PLS PTA Meeting from 08/11/09

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PLS PTA Meeting from 08/11/09

PLS PTA Members Meeting Minutes from 09/28/10 Submitted by Diana Bauer, Secretary

Call to order: 6:05pm In attendance: Jill Andersen, Diana Bauer, Natalee Bray, Kathy Gilchrist, Joni Carlson, Laurie Holm, Amy Sjoblad, Megan Zierden, Cindi Boyda, Tracy Wallin, Crystal Swenson, Amy Gitchell, Ann Flaws, Heidi Larson, Brandon Andersen, Randy Hansen, Don Lenzen, Shari Monahan, Missy Trees, Janet Hennies, Missy Friberg, Deanna Marthaler, Rene Millner, Kristi Duff, Lori Blaukat. Meet and Greet: Everyone said hello to their neighbor and the board members introduced themselves. Jill also handed out note cards for members to write down ideas of things they’d like to see us doing as a PTA. Minutes: Janet Hennies made a motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting, Kristi Duff seconded and we all voted yes to approve. New things the PTA tried last year that worked: Muffins with Moms/Donuts with Dads: Thank you Kristi Duff for doing so much to make this a success! On average 50 – 75 parents attended each time. Very positive feedback and lots of thank yous have been received from parents etc! Dates for this year are in the newsletter. School Supplies: Thank you to Lisa Doerr for organizing this! Booth Office Supply did a great job! 93 orders came in and Booth donated a dollar to us for every one of them. Parents loved it and more want to do it next year! Raz Summer Reading: Thank you to Kathy Gilchrist for organizing this – it went well and it will be opened up to more grade levels this year. New things we will be doing this year: Health & Wellness program: Janet Hennies and Amy Sjoblad are organizing this – please let them know if you are interested in helping with this. November will the kick off for this program since that is Health & Wellness month. They want to reach out the community and the students families as well and get them involved in this. Watch D.O.G.S: This program is being put together with EV now and is designed to get dads involved in the everyday activities of the school. They can help with security, greeting students and visitors to the school or whatever the school may need them to do. We have had quite a few dads already show interest in this program! Volunteer Room: Joni Carlson is working on getting this put together. It will be a room designated for parents and volunteers who will then have their own space to help with things at the school. Parent’s Night Out: This will be fun and much needed for so many parents I am sure! Missy Trees is organizing it. Volunteers NEEDED!! Literacy Collaborative Library needs help badly! Teresa in the office needs help with running messages to teachers, handouts and picture retake day. Sign ups with details went around the room not only for members in attendance but to tell others about these opportunities. The schools appreciate volunteers so much!! New Business: Budget: Members reviewed the budget and Randy Hansen motioned to have them approved, Ann Flaws seconded the motion and all members approved the motion. Audit Committee for 2010/2011: The audit committee will be auditing the PTA’s books etc on occasion throughout the year. Members: Laurie Holm and Kathy Gilchrist. Speaker: Bonnie Cannon, President Elect MN PTA. 26 years involved in the PTA – wanted to get more involved in her kids school. 17,000 members in the PTA right now. Spoke to us about the history of the PTA and all that the PTA has accomplished for so many over the years. Some examples of these are: Hot lunch programs, summer round up aka kindergarten round up, seat belts being put in cars, TV ratings, sprinklers being put in schools/businesses, etc etc etc. Ideas that Bonnie gave us: “A day of pay to the PTA” giving a days wages to the PTA , “PTA three for me” giving 3 hours of your time per child per year, Home Depot has programs for PTAs and schools. Bonnie also told us of how the PTA is getting more and more dads involved!! There is also a National Website that members can go to and get discounts – check it out! The National Convention for PTA is June 9-12 in Orlando, FL this year.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:07pm.

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