Study Guide Klare Oil Conflict in the Persian Gulf

1. Market forces and internal stability in the West

2. 2/3rd of the world’s oil reserves in

3. U.S. reserves will be depleted in 2010

4. Gulf is vital for future growth/consumption rates

5. Gulf region and “stability”

6. Conflict in the Gulf

7. The oil curse and internal conflict

8. Comprador elites

9. Revolution? 10. British and WWI

11. Britain as traditional hegemon

12. WWII and the U.S.

13. U.S.-Saudi “special relationship”

14. “surrogate strategy” Iran and Saudi

15. Iran, 1954 (CIA Anatomy of a Coup)

16. Blowback --- the Iranian revolution 1979

17. surrogate strategy no longer viable

18. Carter Doctrine (p.61)

19. Hostage crisis 20. October surprise

21. Reagan Doctrine

22. Afghanistan and Soviet invasion (A Peoples Century)

23. Mujahadeen and Osama bin Laden

24. Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988 & U.S. policy

25. Iraq’s attempt to expand its oil reserves

26. Bush I and the U.N.

27. Will defend “vital interests” unilaterally if necessary

28. Gulf War I – Operation Desert Storm

29. U.S. in Saudi 30. Why no occupation of Baghdad?

31. Containing Iraq

32. Iraq and WMD --- U.N. Security Council Resolution 687

33. Arming of UAE, Oman, Bahrain (home of the U.S. fifth fleet), Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi, (Turkey) – (p.66-67)

34. Iran and Strait of Hormuz (p.72-73)

35. Iran and WMD (p.73)

36. Iranian potential (p.73-74)

37. Saudi internal problems

38. External backers of rising Gulf powers

39. China and Iran 40. General Zinni (p. 58)

41. Vietnam syndrome

42. 9/11

43. Bush II

44. Bush Doctrine

45. Iraq War II

46. Why We fight