction) plus xie bai (bulbus allii) and gua lou (fructus trichosanthis) c) ban xia hou po tang (pinellia and magnolia d) decoction) plus yu jin (tuber curcumae) and sha ren (fructus amomi) e) ban xia hou po tang (pinellia and magnolia decoction) plus tian hua fen (radix trichosanthis) and chuan bei mu (bulbus fritillaria)

29. The dosage for tian ma (rhizoma gastrodiae elatae) is a) 9-30g b) 4.5-12g c) 3-9g d) 6-12g 30. What are the ingredients of li zhong wan (regulate the middle pill)? a) dang shen (radix codonopsitis pilosulae), sheng jiang (rhizome zingiberis officinalis recens), gan cao (radix glycyrrhizae uralensis), and bai zhu (rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae) b) dang shen (radix ), gan jiang (rhizome zingiberis officinalis), gan cao (radix glycyrrhizae uralensis), and bai zhu (rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae) c) ren shen (radix ginseng), sheng jiang (rhizoma zingiberis officinalis recens), gan cao (radix glycyrrhizae uralensis), and bai zhi (radix angelicae dahuricae) d) ren shen (radix ginseng), gan jiang (rhizome zingiberis officinalis), gan cao (radix glycyrrhizae uralensis), and bai zhu (rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae)

31. What would be combined with she chuang zi (fructus cnidii monnieri) for acute flare ups of chronic eczema, gential eczema, or scabies? a) qing fen (calomelas) b) ku shen (radix sophorae flavescentis c) bing pian (borneol) d) ban mao (mylabris)

32. The contraindication for huai hua mi (flos sophorae japonicae immaturus) is a) Caution with Spleen or Stomach cold from deficiency b) Caution with heat in blood or deficient yin c) May cause nausea and vomiting d) Excessive sweating due to deficient qi

33. How is he shou wu (radix polygoni multiflori) used for moistening the intestines and for anti- inflammatory actions? a) honey fried b) raw c) dry fried d) fried in vinegar

34. Which of the following is not a contraindication for mang xiao (mirabilitum)? a) Deficient Spleen and the elderly b) Excess heat and deficient Spleen c) Pregnancy, menstruation, or postpartum d) Exterior disorders and Qi or Blood deficiency 35. You can expect which tongue and pulse with huang lian jie du tang (coptis decoction to relieve toxicity)? a) yellow tongue coating; slippery, rapid pulse b) red tongue and little coating; fine, rapid pulse c) red tongue and yellow coating; rapid forceful pulse d) red tongue and dry, yellow coating; flooding, forceful or slippery, rapid pulse

36. A patient has vomiting right after eating, acid reflux with epigastric pain, and gnawing hunger. What formula is indicated? a) si ni tang (frigid extremities decoction) b) li zhong wan (regulate the middle pill) c) da jian zhong tang (major strenghten the middle decoction) d) wu zhu yu tang (evodia decoction)

37. The contraindication for su zi (fructus perillae frutescentis) is a) Caution in infants with diarrhea b) Chronic diarrhea c) Cough due to excess heat patterns d) Cough from Kidney not grasping qi

38. Which herb treats palpitations and insomnia due to Heart Blood/Yin deficiency? a) yi yi ren (semen coicis lachryma-jobi) b) fu ling (sclerotium poriae cocos) c) zhu ling (sclerotium polypori umbellati) d) ze xie (rhizoma alismatis orientalitis)

39. Which of the following tastes has a descending action and dissolves masses? a) Salty b) Sweet c) Bland d) Sour

40. Which of the following is a contraindication for tian men dong (tuber asparagi)? a) wind-cold cough b) all types of bleeding caused by deficient yin c) hypotension d) diarrhea or abdominal distention 41. A patient has low-grade fever worse in the afternoon, abdominal pain and distension, thirst, fetid breath, acid regurgitation, nausea and vomiting. What is the treatment? a) xue fu zhu yu tang (drive out stasis in the mansion of blood decoction) b) tao he cheng qi tang (peach pit decoction to order the qi) c) xiao yao san (rambling powder) combined with mu dan pi and zhi zi d) bao he wan (preserve harmony pill)

42. How is bai zhu (rhizoma atractylodis) used to dry damp and promote urination? a) fried in ginger b) raw c) dry fried d) fried in salt

43. How is dang gui (radix angelicae sinensis) used to strenghten its blood invigorating properties? a) dry fried b) fried in vinegar c) dry d) fried in wine

44. A patient has borborygmus and abdominal pain. He has diarrhea which has become chronic. How would you modify tong xie yao fang (important formula for painful diarrhea)? a) add sheng ma (rhizoma cimicifuga) b) add mu gua (fructus chaenomelis) and wu mei (fructus prini mume) c) add mu xiang (radix acuklandia lappae) and fu ling (scleroium poriae cocos) d) increase dosage of chai bai zhu (dry fried rhizoma atractylodis)

45. The western herb Hawthorn is most often used for a) Heart problems b) Stomach problems c) Kidney problems d) Uterine problems

46. The contraindication for ban xia xie xin tang (pinellia drain the epigastrium decoction)? a) Nausea or dry heaves due to Stomach yin deficiency b) Cough due to deficient Lung qi c) Liver wind agitating d) Children with diarrhea 47. Which herb would not be included in modifying zhen wu tang (true warrior decoction) when there is coughing? a) wu wei zi (fructus schisandrae chinensis) b) ma huang (herba ephedrae) c) gan jiang (rhizoma zingiberis officinalis) d) xi xin (herba cum radice asari)

48. Which of the following is not a contraindication for da jian zhong tang (major strenghten the middle decoction)? a) Deficient blood or yin conditions b) Abdominal pain due to stagnant food c) Damp-heat conditions d) Vomiting or acid reflux due to heat

49. Which of the following is not a contraindication for wu zhu yu tang (evodia decoction)? a) Abdominal pain due to stagnant food b) Vomiting or acid reflux due to heat c) Warn patients of possible minor side-effects (headache, dizziness, chest discomfort) d) For severe vomiting take decoction at room temperature

50. A patient has epigastric distention, dry heaves, borborygmus with diarrhea, and poor appetite. What formula is indicated? a) si ni san (frigid extremities powder) b) ban xia xie xin tang (pinellia drain the epigastrium decoction) c) da chai hu tang (major bupleurum decoction) d) xiao chai hu tang (minor bupleurum decoction)

51. The actions for da jian zhong tang (major strenghten the middle decoction) are a) Warms and tonifies Liver and Stomach; Descends rebellious Stomach Qi, stops vomiting b) Rescues devastated Yang; Warms the middle burner and stops diarrhea c) Warms the middle burner and dispels cold; Strengthens the Spleen and Stomach d) Warms and tonifies middle burner deficiency; Descends rebellious Stomach Qi, relieves pain

52. The dosage for yin chen hao (herba artemisae) for severe cases of heat or damp-heat is a) up to 120g b) up to 30g c) up to 90g d) up to 60g 53. A patient has a cold with chills and some fever, no sweating, and shivering. You prescribe ma huang tang (ephedrae decoction). A couple of days later he complains of wheezing, tight chest, and cough with white and watery sputum. How would you modify your prescription? a) Add su zi (perillae frutescentis) and chen pi (pericarpium citri reticulatae) b) Increase xing ren (semen pruni armeniacae) and ma huang (herba ephedrae) c) Add bai guo (semen ginkgo bilobae) and sang bai pi (cortex mori albae) d) Add chuan bei mu (bulbus fritillraie cirrhosae) and ban xia (rhizoma pinelliae)

54. Which formula treats stagnant blood predominantly in the Chong and Ren Mai? a) tao he cheng qi tang (prunus order the qi decoction) b) xue fu zhu yu tang (blood mansion eliminate stasis decoction) c) gui zhi fu ling wan (cinnamomum and poria pill) d) wen jing tang (warm the menses decoction)

55. A patient has fatigue worse in the afternoon and evening, dizziness, dry mouth at night, malar flush, tidal fever, night sweats, disturbed sleep, palpitations, insomnia, mental restlessness, poor memory. What is the treatment? a) si jun zi tang (four-gentleman decoction) combined with wu wei zi b) tian wang bu xin dan (Emperor of Heaven's special pill to tonify the heart) c) gui pi tang (restore the spleen decoction) d) liu wei di huang wan (six-ingredient pill with rehmannia)

56. All are part of the eight strategies except? a) Sweating b) Astringing c) Tonifying d) Clearing

57. Which of the following are actions of she chuang zi (fructus cnidii monnieri)? a) Unblocks the channels, diperses clumps, reduces swelling, and alleviates pain b) Absorbs fluids, reduces swelling and stops bleeding c) Dries dampness, kills parasites, and stops itching; Warms the Kidneys and fortifies yang; Disperses cold, dispels wind, and dries dampness d) Relieves toxicity, kills parasites, and stops itching; Tonifies fire in the gate of vitality and strengthens yang 58. Which herb would not be included in modifying yin chen hao tang (artemesia decoction) for very high fever? a) hu zhang (rhizoma polygoni cuspidati) b) huang qin (radix scutellariae) c) long dan cao (radix gentianae longdancao) d) ban lan gen (radix isatidi seu baphicacanthi)

59. How is gan mai da zao tang (glycyrrhiza, triticum and zizyphus decoction) modified for insomnia with a thin-wiry pulse due to deficient Liver Blood? a) Add mu li (concha ostrea) b) Increase da zao (fructus zizyphi) c) Add suan zao ren (semen zizyphi spinosae) d) Add bai zi ren (semen biotae orientalis)

60. Li zhong wan (regulate the middle pill) has the same ingredients as si jun zi tang (four gentleman decoction) except li zhong wan (regulate the middle pill) contains: a) ren shen (radix ginseng) instead of dang shen (radix codonopsitis pilosulae) b) gan jiang (rhizome zingiberis officinalis) instead of fu ling (sclerotium poriae cocos) c) bai zhi (radix angelicae dahuricae) instead of bai zhu (rhizome atractylodis macrocephalae) d) da zao (fructus zizyphi jujubae) instead of gan cao (radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)

61. tian ma (rhizoma gastrodiae elatae) and huai hua mi (flos sophorae japanicae) treat a) chronic childhood convulsions with heat entering Pericardium b) dizziness, vertigo, seizures and muscle spasms due to wind-phlegm c) phlegm causing convulsions d) dizziness and headeache caused by Liver yang rising

62. Which of the following formulas treats exterior wind-cold that is turning into interior heat with severe fever and chills without sweating and irritability? a) zai zao san (renewal powder) b) xiao qing long tang (minor bluegreen dragon decoction) c) jia jian wei rui tang (modified polygonatum odoratum decoction) d) da qing long tang (major bluegreen dragon decoction) 63. A patient has abdominal pain made worse by cold, urinary problems, deep aching limbs, generalized edema, loose stools, dizziness, heavy head, swollen tongue with teethmarks, and deep, thin, weak pulse. What formula is indicated? a) wu pi san (five-peel powder) b) ping wei san (calm the stomach powder) c) zhen wu tang (true warrior decoction) d) yin chen hao tang (artemesia decoction)

64. The contraindications for xiao qing long tang (minor bluedragon decoction) are a) Discontinue with loose stools; Can lead to excess heat syndromes b) Long-term use; Coughing of blood or Deficient Yin cough c) Cough due to external wind-cold; Elderly patients d) Exterior wind-heat syndrome; Cases of damp-heat

65. A patient has alternating fever and chills, dry throat, bitter taste, fullness in chest, hypochondriac pain, acid reflux, nausea, and poor appetite. What formula is indicated? a) xiao yao san (easy wanderer powder) b) da chai hu tang (major bupleurum decoction) c) xiao chai hu tang (minor bupleurum decoction) d) si ni san (frigid extremities powder)

66. gui zhi (ramulus cinnamomi cassiae) synergistically interacts with a) central nervous system inhibitors b) non-inflammatories c) muscle relaxants d) diuretics

67. You have prescribed tian wang bu xin dan (heavenly emperor's heart tonic pill) to a patient with irritability, difficulty sleeping with restless sleep, nocturnal emissions, and dry stools. After several treatments he reports improvement. However, he now also complains of sores in the tongue and mouth. How would you modify your prescription a) Add lian geng (ramuls nelumbinis) b) Add lian xin (plumula nelumbinis) c) Add lou lu (radix rhapontici) d) Add lian qiao (fructus forsythia) 68. Your point prescription is LR-2, BL-18, BL-23, and GB-20. Which formula would you prescribe? a) bu zhong yi tang (tonify the middle and increase qi decoction) b) ban xia bai zhu tian ma tang (pinellia, atractylodes and gastgrodia decoction) c) tian ma gou teng yin (gastrodia and uncariae decoction) d) er chen tang (two aged decoction)

69. What would be combined with da zao (fructus ziziphi jujubae) to regulate disharmony between the nutritive and protective qi? a) jing jie (herba schizonepeta) b) gui zhi (ramulus cinnamomi cassiae) c) bai zhi(radix angelica dahurica) d) sheng jiang (rhizoma zingiberis officinalis)

70. A diabetic patient is taking Glucotrol. Which of the following herbs will not have a hypoglycemic effect? a) dan shen (radix salviae miltiorrhizae) b) mai ya (fructus hordei vulgaris) c) ge gen (radix puerariae) d) cang zhu (rhizoma atractylodis)

71. bei mu (bulbus thunberg fritillaria) is incompatible with a) gan cao (radix glycyrrhizae) b) li lu (radix et rhizoma veratri) c) bai shao (radix paeniae lactiflorae) d) wu tou (radix aconiti)

72. What would not be combined with liu huang (sulphur) to treat scabies? a) bing pian (borneol) b) she chuang zi (fructus cnidii monnieri) c) ban mao (mylabris) d) qing fen (calomelas)

73. yu jin (tuber curcumae) antagonizes a) lang du (radix euphorbiae fischerianae) b) liu huang (sulphur) c) mi tuo seng (lithargyrum) d) ding xiang (flos caryophylli) 74. A patient has fixed pain in the bones and joints worse with cold and with reduced range of motion, due to wind-cold-damp obstruction. What formula is indicated? a) tian ma gou teng yin (gastrodia and uncaria decoction) b) zhen gan xi feng tang (sedate the liver and extinguish wind decoction) c) xiao feng san (eliminate wind powder) d) xiao huo luo dan (minor invigorate the collaterals pill)

75. The contraindications for zhen gan xi feng tang (sedate the liver and extinguish wind decoction) are a) Use with caution and modifications with Spleen Qi deficiency b) Should be prescribed only for strong constitutions c) Deficient Yin d) Deficient Qi or Blood

76. Which of the following are actions of liu huang (sulphur)? a) Relieves toxicity, kills parasites, and stops itching; Tonifies fire in the gate of vitality and strengthens yang b) Expels wind, dries dampness, relieves toxicity and kills parasites c) Dries dampness and absorbs seepage; Stops bleeding; Clears the Lungs and transforms phlegm d) Dries dampness, kills parasites, and stops itching; Warms the Kidneys and fortifies yang; Disperses cold, dispels wind, and dries dampness

77. mu li (concha ostreae), long gu (os draconis) and bai shao (radix paeoniae lactiflorae) treat a) anxiety, palpitations, insomnia, and dream-disturbed sleep b) excessive sweating c) spermatorrhea due to deficient Kidney yang d) cough and wheezing due to Kidney not grasping qi

78. What area of the body does san miao wan (three-marvel pill) treat? a) Head, neck, and shoulders b) Lower jiao and legs c) Upper jiao and arms d) Low back 79. bai zi ren (semen biotae orientalis), yuan zhi (radix polygalae) and suan zao ren (semen zizyphi spinosae) treat a) palpitations and insomnia due to deficient Heart blood b) constipation due to qi and blood xu c) mania due to excess Stomach heat d) night sweats due to deficient yin

80. How is mu dan pi (cortex moutan radicis) used for cooling the blood? a) Roasted b) Charred c) Wine treated d) Raw

81. niu bang zi (fructus arctii lappae) and lian qiao (fructus forsythia suspensae) treat a) sore throat with tongue and mouth ulcers b) chronic fever and cough c) carbuncles and mumps d) coughing of blood and pus

82. A patient has coughing and wheezing with abundant thick-yellow sputum and labored breathing. What formula is indicated? a) yue ju wan (escape restraint pill) b) ju pi zhu ru tang (citrus phyllostachys decoction) c) ding chuan tang (stop wheezing decoction) d) su zi jiang qi tang (perilla descend the qi decoction)

83. Which of the following formulas treats heat lodged in the lungs with fever (with or without sweating), thirst, wheezing, coughing, labored breathing, nasal flaring, body pain, yellow tongue coat, and slippery rapid pulse? a) ma xing shi gan tang (ephedra, apricot, gypsum, and licorice decoction) b) xie xin tang (drain the epigastrium decoction) c) yu nu jian (jade woman decoction) d) sang ju yin (mulberry leaf and chrysanthemum decoction)

84. Modification of li zhong wan (regulate the middle pill) that treats severe yang deficiency is? a) fu zi li zhong wan (prepared aconite pill to regulate the middle) b) du shen tang (unaccompanied ginseng decoction) c) zhen wu tang (true warrior decoction) d) jin gui shen qi wan (kidney qi pills from the golden cabinet) 85. wen dan tang (warm the gall bladder decoction) includes the formula er chen tang (two aged decoction) with the addition of a) jie geng (radix platycodi) and chuan bei mu (bulbus fritillariae) b) gua lou ren (semen trichosanthis) and zhu ru (caulis bambusae in taeniis) c) jie geng (radix platycodi) and zhi shi (fructus arutanti immaturus) d) zhu ru (caulis bambusae in taeniis) and zhi shi (fructus arutanti immaturus)

86. How is zhu li (succcus bambusae) prepared to mitigate its cold properties? a) fried in salt b) roasted to ash c) honey fried d) mixed with ginger juice

87. zhu ling (sclerotium polypori umbellati) and fu ling (sclerotium poriae cocos) treat a) diarrhea, edema, scanty urine, and painful urination b) diarrhea due to damp-heat c) deficient Yang edema d) cold obstructing channels leading to edema

88. The actions for tao he cheng qi tang (prunus order the qi decoction) is a) Nourishes the blood, dispels blood stasis b) Spread Liver qi and unblocks the channels c) Drains heat and breaks up stagnant blood d) Invigorates the blood, transforms stagnant blood

89. yi yi ren (semen coicis lachryma-jobi) is a) acrid, salty, cold b) sweet, bland, neutral c) sweet, bland, slightly cold d) sweet, bitter, cold

90. A patient has alternating chills and fever, fullness of epigastrium and hypochondria, abdominal pain, vomiting, and constipation. The pulse is wiry and forceful and tongue is red with yellow coat. What is the treatment? a) si ni san (frigid extremities powder) b) da chai hu tang (major bupleurum decoction) c) xiao yao san (easy wanderer powder) d) xiao chai hu tang (minor bupleurum decoction) 91. What is the primary pathogenic factor for yue ju wan (escape restraint pill)? a) stagnant damp b) stagnant food c) stagnant blood d) stagnant qi

92. Which herb promotes urination and drains Heart Heat via Small Intestine, and promotes lactations and unblocks blood vessels? a) yi yi ren (semen coicis lachryma-jobi) b) ze xie (rhizoma alismatis orientalitis) c) mu tong (caulis mutong) d) deng xin cao (medulla junci effusi)

93. All of the following herbs are incompatible with wu tou (radix aconiti) except a) xuan shen ( radix scrophulariae ningpoensis) b) bai ji (rhizoma bletillae striatae) c) bei mu (bulbus thunberg fritillaria) d) gua lou (trichosantis)

94. Which of the following herbs has a caution for pregnancy? a) ge gen b) she gan c) mu dan pi d) gui zhi

95. Which of the following herbs is the strongest at clearing heat in the Lung and Stomach? a) shi gao (gypsum) b) zhi mu (rhizoma anemarrhenae) c) lu gen (rhizome phragmitis) d) zhi zi (fructus gardeniae)

96. The contraindications for shi xiao san (sudden smile powder) are a) Pregnancy; Caution with Stomach deficiency b) Pregnancy; Blood stasis due to heat in blood c) Pregnancy; Wind-stroke with big-forceful pulse d) Pregnancy; Any active bleeding disorder 97. How is da chai hu tang (major bupleurum decoction) modified for acute jaundice? a) Add yin chen hao (herba artemesiae) and fu ling (sclerotium poriae) b) Add zhi mu (anemarrhena) and yu jin (tuber curcumae) c) Add shi gao (gypsum) and jue ming zi (semen cassia) d) Add zhi zi (fructus gardeniae) and huang bai (cortex phellodendri)

98. Which of the following would you prescribe as a tea to prevent the occurrence of summerheat? a) Celery b) Pumpkin seeds c) Mung beans d) Spring onion

99. A patient has stifling sensation in the chest and hypochondria, a feeling of something in the throat that can't be swallowed nor ejected, coughing and some vomiting. What formula is indicated? a) su zi jiang qi tang (perilla descend the qi decoction) b) yue ju wan (escape restraint pill) c) ding chuan tang (stop wheezing decoction) d) ban xia hou po tang (pinellia and magnolia decoction)

100. What would be combined with chan tui (periostracum cicadae) to vent measles? a) ge gen (radix puerariae) and niu bang zi (fructus arctii lappae) b) lian qiao (frucus forsythia) and ma bo (fructus lasiosphaera) c) jin yin hua (flos lonicerae japonicae) and lian qiao (fructus forsythiae) d) hong hua (flos carthami tinctorii) and zi cao (radix lithospermi) Herbs Board Test C - Answer Key

1. A 26. A 51. D 76. A 2. C 27. A 52. B 77. A 3. A 28. B 53. A 78. B 4. B 29. C 54. D 79. A 5. A 30. D 55. B 80. D 6. B 31. A 56. B 81. A 7. A 32. A 57. C 82. C 8. A 33. B 58. B 83. A 9. C 34. D 59. C 84. A 10. A 35. C 60. B 85. D 11. B 36. D 61. D 86. D 12. A 37. B 62. D 87. A 13. B 38. B 63. C 88. C 14. A 39. A 64. B 89. C 15. A 40. A 65. C 90. B 16. C 41. D 66. D 91. D 17. C 42. B 67. B 92. C 18. A 43. B 68. C 93. A 19. C 44. A 69. D 94. D 20. A 45. A 70. C 95. A 21. D 46. A 71. D 96. A 22. D 47. B 72. B 97. D 23. A 48. D 73. D 98. C 24. A 49. A 74. D 99. D 25. A 50. B 75. A 100. A

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