Monticello City Council s2

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Monticello City Council s2


Members Present – Mayor Glenn Newsome, Mayor Pro Tem Russell Gross, Councilmember Bryan Standifer, and Councilmember Martha Pompey were present. Councilmember Katherine Alexander arrived at 7:26 pm after having attended an awards program at the public school. Councilmember Bobby Jacobs was absent due to a recent surgery.

Staff Present – Bob Schwartz, City Manager, Peggy Billerman, City Clerk, and Police Chief Bobby Norris.

Media Present – Ted Dunagan of the Monticello News.

Citizens Present – David Wease, Reverend William Gibson, Bobby Sutton, Doris Moore, Roger Minter, Larry Thurman, Darrell Farrar, Mike and Judy Nelson, Dave Dammann, and Reverend Randy Strozier.

Regular Meeting - Mayor Newsome called the meeting to order. Reverend William Gibson gave the invocation. Mayor Newsome led the pledge of allegiance. City Clerk Peggy Billerman called the roll. Mayor Newsome offered congratulations to the winners in the municipal election and offered encouragement to those in the run-off election scheduled December 6, 2011.

Agenda Approval – Motion by Councilmember Standifer, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Gross, to amend the agenda by the addition of Item 9A, police department additional coverage, change the order of items 8A and 8 B, delete Item 21, executive session, delete Item 16, retirement. All in favor.

Citizen Comments – David Wease of North Warren Street encouraged unity in 2012 and questioned the manner of white goods pickup, complaining that some trash had been left for several days. Reverend William Gibson stated that it would be good to see new people on the council. Reverend Gibson questioned the prices of the newly purchased commercial Christmas decorations and volunteered to assist in decorating the Square. Councilmember Pompey stated that Council should have seen the order before the decorations were purchased.

Minutes – Motion by Councilmember Standifer, seconded by Councilmember Pompey, to approve the minutes of the October 11, 2011 meeting as presented. All in favor. Public Hearings

Zoning variance 2011V101 Applicants Mike and Judy Nelson, to allow a carport in the front yard of 567 Persons Street. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval. No public comments were received. Motion by Councilmember Pompey, seconded by Councilmember Standifer, to approve the variance. All in favor.

Proposal to refinance the debt on the government complex City Manager Bob Schwartz explained that the refinancing was to save money due to a reduction in interest rates since the original financing in 2000. Public comment was invited. David Wease questioned the amount of savings that might be possible. Mr. Schwartz replied that it could be a savings of as much as $3,000 per month. Councilmember Standifer explained that the life of the loan was not being extended. With no other comments, the public hearing was closed.


Police Report – Chief Norris reported $5,328 in October fines, 381 calls for service, and 26 cases. As requested by the Public Safety Committee at its October meeting, Chief Norris provided options for improving police services, including hiring a full-time investigator. To increase patrol coverage, Chief Norris offered options for additional manpower, either full-time or part-time, while explaining scheduling difficulties with part-time officers who have other primary job responsibilities. Chief Norris requested part-time administrative help to keep the police department offices open when the full- time administrator is absent. Motion by Councilmember Standifer, seconded by Councilmember Pompey, to approve the immediate hiring of part-time administrative help, as necessary. All in favor.

Downtown Development Authority - Chairman David Dammann, reported that the authority had maintained a balance while making required payments, including payments to the City of Monticello. Mr. Dammann also stated that there is a need for public restrooms that are open on nights and weekends.

City Manager’s Report- Mr. Schwartz explained that there had been a break in the 10- inch water main on Malone Drive and that city crews had worked overnight to repair the damage.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Councilmember Standifer, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Gross, to approve payables in the amount of $356,356.12. All in favor. New Business

Sunday Sales – First reading of ordinance amendments to permit package sales by a retailer of malt beverages, wine, and distilled spirits on a Sunday and to permit Sunday sales of alcohol by a licensed establishment from 12:30 pm until 12 midnight as were approved by voters on November 8, 2011. Second reading scheduled December 13, 2011. Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Gross, seconded by Councilmember Standifer, to approve the first reading. All in favor.

Christmas Bonuses - Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Gross, seconded by Councilmember Pompey, to issue bonuses to full-time employees in the amount of $100 after taxes. All in favor.

Excavator - $44,000 was budgeted in the Water and Sewer Department for the purchase of a mini-excavator with a front-mounted brush cutter. Mr. Schwartz asked for approval to purchase the excavator. Motion by Councilmember Pompey, seconded by Councilmember Standifer, to approve the $44,000 purchase. All in favor.

Competitive Trust drawdown – Request approval of a $102,479.33 drawdown for lease payments for September through December, as well as the purchase of the mini- excavator. Motion by Councilmember Standifer, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Gross, to approve the drawdown in the amount of $102,479.33. All in favor.

CDBG Update – Mr. Schwartz reported that a drawdown of $228,000 had been requested for the Insituform invoice. Bids documents are being prepared for the conventional portion of this sewer repair project.

Closing - Councilmember Pompey thanked the voters and cautioned the newly elected officials to act with respect, dignity, and common sense. Mayor Pro Tem Gross thanked everyone for the opportunity to serve and wished the new council members well. Councilmember Standifer, as incoming Mayor, applauded Mayor Newsome’s term and accomplishments. Councilmember Standifer stated that he wanted Monticello to be a better place to live and that this Council had many accomplishments to its credit. He encouraged the newly elected officials to protect quality of life. Councilmember Alexander thanked the voters and stated that she was looking forward to working with the new council members. Her advice was to keep looking ahead. Mayor Newsome reminded all that the run-off election for Mayor Pro Tem will be held December 6th.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

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