Developed by Ross Primack, CPRW, CEIP, GCDF, Connecticut Labor Department

1) Do you hold a bachelor's degree in physics, chemistry, molecular biology, genetics, biology, pharmacology, toxicology, biochemistry or criminal justice? Have you taken pharmacology or toxicology courses? Basic or Advanced Field Evidence Technician Courses?

2) Do you have expertise in any of the following forensic disciplines: Criminalistics, Engineering Sciences, Jurisprudence, Odontology, Pathology/Biology, Physical Anthropology, Psychiatry and/or Behavioral Science?

3) Do you have knowledge and/or experience in the theory, principles and practices of forensic sciences in collecting, examining and analyzing evidence? Have you been involved in death investigations including responding to death scenes, obtaining critical information related to the death and/or writing documentation and taking photographs of the scene and body?

4) Have you conducted crime scene investigations to collect and preserve physical evidence? Documented crime scene investigations and accident locations? Prepared photographic prints? Processed evidence?

5) Have you ever documented and collected impressions of shoe prints, tire tracks and other objects at crime scenes?

6) Have you assisted with autopsies? The preparation of specimens including tissues and body fluids for histological and cytological evaluation? Prepared special stains and procedures?

7) Do you have knowledge of the chemical content of drugs and poisons and their toxic effects? Are you experienced in determining the presence and quantity of drugs, metabolites, poisons and other toxic substances in biological fluids and other forensic specimens? Have you examined body tissues and fluids for the presence of drugs and poisons?

8) Are you experienced in performing forensic examinations of all types of solid dosage drugs? Can you analyze and identify controlled substances from solid dosages using techniques such as GC, UV, GC/MS and FTIR? Have you performed analyses including identification, quantitative analysis and optical purity?

9) What kind of laboratory equipment can you operate? Do you have experience maintaining and/or troubleshooting lab equipment? Do you have knowledge of laboratory QA/QC and safety

Resume Writing Academy © 2017 Forensic Science Questions ▪ Page 1 procedures? Are you skilled in using an ABI 377, 310 or 3100 Genesequencer? Have you used an ICP Nanospec Electron Microscope? Have you performed complex analyses using instrumentation including GC, HPLC and GC/MS? Have you satisfied ASCLD/LAB requirements?

10) Are you familiar with the principles, techniques and procedures of firearms and tool marks analysis? Can you examine and identify firearms for proper functioning, ammunition and ammunition components? Have you done microscopic comparisons of fired bullets and cartridge cases or distance determination analysis? Have you conducted serial number restoration procedures?

11) Do you have knowledge of the common techniques of DNA analysis related to forensic DNA analysis? Have you done DNA profiling of blood, semen and saliva? Have you performed DNA profiling procedures on biological samples? Interpreted test results for criminal casework? Are you experienced with logging in and accessing forensic evidence samples, slot blot quantitation, product gels, DNA profiles and assembling data for review?

12) Have you completed an FBI or Department of Justice basic or advanced fingerprint course? Can you classify fingerprints and maintain the Henry Fingerprint File? Can you repair, enter and retrieve latent fingerprints in the Automated Fingerprint Identification System? Are you certified by the International Association for Identification in latent print identification? Do you have experience in comparing known finger, palm and footprints with latent print impressions to determine identity for use in police investigations? Are you certified as a Latent Print Examiner and Crime Scene Analyst?

13) Have you conducted original research in the development of new and improved methods of forensic science? Do you have any experience planning, conducting and publishing scientific research?

14) Are you skilled in instrumental techniques of forensic alcohol analysis? Do you have experience with the infrared breath device? Any experience developing technical methodologies and QA/AC protocols to ensure uniform employment of breath tests?

15) Have you provided expert testimony in court? Can you respond to legal and technical challenges?

16) Have you written interpretative reports summarizing the findings in forensic cases?

17) Do you have supervisory responsibility? For how many people? What are their job titles and responsibilities? Are you involved in recruiting, screening and hiring staff? Do you write and conduct performance appraisals?

18) Do you represent your department/organization to the media?

19) Are you responsible for operating budgets? Do you maintain or monitor inventory? Do you handle purchases for your department/organization?

20) Are you involved in establishing department/organization policies and procedures?

I would like to acknowledge the extensive and generous assistance of Mary Beth Raffin, Lead Criminalist at Connecticut's State Police Forensic Science Laboratory. Ms. Raffin was trained by and served for many years under world-renowned forensic expert, Dr. Henry Lee.

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