Status God S Amazing Grace Ministry (Gagm)

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Status God S Amazing Grace Ministry (Gagm)

1 Head Quarter : Avenue Taiwan, Kamnda N’Djamena, Chad Republic

Telephone : +235 63-59-90-24 +235 90-68-87-19

E-mail: [email protected]


1. Considering Church’s failure in the obedience of God’s Word ("Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble…" James 1.27);

2. Considering the worse condition of orphans, street children etc. despite the efforts of Chad Government, associations and associations;

3. Considering Divine vision for rescuing hopeless and helpless people specially children (orphans, street children…);

2 4. Considering the Call of the Almighty God for His service;

5. Seeing Chad Constitution;

6. Seeing the necessity of sharing the Love and Grace of God with hopeless and helpless people specially children (orphans, street children…);

We servants of God meet in the General Assembly on this 1st December 2009 decided to create this Association.

3 1- Name: The name of the association is « GOD’S AMAZING GRACE MOVEMENT (G.A.G.M) (Le Mouvement de la Grâce Etonnante de Dieu (MGED)»


2- GOD’S AMAZING GRACE MOVEMENT functions as a Christian Association, which is established for the welfare of the people of Chad especially orphans and street children without any distinction of caste or creed, religion or race or other limiting considerations. The emphasis of the association shall be social care, uplifting the down trodden and poor, development of the marginalized and to provide special care to any needy individual or group.

3- The Area of Operation: The Association works within the territory of Chad.

4- Head Quarter: The Head Quarter of G.A.G.M is at Avenue Taiwan, Habena N’Djamena, Chad. But, it can be transferred into another city of the country if necessary.

5- Emblem: The emblem of G.A.G.M is represented by the children happily standing under a green tree; encircled by the flowers; one hand stretching out to rescue other children in difficulty; with the devise upon the circle.

6- Devise: The devise of G.A.G.M is Faith – Love – Deliverance

7- Objectives of the Association.

The objectives of G.A.G.M are as followed:

4  Testifying the Love and the Amazing Grace of GOD to the orphans, the street children and every needy and marginalized child;

 Promoting God's Word ;

 Investigating in the social activities permitting to rescue the hopeless and helpless as the orphans, street children and any other child victim of any child abuse;

 Reintegrating the young people in difficulties in the society ;

 Carrying for the education of the hopeless and helpless children from primary school to higher education ;

 Creating the schools, the institutes, the training centers, the libraries, the health care centers, the hospitals and the counsel centers for the needy and marginalized children;

 Investigating in the social activities in order to provide drinking water such as water pump in the community without portable water.  All the income, earnings, moveable, properties of the association shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objectives only as set forth in the memorandum of association and no profit shall be taken directly or indirectly by way of dividends or in any manner whatsoever to the present or the past members of the association or to any person claiming through any one or more of the present or the past members. No member of the association shall have any personal claim on any movable or immovable properties of the association or make any profits, whatsoever by virtue of this membership.

7- The Members of the Association.

The association is composed of three categories of members: Actives Members, Sympathizing Members and Members of Honor.

5 1. Actives Members are those who participate in all the activities of the association;

2. Sympathizing Members are those who share the objectives of the association but do not militate

for these objectives;

3. Members of Honor are the partners of the association.

8- The structure of the Association.

This is the structure of the Association:

1. The General Assembly;

2. The Managing Committee;

3. The Spiritual Counsel.

I. The General Assembly.

The General Assembly is the supreme organ of the Association and is composed of all the members who have legal membership.

6 II. The Managing Committee.

The names, qualifications, designation and addresses of the Managing Committee members to whom the management of the association is entrusted.

Names Qualification Office Residence Tinodjiel Nodjiassem Joel Graduated from Grace Bible College, India President N’Djamena, Chad

MINISTERIAL DIPLOMA IN BIBLICAL STUDIES Kala Naïr Graduated from Grace Bible College, India Vice - President Kanpur India

BACHELOR OF THEOLOGY rd Masra Ngarmbaye Student in 3 year of Medicine General Secretary N’Djamena, Chad

UNIVERSITY OF N’DJAMENA Allarassem Sulamithe Maya Certificate of Secondary Studies Second General Secretary N’Djamena, Chad

Rogoto Timothée Master of Business Administration Treasurer N’Djamena, Chad rd Béram Djerambété Cyril Student in 3 year of Business Administration Cashier N’Djamena, Chad

HEC-TCHAD Bougo Salomon Bella Chief of the service in Prime Minister office. Spiritual Counselor N’Djamena, Chad Béssané Dieudonné Building Engineer Technical Counselor N’Djamena, Chad

7 III. The Spiritual Counsel:

The Spiritual Counsel is in charge of solving the spiritual problems of G.A.G.M’s members. It is composed of the Spiritual Leaders, the Counselor and the President of Managing Committee.


The General Assembly is the supreme organ of the association and it is composed of all the members of the G.A.G.M.

Duties of the General Assembly:

The following will be the duties of the General Assembly:  To guide the association in fulfilling its objectives;

 To decide policy matters as the case may be;

9  To elect the members of the Managing Committee ;

 To define the general policy of the association ;

 To adopt the audited statement of Account together with Auditor’s Report;

 To adopt the financial budget and appoint the auditor for the next year.

The General Assembly is held once in the year. However an extraordinary General Assembly maybe hold at the demand of the President of the Managing Committee, of the members of the Managing Committee or of the two third (2/3) of the members of the General Assembly. The chairman of the General Assembly will be the President of the Managing Committee, if he is present; otherwise, the Vice-President will function as the chairman. In case the President and the Vice-President are both absent, the General Secretary will be the chairman. In case they all are absent, the General Assembly will be adjourned. Two third (2/3) of the members will be the quorum of the General Assembly. In case the quorum is not reached, another General Assembly is convened in the next fifteen (15) days and will be held either the quorum is reached or not.


a- Formation and Function: The Managing Committee shall consist of not less than twelve and not more than twenty members. The superintendence, control and direction of the affairs of the Association, its income and property (Both movable & immovable) shall be entrusted to the Managing Committee. This body is the most important one as they take all the decisions of the Association to achieve the objectives. The members act as trustees of the Association. The Managing Committee shall consist of one President, one Vice - President, two Secretaries, one Treasurer, two Counsellors, two Spiritual Leaders and two Executive Members in Charge of International Relations. The Managing Committee shall meet more than once in a year. It can meet once in the month, provided that the President may, where he thinks or on written request of not less than two third (2/3) of the members may call a special meeting of the Managing Committee. The chairman of the Managing Committee shall be the President of the Association. If he is not available, the Vice President presides over the meeting or the General Secretary. The quorum of the meeting of the Managing Committee shall be 2/3 (two

10 third) of the members. The Managing Committee may identify any member and give him specific responsibilities and appropriate designation and allowances as and when need arises.

b- Eligibility for the Managing Committee Members: a. He / She has attained the age of 18 years.

b. He / She shall be born again.

c. He / She shall be baptised

d. He / She shall be a committed person for the service of God without any personal

interest and gain motive.

e. He / She shall have a very good testimony from his / her neighbours.

f. He / She shall have a very good profile corresponding to the office.

The following is the present structure of the Managing Committee:

1. President ………………………………………One

2. Vice President ………………………………One

3. General Secretary ………………………One

4. Second General Secretary…………………..One

5. Treasurer ………………………………………One

6. Cashier………………………………………….One

7. Spiritual Leaders………………………………Two

8. Counselors……………………………………..Two

9. Executive Members in charge of

International Relations…………………….Two

11 c- Term of the Managing Committee:

(a) The term of the Managing Committee shall be four years. It can be renewed as desired by the General Assembly. (b) Vacancies occurring in the Managing Committee shall be filled-up by the President and the substitute member shall hold office until the next General Assembly. A member of the Managing Committee may resign his / her membership, at any time by proper communications, in writing to the President, his / her intention to resign two months in advance. The resignation will take effect on its acceptance by the Managing Committee.

d- Powers and Duties of the Managing Committee:

The Managing Committee as here is constituted shall have full power and it is hereby authorized, subject to the provision of those present, to do amongst others, the following acts, matters, deeds and things:

(a) To drive the association in a proper and constructive direction, to plan the various activities of the association, to decide the extensions and limitations of the association, to decide the “yes” and “no” of the association, to prepare and plan the course, curriculum, syllabus and prospectus of the various private institutions run by the association. The decision of the Managing Committee body shall be final and unobjectionable.

(b) To establish, erect, construct and manage or administer educational institutions, hostels, libraries, etc. to promote the purpose of the Association and further to alter, repair, develop, improve, demolish or reconstruct the same or any portion or portions thereof.

12 (c) To Re-enforce discipline in any area of the functioning of the association, To engage and to remove Superintendents, Managers, Secretaries, Principals, Professors, Lecturers, Medical and Legal Practitioners, Teachers, Accountants, Clerks, Assistants, Attendants, Servants, Medical staff, Workers, and others, and to pay proper remuneration.

(d) To apply and obtain, collect and receive, acquire and recover from any government and non-government authority whether Central, State, P.M office, District, Municipal, Cantonment, Board, University, from public and private bodies various grants, allowances, rights, concession, privileges, donations as may seem from time to time desirable and to carry out exercise comply with, and utilize the same.

(e) To open and operate bank accounts - current, savings or fixed in any nationalized Bank or Banks in the name of the Association upon such terms as the Managing Committee shall deem fit and to remove or appoint those who operate on such account or to open branch accounts with any Bank or Banks in the name of the Managing Committee or departments or institutions controlled by the Managing Committee of the Association and to appoint or to remove those who operate such accounts.

(f) To manage all Bank accounts of the Association and its institutions, to invest and administer all such funds of the Association along with institutional affairs for further development of the Association.

(g) To lend and borrow, to receive and raise funds in any manner for the benefit of the association and to repay the loan and settle all financial affairs from time to time.

(h) To receive gifts, endowments, bequests and donations in the form of money, property, movable and immovable in any form for the purpose of the work connected with the objectives of the Association.

13 (i) To obtain from any of the government/semi government/non-governmental bodies such rights, grants, special grants and Prime Minister treasuries, sponsorships, concessions and privileges and to comply with such arrangements.

(j) To raise or acquire funds or property from Central Government, State Government, Foreign agencies, Non-Governmental agencies, Charitable trusts by way of donations or grants or contribution or by taking loan from public and private financial institutions the funds, properties, assets and all other resources to carry out the objectives of the association.

(k) To purchase, take on lease or exchange or other wise acquire or receive as gift any land, building, casements, movable or immovable property which may be utilized for the purpose of the association.

e- Powers and Duties of the President.

The Powers and Duties of the President are as following:

1. To preside over the entire meeting and see that the meeting is conducted properly.

2. To be responsible for the working of G.A.G.M Managing Committee with all the members;

3. He acts as the legal representative of the Association.

4. The President shall be vigilant to promote the interests and achieve the objectives

of the Association.

5. To supervise and guide the overall activities of the Association.

6. He will be responsible to fill up vacancies in the Managing Committee.

7. The President has power to take decision concerning the good functioning of the


14 8. The decision of the President shall be final in all administrative affairs.

f- Duties and responsibilities of the Vice – President.

She helps the President in managing and administrating all the activities of the Association. She replaces the President in case he is absent.

g- Duties and responsibilities of the General Secretary.

1. The General Secretary shall exercise all such Power and do all such acts as may

be required for the proper conduct of the ordinary correspondence of the Managing

Committee under the general supervision of the President.

2. He shall convene and issue notice of the General Assembly and the Managing

Committee meetings in consultation with the President.

3. To keep and preserve the record of the Association / Managing Committee.

4. To record minutes of all the meeting of General Assembly / Managing Committee.

h- Duties and responsibilities of the Second General Secretary.

He helps the holder and replaces him in case he is absent.

i- Duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer.

1. The Treasurer shall exercise all such powers and do all such acts as may be required for the proper conduct of ordinary business administration of the properties,

15 movable and immovable of the Association under the General supervision of the President. 2. He shall operate the bank account jointly and severally with the President. In case of his / her absence the General Secretary shall look after the affairs of Treasurer. 3. Treasurer shall deposit money in bank or banks post office, either in savings or current Account, fixed Deposits or Accounts of any other description in the name of the Association. 4. To get the accounts audited by the chartered accountant. Inform the Managing Committee of any financial change or of the need of changes. 5. To submit to the Managing Committee the annual accounts and budgets of the Association. 6. To keep accounts of all financial transaction of the Association and of all the sum of money received and spent by the Association and maintains records of receipts and expenses relating to such matters, and of assets, credits and liabilities. The accounts shall be kept separately of all foreign donation / grants / contribution, if any takes place.

j- Duties and responsibilities of the

He/she looks after the money, records the entering and outgoings.

k- Duties and responsibilities of the Spiritual Leaders:

They are in charge of:

1. Looking after the spiritual growth of the members of G.A.G.M and all target people (orphans,

children of the street…);

2. Organizing activities in order to share GOD'S Word with the participants ;

3. Organizing some special Biblical trainings in order to help the target people to know God more;

16 4. They give some advices and they make the suggestions and remarks for the good functioning of the Managing Committee.

l- Duties and responsibilities of the Counselors.

They give moral and practical advices to the Managing Committee for the working order of the G.A.G.M. They give orientations to the Managing Committee and make it remarks and suggestions.

m- Duties and responsibilities of the Executive Members in charge of International Relations. They are in charge of:

1. Promoting G.A.G.M policies to the foreign ;

2. To establish some relations between G.A.G.M and the foreign associations having the same objectives ;

3. To strengthen the relations that G.A.G.M undertakes with its different foreign partners.


The Spiritual Counselor is in charge of solving the spiritual problems of the members of the Association. It conducts a meeting whenever a member breaks the commands of GOD or the principles of the Association. The Spiritual Counsel is composed of the Spiritual Leader, the two Counselors and the President of the Managing Committee.


17 Can be a member of the Association, all such persons who are interested in the aims and the objects of the Association; the following shall be eligible for membership in the Association . 1. He / She shall be really committed to serve GOD without any gain motives.

2. He / She shall maintain good conduct and behaviour.

3. Subscribed in writing to carry out to the best of his / her capacity to the objectives of

the Association.

4. He /She must pay His / Her subscription fees.

5. He / She shall speak, read and write at least one of the languages below: French, English,

local Arab and Sara.


Every member of G.A.G.M has right to participate in all the trainings organized by the Association. He/she can be elected member of the Managing Committee if he/she responses to the requirements defined by this present Rules and Bye-Laws of the association; He/she has right to participate in all the activities organized by the Association as well as the meetings of the Managing Committee if he/she is invited there.


Every member of the Association is called to:

1. Personally testifying God’s Love and Grace to the target people;

2. Personally looking after the spiritual growth of the Association;

3. Pay his/her contribution fees ;

18 4. Be ready for participating in all the activities of the Association;

5. Scrupulously obey God’s Word and the basis texts of the Association.

The subscription fee is fixed at two thousand five hundred francs (2500f) CFA.

The monthly contribution of the members is fixed at one thousand francs (1000f) CFA by member.


All default to one of the principles above mentioned or any fault committed result first on the convocation of the Spiritual Counsel in order to listen to the suspect.

Are considered as faults:

 Refusing to participate in three consecutive Managing Committee’s meetings;

 Refusing to respond to the call of the Managing Committee three times consecutive ;

 Refusing to pay his/her contribution fees three times consecutively.

 Diversion of the material and financial goods of the Association ;

 Any attitude which is contrary to the objectives of the Association;

 Cheating;

 Fraud ;

 And any other violation of GOD'S Word.

At the time of the listening in the Spiritual Counsel, two (2) situations can be presented:

19  If the member recognizes the fault and demand pardon, he/she will be forgiven but he/she will receive some instructions to not commit the same acts (Luc17 : 3-4 and Matthew 18 : 15) ;

 If he/she refuses to recognize the facts in the Spiritual Counsel, the case will be transferred to the Managing Committee; If he/she recognizes the fault and demand pardon, he/she will be forgiven (Matthew 18:16); Otherwise, he/she will be called to an extraordinary General Assembly. If he/she come to himself/herself, recognizes the facts and demand pardon, he/she will be forgiven ; otherwise, the G.A.G.M will separate itself from him/her (Matthew 18 : 17).


Reasons for termination of membership shall be as following:

 On his/her death ;

 On his/her resignation ;

 If he/she is expelled from the association.


In case the member is expelled by the association or he/she resign himself/herself from the Association, the same person can be re-admitted to association under some conditions: writing a letter of apology to the Managing Committee; it will be examined by the Spiritual Counsel. This application can either be accepted or rejected according to the cases.

20 In case his/her application is accepted, the member will be called to the Spiritual Counsel in order to receive instructions for his new work within the Association.

Otherwise, he/she will receive a letter from the Managing Committee telling him/her about the rejection of His/Her application.


Any amendment in the Status and Rules and Bye-Laws will be done in General Assembly at the demand of the President, of the members of the Managing Committee or of the two third (2/3) of the members of the General Assembly.


Certified that this is the correct copy of the Texts of the GOD’S AMAZING GRACE MOVEMENT.

The President The General Secretary

Tinodjiel Nodjiassem Joël Masra Ngarmbaye


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