Newton Centers and Web Quest Answers

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Newton Centers and Web Quest Answers

Name______J# ______Newton Centers and Web Quest Answers

You will complete the following Centers in the order specified by Mrs. Twedt. Each center contains a Web Quest, and some contain explorations. First, you will need to go to on your computer. GO to the resources tab and click “Newton Centers Webquest.” Here, you will find a page that looks just like this sheet. Always start at the beginning of each center and follow the questions in order. Click on the underlined words on Mrs. Twedt’s page in order to get to the website that contains the answers! *If you finish a station early, see the LAST page for what you are to do!

Before we separate into groups, let’s review MECHANICAL ENERGY since we know that FORCES cause changes in amounts of potential and kinetic energy, thus forces cause MOTION: What is the difference between kinetic and potential energy? Yes….you know this, so let’s put it to use for our project! Explain it in terms of a roller coaster. (Read from the beginning, be sure to watch the animation, and make sure you include where the tracks come in to answer this!). There is a blank space in case you want to draw a diagram.

The animation above, “which demonstrates how a roller coaster's energy is constantly changing between potential and kinetic energy. At the top of the first lift hill (a), there is maximum potential energy because the train is as high as it gets. As the train starts down the hill, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy -- the train speeds up. At the bottom of the hill (b), there is maximum kinetic energy and little potential energy. The kinetic energy propels the train up the second hill (c), building up the potential-energy level. As the train enters the loop-the-loop (d), it has a lot of kinetic energy and not much potential energy. The potential-energy level builds as the train speeds to the top of the loop (e), but it is soon converted back to kinetic energy as the train leaves the loop.”

You are familiar with both of these: Gravitational Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy. According to the text written below the heading “Gravitational Potential Energy” on this page, Gravitational Potential Energy is

The energy stored in an object as the result of its vertical position or height. The energy is stored as the result of the gravitational attraction of the Earth for the object.

Use that same page to fill in the following blanks: “The gravitational potential energy of the massive ball of a demolition machine is dependent on two variables the mass of the ball and the height to which it is raised.

There is a direct relation between Gravitational Potential Energy and the Mass of an object; more massive objects have greater gravitational potential energy. There is also a direct relation between Gravitational Potential Energy and the Height of an Object; the More that an object is elevated, the greater the GPE. These relationships are expressed by the following equation:”

PEgrav = mass • g • height

PEgrav = m *• g • h

Another way to look at this is: Potential Energy (unit is Joules) = Weight x Height (since Mass x gravity (9.8) = weight). *Continue reading and scroll down to the “Quick Quiz” with the stairs and make sure you can calculate! Kinetic Energy—Read the paragraph beginning with Kinetic Energy is the energy of motion. What is the formula used to represent Kinetic Energy?

*What are the variables that determine the amount of kinetic energy? (explain what the letters above stand for!). m = mass of object v = speed of object

What is their relationship? *Meaning, explain the equation. I’ll start you… For every twofold increase in speed, the kinetic energy will increase by a factor of four. For a threefold increase in speed, the kinetic energy will increase by a factor of nine. And for a fourfold increase in speed, the kinetic energy will increase by a factor of sixteen. The kinetic energy is dependent upon the square of the speed.

SO, do you understand? Prove it. I have a marble with a mass of .0032 kg. It rolls down a ramp at a speed of 2.4 m/s. How much kinetic energy does my marble possess? Show your work. Include your unit! KE = (.5) x (.0032 kg) x (2.4 m/s)2

.0092 J

Is Kinetic Energy a scalar quantity or a vector quantity?

Kinetic energy is a scalar quantity; it does not have a direction. Unlike velocity, acceleration, force, and momentum, the kinetic energy of an object is completely described by magnitude alone. *Note, though V is used in the formula, speed is the variable used, not direction. This makes it scalar.

Now….on to the new stuff. Wait for instructions to begin your centers…. Center (Newton’s1 1st Law) -–

What does Newton’s 1 st Law say about objects at rest and in motion? "An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force," that is, objects "tend to keep on doing what they're doing."

View the car hitting the wall in the short animation. Read the second two paragraphs in order to have the content to support your answer. Explain, in scientific terms, why it is important to wear a seatbelt! The car was moving in one direction and the wall, an unbalanced force, acts on the car and causes it to stop moving in the direction it was moving. The person in the car, with no seatbelt, followed Newton’s first law. The car stopped moving because an unbalanced force stopped it. That force did not act, 100 % on the person, so the person continued in the same direction that they were going….without a seatbelt that meant flying through the windshield and into the wall where that wall finally acted on the person  Buckle up!

What is another name for Newton’s 1st Law? LAW OF INERTIA

Define Inertia: “Inertia is the resistance an object has to a change in its state of motion.” Scroll down and watch the video with the teacher on Inertia! Explain what happens! The teacher has a bottle, topped by a ring, with a marker balancing on top of the ring. The force of gravity is pushing down on the marker, the force from the ring is pushing up on the marker. Balanced. When he swiftly removes the ring, there is no longer the force of the ring, so the only force acting on the marker is gravity. The marker accelerates in the direction of the force of gravity.

Normal Force (Correct Term here) Before:


Hands-on (Newton’s 1st Law) #1-- Materials: Ping Pong Ball and a car.

Procedure: Put the Ping-Pong ball in the car. Put a textbook in the center of your table. Roll the car into the book…..don’t smash, just roll. Draw a picture below showing what happened. Use arrows to show the direction of motion of the car and the ball:

Text book

How does this explain inertia? Car stops and Ping Pong ball continues in the same direction, at the same speed, as the car once was. This is the definition of inertia.

Hands-on (Newton’s 1st Law) #2-- 1. Set the Inertia device up like the picture to the right. 2. Treat this equipment with respect please!!! ASK FOR HELP if you can’t get it to work. 3. Pull back gently on the plastic lever and release, allowing the lever to hit the cardboard. ASK FOR HELP if you can’t get it to work. 4. Explain what happens to the BALL and WHY this is showing Newton’s 1st Law below:

When the lever is pulled back and released, it acts ONLY on the card. Therefore, the marble receives ZERO force from the lever and therefore does not change direction or movement, only the force of gravity acts on the marble and the marble stays put! Inertia!

Example video

Center 2 (Newton’s 1st Law) -- Newton’s 1st Law states that objects “keep doing what they are doing until an unbalanced force acts on them.” What is meant by an “unbalanced force?” Let’s first look at what a balanced force is. Draw a picture with labels or simply explain. (It is up to you!)

Read the paragraph beginning with “Now consider a book sliding from left to right across a table top.” What is an example of an unbalanced force? FRICTION

Explain why the book changes its state of motion. “The force of gravity pulling downwards and the force of the table pushing upwards on the book are of equal magnitude and in opposite directions. These two forces balance each other. However, there is no force present to balance the force of friction. As the book moves to the right, friction acts to the left to slow the book down. This is an unbalanced force; and as such, the book changes its state of motion.” On the last page, two forces were introduced: Gravity and Friction. Read, beginning at on this page in order to be sure you have a clear understanding. Because there is no gravity or friction in space, once an object is in motion, what happens to that object?

It remains in motion! Scary if you are the astronaut!

**Be sure to read the following webpage thoroughly!

Who discovered this law of inertia? Galileo However, we have learned that the way he looked at the law was a little different than the way scientists have come to understand it. Who actually devised this law? The law of inertia was devised by Galileo's pupils and by Descartes - a French philosopher, mathematician and physicist.

Hands-on (Newton’s 1st Law) #3—

Materials: Gyroscope.

Just as objects traveling in a straight line will continue to do so, rotating objects (such as tops, flywheels, and gyroscopes) want to keep spinning. The rotational inertia of an object is directly related to its rate of rotation. This means that objects with large rotational inertia will require a large force to change its spin, while objects with small rotational inertia will require only a small force.

Rotational inertia keeps gyroscopes, figure skaters (during lightning fast spins), and bike-riders stable, and is used in navigation devices in planes (as turbulence does not produce enough force to knock them down, while it can easily interrupt other navigation equipment). Here is a simple experiment that will help you understand this concept: *See Directions card for Procedure…..

Explain how this shows Newton’s 1st law:

Once the gyroscope starts to spin, it will resist changes in the orientation of its spin axis. For example, a spinning top resists toppling over. Inertia! The tendency to continue doing whatever it is doing!

nd Center 3 (Newton’s 2 Law)-- Newton’s 2 nd Law states (this is written ABOVE the word “firstly” on the webpage. Newton's second law of motion explains how an object will change velocity if it is pushed or pulled upon.

Hands-on (Newton’s 2nd Law) #1—

Materials: Tennis Ball, 2 Cars, 3 washers, and a meter tape. There are 3 parts to this law! What are they? To help explain each of these three parts, use the supplies in the bin. The information you write on 1, 2 and 3 is in RED and shadowed on the page you clicked on for the above info.


Procedure: In the bin, take out the tennis ball and lay it on the table. It isn’t moving. Give it a push. What happens? Explain it in the terms of what you wrote above for part 1 of Newton’s 2nd Law.

The ball accelerates in the direction that you pushed it in.

What would happen if you pulled on the tennis ball, according to this part of Newton’s 2nd Law?

The ball accelerates in the direction that you pulled it in.


Procedure: In the bin, take out the car. Give it a LITTLE push on the floor. Now, give it a larger push. What happens to the acceleration of the car? With the harder push (more force) the car speeds up more than with a softer push (less force).

Why? See The RED statement above.

*This part of the 2nd law shows that acceleration is DIRECTLY proportional to the applied net force. Scroll down on the webpage and watch the animation. What happens when the largest vector for force is applied to the mass compared to the smallest?

More force = faster acceleration (when mass stays the same)

3. ** if you are pushing equally on two objects, and one of the objects has five times more mass than the other, it will accelerate at one fifth the acceleration of the other.

*This part of the 3rd part of this law shows that acceleration is INVERSELY proportional to mass. Scroll down on the webpage and watch the animation for INVERSELY proportional. What do you notice about the force vectors in this animation? They are the same.

What does this mean? All objects are pushed with the same force.

SO....describe what this animation is showing then: If the mass of objects increases, and those objects are pushed with the same force, the lighter objects accelerate faster than the heavy objects.

Procedure: Using the car from the prior page, follow the data table below…you can figure out what to do. Push the car with EQUAL force each time along the meter tape (starting at zero).

Farthest to not very far… light goes farther than heavy

If you have a hard time seeing it with the data, use a second car, with NO washers and a car with 3 washers. Push them both with the same force and watch what happens.

Explain what happened AND why this helps explain Newtons 2nd Law:

The car with no washers travels farther (and faster) than the heavy one with a small, equal force. Equal force with increasing mass = slower acceleration.

Center 4 (Newton’s 2nd Law)–-

What is Force? a push or pull acting upon an object. What are the 4 fundamental forces of the universe referenced in this article?: The force of gravity, electromagnetic force, and weak and strong nuclear forces.

Side bar mini-lesson: All 4 fundamental forces in nature (or of the universe) referenced above are ALL NON-CONTACT forces.

Gravity—The force of attraction that exists among all bodies that have mass… including something as small as the atom. The larger the mass, the more attraction for something. Also, the closer matter is to others, the more attracted… large close together particles or objects experience more gravitational pull than smaller/farther apart ones.

Electromagnetic—The force that causes the interaction between electrically charged particles; Why electrons are attracted to the nuclei of atoms and vice versa…..and why like charges repel each other.

Strong Nuclear—The strongest known force of attraction in nature! However, the range is TINY….atoms tiny! This is the force holding the nuclei of atoms together. *Fission. Chemical warfare, Nukes!

Weak Nuclear—The force known to work in Fusion, and Radioactive decay. However, the article lists 3 everyday forces that affect motion : Gravity, Friction, Applied Force.

What are some others? (use your brain…..not the website….and you can repeat some from above).

Forces Contact Forces (have to touch) Non-Contact Forces (does not need to touch to act) Applied Gravity Friction Electromagnetic-includes electric and Drag (air resistance) magnetism Elastic (Spring) Weak Nuclear- weak force plays a greater role in things falling apart, or decaying. Tension Strong Nuclear- responsible for binding Normal together the nucleus (also responsible for Lift binding together the quarks) Thrust Also--Buoyancy (reaction of gravity in water)

Now…back to the webpage you were reading above…… (or click HERE if you closed out).

Is force a vector or a scalar quality? Explain: Force is a vector, or a measure that has both size and direction. For example, Colton pushes on the ground in the opposite direction that the scooter moves, so that’s the direction of the force he is applies. He can give the scooter a strong push or a weak push. That’s the size of the force. Like other vectors, a force can be represented with an arrow.

What is the mathematical formula for calculating FORCE? Force = Mass x Acceleration

Since it is an equation, what is the unit that is put on force (not meters, liters, or grams)? A Newton Newton (N): SI unit of force, equal to the amount of force that causes a mass of 1 kilogram to accelerate at 1 m/s2 (kg • m/s2).

Use a Calculator to complete the following:

20 N = 4 kg X 5 M/S2 10 N = 2 kg X 5 M/S2 28 N = 7 kg X 4 M/S2 *Remember, Acceleration is how quickly something speeds up! ***OR changes direction! It is a vector!

Calculate the following:

1. What acceleration will result when a 12-N net force is applied to a 3-kg object? (12÷3) 4 M/S2 A 6-kg object? (12÷6) 2 M/S2 F = MA!

2. A net force of 16 N causes a mass to accelerate at the rate of 5 m/s2. Determine the mass. 3.2 kg

Center 5 (Newton’s 3rd Law)--

What is Newton’s 3 rd Law? Explain it with skateboarding in your example after stating the law.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. “If you push on it, it pushes on you.”

Explain how the example of “Sitting in a chair” helps explain Newton’s 3rd Law. When you sit in your chair, your body exerts a downward force on the chair (Gravity) and the chair exerts an upward force on your body (Called NORMAL Force). Gravity and Normal Force are two forces resulting from this interaction. One up, one down; No movement= balanced; Equilibrium. These two forces are called action and reaction forces.

Think: While driving, Riya, (ummm…scary again) observed a bug striking the windshield of her car. Obviously, this is a case of Newton's third law of motion. The bug hit the windshield and the windshield hit the bug. Which of the two forces is greater: the force on the bug or the force on the windshield?

Trick Question! The law states that for every action there is an EQUAL and opposite reaction! The forces are equal….. The poor little bug just doesn’t have enough mass to withstand the acceleration due to the interaction.

Click here to see if you got it right! (Scroll down to the school bus where it says “Check for Understanding.”) *Correct your answer if you did NOT get it correct!

Identify the action-reaction pairs in the following situations using words, and draw a diagram labeling forces with arrows and correct subscripts.

Example “A Car hits a tree”

Force of Car = Force of Tree Car hits tree, but tree equally hits car!

Force of snowball hitting back = force of back hitting snowball

 a baseball player catches a ball

Force of ball hitting glove = force of glove hitting ball

 a gust of wind strikes a window

Force of wind hitting window = force of window hitting wind Ya---I can’t draw that on the computer 

Think about when you are rowing a boat. Explain what happens when you row a boat in terms of Newton’s 3rd Law.

Direction of Rowing Direction of Boat! (Water) When you row the boat, you are putting force on the water pushing it backwards. In turn, in an equal and opposite reaction, the water pushes back on your paddle, moving your boat forward!

Center 6 (Newton’s 3rd Law)-– Hands-on (Newton’s 3rd Law) #1--

Materials: 2 Demo Spring Scales - Please be very careful not to break the spring scales. Do not FORCE (pun intended) the scales to do anything that they won’t do or you will break them. Procedure: Hook your spring scales together. (2 people per scale only) People 1—Carefully pull your spring scale with a force of 4 Newtons Person 2-- Pull your spring scale at a force of 8 Newtons…again do not force! Person 1’s scale must remain at 4 Newtons and must not be moved from his or her current position (don’t pull him or her toward you).

Describe what happens You found that you could not pull on opposite ends of the Demo Spring Scales with different amounts forces. As you pulled, the scales always read the same force.

Let’s look for an explanation! What is the explanation? For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In other words, when one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts a force of equal strength in the opposite direction on the first object.

Status Check—

In the top picture, Griffin is pulling upon a rope which is attached to a wall. In the bottom picture, Griffin is pulling upon a rope which is held by the Strongman, Mr. Ly (NOT!!!). In each case, the force scale reads 500 Newtons. Griffin is not moving the wall or Mr. Ly.

Griffin is pulling

a. with more force when the rope is attached to the wall. b. with more force when the rope is attached to the Strongman. c. the same force in each case.

Circle the correct answer and explain:

The rope transmits force from Griffin to the wall (or Mr. Ly) and vise versa. Since Griffin is pulling with a force of 500 N and he is not moving the wall or Mr. Ly, it can be established (under Newton’s 3rd Law) that the equal reaction is that both Mr. Ly and the wall are pulling back with 500 N.

Hands-on (Newton’s 3rd Law) #2--

Materials: 10 Marbles Ruler


1. Put the marbles in the groove of the ruler; put four of the marbles in the middle, put one of the marbles on the end of the groove, away from the other marbles.

2. Push the end marble gently [use little force] so that it bumps the other marbles.

3. Observe the marble(s) at the other end. 4. Push two marbles so that they bump into the marbles in the middle. What happens? 2 marbles leave the row of marbles.

5. Experiment with the number of marbles you push and the number of marbles that move.

How does this show Newtons 3rd Law? If the row of marbles is hit with 1 marble, 1 marble leaves on the other side. 2 marbles hit, 2 marbles leave. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In other words, when one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts a force of equal strength in the opposite direction on the first object.

*If this doesn’t work, ask Mrs. Twedt to see the Newton’s Cradle.

***When you FINISH or If you finish a station early and are waiting to rotate:

1. Get the EXTENTION Centers from Mrs. Twedt. 2. Watch and complete the following BrainPops (extra credit for your upcoming test): Force, Gravity, Acceleration, Newton’s 3 Laws, Work, Distance Rate and Time

Print your results (so you can use them for review) or email me your results (if you do this option, be sure to take a screen shot to verify that you did in fact do them….sometimes y’all type in the wrong email for me and I have NO way of verifying completion). *Remember, you must earn a 90% or a 100% in order to receive extra credit. Extension Center 1: Work

Yes yes yes….I know…this is hard work. However, scientists don’t consider this work at all! Look up the definition of work in the ScienceSaurus glossary. Then go to the page in the book where work is discussed….

Work = when force is used to move an object through a distance On the page where work is discussed more thoroughly, what is the formula that is used to find work? Please write out each word. Do not just write letters.

Formula = Work = Force x Distance Read the example about the box that doesn’t move (in the center of the page). Using prior knowledge, explain why the box doesn’t move! Think about Newton’s Laws!!!

The forces of gravity and friction are balanced against the push! Thus, no work is able to be completed (Forces are balanced and no distance is covered).

Hands-on (Work)—

1. Attach an object to the spring scale. 2. Slowly lift or pull the object straight up 50 cm (use the meter stick to measure the distance). 3. Record how much force you used to pull or lift the object (Newtons). 4. Calculate how much work you did by using the formula, work=force x distance.

Object Force (Newtons) Distance the object Amount of Work is moved (cm) (Joules) (Force x Distance = Work) 1. Copper weight 50 cm 2. Washer 50 cm 3. Battery 50 cm

Which one of the objects was the MOST work? THE weight. Why do you think that is? Because it is the heaviest. The force of gravity on that mass makes the weight the greatest, therefore Force x 50 cm give us the MOST amount of work (in Joules…so it took the most energy!).

Extension Center 2: Momentum According to the first cartoon, Momentum is “Mass in Motion.”

Read the paragraph next to the first cartoon. Fill in the blanks below.

“All objects have Mass, so if an object is Moving then it has momentum - it has its mass in motion.

The amount of momentum which an object has is dependent upon two variables: how much stuff is moving and how fast the stuff is moving. Momentum depends upon the variables

Mass and Velocity.

Momentum = Mass x Velocity


1. Find the momentum of a 10-Kg object moving at 20 m/s. 200 kg-m/s

2. Determine the momentum of a ...

60-kg halfback moving eastward at 9 m/s. 60 x 9 = 540 kg-m/s east

1000-kg car moving northward at 20 m/s. 1000 x 20 = 20,000 kg-m/s north

40-kg 6th grader moving southward at 2 m/s. 40 x 2 = 80 kg-m/s south

3. A halfback (m = 60 kg), a tight end (m = 90 kg), and a lineman (m = 120 kg) are running down the football field. Consider their ticker tape patterns below. (click ticker tape if you are unsure what it means).

Compare the velocities of these three players. How many times greater is the velocity of the halfback and the velocity of the tight end than the velocity of the lineman?

Tight End = 6 m/s (twice the distance in the same amount of time, so twice the speed)

Halfback = 9 m/s (three times the distance in the same amount of time, so three times the speed) Halfback and Tight end have the same momentum 60 x 9 = 540 kg-m/s 90 x 6 = 540 kg-m/s The Lineman only has a momentum of 360 kg-m/s (120 x 3)

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