Phase Team Leader
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Job Description Phase Team Leader Grade: M1-U3 and TLR 2b
Responsible to: Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher.
Job Purpose To seek to ensure that pupils attain the highest possible standards in all aspects of school life. To ensure a consistent approach to planning, teaching and assessment and to ensure that there is continuity and progression in pupil’s learning. To be responsible for pupils’ safety and welfare. To take specific responsibility and accountability for the day to day management and organisation of your TLR area. To be an excellent classroom practitioner. To have an impact on educational progress beyond your assigned pupils. To line manage and appraise identified staff. To assist in the smooth running of the school at all times, including being responsible with the other TLR holders in the absence of the headteacher and deputy headteacher.
Professional Duties In line with the current Pay and Conditions agreement and Teachers’ Standards, it is the responsibility of the post holder to carry out the following professional duties:
Fulfil the role of Class Teacher. This will include:
Generic Responsibilities a) To work consistently to uphold the school’s mission statement b) To follow all school policies c) To work in a co-operative and polite manner with all stakeholders d) To work with pupils in a courteous, positive, caring and responsible manner at all times e) To follow the child protection procedures and ensure that, pupils’ safety and well-being is never compromised f) To be polite, co-operative and positive when communicating to other staff g) To take an active and positive role in the school’s commitment to the development of staff, and their annual review procedures h) To work with visitors in such a way that it enhances the reputation of the school i) To seek to improve the quality of the school’s overall service j) To present oneself in a professional way that is consistent with the values and expectations of the school.
Specific Responsibilities
Relationships with children, setting high expectations and motivating learners 1. Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils a) maintain a safe and stimulating learning environment for pupils, rooted in mutual respect which can be used as a model for colleagues b) set targets that stretch and challenge pupils of all backgrounds, abilities and dispositions c) demonstrate consistently the positive attitudes, values and behaviour which are expected of pupils.
Pupil progress 2. Achieve good progress and outcomes by pupils a) ensure pupils make at least the expected rate of progress b) be accountable for pupils’ attainment and outcomes and know when and how to intervene most effectively c) plan teaching to build on pupils' capabilities and prior knowledge which can be used as exemplar planning documentation d) guide pupils to reflect on the progress they have made and their emerging needs e) demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how pupils learn and how this impacts on teaching f) encourage pupils to take a responsible and conscientious attitude to their own work.
Subject and curriculum knowledge and pedagogy 3. Demonstrate excellent subject and curriculum knowledge a) have an extensive knowledge of the relevant subjects and curriculum areas, foster and maintain pupils’ interest in the subjects, and address misunderstandings b) demonstrate a critical understanding of developments in the subjects and curriculum areas, and promote the value of scholarship c) promote high standards of literacy, articulacy and the correct use of standard English and model this practice for other colleagues d) demonstrate a clear understanding of systematic synthetic phonics and model this practice for other colleagues e) demonstrate a thorough understanding of appropriate teaching strategies for mathematics and model this practice for other colleagues.
Effective classroom practice 4. Plan and teach well-structured lessons which are observed by other colleagues as models of consistently good and frequently outstanding practice a) ensure all teaching is at least good b) impart knowledge and develop detailed understanding through highly effective use of lesson time c) promote a love of learning and children’s intellectual curiosity d) set homework and plan other out-of-class activities to consolidate and extend the knowledge and understanding pupils have acquired e) reflect systematically on the effectiveness of lessons and approaches to teaching and share these with other colleagues f) contribute creatively to the design and provision of an engaging curriculum.
Diversity and special needs: meeting the needs of all pupils 5. Adapt teaching effectively to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils a) know when and how to differentiate appropriately, skilfully using strategies which enable all pupils to be taught effectively b) have a clear understanding of how a range of factors can inhibit pupils’ ability to learn, and how best to overcome these c) possess an acute awareness of the physical, social and intellectual development of children, and know in detail how to adapt teaching to support pupils’ education at different stages of development d) have a thorough understanding of the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs; those of high ability; those with English as an additional language; those with disabilities; and be able to use and evaluate distinctive teaching approaches to engage and support them.
Assessment for learning 6. Make accurate and productive use of assessment a) have an extensive knowledge and thorough understanding of how to assess the relevant subject and curriculum areas, including statutory assessment requirements b) provide an exemplary model of how to use formative and summative assessment to secure pupils’ progress c) analyse and use relevant data to monitor progress, set targets, and plan subsequent lessons d) give pupils regular feedback, both orally and through accurate and frequent marking, and encourage pupils to respond to the feedback.
Managing behaviour 7. Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a positive and safe learning environment a) maintain clear and consistent rules and routines for behaviour in classrooms, and take responsibility for promoting exemplary and courteous behaviour both in classrooms and around the school, in accordance with the school’s discipline policy b) maintain high expectations of behaviour, and use the school’s established framework for discipline with a range of strategies, using praise, sanctions and rewards consistently and fairly c) manage classes effectively, using approaches which are appropriate to pupils’ needs in order to involve and motivate them d) maintain good relationships with pupils, exercise appropriate authority, and act decisively when necessary.
The wider professional role of the teacher 8. Fulfil wider professional responsibilities a) make a positive and sustained contribution to the wider life and ethos of the school b) make a distinctive contribution to raising pupils’ standards c) be proactive in developing effective professional relationships with colleagues to promote collaboration, knowing how and when to draw on advice and specialist support d) deploy support staff effectively e) work effectively as part of a team and demonstrate positive and professional behaviour during meetings f) contribute to the professional development of other colleagues, demonstrating effective practice and providing advice, guidance and feedback a) act as a mentor for newly qualified and trainee teachers b) communicate effectively with parents with regard to pupils’ achievements and well-being.
Additional Responsibilities
Fulfil the role of Phase Team Leader. This will include:
9. Leadership and management a) Support and implement the vision and ethos of the school b) Contribute to, implement and evaluate the success of the school improvement plan relevant to your TLR area c) Ensure that the work of your team is inclusive and issues are addressed in pastoral and/or curriculum management d) Ensure policies are translated into practice by your team and that you bring to the attention of the senior leadership team any which may need revisions or amendments e) Together with the senior leadership team, lead on the school self-evaluation process for your TLR area including lesson observations, monitoring of school standards and bringing about improvement f) As appropriate contribute to the writing of self-evaluation and policy documents g) Manage effectively the transition of pupils to and from your phase and within it h) Promote cross-curricular approaches to teaching and learning i) Be a proactive and effective member of the school leadership team j) Be an effective role model for your team in terms of teaching, behaviour and classroom management.
10. Teaching and learning responsibility a) Lead a phase team b) Have overall responsibility and accountability for your TLR area ensuring curriculum continuity, consistency, balance, match and progression c) Lead regular meetings relevant to your TLR area with colleagues d) Develop, demonstrate and promote teaching and learning activities appropriate to the age and ability range.
11. Monitoring and assessment a) Together with the senior leadership team, contribute to, monitor and review the impact of teaching and pupil progress through the use of the school’s online tracking system and the analysis of data, ensuring the use of information for planning and target setting across your TLR area b) Monitor standards as relevant to your TLR area including reviewing planning, scrutinising pupils’ work, conducting pupil interviews and moderating assessment judgements.
12. Deployment of staff and resources a) Support the senior leadership team in the effective deployment of staff in your TLR area b) Be responsible for the organisation, planning and evaluation of the school programmes as relevant to your TLR area c) Manage, monitor and accurately account for any budget for your TLR area d) Evaluate, organise and monitor the use of resources. 13. Staff development a) Act as a reviewer with the arrangements for the appraisal of all identified staff b) Take a lead role in identifying group and/or individual training needs and provide support for colleagues within your TLR area c) Act as a role model, mentor or consultant to colleagues as appropriate and encourage collaboration, co-operation and teamwork d) Ensure you keep up to date with current developments in your TLR area and disseminate information as appropriate.
Review of Performance Performance management reviews will focus on the post holder’s responsibilities and professional development linked to the school improvement priorities. There is recognition that however good we are at our work, we should embrace the notion of ‘continuous improvement’.
Any other duties deemed reasonable, as directed by the Headteacher.
This job description may be reviewed at the end of the academic year (or earlier if necessary) and can be amended after consultation with the post holder.
September 2017