Building paragraphs around arguments and the evidence within those arguments. Use the persuasive techniques to explain/highlight these.

For example:

That animal dissection is educational.

What evidence is used to support this argument? What persuasive techniques are use to position an audience?

…. - Fill in the gaps

The piece opens with an image of…….. and is supported by the statement that……. This immediately establishes support for her view that the Danes view public animal dissection as educational. (Now describe the image keeping this contention in mind – remember where, why, what).To further support this view, Russell calls on the expertise of Professor Peter Sandoe, Professor of Bioethics who has also been Chairmans of ……. . His experience in the ethics of an animal welfare lends credibility to the attitude that public animal dissections are not cruel but rather a cultural and educational experience Denmark. His statement that it is a “Danish tradition going back 400 years” gives credibility to what he says that it is an established practice and this combined with “typically to do with children in a holiday” further emphasises that dissections for children are common place and they are familiar with this tradition. The word ‘typical’ provides a sense of the ordinary and this linked with the image descriptor of the children as “school age” and on holidays creates a relaxed, mood….

To further emphasise the view that the these animal dissections are an important part of Danish culture, Russell highlights the educational benefits…/the scientific benefits/ that Danes see animals as animals

In a matter of fact tone Russell explains the necessity in killing Marius an ‘ 18 month old…healthy’ giraffe. Marius is ‘unsuitable’ because his ‘genes were too common’. This indicates the lack of emotion the Danes have for animals seeing the decision as a practical one. However, Russell’s word choice suggests that she view this as a little dispassionate. The image of the giraffe ‘given a last meal’ creates a human image of a condemned prisoner. This underpins the ‘international outcry’ that occurred as unlike the Danes who see animals as animals, Russell like other people see the dissection of animals as in humane.

Russell shift of tone occurs as she acknowledges her own hypocrisy as a meat- eater…