Sutherland Partnership Biodiversity Group

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Sutherland Partnership Biodiversity Group

The Sutherland Partnership Main Street, Lairg, Sutherland. IV27 4DB. Tel: 01549 402646 ______DRAFTSUTHERLAND PARTNERSHIP BIODIVERSITY GROUP Minute of the meeting of Thursday 11th March 2010 at 1400 in the Nip Inn, Lairg.

PRESENT REPRESENTING William Sutherland Sutherland Partnership (Chair) Ian Evans Assynt Field Club Ian Mitchell SNH Chris Daphne West Sutherland Fisheries Trust Andy Summers Highland Council Senior Ranger Tony Mainwood East Sutherland Bird Group & Butterfly Conservation Highland Branch Janet Bromham Highland Council Biodiversity Officer Don O’Driscoll John Muir Trust Vicki Saint RSPB Steve Robertson North Highland Forest Trust Graeme Findlay Forestry Commission Scotland


1. Welcome and apologies. All were welcomed, including Vicki Saint from RSPB in place of Kenny Graham. Apologies were received from Paul Castle, (HCRS), Judi Forsyth (SEPA), Hazel Bews (Rowan Tree Consulting) and Shona Marshall (WSFT)

2. Approval of Previous Minutes. The minutes were approved with no amendments.

3. Matters Arising. Alien trees database Andy Summers questioned whether the group could apply for funding from the SPEF to contract someone to carry out the work. Ian Mitchell stated that the group could not, but an individual could. Following discussions, it was decided that this project should be shelved as non-priority. Action point for Ian Mitchell and William Sutherland dismissed.

SPEF paperwork The paperwork (application form, etc) has been e-mailed out to members. William Sutherland indicated that this could be forwarded on to potential applicants as a soft copy. WS should then be informed as to who the potential applicants are as a matter of course. Action point completed.

LEADER Rules Both William Sutherland and Ian Mitchell contacted LEADER separately for clarification with the same outcome as previous guidance. To fulfil LEADER criteria tenders should be advertised and a minimum of three quotes should be sought. If only 1 provides a quote this is ok, as long as there is paperwork to back up that 3 were requested. Action point completed. SP website biodiversity page This is an agenda item and was covered later in the meeting.

North Sutherland Community Forest Trust A letter of support for the purchase was sent by William on behalf of the group to NSCFT. The process of purchasing the land is still ongoing. Action point completed.

Thanks to Pat Rae On behalf of the group William Sutherland thanked Pat Rae for her contribution to SPBG.

Sutherland bat postcard feasibility The costs for 2000 postcards in Caithness were £500, so would be around double to do expand this to Sutherland. Dieter Tuerlinckx, HC Ranger in Caithness, would be the main contact point for the whole project. Funding would be required and Koreen Macdougall from Caithness Partnership indicated that this project could be funded through the biodiversity fund and JB suggested that this could be matched through the SPEF to cover the costs for Sutherland. The Caithness Biodiversity Group could apply to both Environment Funds for all monies required. It was pointed out that 3 quotes may be required to fulfil LEADER requirements. Janet Bromham will contact Dieter and Koreen to investigate this further and Ian Mitchell will provide contact details for local printers. Janet will speak to Dieter about whether the original quote for designing the leaflet was based on the designer providing a printing service. Action - JB, IM

River Basin Management Plans Judi Forsyth was unable to make the meeting. Carried over. Action - JF

SPBG letter ref future of Highland Council Rangers William Sutherland sent a letter on behalf of the group expressing concerns about the future ranger provision from Highland Council, and highlighting the excellent work they do across the area. A reply was sent by return of post by Dr Stuart Black the Director of Planning and Development which tried to reassure the group that there would be no significant reduction in ranger provision. It was also pointed out that the Senior Ranger post in Caithness was on hold, not lost completely, until other funding solutions could be found. It was agreed that with large budget deficits to fill, Highland Council are under significant pressure to save money where possible and all departments are subject to the same kind of freezes on post filling.

4. Highland Council Update. Janet Bromham introduced the new Highland Biodiversity Action Plan. The official launch was to be on the Saturday at the Highland Biodiversity Forum. The document provides an update on the previous plan and introduces new targets and projects that are realistic and achievable. Part of the HBAP is an LBAP map of the area, and also a list of important species and habitats present in the area. Janet to circulate out soft copies to SPBG members. Action – JB

The Highland Biodiversity Forum takes place on Saturday 13th March at Great Glen House. Chris Daphne cannot attend, however Judi Forsyth will represent the group to provide an update on its work and projects. [pmn – Judi prevented by illness from attending – no SPBG representation.]

5. Highland BG Capacity Building Programme Overall content and format. The first draft of the plan drawn up by Hazel Bews had been circulated prior to the meeting and was then discussed by the group, the main points of interest are listed below: . It was agreed that the group was in a strong position in relation to project delivery, with the chair stating that SPBG had previously distributed £27k through previous projects. . The group agreed that the profile of SPBG was not as high as it deserves to be. WS may be able to do some publicity to highlight the groups works, for example highlighting the projects being funded through the SPEF and informing a wider audience that this pot of money is available. VS also said that RSPB could use publicity on the Brora beach tern project to highlight SPBG and the SPEF. Ian Evans made the point that with such a vast area and small population it would be better to keep projects focused on local delivery with communities the key to this. Shortage of member time due to other commitments was also highlighted as a possible constraint on SPBG activities. . All members are to look through the document and project suggestions and send comments back to the chair to collate. All suggestions of possible future projects would also be welcome Action – ALL

“ Wet & Wild Day” week 15-23 rd May Don O’Driscoll gave the group an update on progress for this awareness raising event. Various themed events would be taking place lead by DO’D, Chris Daphne and the HC rangers.

Sutherland LBAP It was agreed that the Sutherland LBAP requires updating, not least to take climate change into account. Several issues were raised such as who would do it and where would funding come from. The chair posed the question of whether the plan was too aspirational. It was agreed that the intended audience was anyone who may be interested, whether they be individuals or groups, and that not much of the plan had actually been achieved, or recorded as achieved. A discussion on TM’s comments took place where some of the plans shortfalls were highlighted. TM made the point that the plan doesn’t represent the group and its aims, but goes much further beyond this. Assumptions have been made in the actions at the end of the plan about what the various organisations involved have been doing, with little or no monitoring in place to record action against targets. TM questioned what other LBAPs have achieved since their document was drawn up. SR stated that North Highland Forest Trust use the Sutherland LBAP to guide delivery of their projects. SR also said that no group monitoring was being carried out at the moment, but it could be done in the future. JB thanked TM for his useful comments on the plan. JB wrote the plan originally and highlighted that SPBG was originally set up specifically to write the document. The original plan also aimed to be aspirational rather than targeted. The chair highlighted the need for work required on the introduction to identify who and what the plan is for. Time should be set aside at a future meeting to discuss this. DO’D made the point that there was no link in the plan from biodiversity to food production. The chair will write to representatives in the agricultural field to ask if anyone would join the group as a corresponding member. Action – WS It was also pointed out that there is a lack of representation from private estates, rural business and deer management groups. There was a discussion about what the LBAP should be, whether it was a tool for backing up SRDP, or a driver for the group, or a catalyst for other projects and local biodiversity work to spring from. JB suggested that Hazel Bews could be used to review the plan and gather information on how targets have been met. IE said that any review needs to think about future land management trends and issues, many of which are currently unknown. TM questioned whether we had a list of local groups that could be involved and engaged with. Currently there is not, but there are a lot out there, not just involved in biodiversity, such as community councils and East Sutherland Rotary Club, that could drive forward local projects. Chair to mail out info on SPEF and SPBG to local voluntary groups that would then send them out to their membership. Action – WS Eels CD to send the first year report from the eel project to Chair for distribution. Action – CD, WS 6. Highland Biodiversity Forum Meeting 13th March This issue has previously been covered.

7. Sutherland Partnership Environmental Fund A brief update was given on the progress of the SPEF. Details of the application and eligibility had previously been sent out, but these can be requested again from the Chair. Ian Mitchell confirmed that SNH money can NOT go to Highland Council or SNH funded projects, owing to the Single Outcome Agreement (ie it can’t be double funded from the public purse). This means that any project currently funded through SNH or HC cannot apply for funding through the SPEF. IE mentioned that a community in Sutherland has previously had money from Highland Council and that it is currently sat on resources. JB posed the question of whether the fund could be used over a wider area than Sutherland if it is a partnership. For example, could the Caithness and Sutherland Environmental Funds pay for a Highland wide project, such as a bumblebee leaflet. IM said that the funds were set up on a geographical basis and that a Highland wide project should have gone through the regional LEADER LAG. However, the SPEF could part-fund it based on the percentage benefit to Sutherland (eg 15% of cash). The group suggested Esmée Fairbairn, awards for all or some kind of corporate sponsorship could be sought to plug the gap in funding for a bumblebee leaflet (eg agricultural seed company or honey manufacturer).

8. North West Highlands Geopark – Update NWHG is a division of the Sutherland Partnership and it has recently taken on a new part-time ranger. The Chair stated that while there were some funding issues, the NWHG was doing well and was in good health.

9. AOCB and Members Updates CD said that he would take any questions from group members on the draft bio-security plan for the West Sutherland area ( %20Trust%20Biosecurity%20Plan%20Consultation%20Draft.pdf). CD would welcome support from members of the group and highlighted that the main issues are to encourage people to be vigilant and to raise awareness of the issues. Action – ALL (if relevant)

VS updated on various RSPB projects, from habitat creation for corncrake in the north of Sutherland to the tern project at Brora beach which involves partnership working with the golf club, SNH and Highland Council’s local Access Officer. VS also mentioned that the Volunteer & Farmer Alliance project was now spreading into the north. Su Cooper is the local officer.

IE updated the group on a previously thought to be extinct caddis fly that was found in Assynt. The last record of it was around 130 years ago, and it generated a BBC news story ( IE highlighted that this ties in well with the Little Assynt Survey.

AS updated the group on the ‘Wild Coastal Trail’ which now has ne panels in place along the north and down the west. A leaflet is also to be produced.

SR handed out copies of the draft aspen leaflet and said that any comments would be welcomed. The ancient wood pasture project is also almost complete.

IM informed the group that SNH have grant funded Highland Birchwoods for a new hide at Loch Fleet which will be a demonstration, log built building. IM would also investigate taking forward profile raising for SPBG. A biodiversity supplement was previously produced by the northern newspapers, and IM would approach them to see if they would do the same again. If so, articles on 2010 YOB could be used to highlight SPBG. It was suggested that some of the capacity building money may be available to help with this. IM to investigate. Action - IM

Chair suggested that MoD’s David Halpin could attend as a guest speaker on Cape Wrath.

DO’D said that JMT were keen to get the proposed Foinaven Eagle SPA extended onto JMT and MoD ground.

10. DONM Final SPBG meeting dates for 2010 already agreed as 9 September and 9 December.

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