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Aboriginal Languages Initiative (ALI) 2018-2019 Application Funding Form
The Aboriginal Languages Initiative (ALI) is administered by the First Peoples’ Cultural Council with funding from the Department of Canadian Heritage (DCH), Aboriginal Peoples’ Program.
Application Deadline: Friday, December 15, 2017 Only hard copy applications will be accepted. Mailed applications must be postmarked on or before the deadline date. Hand delivered applications must be received by 4:30pm on the day of the deadline.
The FPCC is accepting proposals to the ALI for up to $50,000. Grants should be between $25,000 - $50,000 maximum, per year.
Multi-year funding is available for projects that span over two fiscal years: YEAR 1 : July 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019 YEAR 2 : April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020 Should you choose to submit a multi-year application, you will need to complete, for each fiscal year: 2 different Resource and/or Participatory tables (complete the appropriate tables based on the above dates, up to two per year) 2 different budgets (complete the appropriate budget sheet for YEAR 1 and YEAR 2) 2 different work plans (one per year)
You can choose to submit for YEAR 1 only as funding will remain available in YEAR 2 should you wish to submit an application in the 2019-2020 call for applications (to be launched in Fall 2018). Applications for YEAR 2 only will not be accepted at this time.
Please refer to the Funding Guide for further information about multi-year agreements.
Funding Guide: When completing this ALI application form, please refer to the Aboriginal Languages Initiative Program Funding Guide 2018–2019. The guide provides detailed information on all the items that you are required to address in this application. If you require assistance with your application, please contact First Peoples’ Cultural Council at 250-652-5952.
Timeline: Application Deadline: December 15, 2017 Application Review Period: December 2017 – July 2018 Funding Notice: July 2018 Project term: July 2018 – March 31, 2019 (YEAR 1) Final Report YEAR 1: April 30, 2019
Aboriginal Languages Initiative 2018 - 2019 Page 1 of 16 Aboriginal Languages Initiative (ALI) 2018-2019 Application Funding Form
Application Checklist Only complete applications will be accepted. Please confirm that your application is complete.
Application Form Cover letter (dated and signed) Application Form is complete (all sections are filled out) and signed by an authorized representative Workplan (Appendix I) is complete and attached (NOTE: Two separate work plans are required for 2-year proposals, one per year.) Project Budget Form is complete and attached (Ensure all budget categories are fully described and that line items correctly add up to the total amount requested) (NOTE: Two separate budget forms are required for 2-year proposals, one per year.)
Community Support and Governance Documentation A minimum of three (3) dated and signed letters of support are attached (from community, partners, etc.), AND Band Council Resolution (dated and signed) OR a letter of support signed by the Chief or Councillor is attached
Language Needs Assessment An Online Language Needs Assessment has been completed for this funding year, and the summary is attached (Please see the instructions for filling out the LNA here:
I confirm that all applications materials as checked above are complete and submitted in hard copy on or before December 15th, 2017 at 4:30pm:
______Signature Date
______Print Name & Title
Aboriginal Languages Initiative 2018 - 2019 Page 2 of 16 Aboriginal Languages Initiative (ALI) 2018 - 2019 Application Funding Form
PART A. Community Organization Information
1. Applicant Identification Funding Guide – P.6 Organization Name (legal name of grant payee):
Primary Contact: Telephone:
Title: Email:
Secondary Contact: Telephone:
Title: Email:
Mailing Address / City/Province / Postal Code:
Courier (physical) Address / City/Province / Postal Code:
Fax: Website:
First Nation(s) Affiliated with Organization Applying:
First Nations Language:
First Nations Language Dialect (if applicable):
2. Does your organization have general liability insurance coverage ($2 million) - this is a requirement for organizations applying for ALI funding. Funding Guide – P.6
( ) Yes ( ) No
Aboriginal Languages Initiative 2018 - 2019 Page 3 of 16 3. What is the mandate of your organization? Describe the programs and services the organization provides. Funding Guide – P.6
4. Describe the organization’s experience in delivering projects. Funding Guide – P.6
5. Indicate all previous/current funding from the First Peoples’ Cultural Council Funding Guide – P.6 Fiscal Year Project Title Amount Funded Final Report Submitted? Mark Yes or No below ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Yes ( ) No
Aboriginal Languages Initiative 2018 - 2019 Page 4 of 16 PART B. Language Project Information:
6. Total Funding Requested from ALI: Funding Guide – P.6 YEAR 1: YEAR 2 (If applicable): TOTAL (YEAR 1 + YEAR 2):
7. Title of Project Funding Guide –P.7
8. Language Strategy: Which language strategy best describes your project? (Projects may include up to two different strategies per project year.) Participatory Funding Guide – P.7 Resources Funding Guide – P.7 (Language learning) (Archiving and documentation) Language immersion for children/youth (0-18 yrs) Documentation and/or archiving Language immersion for adults (19 yrs+) FirstVoices Language & Culture Camp Materials development Other (describe) ______Other (describe) ______
Projects that provide direct language instruction Projects that develop new language must be held outside of Grade K-12 classes or learning resources, or use existing learning accredited course work. resources, must have a broad appeal and a detailed distribution plan.
Note that priority will be given to:
Projects that are participatory in nature; that involve a sizable number of people; and that focus on the intergenerational transmission of Indigenous languages. Projects that produce language resources that are accessible free of charge to all language communities, educational institutions and all Canadians. Projects that demonstrate innovative use of technology; and, Projects that have sought out partnerships (e.g. cash and/or in-kind) to achieve outcomes.
10. Project Description (who, what, when and where) Funding Guide – P.9
Aboriginal Languages Initiative 2018 - 2019 Page 5 of 16 Describe your project and all key activities and deliverables. Include: 1. What activities will you do? When will you do them? Who will participate? AND/OR What resources will you create? Who will create them? Who will use them?
2. What will be the outcomes of your project? Who will benefit? How will they benefit?
Develop your project description as a last step, once all of the other templates have been completed.
11. Project start and end date: Funding Guide –Page 9 YEAR 1 projects may not start before July 2018 and must be complete by March 31, 2019. Projects spanning two years must be complete by March 31, 2020.
Start: End:
12. Project Activity & Objective Summary Provide a summary of the key activities and objectives that will be completed with this funding.
Aboriginal Languages Initiative 2018 - 2019 Page 6 of 16 Include the deliverables related to each activity. Also describe the expected results of each proposed activity. What outcomes are expected? If you are applying for two years, include activities and results for YEAR 1 and YEAR 2. Funding Guide – P.9
Activities & Objectives (describe each key activity and related objectives):
Expected Results (provide three or more):
13. Project Team: Who are the key members of this project and what are their skills and responsibilities related to the project. Funding Guide – P.10 Name: Role/Responsibility:
14. Project Inclusion – Funding Guide – P.10 Number of First Nations communities that will directly benefit from this project: ______
15. Project Partnerships. List any organization/institution that will be involved in meeting the objectives of the proposal, and clearly identify the role they will play in the project. Funding Guide – P.10
Aboriginal Languages Initiative 2018 - 2019 Page 7 of 16 Provide the name & Identify if your partnerships Describe the nature of the contact information are on-going or project partnership: for each of your partners: specific:
16. Re-occurring Projects If any of the proposed activities are a continuation of those carried out in the previous fiscal year, please explain how the current project differs from the ones completed previously (how has the project evolved?). For continuing language transmission projects, a progression of language skills must be demonstrated. Funding Guide – P.10
17. Project Rationale Why is this project needed? How do the project and its objectives meet the needs in the community? Funding Guide – P.10
Aboriginal Languages Initiative 2018 - 2019 Page 8 of 16 18. Evaluation Plan Describe your evaluation framework for the project. How will you measure the success of this project? For participatory activities, how will you know if participants have improved their language skills? Who will monitor the project? Funding Guide – P.10
19. Work Plan: Appendix I Describe the tasks required at each step of the project. The template for the workplan is located at the end of this application form – see Appendix 1 on Page 13. Funding Guide – P.11 Preparing your Work Plan:
Aboriginal Languages Initiative 2018 - 2019 Page 9 of 16 The Workplan template contains three steps: Preparation, Implementation, and Reporting on Results. Each step has four sections that need to be completed.
. Tasks: Clearly describe the specific tasks that need to be completed at each step of the project and related to each key activity. . Timeline: Clearly indicate when each task starts and ends (or when it should be completed). . Deliverables: Clearly describe what products will be delivered at the end of each task. . Person responsible: Clearly indicate who will be responsible for ensuring that the task is completed.
If you are submitting a two-year proposal, you must complete two separate work plans, one for each year of the project.
20. Communication Plan Outline how you will communicate about the project, and the outcomes of the project, to your target or priority groups. Funding Guide – P.11
21. Key Strategies Funding Guide – P.11 There are 2 types of strategies: 1. Participatory (language learning activities) and, 2. Resource Development (archiving & documentation)
Aboriginal Languages Initiative 2018 - 2019 Page 10 of 16 Please complete the form below for your proposed strategies. Projects may include a maximum of two (2) strategies within or across these categories (see P.5, Strategies). If you are submitting a two-year proposal, you must complete the tables below for each year of the project. Please add an extra column for YEAR 2, or duplicate the table on an additional page.
PARTICIPATORY ACTIVITIES : If your project involves 2 participatory strategies, please add an extra column or duplicate the table on an additional page. Type of activity: (Classes, language nests, camp, master- apprentice, etc.) Language:
Location of activity: (community centre, school, home, etc.) Level of language knowledge: (Beginner, intermediate, advanced)
Duration: (hours/day and days/week) Frequency: (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.) For how long- max 39 weeks: (# of weeks) Total to be delivered for the entire duration of the project: (# classes, nests, camps, sessions, etc.)
# of participants per session:
Total # of hours/classes per participant:
What % of the activity will be delivered in the language (vs. in English): (e.g. 100% in the language = full immersion) Content: (Grammar, conversational skills, reading, writing, etc.)
Delivered by whom: (language instructor, Elder, etc.)
Target audience: (children, youth, adults, etc.) RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT : If your project involves 2 resource development strategies, please add an extra column or duplicate the table on an additional page. Funding Guide – P.11 Type of resource: (Books, pamphlets, CD-DVD, website, APP, etc.)
Aboriginal Languages Initiative 2018 - 2019 Page 11 of 16 Language:
Language knowledge level: (Beginner, intermediate, advanced) Content: (story, dictionary, images with words, etc.) Based on existing resource? (Specify: transcribing stories, etc.)
Total # of resources: (e.g. 5 different children’s books)
Total # of copies per resource: (e.g. 50 copies per book)
Total # of copies: (e.g. 5 books x 50 copies = 250 copies) # of pages, OR # of words, OR # minutes (of audio/video resource): Illustrated? # of illustrations? To be done by whom?
Developed by whom:
Translated? Available in which language?
Target audience: (youth, adults, etc.)
How will the resource be used?
Distribution plan: (internet/online, email, mail, school, library, community centre, etc.)
22. Signing Authority Funding Guide – P.12
I declare that: 1. The information in this application is accurate and complete. 2. The application is made on behalf of the organization named on page one with its full knowledge and consent.
Aboriginal Languages Initiative 2018 - 2019 Page 12 of 16 3. If funding is provided, the organization will submit financial statements and activity reports as required by the Department of Canadian Heritage and the First Peoples’ Cultural Council. 4. If funding is provided, the organization will submit an evaluation of the project funded, as required by the Department of Canadian Heritage and the First Peoples’ Cultural Council. 5. If funding is provided, the organization will seek prior approval of the First Peoples’ Cultural Council for any changes made to the project proposal. 6. If funding is provided, the organization will publicly acknowledge funding and assistance by the First Peoples’ Cultural Council and the Department of Canadian Heritage, where appropriate.
Name: ______Position: ______
Signature: ______Date: ______
Original signed (hard copy) applications must be received by the First Peoples’ Cultural Council no later than:
4:30 PM - Friday, December 15, 2017
Hand-delivered applications must be received on or before the deadline date.
Mailed / couriered applications must be post-marked on or before the deadline date.
Mailing and Courier Address: Contact:
Aboriginal Languages Initiative Program Rachel Perkins First Peoples’ Cultural Council Email: [email protected] 1A Boat Ramp Road Telephone: (250) 652-5952 ext. 208 Brentwood Bay, B.C. V8M 1N9 Toll-free through Enquiry BC at: 1-800-663-7867
Aboriginal Languages Initiative 2018 - 2019 Page 13 of 16 APPENDIX I: WORK PLAN ABORIGINAL LANGUAGES INITIATIVE 2018-2019 Funding Guide – P.11 How your work plan is assessed: The clarity with which each step of the project is designed, and concordance with information provided in the project proposal and budget attached to the application (including dates, duties and budget items) are taken into consideration when assessed by a Proposal Review Committee.
EXPECTED E.g.: Increase accessibility to Aboriginal language resources for X community or Improve Aboriginal language knowledge for X community, etc.) RESULT:
Person Step Tasks Timeline Deliverables Responsible
Project Preparation
Aboriginal Languages Initiative 2018-2019 Page 14 of 16 Project Implementation
Aboriginal Languages Initiative 2018-2019 Page 15 of 16 Report on Results
______Signature Date
______Print Name & Title
NOTE: Please attach this work plan to your proposal.
Aboriginal Languages Initiative 2018-2019 Page 16 of 16