List of Plant Species Occuring at Baker Prairie Natural Area, Boone County

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List of Plant Species Occuring at Baker Prairie Natural Area, Boone County

List of plant species occurring at Baker Prairie Natural Area - Updated 21 September 2011 - 257 taxa.

Scientific name Common name Strata Freq. Habitat Sources


Dennstaedtiaceae Pteridium aquilinum bracken fern herb 2 A, C, D 1

Ophioglossaceae Botrychium dissectum var. obliquum oblique grapefern herb 1 D 1


Cupressaceae Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana eastern red cedar tree, sap, shrub 3 A, C, D 2

Pinaceae Pinus taeda * # loblolly pine sap 1 C, D 5

ANGIOSPERMS – Magnoliopsida (Dicots)

Acanthaceae Ruellia humilis var. humilis fringeleaf petunia herb 4 A 1 Ruellia strepens limestone wild petunia herb 8

Aceraceae Acer rubrum red maple sap, shrub 1 A 9

Anacardiaceae Rhus aromatica fragrant sumac shrub 2 D 5 Rhus copallina winged sumac shrub 3 A 9 Rhus glabra smooth sumac shrub 3 A, B, C, D 3 Toxicodendron radicans eastern poison ivy vine, shrub 4 D, E 2

Apiaceae Daucus carota * Queen Anne’s lace herb 4 A, D 1 Eryngium yuccifolium rattlesnake master herb 3 A 2 Osmorhiza longistylis sweet anise herb 1 D 5 Polytaenia nuttallii Nuttall's prairie parsley herb 3 A 1 Thaspium trifoliatum meadow parsnip herb 1 B 1 Zizia aptera meadow Alexanders herb __ __ 2 Zizia aurea golden Alexanders herb 4 A, B 2

Apocynaceae Apocynum cannabinum hemp dogbane herb 4 A, C 1

Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia reticulata hairy Dutchman’s pipe herb 2 D 1

Asclepiaceae Asclepias amplexicaulis clasping milkweed herb 1 A 1 Asclepias syriaca common milkweed herb 2 A, C 2 Asclepias tuberosa butterfly weed herb 2 A 1 Asclepias verticillata whorled milkweed herb 2 A 1 Asclepias viridiflora green comet milkweed herb 3 A, C, D 1

Asteraceae Achillea millefolium common yarrow herb 3 A, C, D 1 Ambrosia artemisiifolia annual ragweed herb 8 Ambrosia bidentata lanceleaf ragweed herb 4 A 10 Antennaria neglecta field pussytoes herb 4 A, C 8 Antennaria plantaginifolia woman's tobacco herb 5 A, C 1 Artemisia annua sweet wormwood herb 1 __ 2 Astranthium ciliatum western daisy herb 2 A 1 Berlandiera betinicifolia Texas greeneyes herb 4 A, B 1 Brickellia eupatorioides false boneset herb 4 A, C 1 Centaurea stoebe subsp. micrantha * spotted knapweed hewrb 2 F 12 Conyza canadensis horseweed herb 2 A 10 Scientific name Common name Strata Freq. Habitat Sources

1 Coreopsis palmata stiff tickseed herb 5 A, B, C 1 Echinacea pallida pale-purple coneflower herb 4 A 1 Erigeron annuus eastern fleabane herb 4 A, C 3 Erigeron strigosus rough fleabane herb 4 A, C 1 Helenium autumnale common sneezeweed herb 4 A, B, C 2 Helianthus atrorubens rosinweed sunflower herb 2 B 1 Helianthus mollis ashy sunflower herb 5 A, C 1 Helianthus occidentalis western sunflower herb 3 A 1 Hieracium longipilum hairy hawkweed herb 3 A 1 Ionactis linariifolius flaxleaf whitetop aster herb 1 Krigia biflora twin-flowered dwarf dandelion herb 3 A 2 Leucanthemum vulgare * ox-eye daisy herb 4 A, C 1 Liatris aspera tall blazingstar herb 4 A 1 Liatris pycnostachya prairie button blazingstar herb 3 B 1 Packera aurea golden ragwort herb 2 B 2 Packera glabella butterweed herb 2 A 9 Parthenium integrifolium wild quinine herb 3 A 2 Prenanthes aspera rough rattlesnake root herb 1 A 1 Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium sweet everlasting herb 5 A, B, C 1 Rudbeckia hirta black-eyed Susan herb 5 A, C 1 Silphium integrifolium rosin-weed herb 5 A, B, D 1 Silphium laciniatum compass plant herb 5 A, B, C 1 Solidago altissimas Canada goldenrod herb 4 A, C 4 Solidago gigantea giant goldenrod herb 3 B, C 4 Solidago nemoralis old field goldenrod herb 4 A, C 4 Solidago odora fragrant goldenrod herb 8 Solidago radula western rough goldenrod herb 8 Solidago rigida stiff goldenrod herb 5 A, C 1 Solidago speciosa showy goldenrod herb 4 A, C 1 Symphyotrichum anomalum manray aster herb 1 A 2 Symphyotrichum ericoides subsp. ericoides heath aster herb 2 C 6 Symphyotrichum oolentagiensis azure aster herb 1 A 9 Symphyotrichum patens late purple aster herb 5 A, C 1 Symphyotrichum pilosum var. pilosum hairy white oldfield aster herb 5 A, B, C 2 Symphyotrichum sericeum western silky aster herb 4 A, B 1 Symphyotrichum turbinellum smooth violet prairie aster herb __ __ 1 Taraxacum officinale * common dandelion herb 3 C 3 Tragopogon dubius * goat’s beard herb 3 A 1 Verbesina helianthoides gravelbeard herb 3 A, B 1 Verbesina virginica white crown-beard herb 8 Vernonia baldwinii Baldwin's ironweed herb 5 A, B, C 1

Berberidaceae Podophyllum peltatum May apple herb 3 D 5

Bignonaceae Bignonia capreolata crossvine herb 1 D 10

Boraginaceae Lithospermum canescens orange puccoon herb 2 A 1

Brassicaceae Barbarea vulgaris * garden yellowrocket herb 3 A, B, C, E 5 Lepidium campestre * field pepper weed herb 3 B, C 1

Campanulaceae Lobelia spicata highbelia herb 4 A, B, C 1 Triodanis perfoliata var. perfoliata round-leaved Venus’ looking glass herb 3 A, B, C 2

Caprifoliaceae Lonicera japonica * Japanese honeysuckle herb 3 D, E 5 Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis common elderberry shrub 2 B, E 5 Symphoricarpos orbiculatus coralberry shrub 2 D 5

Caryophyllaceae Dianthus armeria * deptford pink herb 2 A, C 1 Silene regia royal campion herb 1 A, D 1

Scientific name Common name Strata Freq. Habitat Sources

2 Celtidaceae Celtis occidentalis western hackberry tree, sap 3 D 5

Clusiaceae Hypericum perforatum common St. John’s wort herb 3 A, C 1

Convolvulaceae Convolvulus arevnsis * field bindweed herb __ __ 2 Ipomoea sp. morning glory herb 1 A 9

Cornaceae Cornus drummondii rough-leaved dogwood shrub 3 D 5 Cornus florida flowering dogwood sap, shrub 2 D 5

Cuscutaceae Cuscuta sp. dodder herb 2 B, D 1

Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia corollata flowering spurge herb 4 A, C 1 Croton glandulosa var. sepentrionalis tropic croton herb 3 A 12 Croton capitatus hogwort herb 3 A 10 Tragia cordata vine noseburn herb 1 A 1

Fabaceae Albizia julibrissin * silktree sap 1 C 7 Astragalus crassicarpus var. trichocalyx ground plum milkvetch herb 2 A 1 Baptisia bracteata var. leucophaea long-bracted wild indigo herb 3 A, B, C 1 Cercis canadensis eastern red bud sap, shrub 2 D 5 Dalea candida white prairie clover herb 1 A 1 Dalea purpurea purple prairie clover herb 4 A, C 1 Desmodium canescens hoary tick trefoil herb __ __ 2 Desmodium ciliare tick trefoil herb 3 A 9 Desmodium sessilifolium sessileleaf tick trefoil herb 2 A 1 Galactia regularis milk pea herb 2 A 9 Gleditsia tricanthos honey locust tree, sap, shrub 2 D 5 Kummerowia striata * Japanese bushclover herb 1 A 9 Lespedeza capitata round-head bushclover herb 3 A, B 1 Lespedeza cuneata * Asian bushclover herb 3 C, D 2 Lespedeza virginica slender bushclover herb 2 A 7 Medicago lupulina * black medic herb 5 A, D 2 Mimosa quadrivalis var. nuttallii sensitive brier herb 2 A 1 Robinia pseudoacacia black locust sap, shrub 2 D 5 Stylosanthes biflora sidebeak pencilflower herb 3 A, C 1 Tephrosia virginiana Virginia goatsrue herb 4 A 1 Trifolium campestre * field clover herb 1 A, C 5 Trifolium pratense * red clover herb 3 B, C 2

Fagaceae Quercus falcata southern red oak tree, sap 2 C, D 7 Quercus stellata post oak tree, sap 2 A, D 5

Gentianaceae Gentiana puberulenta downy gentian herb 2 A 1 Sabatia angularis winged rosepink herb 3 A, B 1

Geraniaceae Geranium carolineanum Carolina cranesbill herb 4 A, B, C 5

Grossulariaceae Ribes missouriense Missouri gooseberry shrub 2 D 5

Lamiaceae Lamium purpureum * purple deadnettle herb 4 C, D 5 Monarda fistulosa var. fistulosa wild bergamot herb 3 A, B 1 Physostegia virginiana obedient plant herb 2 B 1 Prunella vulgaris subsp. lanceolata heal-all herb 4 A, B, C 1 Pycnanthemum albescens whiteleaf mountain mint herb 2 A, B 3 Scientific name Common name Strata Freq. Habitat Sources Pycnanthemum tenuifolium slender mountain mint herb 4 A, B, C 1 Salvia azurea pitcher sage herb 4 A 1

3 Salvia lyrata lyreleaf sage herb 2 A, C 3 Teucrim canadense var. canadense Canada wood sage herb 1 B, D 1

Linaceae Linum sulcatum grooved flax herb 2 A, C 1

Lauraceae Sassafras albidum sassafras sap, shrub 4 A, B, C, D 5

Malvaceae Callirhoe digitata var. digitata wine cup herb 3 A 1

Moraceae Maclura pomifera * osage orange tree, sap, shrub 3 D 5 Morus rubra red mulberry sap, shrub 2 D 5

Onagraceae Oenothera fruticosa narrowleaf evening primrose herb __ __ 1

Oxalidaceae Oxalis stricta violet wood sorrel herb 2 D 1

Passifloraceae Passiflora lutea yellow passion flower herb 8

Phytolaccaceae Phytolacca americana American pokeweed herb 2 B, C, D 5

Plantaginaceae Plantago lanceolata * English plantain herb 3 C 3

Polemoniaceae Phlox divaricata subsp. laphamii Lapham’s blue phlox herb 1 D 3 Phlox pilosa subsp. pilosa downy phlox herb 2 A 1

Polygalaceae Polygala sanguinea purple milkwort herb 4 A 1

Polygonaceae Rumex acetosella * common redsorrel herb 1 E 3

Portulaceae Claytonia virginiana Virginia spring beauty herb 3 A, C 1

Primulaceae Dodecatheon meadia Mead's shooting star herb 3 A, B 1 Lysimachia lanceolata var. lanceolata lance-leaf loosestrife herb 2 B, D 1

Ranunulaceae Anemone caroliniana Carolina thimbleweed herb 2 B 1 Anemone virginiana tall thimbleweed herb 2 B 1 Delphinium carolinianum Carolina larkspur herb 2 A 1 Enemion biternatum eastern false rue-anemone herb 4 A, B 1 Ranunculus fascicularis early buttercup herb 5 A, B 1 Ranunculus micranthus rock crowfoot herb 2 A 5 Thalictrum thalictroides meadow rue herb __ __ 3

Rhamnaceae Berchemia scandens rattan vine woody vine 1 D 10 Ceanothus americanus New Jersey tea herb 2 A, D 1

Rosaceae Aphanes microcarpa * ladysmantle herb 1 A 9 Fragaria virginiana Virginia strawberry herb 5 A, B, C 1 Geum canadense white avens herb 2 D 5 Potentilla arguta prairie cinquefoil herb 2 A 11 Potentilla recta rough-fruited cinquefoil herb 2 A, C 1 Scientific name Common name Strata Freq. Habitat Sources Potentilla simplex old-field cinquefoil herb 2 A, C 1 Prunus mexicana Mexican plum sap, shrub 1 D 5

4 Prunus serotina black cherry tree, sap, shrub 3 D 2 Pyrus calleryana * Bradford pear tree,sap 1 C 12 Rosa carolina/arkansana? Carolina rose shrub 5 A 1 Rosa setigera climbing rose shrub 2 A 1 Rubus flagellaris northern dewberry shrub 2 D 5 Rubus trivialis southern dewberry shrub 3 A, B, C, D 5

Rubiaceae Galium aparine catchweed bedstraw herb 2 D 5 Galium pilosum hairy bedstraw herb 2 A 1 Galium virgatum southwest bedstraw herb 1 A 9 Hedyotis crassifolia star violet herb 4 A, B 1 Hedyotis purpurea mountain bluet herb __ Sherardia arvensis * blue field madder herb 2 B, C 1

Salicaceae Salix humilis prairie willow shrub 1 A 1

Santalaceae Commandra umbellata subsp. umbellata bastard toadflax herb 5 A, B, C 1

Scrophulariaceae Buchnera americana American blue hearts herb 2 A, D 1 Castilleja coccinea scarlet Indian paintbrush herb 3 A 1 Nuttallanthus Canadensis/texanac Carolina blue toadflax herb 2 Pedicularis canadensis Canada lousewort herb 2 A, C 1 Penstemon digitalis smooth beardtongue herb 4 A 2 Penstemon tubiflorus whitewand beardtongue herb 3 A 1 Veronicastrum virginicum Virginia Culver’s root herb 1 B 1

Solanaceae Physalis virginiana Virginia groundcherry herb 3 A 3 Solanum sp. horsenettle herb __ __ 2

Ulmaceae Ulmus alata winged elm shrub, sap 2 D 7 Ulmus americana American elm tree, sap 2 D, E 5

Valerianaceae Valerianella nuttallii Nuttall's corn salad herb 2 __ 1 Valerianella radiata beaked corn salad herb 5 A, B, C 3

Verbenaceae Glandularia canadensis rose mock vervain herb 3 A, C 3

Vitaceae Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia creeper woody vine 3 D 5 Vitis cinerea graybark grape woody vine 3 D, E 2

Violaceae Viola bicolor Johnny-jump-up herb 2 A, C 2 Viola pedata bird’s-foot violet herb 3 A 1 Viola pedatifida prairie violet herb 2 A 1 Viola sagittata arrow-leaved violet herb 4 A, B 1 Viola sororia var. sororia woolly blue violet herb 2 A 5

ANGIOSPERMS – Liliopsida (Monocots)

Agavaceae Camassia scilloides Atlantic camus herb 3 B 1

Alliaceae Allium canadense var. canadense meadow garlic herb 4 A, B, C 2 Allium vineale * domestic onion herb 3 A, B, C 3 Nothoscordum bivalve wild garlic herb 4 A, B, C 1

Scientific name Common name Strata Freq. Habitat Sources

Commelinaceae Tradescantia ohiensis smooth spiderwort herb 3 A, B 1

5 Cyperaceae Carex blanda eastern woodland caric sedge herb 3 D 5 Carex bicknellii caric sedge herb 2 B 11 Carex gravida heavy sedge herb 2 B 11 Carex meadii Mead's caric sedge herb 3 A 5 Scleria oligantha littleflower nutsedge herb 4 A 2

Hypoxidaceae Hypoxis hirsuta hairy yellow star grass herb 3 A 1

Iridaceae Nemastylis nuttallii Nuttall’s pleatleaf herb 1 D 1 Sisyrinchium albidum white blue-eyed grass herb 4 A, B 1

Juncaceae Juncus sp. rush herb __ E 2 Luzula bulbosa bulbous woodrush herb 4 A, B, C 3

Liliaceae Erythronium albidum white trout lily herb 2 A, D 1 Erythromium mesochoreum prairie trout lily herb 2 A 11

Melanthiaceae Trillium pusillum var. ozarkanum Ozark wake robin herb 2 A 1

Orchidaceae Calopogon oklahomensis tuberous grass pink herb 1 B 2 Spiranthes lacera var. gracilis southern slender ladies’ tresses herb 2 A 1

Poaceae Agrostis hyemalis winter bentgrass herb 2 B, C 2 Andropogon gerardii big bluestem herb 3 A, B 1 Andropogon gyrans var. gyrans Elliott’s bluestem herb 3 A 1 Andropogon ternarius split-beard bluestem herb 2 C 2 Andropogon virginicus broomsedge bluestem herb 4 A, B, C 2 Aristida purpurascens arrowfeather three-awngrass herb 3 A, C 7 Bromus inermis * bromegrass herb __ __ 2 Danthonia spicata poverty oatgrass herb 2 A, D 2 Dichanthelium acuminatum hairy panicgrass herb 4 A 9 Dichanthelium commutatum variable panicgrass herb 2 A 9 Dichanthelium oligosanthes Scribner's rosettegrass herb 3 A,C 2 Digitaria cognata Carolina crabgrass herb __ __ 2 Digitaria sanguinalis * hairy crabgrass herb 3 C 2 Elymus canadensis Canada wild rye herb 2 A 2 Elymus villosus hairy wild rye herb 3 D 5 Eragrostis spectabilis purple lovegrass herb 3 A, C 2 Hordeum pusillum * little barley herb 3 A, C 2 Koelaria macrantha prairie June grass herb 2 A 10 Panicum anceps beaked panicgrass herb 4 A, B, C 2 Panicum virgatum switchgrass herb 5 A, B, C 1 Paspalum setaceum thin paspalum herb 3 A 10 Poa pratensis * Kentucky bluegrass herb 3 A, C 2 Schedonorus arundinaceas * tall fescue herb 5 A, B, C, D 2 Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem herb 5 A, B, C 2 Setaria pumila * yellow bristlegrass herb 4 A, B, C 2 Setaria parviflora marsh bristlegrass herb 4 A, B, C 4 Sorghastrum nutans Indian grass herb 5 A, B, C 1 Sporobolus clandestinus hidden dropseed herb 2 A 10 Sporobolus heterolepis prairie dropseed herb 3 A, C 7 Tridens flavus var. flavus tall purpletop herb 3 A, C 2 Tridens strictus narrow redtop herb 2 A, C 7 Tripsacum dactyloides eastern gamagrass herb 3 A, B, C 1

* = non-native species (28/257 = 10.9-%) # = extirpated

Strata tree: > 5 in dbh and > 20 ft tall sapling: 0.4 to < 5 in dbh and > 20 ft tall

6 shrub: usually 3 to 20 ft tall; multi-stemmed, brushy shrubs small trees and saplings woody vine: vines that are woody herb: graminoids, forbs, ferns, fern allies, herbaceous vines, tree seedlings

Habitat Frequency A = Dry - mesic prairie 5 = abundant B = Mesic prairie (drainages) 4 = common C = Successional old field 3 = occasional D = Fencerows/woodland 2 = infrequent E = Pond 1 = rare F = Ruderal

Sources 1 = Bill Shepherd, 16 August 1994. 2 = Doug Ladd, 13 October 1995. 3 = Burnetta Hintertheur and Scott Simon, 21 May 1997. 4 = Scott Simon and Cheryl Satterfield, 29 August 1997. 5 = Scott Simon and Page Shurgar, 19 April 21 1999. 6 = Old field monitoring, June 1999. 7 = D. Zollner and Scott Simon, 5 and 8 October 2001 burn. 8 = Scott Simon, early 2002. 9 = Monitoring west side, 27 August 2002. 10 = Monitoring, 11-13 August 2004. 11 = Theo Witsell inventory and monitoring 2006. 12 = Jason Milks, Mike Melnechuk, and D. Zollner September 2011 monitoring.

Nomenclature according to: Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Arkansas. Arkansas Vascular Flora Committee, 2006.


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