Qabeelat Wasat Homecoming Practice Test

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Qabeelat Wasat Homecoming Practice Test

Qabeelat Wasat Homecoming – Practice Test October 2016 Shaykh Abdulbary Yahya Answer Key

1.) Which Companion recited the following verse from Surah Ale-Imran upon the death of the Prophet : “Muhammad is not but a messenger. [Other] messengers have passed on before him. So if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on your heels [to unbelief]?”

A.) Omar bin Al-Khattab B.) Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq

C.) Ali bin Abi Taleb D.) Uthman bin Affan

2.) After sanctions were placed, where did Banu Hashim reside and for how long?

A.) Beneath the Ka’bah for 1 year. B.) By the coast of the Red Sea for 2 years.

C.) In the outskirts of Makkah behind Mt. Safa and Marwah for almost 3 years. D.) In Yemen for 3 years.

3.) Which Companion said the following: “I found a piece of leather and I boiled it. I was so hungry that I boiled it to soften it up to [eat it]. I was able to have enough energy for 3 days”.

A.) Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas B.) Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq

C.) Sa’d bin Mu’ath D.) Bilal bin Rabah

4.) True/False. The Qur’an is the main source of the Seerah of the Prophet .

True. The Qur’an is the main source of the Seerah of the Prophet , and the Qur’an is in need of the Seerah and the Sunnah to understand it. Verses were revealed in certain circumstances, and if we know those circumstances, then we can understand and apply the verses appropriately.

1 Qabeelat Wasat Homecoming – Practice Test October 2016 Shaykh Abdulbary Yahya

5.) Match the following description to either the Makkan or Madinan period.

i. Muslims were building a Muslim nation. Madinan

ii. The focus was on survival and conveying the message on an individual basis. Makkan

iii. Muslims were a weak minority. Makkan

iv. People had rights based on justice and peace. Madinan

v. Most of the ayat of Qur’an deal with the Hereafter. Makkan

vi. People became united through the Constitution of Madinah. Madinan vii. Fighting was forbidden. Makkan

6.) List some benefits of studying the life of the Prophet .

 Persevere: Studying the life of the Messenger of Allah , and knowing the difficulties he went through, helps us persevere and keeps us strong.

 Learn patience: The Prophet went through so many more difficulties than we will ever have to go through, yet he was still patient.

 Examples to follow: He is a perfect example for all of mankind and jinn.

 Moderation: The closer you are to the Sunnah, the more moderate you will be, because ease is built into the Sunnah.

 Criteria for right and wrong: When you study the Qur’an and Sunnah, you learn the criteria of that which is good and that which is bad. To be on the natural state upon fitrah, so that the fitrah is not changed.

 Understand the Quran correctly: That’s why Aisha said, “His character was the Qur’an”.

 Increase love for the Messenger of Allah : The more we learn about him, the more we will love him, because we know of his generosity, kindness, sacrifice - so that we will have the greatest blessing of Iman, and Islam, and la ilaha illa Allah. There is no greater blessing than that.

 It gives us hope and Increase your Iman.

 Helps you to understand the deen as a whole: When you study the Seerah you don’t take only one part, you understand the deen as a whole and apply the deen as a whole.

 Da’wah: Allah says, “Say, this is my path. I call to Allah. Upon insight and knowledge, myself and those who follow me.” So the path of the Prophet is to call people to Allah.

7.) How did the Arabs of Madinah know about the arrival of the Prophet ?

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Every time there was a confrontation/battle between the Arabs and Jews, the Jews would always say to the Arabs (Aws and Khazraj), “The time is nearing, of the arrival of the final Prophet and when he comes, we will fight along his side and destroy you pagans”.

8.) Aisha said that the ______took place just before the mission of the Prophet and his hijrah to Madinah. It helped facilitate people’s conversion to Islam because the nobles had been killed.

A.) Day of Bu’ath B.) Battle of Badr

C.) Destruction of the idols at the Kab’ah D.) All of the above.

9.) Before the Prophet made hijrah, who was going to be the leader of Madinah? A.) Sa’d bin Mu’ath

B.) Mus’ab bin Umayr C.) Abdullah bin Salam

D.) Abdullah bin Ubay

10.) True/False. Many of the Jews of Madinah readily embraced the Prophethood of Muhammad .

False. Many of the Jews failed this test as they rejected the Prophet . Amongst the Jews, Saffiyah said her uncle came and he was very saddened after seeing the Prophet. His brother said, “Is it him”? He said, “Yes”. He said, “I will fight him until the day I die.”

11.) When the Prophet sent Mu’adh bin Jabal to Yemen, what main aspects of Islam did he instruct Mu’adh to emphasize?

A.) Qur’an, salah, dua

B.) Tawheed, salah, zakat

C.) Tawheed, military alliance, safe trade routes

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D.) Tawheed, hijrah to Madinah, pledging allegiance

12.) The Prophet said that whoever perfects his wudu, then goes to the Mosque of Quba’, and prays there, he will have the reward of a Hajj. False. It is the reward of an Umrah.

13.) Which of the following statements is false?

A.) The Prophet made hijrah to Madinah with Abu Bakr.

B.) The day the Prophet arrived in Madinah, a valid opinions states that the people starting singing “Tala’ al badru alayna”.

C.) The Prophet prayed his first Jumu’ah prayer in a valley between Quba’ and Madinah.

D.) The Prophet allowed his camel Qaswa to decide their place of residence; it chose the house of Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari in the Aws neighborhood.

 Abu Ayyub’s house was in the Khazraji neighbrood.

14.) True/False. When the Prophet found a piece of land that belonged to orphans, he accepted the land as sadaqah and built Masjid an-Nabawi. False. He refused to accept it as charity and instead paid for the land with his own money.

15.) Which of the following statements is/are true? A.) Ahl us-Suffa were considered poor people, similar to university students living in dorms. B.) The masjid was strictly a place of worship; therefore, people were not allowed to live there.

C.) When the Prophet received food as charity, he would not eat from it. Rather he would give it to Ahl us-Suffa. D.) A, C

16.) Abdullah bin Salam was a Jewish rabbi who accepted Islam. He reported the inauguration speech of the Prophet . What main points did the Prophet emphasize?

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 Spread the salam

 Enjoin Relations

 Offer food to people

 Pray at night when people are sleeping

17.) True/False. The Prophet paired up the muhajirun with the Ansar, allowing the Ansar to give the muhajirun half of their wealth and land as a sign of brotherhood.

False. The Prophet suggested that both the Ansar and the muhajirun work the lands together and that the Ansar ask them for help (instead of giving them half the land). That way, the muhajirun will start to learn farming. And when the profit comes, they would share it.

18.) Which of the following statements regarding the Constitution of Madinah is/are true? A.) It served as the backbone of future Constitutions, including the United States Constitution. B.) They are one nation to the exclusion of other people.

C.) People must unite to pay blood money among themselves. D.) It shall not be lawful for a believer, who holds by what is in this document and believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment, to help a criminal nor give him refuge. E.) All of the above.

19.) The Prophet said, ““Help your brother whether he is the oppressor or the oppressed.” This was a mentality present during the Jahilliyah period. How did the Prophet give it an Islamic meaning?

If your brother is an oppressor, help him by preventing him from oppressing. The slogan was previously used in a negative manner to affirm tribalism, but the Prophet used it to prevent injustice.

20.) True/False. According to the Constitution of Madinah, non-Muslims will not be obligated to take part in religious wars of the Muslims.

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True. The other clauses that pertain to non-Muslim rights are as follows:

 The security of God is equal for all groups.

 Non-Muslim members will have the same political and cultural rights as Muslims. They will have autonomy and freedom of religion

 Non-Muslims will take up arms against the enemy of the nation and share the cost of war. There is to be no treachery between the two.

21.) Which of the following statements about the different groups of Madinah is/are false? A.) The two main Arab tribes were the Aws and the Khazraj, with the Aws being them majority. B.) Amongst the Jews, there were only two main tribes: Banu Qaynuqa’ and Banu Natheer. C.) The Constitution of Madinah united the different groups.

D.) Banu Qaynuqa’ was very wealthy and consisted of merchants who controlled the marketplace

E.) A, B

 Amongst the Arabs, the Khazraj were the majority.

 There were three main Jewish tribes: Banu Qaynuqa’, Banu Natheer, and Banu Quraydhah.

22.) What is the difference between a sarriyah and a ghazwa?

A sarriyah is a military expedition in which the Prophet did not participate. A ghazwa is a battle in which the Prophet himself participated.

23.) Which Companion led the military maneuver at Nakhlah in which they were ordered to gather information about the caravan and Quraysh? A.) Abdullah bin Jahsh

B.) Zayd bin Thabit

C.) Al-Milqad bin Amr

D.) Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas

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24.) List the 4 sacred months in Islam

i. Dhul Qa’dah

ii. Dhul Hijjah

iii. Muharram

iv. Rajab

25.) Which of the following statements about the military maneuver at Nakhlah is/are true?

A.) The Muslims deviated from the instructions of the Prophet and fired shots at the caravan, killing Ibn Hadrami.

B.) The Makkans used the attack to say that Muslims do not respect their way of life, allowing them to beat the drums of war.

C.) The Prophet was very pleased when he initially heard about the incident. D.) Surah al-Nasr was revealed because this was a great victory for the Muslims.

E.) A, B

 C is incorrect – the Prophet was very upset when he first heard about it

 D is incorrect – Allah revealed verse 217 in Surah al-Baqarah

26.) Hilf al-Fudul was an oath similar to the Bill of Rights. What is the linguist meaning of Fudul?

A.) Justice B.) Honesty

C.) Integrity D.) Extra

27.) After the incident at Ta’if, who sponsored the Prophet to allow him entry into Makkah again? A.) Al-Abbas

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B.) Mut‘im ibn ‘Adi

C.) Abu Taleb D.) ‘Aaitka bint Abdul Muttalib

28.) When Abu Sufyan was leading his caravan, he realized that the Prophet knew of his position. How did he come to this conclusion? He saw date seeds in the camel dung, and Madinah is full of dates.

29.) Which of the following statements is/are false concerning the caravan of Abu Sufyan and the ensuing events?

A.) Abu Sufyan sent ThamTham bin ‘Amr Ghafari to notify the Makkans that the caravan is in danger.

B.) ThamTham was able to easily convey the message to the Quraysh leaders. C.) Atika bint Abdul Muttalib had seen a dream of a man standing on a mountain who pushed a huge boulder down. The boulder broke into several small pieces which entered every house in Makkah.

D.) Al-Abbas was scolding Abu Jahl about the economic problems in Makkah. E.) B, D

 B – ThamTham had a very hard time conveying the message to the leaders of Quraysh. He had to climb up the mountain and cut his camel’s nose while screaming.

 D – Abu Jahl was scolding Al-Abbas about the problems Banu Hashim was causing.

30.) When the Prophet consulted with the Companions about the Battle of Badr, who spoke the following words: ““O Messenger of Allah! Proceed where Allah directs you to, for we are with you. We will not say as the Children of Israel said to Moses: ‘Go you and your Lord and fight and we will stay here’. Rather we shall say, go you and your Lord and fight and we will fight along with you! By Allah! If you were to take us to the coast, we will still fight resolutely…”

A.) Abu Bakr al-Siddiq B.) Omar bin al-Khattab

C.) Al-Miqdad bin ‘Amr

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D.) Sa’d bin Mu’adh

31.) In the Battle of Badr, how many Muslims fought in the army?

A.) 100 B.) 313 or 317 (based on different numbers reported from the muhajirun)

C.) 550 D.) 1000

31.) True/False. The Prophet agreed with the Ali’s tactic of obtaining information from prisoners.

False. Ali beat the prisoners to obtain information from them while the Prophet was praying Asr. After his salah, the Prophet asked Ali, “Why do you hit them when they tell you the truth and then stop hitting them when they lie to you?” From this incident, we learn that when we torture someone, we will not obtain the truth. People will only tell you what you want to hear, so you stop torturing them.

32.) Which of the following statements concerning the Battle of Badr is/are true?

A.) The Prophet was able to determine the size of the Makkan army based on the number of camels they slaughter.

B.) Al-Hubab bin Al-Mundhir suggested to the Prophet to put the wells of Badr behind them.

C.) Abu Jahl did not need to incite patriotism in the Quraysh because they were all adamant about fighting.

D.) The rain flooded the camps of the non-Muslims, making the earth very slippery. E.) A, B, D

 C is false – Abu Jahl had to incite patriotism in the Quraysh because they wanted to return to Makkah

33.) Which Companion was standing out of line and eventually kissed the Prophet’s stomach before the Battle of Badr?

A.) Al-Hubab bin Al-Mundhir

B.) Sawad bin Ghaziya

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C.) AbdurRahman bin Awf

D.) Two young Ansari boys

34.) True/False. Abu Jahl was killed in the Battle of Badr. True. Two young Ansari boys struck Abu Jahl with their swords. Then ibn Mas’ud finished up the job by taking off his head.

35.) Which of the following is a component of Iman? A.) Belief in the heart.

B.) Speech with the tongue. C.) Action of the limbs.

D.) All of the above are components of Iman.

36.) List the three options in terms of dealing with prisoners of war? If you captured fighters from the other side, there were a couple of options: 1.Execute all of them. 2.Free them

3.Enslave them (especially women and children because they were not allowed to be killed).

37.) Which Jewish tribe caused a Muslim woman’s awra to be uncovered and eventually killed a Muslim man who got in a fight with the shopkeeper? A.) Banu Qaynuqa’

B.) Banu Natheer C.) Banu Quraydhah

D.) All of the above.

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38.) The Makkans set out for Madinah to avenge themselves for Badr in which would eventually become the Battle of Uhud. Describe the dream the Prophet had.

The Prophet described a dream in which cows were being slaughtered. He also saw that the blade of his sword was cracked but his hand was safe, protected and covered by his armour. The Prophet said that he interpreted the armour to be Madinah. If they stayed in Madinah, the Muslims will be safe if the enemy entered the city.

39.) In the Battle of Uhud, The Muslims were initially 1000, but Abdullah bin Ubay convinced 300 of his men not to risk their lives since the Prophet listened to the youngsters over the elders. True.

40.) Which Companion strutted about boastfully when standing in the lines for the Battle of Uhud? A.) Abu Dujana

B.) Sawad ibn Ghaziya C.) Ibn Abbas

D.) Zayd bin Thabit

41.) Which of the following statements is/are true?

A.) Rumours spread that the Prophet had been killed in the Battle of Uhud.

B.) Umm Ammarah defended the Prophet when he fell in the ditch.

C.) The Prophet told Aisha that the incident at Ta’if was the most difficult day in his life, not the Battle of Uhud. D.) A, B

E.) A, B, C

42.) Which of the following is true regarding the burial of the martyrs from the Battle of Uhud?

A) Digging graves for all 70 martyrs would have been difficult, so they buried three bodies per grave.

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B) The bodies were buried in accordance to how much of the Qur’an they had memorized.

C) Those who memorized the most Qur’an were put in the front and those who memorized less were buried accordingly.

D) All of the above.

43.) True/false. Every time the Prophet asked how much Qur’an a Companion memorized, the Companions knew how much that person had memorized because they used to recite the Qur’an to each other and learn from each other.

True. Scholars have said that seeking knowledge is a bond that connects all of us together, so this is a Sunnah that needs to be revived.

44.) Which of the following is false? When a representative from the people of Najd (Abu Bara’) came to the Prophet after the Battle of Uhud… A) Abu Bara’ said that he is hopeful that the people of Najd would accept Islam if the Prophet would send some of the Companions to call them to Islam.

B) The Prophet trusted the people of Najd

C) Abu Bara’ guaranteed protection of the Companions

D) The Prophet weighed the pros and cons and sent 70 Companions known as al-qurra’ (those who memorized the Qur’an and were the teachers and students of knowledge)

E) The people of Najd were waiting at the well of Ma’una and ambushed al-qurra’, taking the lives of all except two of them.

 B is false. The Prophet did NOT trust the people of Najd. The Prophet said, “I fear that the people of Najd would do them some harm.” Abu Bara’ replied, “I will guarantee their protection, so send them to call people to your religion.”

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45.) True/False. The Muslims suffered a setback at Uhud as a result of their disobedience to the Prophet and their love for the dunya.

True. Abdullah ibn Mas’ud said he didn’t realize that any of the Companions of the Prophet loved the dunya until Allah said: “Among you are some that desire this world and some that desire the Hereafter.” Surah Aal-e-Imran, 3:152

46.) Which of the following is false regarding the aftermath of the ambush at Ma’una?

A) Anas ibn Malik reported that the Messenger of Allah invoked curse in the Fajr prayer for thirty days upon those who killed the Companions at the well of Ma’una.

B) This is how Qunut an-Nawazil, the practice of making dua in Fajr when a group in the ummah is afflicted with a calamity, began.

C) The Prophet cursed the tribes of Ri’l, Dhakwan, Lihyan, and Usayya, who had disobeyed Allah and His Messenger.

D) The People of Najd never accepted Islam.

 At the end, Allah guided the people of Najd and they eventually accepted Islam.

47.) Which one of the following statements regarding the events leading up to the Battle of the Trench is false?

A) There was an army of 10,000 marching towards Madinah.

B) The Prophet gathered the Muslims and he consulted with the elders, the youngsters and everyone in the masjid after prayer.

C) Uwais al-Qarani stood up and suggested that a trench be dug around Madinah.

D) Upon hearing the idea of the trench, the Prophet ordered all of the men in Madinah to help dig the trench.

E) The Prophet also helped dig the trench.

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 C is false. It was Salman al-Farisi who stood up and said “oh Messenger of Allah, whenever we were greatly outnumbered in Persia, we used to dig trenches around our towns and this would help us keep our enemies away from us.

48.) During the Battle of the Trench, which Jewish tribe broke off from the Muslims and attacked the city of Madinah from the inside?

A) Banu Nadir

B) Banu Qaynuqa

C) Banu Quraydhah

D) None of the above

 After breaking off from the Muslims, Banu Quraydhah attempted an attack on the fortress of the women, children and the elderly. They were driven off by Saffiyah and Hassan ibn Thabit.

49.) True/false. Hassan ibn Thabit did not fight in battles because he was afraid.

False. He did not fight because he was paralyzed on one side and wasn’t able to lift a sword.

50.) Which of the following circumstances is it not permissible to lie in?

A) If you’re captured in war and are being interrogated by the enemy.

B) When speaking to children.

C) When praising your spouse.

D) When trying to reconcile between two conflicting people.

51.) Which of the following statements about the help that Allah sent for the Muslims through Nu’aym ibn Mas’ud towards the end of the Battle of the Trench is false?

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A) Nu’aym snuck into the camp of the Muslims, but did not accept Islam.

B) Rasulallah told him “You are just one man among us; try to stir up division among them so as to weaken their resolve if you can, for war is deceit.”

C) Being the leader of an-Najd, he was able to stop the attacks on the Muslims from his tribe

D) Nu’aym sowed mistrust between the Makkans and Banu Quraydhah, hence ending the Battle of the Trench.

 A is false. Nu’aym snuck into the Muslim camp and went to the Messenger of Allah and said, “Oh Messenger of Allah, I have become Muslim and my people do not know that I have become Muslim; instruct me as you wish.” The Messenger of Allah said, “You are just one man among us; try to stir up division among them so as to weaken their resolve if you can, for war is deceit.”

52.) True/False. Sa’d bin Mu’ath served as an arbitrator for the Jews at Banu Quraydhah, and he carried out law of the Torah which stated that the punishment for treason is execution.


53.) The Companions took a pledge to fight to the death after rumours of Uthman’s death spread. What was this pledge called?

A.) Bay’ah ar-Ridhwan

B.) Bay’ah al-Aqaba

C.) Bay’ah al-Haq

D.) Bay’ah al-Noor

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53.) True/False. The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah allowed the Muslims to finish their Umrah.

False. The Muslims were forced to end their ihram.

54.) How big was the army that the Prophet led for the Conquest of Makkah?

A.) 5,000

B.) 8,000

C.) 10,000

D.) 20,000

55.) Who were the two leaders of Makkah that accepted Islam?

Al-Abbas and Abu Sufyan

56.) True/False. The Prophet confronted the Roman army instead of waiting for an attack in order to depict the force of the Muslims. True.

57.) List some of the major pieces of advice that the Prophet gave in his farewell sermon.

 Harms of riba (usury)

 Being kind to women

 Being kind to the weak

 Maintaining blood relations

 Hold fast to the Book of Allah

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