June 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0693r2

IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs

Consollidated TGn SB4 – CRC minutes

Date: 2009-06-22

Author(s): Name Affiliation Address Phone email 10871 N 5750 W Jon Rosdahl CSR +1-801-492-4023 [email protected] Highland, Utah

Abstract Minutes of the Teleconfernces for TGn CRC for June 22, 2009

R0 – June 22 Telecon minutes. R1 – Corrected Title, date, and vote on 2nd motion, John Barr (JRBarr, Ltd) was in attendance for the vote. R2 – Timezone quoted was corrected and missing refernce document added.

The Teleconference meetings will be conducted in accordance to the usual policies and procedures: IEEE CODE OF ETHICS IEEE-STANDARDS ASSOCIATION (IEEE-SA) AFFILATION FAQ IEEE-SA ANTITRUST AND COMPETITION POLICY IEEE-SA LETTER OF ASSURANCE (LOA) FORM IEEE-SA STANDARDS BOARD PATENT COMMITTEE (PATCOM) INFORMATION IEEE-SA PATENT POLICY IEEE-SA PATENT FAQ IEEE 802 LAN/MAN STANDARDS COMMITTEE POLICIES & PROCEDURES IEEE 802.11 Working Group Policies and Procedures at https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/public-file/07/11-07-0360-04-0000-802-11-policies- and-procedures.doc

Minutes page 1 Jon Rosdahl, CSR June 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0693r2

2009-06-22 TGn CRC Telecom Present: Eldad Perahia, Intel Jon Rosdahl, CSR Bruce Kraemer, Marvell (Chair) Adrian Stephens, Intel Doug Chan, Cisco Dave Bagby, Calypso Ventures Inc Vinko, Erceg, Broadcom Liwen Chu, ST John Barr, Motorola George Vlantis, ST

Minutes: Meeting started at 9:05am Eastern. 1 Anybody require review of IP policies. No response

2 Anybody needs to bring notice of IP? No response.

3 Adrian reviewed the comments in 11-09-0024r14

4 Comment resolutions were proposed in 11-09-0690r1. Some resolutions were adjusted, and were included in 11-09-0690r2 and Doc 11-09-0690r2 was posted. This was reviewed and no objection to proceeding, or with the content.

5 Motion: 441: Approve comment resolutions in document 11-09-0690r2

5.1. Moved: Adrian Stephens 2nd Jon Rosdahl

5.2. no further discussion

5.3. Vote: Vinko Ercerg yes Adrian Stephens yes Jon Rosdahl yes Liwen abstain Bruce Kraemer abstain David Bagby yes Doug Chan yes Eldad Perahia yes 5.4. Motion passes 6 yes, 0 no, 2 abstain

5.5. John Barr joined call

6 Motion 442: Having approved comment resolutions from P802.11n SB4 approve a 10-day sponsor ballot recirculation asking the question "Should P802.11n D11.0 be forwarded to RevCom?"

6.1. Moved Adrian Stephens, 2nd Doug Chan

6.2. no discussion:

6.3. Vote Vinko Ercerg yes Adrian Stephens yes Jon Rosdahl yes

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Liwen abstain Bruce Kraemer abstain David Bagby yes Doug Chan yes Eldad Perahia yes John Barr, yes 6.4. Motion passes 7 yes, 0 no, 2 abstain

7 Review of timeline going forward.

7.1. SB5 would start on June 24th and conclude on July 4th, and a CRC call on July 8th would be held to review any comments received. If we do not receive any new comments, we would present TGn to EC for approval to send to RevCom. It has to be on the RevCom Agenda by July 31st.

7.2. George Valentis joined call

7.3. Question on SB5, will the question be the same A: yes, but the cover letter will be different to explain that the draft did not change, and to recirculate all the unresolved comments.

8 AOB:

8.1. The call will not be cancelled until Bruce ensures that he can get Mike K. to get the Sponsor Ballot started on Wednesday and if there is any surprises we would hold it, but it is unlikely.

9 Next call July 8th. 11 am EDT.

10 Adjorned 12:41 EDT.

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References: June 22: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/09/11-09-0024-14-000n-tgn-sb-composite-comments.xls https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/09/11-09-0690-01-000n-tgn-sb4-comment-resolutions.doc https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/09/11-09-0690-02-000n-tgn-sb4-comment-resolutions.doc

Minutes page 4 Jon Rosdahl, CSR