Notice of Meeting of Cranwell Parish Council

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Notice of Meeting of Cranwell Parish Council


Draft Notes of the Marston Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall, Bridge Street, Hougham on Thursday 16 October 2014 at 6.00pm.

Public Forum: Mr Gardner delivered a flower trough and subsequently left the meeting.

1) WELCOME REMARKS BY THE CHAIRMAN (14/052) The Chairman, Councillor K Gittins welcomed Members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance. Those in attendance: Councillors Brown, Cartwright, Fox, Jones, Morley and Watson and County Councillor Wood.

2) APOLOGIES (14/053) None received however Members noted that Councillors Brown and Jones would be arriving late to the meeting.

3) APPOINTMENT OF NEW COUNCILLORS (14/054) a) Declaration of Acceptance of Office i) Members formally resolved to approve the appointment of Mr Robert Morley as a Member of the Parish Council. ii) Councillors Morley and Cartwright completed and submitted their declaration forms which were duly signed and dated by the Chairman and the Clerk.

4) DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTEREST & RECEIPT OF DISPENSATIONS (14/055) a) To receive reports on members’ disclosable pecuniary interests and dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. i) None. b) The Clerk received forms of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest from Councillors Cartwright and Morley.

5) SIGNING OF THE MINUTES (14/056) The Clerk’s notes from the meeting of Thursday 4 September 2014 were agreed to be a true and accurate record and were signed and dated accordingly by the Chairman.

6) COUNTY, DISTRICT & POLICE MATTERS (14/057) a) County Councillor P Wood County Councillor Wood reported that Lincolnshire County Council (hereafter referred to as LCC) will have to cut spending by 90 million pounds in coming years due to a reduction in grants from government. The plan is to reduce staffing levels by 9% but cuts to other services will be required. Councillor Wood stated that LCC has confirmed that they will safeguard the cost of highway maintenance. Councillor Wood also told the meeting that the Boundary Commission is going to start a review of LCC’s wards.

b) District Councillor Mrs R Kaberry-Brown Not present.

7) CLERK’S REPORT (14/058) a) Update from the Clerk in relation to the Community Access Defibrillator Scheme i) The Clerk informed Members that enquiries with Western Power in relation to the power supply are on-going. ii) The Clerk informed Members that the cost of a thermal jacket from the Community Heartbeat Trust (in the event that an electricity supply cannot be provided to the cPAD box) is £55.00. iii) The Clerk informed Members that Mrs Caroline Brown had kindly offered to carry out the weekly inspections and online reporting via the online webnos system.

Page 14 October 2014 Chairman’s signature: iv) The Clerk explained that the cost of the basic maintenance package from the Community Heartbeat Trust is £126.00 plus VAT. This includes electrode replacement (expired and rescue), replacement batteries, an annual service check on the defibrillator and cabinet, a loan defibrillator if the defibrillator is out of service for any reason, access to the webnos governance system and counselling service. Members resolved to approve expenditure for the annual maintenance package at a cost of £126.00. Members noted the date and time of the awareness session organised by Mrs Brown: Thursday 27 November 2014.

j) TPO, Marston Hall i) The Clerk read out the email received from P. Moore dated 7 October 2014 in relation to the TPO application, “The tree in itself if a very interesting specimen and particular note from a historical perspective – this factor alone would not warrant making a TPO”. He goes on to say that, “the loss of the tree would have to have significant negative impact on the local environment and its enjoyment by the public”. Mr Moore said that he “does not believe that this is the case here”. Councillor Fox explained his reasons for disagreeing with this statement. County Councillor Wood suggested that the Parish Council challenge Mr Moore’s decision. Action: Clerk to liaise with County Councillor Wood in relation to correspondence between the Parish Council and the Planning Officer.

k) Trees, Amenity Area i) Councillor Jones obtained prices for the three suggested trees for the amenity area; approximately £12 for the Mountain Ash and £20 each for the White Bean and the Red Acer. Members resolved to approve up to £65.00 in expenditure for the purchase of the saplings. Action: Councillor Jones to effect the purchase.

l) Dog Waste Bag Dispensers i) Following lengthy debate Members resolved to defer the purchase of an additional three units pending enquiries with SKDC regarding the suitability of their dog waste bags. Action: Clerk to obtain a supply of waste bags from SKDC. Members to assess whether the bags are suitable for the Belloo dispensers. ii) Members resolved to approve expenditure for the purchase of a waste bin to be located on Stonepit Lane. Action: Councillor Fox to obtain permission from Mr Beckett in relation to the siting of the waste bin. Clerk to make enquiries with SKDC in relation to the emptying the bin. Clerk to effect the purchase pending the above enquiries. Councillor Brown to obtain permission from Mrs Morton in relation to the potential siting of a dog waste bag dispenser. Clerk to liaise with Anglian Water in relation to a waste bin in the bird hide car park.

e) Bulb Planting i) Item to be discussed under Item 8. a).

f) Section 137, BLOT i) Members discussed a Section 137 payment to Belvoir Locals Oppose Turbines (BLOT) who are appealing the decision on the Green Lane wind turbine. Members resolved to approve a Section 137 payment to BLOT of £200.00.

g) Councillor Training i) The Clerk explained that the two new Councillors have been booked on Councillor Training Days with LALC. The Clerk explained that the Parish Council has not subscribed to the annual training scheme this year but it may be worth joining now if the new Councillors intend on attending additional courses. Action: Clerk to find out the cost of an individual training day and the annual training scheme.

Page 15 October 2014 Chairman’s signature: h) Appointment of Flood Warden i) Councillor Cartwright put himself forward as a candidate for the role of Flood Warden. Members resolved to approve the appointment of Councillor Cartwright to the role of Flood Warden.

i) Speeding through Marston i) Members noted the letter of complaint from Mr Barradell in relation to speeding within Marston and the response by PC 900 Nick Smith dated 28 September 2014. There was general discussion surrounding the on-going speeding problem through the village. There was discussion surrounding the purchase of a shared reactive sign. Councillor Brown suggested the purchase of wheelie bin stickers as the cost would be minimal. Action: Clerk to investigate the cost of wheelie bin stickers.

8) HIGHWAYS (14/059) a) Area Highways i) Flower Troughs The Clerk confirmed that the estimate received Mr Gardner is £288.00 plus VAT for three flower troughs. Members discussed who would take responsibility for maintenance of the troughs and the durability and design of the model provided by Mr Gardner. Councillor Brown suggested a site meeting at the Toll Bar Road ‘Marston’ sign with the trough in situ to assess the suitability of the model. The site meeting was scheduled for Sunday 19th October 2014 at 10am. The Clerk reminded Members of the sum of the Community Cleaning Grant £666.12 to spend on community improvements. Action: Members to put the box on display at the PC meeting in situ to assess whether it is suitable. Site meeting to be arranged with Mr Gardner.

ii) To receive any updates regarding outstanding works: Subsidence on Barkston Road. Action: Clerk to bring to the attention of the Barkston Parish Council Clerk. The Chairman reported that Church Walk has been swept by the road sweeper. The Chairman reported that the grit bin had been hit and moved slightly by a car.

a) South Kesteven District Council i) None.

9) PLANNING MATTERS (14/060) a) Members noted the decisions received since the last meeting: i) S14/1846 Hoyes – Bridge Street, Marston, NG32 2HL (Erection of dwelling). Refused 23 September 2014. ii) S14/1893 Moore – The Old Watermill, Mill Lane, Marston, NG32 2HS (Erection of summer house and associated decking). Approved conditionally, 17 September 2014.

b) Members noted the decisions still pending: i) S14/1997 Foster – Le Shou, Stonepit Lane, Marston (Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of dwelling and garage. ii) S14/2472 Cooke – Land at Wagtail Country Park, Cliff Lane, Marston (Erection of one dwelling in association with Wagtail Country Park).

c) Members noted the email from Mr P Moore, the Planning Officer at SKDC dated 18 September 2014 in relation to the Green Lane Wind Turbine and any potential appeal on their behalf. “The Council, acting in respect of its role as the Local Planning Authority, has taken Counsel’s advice regarding the robustness of the appeal decision. The advice we have received has concluded that the Inspector reached a decision to which he was entitled having adequately interpreted the relevant

Page 16 October 2014 Chairman’s signature: policies and properly considered the applicable evidence. Accordingly the Council will not be pursuing a challenge in the High Court”.

Councillor Wood reported on the East Coast Mainline meeting for Parish Councils relating to the East Coast Mainline and plans to close the crossing at Frinkley Lane.

10) FINANCE (14/061) a) Members noted the following income received. i) None.

b) Members noted the following payments made in September with the authorisation of two signatories. i) Clerk’s September Salary 86.30

Clerk’s Mileage 7.80

Total 94.10

c) Members resolved to approve the following payments. i) Community Heartbeat Trust, Annual Maintenance Package 126.00

ii) Clerk’s October Salary 133.77

Clerk’s Mileage 13.52

Total 147.29

iii) Clerk’s Expenses Postage 3.27 iv) Section 137, BLOT 200.00

d) The income and expenditure account was accepted and the bank balances were verified. The bank statements and bank reconciliation documents were signed by Councillor Jones. Action: Clerk to amend the bank reconciliation for November to show separation between Clerk’s salary and mileage.

e) Budget considerations: The Clerk informed Members that she required details of any schemes or projects with costs for the budget for next financial year by Friday 21 November 2014. Councillor Watson proposed the implementation of online banking, which was deferred from the September meeting. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Brown and passed by resolution of the Council. Action: Clerk to bring a list of payments suitable for payment by online banking to the next meeting for approval. Clerk to propose amendments to the Financial Regulations.

11) CORRESPONDENCE (14/062) a) Members noted the letter from Larkfleet Homes dated 3 October 2013 in relation to the development on land off Longcliffe Road in Manthorpe.

12) URGENT MATTERS DISCUSSION (NOT resolution) (14/063) Councillor Cartwright showed Members the Do Not Disturb leaflet/poster for Halloween which he thought was useful. It was agreed a poster on the noticeboard; parishioners to request a copy from Councillor Watson.

13) DATE OF FUTURE MEETINGS (14/064) Tuesday 9 December 2014 TBC

Page 17 October 2014 Chairman’s signature: The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.34 pm.

Page 18 October 2014 Chairman’s signature:

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