Unit 5 Group Presentation Guidelines
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Name______Group Members______Due Date______Requirements for Group Drug Presentation
In groups of 3 or 4, you will choose one of the following groups of drugs to research. The information you find will be used to design a 20-minute (approximate time) presentation according to the criteria below.
HALLUCINOGENS PCP (Phencyclidine), LSD (Lysergic Acid), Mescaline and Psilocybin STIMULANTS Amphetamines incl. Methamphetamine OR Cocaine and Crack DEPRESSANTS Narcotics (Heroin and Opium) OR Alcohol and Barbiturates CANNABIS SATIVA Marijuana and Hashish INHALANTS Solvents, propelants, nitrous oxide DESIGNER DRUGS MDMA(Ecstasy) OR GHB, Ketamine, Rohypnol
1. The following boldface items must be examined and explained in your presentation, AND provided as a handout for the students as a resource. This handout is due one class period before your presentation due date. I will review the info for accuracy and make copies for the students. (*possible exam questions)
Definition/Background* Short term effects* Street names/Methods of Use* Long term effects/hazards of abuse* Type of dependence* Legal ramifications of abuse and possession Media portrayal/societal effects Prevalence among adolescents and adults Seduction (reason for abuse) Treatments available for dependence
2. Some type of visual(s) must be the focus of the presentation. Examples: power point presentation (this works best!!), pictures, video (your own creation, a news clip, a movie clip, etc.), posters, a project display board, a website, magazine/article pictures, etc. THE PRINTING ON YOUR VISUALS MUST BE NEAT AND LARGE ENOUGH FOR THE AUDIENCE TO READ.
3. You must allow for creative audience participation. This can be in the form of a handout for students to complete, a pop quiz, calling on volunteers, sharing song lyrics, poetry analysis, a game, etc.
4. You will create and perform a 2-minute dramatization or role-play that demonstrates any of the above information. It may be pre-recorded and played for the class. Example: A skit demonstrating the drug’s effects or hazards of abuse, a commercial demonstrating how to say no to the seduction of the drug, or a talk show demonstrating prevalence. Be creative, but also effective. If you are silly, you will lose 5 points.
5. You will hold a test question/answer session and be able to answer the audience’s questions correctly (I will “plant” questions in the audience).
6. You must provide me with a bibliography of at least 5 sources. Three sources may be non-profit /educational web sites (.edu, .gov or .org, NOT .com), two sources must be books and/or periodicals. 7. If you are absent on the day of your presentation (excused or not), your group MUST present without you and you will be required to write a 5 page make-up research paper.
OTHER GUIDELINES FOR AN “A” You may choose the manner in which you present the information. For instance, you may choose to use a song OR a poster to demonstrate media portrayal; you may choose to lecture OR perform a skit on street names. Make it interesting!!! Please don’t bore your audience! Do not plagiarize! Make sure all information presented is in your own words! When you come across a word you don’t know, look it up! Be prepared to answer clarification questions. Work together and delegate tasks. Use your time in the computer lab carefully. Much of the presentation can be prepared alone as long as the planning is done as a group. Feel free to ask me for help! I want you to do the very best job possible!
Each of the boldface items in #1 will be scored on a 5-point scale according to accuracy, effort and quality of presentation. Points will be totaled for a possible score of 90.
Fair Average Exceptional Ex: Definition/Background 1 2 3 4 5
Ideas/my responsibilities:
Record resources here (website URLs, book/periodical titles/authors: