Section 411- Superpave Mixture Design, Standard and Rps Construction of Plant-Mixed Wma

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Section 411- Superpave Mixture Design, Standard and Rps Construction of Plant-Mixed Wma

411.1 411.2(e)


411.1 DESCRIPTION - This work is the Standard and RPS construction of a plant-mixed, dense-graded, Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) pavement course on a prepared surface using a volumetric asphalt mixture design developed with the Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC), using prescribed manufactured additives or modifiers, and/or plant process modifications.

411.2 MATERIAL - Section 409.2 with additions and modifications as follows:

(a) Bituminous Material. Section 409.2(a). Add the following subsections:

3. WMA Technology Additives or Modifiers Blended at the Bituminous Material Supplier’s Refinery or Terminal. Provide refinery or terminal blended bituminous material blended with a WMA Technology additive or modifier from an approved manufacturer and source listed in Bulletin 15. Include in the bituminous material Producer QC Plan, the WMA Technology additive or modifier manufacturer name, WMA Technology name, and source, dosage rates, blending method, QC testing, corrective action points, disposition of failed material, storage, handling shipping, and bill of lading information following the applicable requirements in Section 702. Include the WMA Technology additive or modifier and dosage rate on the bill of lading. Provide certification that the refinery or terminally blended bituminous material modified with the WMA Technology additive or modifier meets the requirements of Section 409.2(a)1 or Section 409.2(a)2 for the specified grade.

4. WMA Technology Additives or Modifiers Blended at the Bituminous Mixture Producer’s Plant. Provide a blended bituminous material consisting of an approved WMA Technology additive or modifier from an approved manufacturer and source listed in Bulletin 15 that is blended with a base bituminous material of the specified grade conforming to the requirements of Standard Specifications for Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder, AASHTO M 320, except as revised in Bulletin 25 and from an approved source listed in Bulletin 15, Section 702. Prepare a Producer QC Plan as specified in Section 106 and conforming to the Producer QC Plan requirements in Section 409.2(e)1.a and the additional Producer QC Plan requirements within this specification. Provide certification that the bituminous material blended with the WMA Technology additive or modifier at the bituminous mixture production plant meets the requirements of Section 409.2(a)1 or Section 409.2(a)2 for the specified grade.

(e) Mixture Composition for Standard and RPS Construction.

1. Virgin Material Mixtures. Section 409.2(e)1. Replace the first paragraph with the following:

Size, uniformly grade, and combine aggregate fractions, bituminous material, and either WMA Technology additive(s) or modifier(s) in proportions to produce a JMF that conforms to the material, gradation, and volumetric Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design requirements as specified in Bulletin 27, Chapter 2A, for the specified nominal maximum aggregate size and design ESALs except as procedurally modified by the WMA Technology Manufacturer Technical Representative (Technical Representative) to address laboratory procedures when preparing, compacting and testing WMA mixtures and to achieve a uniform blend. Special additive(s) or modifier(s) need not be used if mixture temperature, workability, and compaction can be achieved solely through plant mechanical modification to produce foamed asphalt. Develop a Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) JMF and incorporate the WMA Technology additive, modifier, or process into that JMF during production. Do not develop a volumetric WMA JMF based on incorporating the WMA Technology additive, modifier or process during the volumetric asphalt mixture design process. For a ll W MA m ix ture J MFs , perf orm m ois ture s ens it iv it y an al ys is on l abor ator y m ix ed a nd c om pac ted s pec im ens that i nc lud e th e W MA T ec hnolog y a ddi ti ve, m odif ier, or proc es s as req uir ed in Bu ll eti n 2 7, Chapt er 2 A, f or HMA, us in g t he s am e m ix ing, c om pac tio n an d cond it ion in g cr iteri a us ed duri ng t he dev el opm ent of the vo lum etric as pha lt m ix ture desi gn f or the H MA J MF. E ns ure the W MA T ec hnolog y add iti ve, m odif ier, or proc es s is n ot detrim ental to t he m ois ture res is tanc e of the m ix ture. For tracking purposes, create a separate WMA JMF cover sheet (TR-448A) for approval containing the WMA Technology used, additive dosage rate or percent water added for foaming, material code, and the TSR data from the WMA moisture sensitivity

411-1 Change No. 5 411.1 411.2(e) testing.

1.a.2. Testing Plan with Action Points. Section 409.2(e)1.a.2. Add the following additional bullets:

 Blended bituminous material lot size/quantity and lot designation method.

 List of all tests to be performed on the blended bituminous material.

 Testing and certification of the blended bituminous material and WMA Technology additive or modifier for conformance to Section 409.2(a)1 or Section 409.2(a)2.

 Frequency of testing of the blended bituminous material.

 List action points to initiate corrective procedures for the blended bituminous material.

Recording method to document corrective procedures for the blended  material. bituminous

 Handling and disposition of blended bituminous material failing to meet the bituminous material specification requirements.

1.a.3. Materials Storage and Handling. Section 409.2(e)1.a.3. Add the following additional bullets:

 WMA Technology additive or modifier manufacturer name, WMA Technology name, and source as listed in Bulletin 15.

 WMA Technology additive or modifier storage and handling prior to blending.

 All measuring, conveying and blending devices for the WMA Technology and anti-strip additive (if required), including calibration procedures.

 WMA Technology additive or modifier and anti-strip additive (if required) method of introduction, dosage rates, blending with the bituminous material and method of automation, recordation and print outs.

 Storage and handling of the blended bituminous material with the WMA Technology additive or modifier.

 WMA production temperature range (50F maximum) for normal paving and any specific temperature ranges for special conditions or situations.

 WMA laboratory compaction temperature for QC volumetric analysis. Determine the SGC compaction temperature for the mix design which yields the same target air voids as the related HMA mixture.

411-2 Change No. 5 411.1 411.2(e)

1.c. Annual JMF Verification. Section 409.2(e)1.c. Add the following:

Perform annual verification of the WMA mixture JMF even if the equivalent HMA mixture JMF was previously annually verified.

1.d. Production. Section 409.2(e)1.d. Add the following:

Prepare and test WMA mixtures, including SGC specimens for quality control using the same test methods, procedures and frequencies as specified for HMA, except as modified by the Producer QC Plan. Maintain records of the testing of WMA and make available for review by the Representative when requested.

1.d.6 Degree of Particle Coating. For all WMA mixtures, sample the mixture according to PTM No. 1 and at the frequency in the Producer QC Plan. Examine theDet erm ine the d egr ee of par tic l e coat ing of the completed WMA mixture for particle coating.m ix ture acc ording to AA SHT O T 195. Produce a WMA mixture with fullyperc ent coated particles ≥ 95.0% . Increase the plant mixing time or make other plant adjustments if the requ ire d perc ent of c oat ed particles coating is deficientnot m et. Produce a WMA mixture capable of being handled, placed, and compacted without stripping the bituminous material from the aggregate.

Table A Job-Mix Formula Composition Tolerance Requirements of the Completed Mix

Section 409.2(e), Table A. Revise the Temperature of Mixture (F) requirements as follows: Temperature of Mixture (F) Chemical, Organic, Mechanical Foaming Foaming Additives Equipment/Process Class of Material Type of Material Minimum* Minimum* Maximum* PG 58-28 Asphalt Cement 215 230 310 PG 64-22 Asphalt Cement 220 240 320 PG 76-22 Asphalt Cement 240 255 330 The higher of 215 or The higher of 230 or the minimum the minimum temp. As specified in All other Binders Asphalt Cement temp.erature specified in Bulletin Bulletin 25 specified in Bulletin 25 minus 30 25 minus 45 * Outline in the Producer QC Plan and follow any additional temperature requirements provided by the Technical Representative for production and placement of the mixture. Determine the SGC compaction temperature for the mix design which yields the same target air voids as the related HMA mixture. Include the compaction temperature in the Producer QC Plan. The minimum and maximum temperatures shown in Table A for each Class of Material represent the master temperature range for a completed WMA mixture. The Producer must include a smaller production temperature range that does not exceed 50F and does not fall outside the master temperature range in the Producer QC Plan for normal paving. The Producer is required to produce the completed mixture within the smaller temperature range in the Producer QC Plan. The Producer is required to compact Compact the completed mixture in the SGC for QC volumetric analysis at the compaction temperature according toin the Producer QC Plan. The Producer QC Plan mixture temperature range and compaction temperature are to follow the guidelines provided by the Technical Representative.

(g) WMA Technologies (Additive(s), Modifier(s), or Processes) and WMA Manufacturers. Produce the WMA mixture using approved or provisionally approved WMA Technologies, including additives, modifiers or processes from manufacturers listed in Bulletin 15. If blending WMA additives or modifiers with bituminous material, provide bituminous material blended with the WMA additive or modifier according to Section 411.2(a)3 or Section 411.2(a)4. For WMA Technology additives or modifiers blended with the bituminous mixture at the bituminous mixture production plant, prepare a QC Plan as specified in Section 106 and also conforming to the

411-3 Change No. 5 411.1 411.2(e) additional Producer QC Plan requirements within this specification. Submit the QC Plan to the District Materials Engineer/District Materials Manager (DME/DMM) annually and at least 3 weeks before the planned start of the blending of WMA Technologies with bituminous material. Do not start blending until the DME/DMM reviews the QC Plan.

(h) Anti-Strip Additives. Add a compatible liquid anti-strip additive to all WMA mixtures using WMA Technology that is categorized as a foaming technology (mechanical, additive or process) when JMF moisture sensitivity analysis either cannot be performed as specified in Section 411.2(e)1 or moisture sensitivity analysis did not meet specified requirements. . Incorporate a liquid anti-strip additive at the same dosage rate as the dosage rate for the HMA JMF that the WMA JMF is based on. If the WMA Technology includes an anti-strip additive as part of its WMA Technology, additional liquid anti-strip additive is not required in mixtures where the moisture sensitivity analysis cannot be performed as specified in Section 411.2(e)1. If the WMA Technology includes an anti-strip additive as part of its WMA Technology and moisture sensitivity analysis can be performed according to Section 411.2(e)1 add additional anti-strip additive or make other adjustments to the JMF and meet the specified moisture sensitivity requirements. Use either a compatible, heat stable, amine-based liquid anti-strip or a compatible alternate anti-strip additive. Incorporate the anti-strip additive at least at the minimum dosage rate published on the anti-strip additive’s technical data sheet from the anti-strip manufacturer. Add the dosage of liquid anti-strip additive by mass (weight) of the total bituminous material. Use a dosage rate higher than the published minimum dosage rate as recommended by the anti-strip manufacturer based on specific characteristics or components of the JMF or experience of the anti-strip additive manufacturer. If the Producer elects to use an alternate anti-strip additive that is not a typical amine-based anti-strip additive, contact the DME/DMM at least 3 weeks prior to start of work. If directed by the DME/DMM, perform moisture sensitivity analysis using the HMA JMF, that the WMA JMF is based on, with the alternate anti-strip additive incorporated at the alternate anti-strip manufacturer’s recommended dosage rate. Demonstrate, by the moisture sensitivity test results that the alternate anti-strip additive meets the specified moisture sensitivity requirements. If directed by the DME/DMM, provide written documentation (e.g., research or project evaluation reports) from the manufacturer of the alternate anti-strip additive showing successful use of the alternate anti-strip additive in asphalt mixtures at the same dosage rate as is being recommended for the WMA JMF.

(i) WMA Technology Manufacturer Technical Representative (Technical Representative). Identify and provide a Technical Representative that is knowledgeable in how the WMA Technology will affect the storage, handling, blending, mixture production, mixture QC testing, placement, and compaction requirements of the mix. Either have the Technical Representative present during the initial production of the WMA and subsequently at the project location during the initial placement operations or, if not required to be on site, on-call and capable of being in direct, verbal contact with the Producer, Contractor, and/or Department Representative within 2 hours after initial contact. Have the Technical Representative review and sign the Producer's QC Plan and include their current direct contact telephone numbers (office and mobile) in the Producer's QC Plan. If unable to sign the QC Plan, have the Technical Representative submit documentation that supports all of the data outlined in Sections 411.2(e)1.a.2 and 411.2(e)1.a.3. If the WMA Producer is using a fully approved (not provisionally or conditionally approved) WMA Technology listed in Bulletin 15 and the WMA Producer has previously produced WMA mixture using the WMA Technology to the satisfaction of the DME/DMM responsible for the production plant, a Technical Representative is not required to be present during the production and placement of the WMA material. During all WMA production and placement operations, have the Technical Representative identified in the Producer's QC Plan remain on-call for technical support. If the WMA Producer is using a provisionally or conditionally approved WMA Technology listed in Bulletin 15 or is using a fully approved WMA Technology for the very first time, have a Technical Representative present at the plant during initial production and subsequently at the project location during initial placement of the specified WMA pavement course. Have the Technical Representative present at the project location until at least 1 lane mile of the specified pavement course has been placed and compacted. If there are no apparent technical issues, request that the Department Representative agree to release the Technical Representative from being present on-site. The Department may direct that a Technical Representative is not required to be present on-site during initial production and placement operations for provisionally or conditionally approved WMA Technologies. If the Department directs a Technical Representative is not required to be present on-site, have the Technical Representative identified in the Producer's QC Plan remain on-call for technical support.

411-4 Change No. 5 411.1 411.2(e)

(j) WMA Mixture Production, Delivery and Placing Temperatures When Placing Over Membrane Systems Specified in Section 467 or Section 680. If a project includes an item or items of work for membrane systems, as specified in Section 467 or Section 680, produce and place WMA on top of the membrane that is to be placed on top of the membrane may be produced and placed at elevated mixture temperatures as per the membrane manufacturers ’ manufacturer’s recommendation ed temperature . Outline the temperature details in the Producer’s QC Plan as a special condition or situation, but do not exceed the maximum mixture temperature specified in Table A . Ensure proper adhesion between the asphalt pavement overlay and the underlying membrane. Have the Technical Representative indicate on the Producer’s QC Plan that exceeding the WMA production temperature range (50F maximum) is an acceptable practice for their specific WMA Technology when placed as an overlay on membrane systems.

411.3 CONSTRUCTION - Section 409.3 with additions and modifications as follows:

(a) Preplacement Requirements.

1. Paving Operation QC Plan: Section 409.3(a)1. Add the following:

Prepare and submit additional information specifically related to all aspects of the field control of WMA concrete paving operations to the Representative as part of the paving operation QC Plan that addresses all recommendations and direction from the Technical Representative. Do not incorporate any material delivered outside the temperature limits Include the completed mixture temperature range (50F maximum) and any special temperature ranges for special situations or conditions included in the Producer’s QC Plan. Do not allow the placement of material below the minimum value specified in Table Athe completed mixture temperature range. Describe the construction equipment and methods necessary to control the WMA paving operations including the testing, delivery, placement, compaction, and protection of the WMA concrete courses for all placement applications including handwork as specified in Section 409.3.

(c) Bituminous Mixing Plant. Section 409.3(c). Add the following:

Make any plant modifications needed to introduce the WMA Technology additives, modifiers, or processes according to specific recommendations and direction from the Technical Representative or process manufacturer to achieve a uniform blend of the WMA Technology additive, modifier or foaming process and produce a WMA mixture meeting these specifications.

1. Batch Plant. Section 409.3(c)1. Replace the last sentence with the following:

Dry the aggregate according to the specific recommendations and direction from the Technical Representative and heat to a suitable temperature so that the resulting completed mixture temperature is within the mixture temperature r ange estab lis h ed in the Pr o duc er Q C P la n an d recommended by the Technical Representative or manufacturer and that is with in t he m as ter tem per atur e range in Table A. Ensure that the aggregate is free of unburned fuel oil and excess moisture as defined in Section 409.2(e)1.d.1 when delivered to the pug mill.

2. Drum Mixer Plant. Section 409.3(c)2. Replace the last sentence with the following:

Produce a completed mixture that is within the mixture temperature range es ta bl is hed in t he Pr oduc er Q C P lan and recommended by the Technical Representative or manufacturer and that is wi thin the m as ter tem per atur e r ange in Table A. Ensure that the aggregate and completed mixture is free of unburned fuel oil and excess moisture as defined in Section 409.2(e)1.d.1.

411.4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT - Section 409.4 with modifications as follows:

(a) Standard WMA Construction.

1. WMA Courses. Section 409.4(a)1. Replace with the following:

411-5 Change No. 5 411.1 411.2(e)

1.a Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design, WMA Wearing Course. Square Yard or Ton

1.b Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design, WMA Wearing Course (Scratch). Ton

1.c Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design, WMA Wearing Course (Leveling). Ton

1.d Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design, WMA Binder Course. Square Yard or Ton

1.e Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design, WMA Binder Course (Leveling). Ton

(b) WMA RPS Construction. Square Yard or Ton

411-6 Change No. 5

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