Yogi Vemana University s1

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Yogi Vemana University s1






(To come into effect from the academic year 2014-2015)

Regulation -1 : Admission into the programme a) A Candidates seeking admission into Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed.) two year Course should have passed the Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed.) from any recognized University in India, securing a minimum of 55% percent of marks. b) Candidates who have participated in Inter National / Nationals / Inter University sports and games will have relaxation of 5% marks and weightage will be given for the candidates who secured 1st , 2nd and 3rd positions in the above mentioned levels. c) Each candidate shall submit physical fitness certificate issued by a Doctor not below the rank of Assistant Civil Surgeon at the time of admission. d) Candidates shall be selected through the Y V U P G C E T.

Regulation – 2 : Scheme of Instructions

a) The Scheme of instruction shall be for the duration of two academic years, each consisting of two semesters i.e. four semesters for the course. In each semester, there shall be 90 instruction days of 6 hours a day including 1 hour 30 minutes for practical classes in the morning and 1 hour 30 minutes for practical classes in the evening and 3 hours for theory classes including days allotted for internal assessment tests, seminars and field works but excluding preparation holidays. The inter-semester break in any academic year shall be one week only.

b) The syllabi, list of texts and reference books for the study are prescribed by the University from time to time. c) M.P.Ed., Courses is totally residential in nature as the program runs from 6-00 AM to 6-00 PM on all working days. d) The course of study consists of Theory and Practical.

2 Regulation – 3 : Scheme of Examination

The number of theory papers, practical in Games / Sports, and maximum marks in each theory paper and each practical are given in semester wise.

a) In each semester there shall be three (3) theory papers and three (3) practical in Games/Sports. Each theory paper and each practical shall carry 100 Marks of which 25 Marks are allotted for internal assessment and 75 marks are allotted for University semester end examinations. In IV Semester students should select either Sports Sociology or Dissertation as Paper XII.

b) Each practical examination in I, II, III and IV semesters shall be conducted in two games / Sports on playing ability, coaching ability, officiating ability, record and viva-voce examination for 100 marks in which 25 marks internal and 75 marks external and shall be assessed by both internal and external examiners. Practical examination on coaching ability in any one of the game / sport taught during I, II, and III semesters shall be conducted for 100 marks in which 25 marks internal and 75 marks external and shall be assessed by both internal and external examiners. In IV semester practical examination in the game of specialization shall be conducted on playing ability, coaching ability, officiating ability, record and viva-voce examination for 100 marks in which 25 marks internal and 75 marks external and shall be assessed by both internal and external examiners.

c) There shall be two internal assessment tests for each theory paper and the better performed of the two shall be considered for the award of internal marks.

d) Third week of Third Semester will be the last date for submission of title with research proposal with the name and designation of guide/supervisor. The last date for the submission of Dissertation will be within 15 days from the last Theory examination paper of Fourth Semester. Dissertation must be submitted with the signature of the guide/supervisor.

e) Five typewritten copies of the Dissertation together with two copies of the abstract (one for the Department Library and one for the University Library) shall be submitted through the Department. Dissertation shall be valued by one Internal and one External Examiner. The Internal Examiner should be the candidate Guide/ Supervisor.

f) If any student fails to appear in both the internal assessment tests for whatsoever the reason he/she shall be deemed to have secured Zero and no supplementary internal assessment tests shall be conducted. 3 g) Separate internal examination shall be conducted for practical.


Course Title of the paper Hours Internal University Total Code Assessment Exam Marks 17001 Research Process in Physical 3 25 75 100 Education & Sports 17002 Science of Sports Training 3 25 75 100 17003 Sports Psychology 3 25 75 100 17001P Volleyball -- 25 75 100 17002P Athletics -- 25 75 100 17003P Coaching ability - I -- 25 75 100 Total 600


Course Title of the paper Hours Internal University Total Code Assessment Exam Marks 27001 Test, Measurement and Evaluation 3 25 75 100 in Physical Education & Sports 27002 Exercise Physiology and sports 3 25 75 100 Medicine 27003 Yoga and Meditation 3 25 75 100 27001P Kabaddi -- 25 75 100 27002P Cricket -- 25 75 100 27003P Coaching ability - II -- 25 75 100 Total 600


Course Title of the paper Hours Internal University Total Code Assessment Exam Marks 37001 Statistics in Physical Education & 3 25 75 100 Sports 37002 Biomechanics and Applied 3 25 75 100 Kinesiology in Physical Education & Sports 37003 Computer Applications in 3 25 75 100 Physical Education & Sports. 37001P Basketball -- 25 75 100 37002P Football -- 25 75 100 37003P Coaching ability - III -- 25 75 100 Total 600

SEMESTER – IV 47001 Sports Management 3 25 75 100

47002 Sports Injuries and Management 3 25 75 100

47003 Sports Sociology / Dissertation 3 25 75 100 (Including viva-voce)

47001P Kho-Kho -- 25 75 100

47002P Hockey -- 25 75 100

47003P Game of Specialization -- 25 75 100 Total 600 Grand Total 1st Year 1200 + 2nd Year 1200 = 2400

Guidelines for the preparation of Record in the game of specialization :

1. Origin and History 2. Development of the Game. 3. Basic skills 4. Advanced skills 5. Drills 6. Lead up Games 7. Tactics and strategies 8. Measurement, lay out and Maintenance of the Field / Court 9. Rules and Regulations. 10. Officiating – Signals – Duties of the officials 11. National and Inter National Tournaments and Results 12. Awards

5 Guidelines for the preparation of Record other than game of specialization :

1) History 2) Basic skills 3) Advanced skills 4) Drills 5) Lead up Games 6) Measurement of the Field/Court 7) Rules of the Games 8) Officiating – Signals – Duties of the officials Regulation – 4 : Attendances

a) A candidate shall get 75% attendance in each semester in all the papers /practical’s/seminars.

b) Condonation of shortage of attendance for theory classes alone may be recommended by the head of department and head of the institution on medical grounds or other genuine reasons provided the students puts up 62.5% of attendance in all the theory papers.

c) The condonation of shortage of attendance is not allowed in case of practical attendance. However the student shall put up 75% of attendance by attending extra classes on preparatory holidays/vacation period etc. by paying extra tuition fee. If necessary, such candidate shall be permitted to attend the practical examinations after the fulfillment of the requirements.

Regulation – 5 : Promotion

A student shall be eligible for promotion to the next semester, if, he/she satisfies the requirements as stipulated in Regulation 4 in the semester and shall register for the semester and University examinations. The candidate shall register at the beginning of each semester by paying the prescribed fee in the office of the principal and submitting the details in the pro- forma.

Regulation – 6: Evaluation

a) The setting of question papers shall be always by external examiners.

b) In any semester, papers shall be ordinarily two valuations (i.e. valued by two examiners). The practical shall be valued by both external and internal examiners.

6 c) The dissertation, if any, submitted by the student shall be valued by both external and internal examiners including viva-voce.

d) Internal assessment tests shall be conducted by the concerned teacher of the department and the date communicated by the Principal of the college. These internal assessment marks shall be communicated to the Controller of Examinations one week before the commencement of the semester end University examinations.

e) The syllabi, model question paper and date of examinations for the internal tests shall be decided by the Principal in consultation with the Head of the Department.

Regulation – 7: Qualification for a pass

A candidate shall fulfill the following requirements for a pass...

a) A candidate appearing for the first time for any semester end University examination shall register for the whole examination. A candidate shall be declared to have passed the whole examination, if he/she secures a minimum of 35% marks in each theory paper in semester end University examinations and total of 40% marks in each semester end University examination and internal assessment test in theory put together.

b) A candidate shall be declared to have passed in practical examination/Dissertation if he/she secures a minimum of 40% marks in each practical paper in semester end university examination and total of 50% marks in each semester end university practical/Dissertation examination and internal assessment test in practical/Dissertation put together.

c) A candidate shall be declared to have failed in the examination in such paper(s) when he/she could not get a minimum grade of 3 on 10-point scale in semester end university examination and internal assessment tests put together.

d) A candidate shall be declared to have been exempted from appearing once again in such theory paper(s) and/practical(s) in which he/she has secured a minimum grade of 3 on 10-point scale in semester end university examinations and internal assessment marks put together.

7 e) Supplementary candidates who failed shall register in all the papers in which he/she failed and he/she shall be declared to have passed the examination when he/she fulfills the requirements as given 7(a).

f) There shall be no separate supplementary examinations. The failed candidates shall register and reappear for the examination along with regular candidates of next batch.

Regulation – 8: Classification of Successful Candidates

The classification will be on the basis of grade point obtained by the candidates in all the semesters put together and will be classified as follows:

Range of Marks Grade Point Classification

90 -100 10

80 -89 9 Distinction 75 - 79 8

70-74 7

60-69 6 First Class

55 -59 5 Second Class

50-54 4

40-49 3 Pass

00-39 0 Fail a) The candidate who secures a grade point of 7 and above on 10-point scale will be placed on “Distinction”.

b) The candidate who secures a grade point of 6 on 10-point scale will be placed on “First Class”.

c) The candidate who secures a grade point of 5 or 4 on 10-point scale will be placed on “Second Class”.

d) The candidate who secures a grade point of 3 on 10-point scale will be placed on “Pass”.

8 The classification of students is on 10-point scale based on GPA at the end of each semester and CGPA at the end of the course as explained as follows.

GPA = Sum of grade points of all subjects in a semester No. of Subjects

CGPA = Sum of grade points of all subjects up to the end of this semester No. of subjects up to the end of this semester

Regulation – 9: Award of Rank

There shall be no award of rank at the time of publication of results. However, the names of gold medal awardees, etc., shall be announced at the time of convocation only.

Regulation -10: Provision for improvement

The candidates shall be permitted to improve their marks in any or all the papers of any semester as per the regulations and syllabi in force.


1. The candidate fails to improve his/her marks/class, the original marks/class are unaltered.

2. The marks obtained by the candidate in internal assessment/ field report/records/seminars etc will continue for subsequent examination for failed/improvement candidates.

Regulation -11: Conditions for the award of Degree

A candidate for the award of M.P.Ed Degree shall require:

a) To have undergone the course of study in the University College/ Affiliated College

over a period of two academic years consisting of four semesters. b) To have passed the examinations as prescribed above c) No Candidate shall be permitted to obtain degree earlier than four semesters and

Shall not be permitted to appear to any semester of examination after four years.

Regulation – 12: Transitory Regulations. 9 a) The supplementary candidates who were admitted earlier to the course on the basis of old regulations and syllabi shall be permitted to appear twice in any paper and complete the course in the next two academic years. b) The University shall have the right to amend or modify any or all of the above regulations whenever necessary.





Unit-I Introduction to Research: Meaning – Definition – Nature - Scope and Characteristics of Research in Physical Education - Importance of research in Physical Education– Qualities of good researcher.

Unit-II The Problem, Literature in Research: Meaning – Location of problem- Criteria in Selecting a problem – Definition- Limitation and delimitation- Hypothesis- Research proposal- Classification of research: Basic, applied and action – Literature review – Resource of surveying related literature – Procedure of surveying literature – Scanning- Skimming – Type I and Type II error.

Unit-III Techniques of Sampling: introduction- Selection of sample- Size of the sample- Methods of sampling: Simple random sampling - Systematic random sampling- Stratified Random Sampling – Quota sampling – Incidental sampling– Judgment sampling – Cluster sampling –Meaning and Definition of Design – Types of Research Designs in Physical Education.

Unit-IV Methods of Research: Historical – Experimental – Descriptive [Case study, Survey study] – Philosophical – Definition and Meaning of Variable – Types of Variables - Methods of Data Collection: Observation - Interview –Questionnaire-Schedule- its merits and demerits - Research Reports: Preliminary material - Main body - Supplementary material [Foot-notes, Bibliography]

Reference Books:

1. Anne L.Ruthestein: Research Design and Statistics for Physical Education. 2. C. R. Reddy: Business statistics. 3. Cambell: Form and style in thesis writing. 4. Clark and Clark: Research problem in physical education. 5. Couch: Fundamentals of Statistics for the Behavioral Research. 6. Dr. M.L. Kamlesh: Methodology of Research in Physical Education & Sports 7. Dr.P.Chinnappa Reddy: Research Methodology and Statistics for Physical Education. 8. Jerry R. Thomas & Jack K.Nelson: Research Methods in Physical Eduction. 9. Kate L.Turabian: A manual for writers of Term Papers, theses and Dessertations 10. Sharma: Statistics of Physical Education. 11. Wilkinson & Bhandarkar: Methodology and Techniques of Social Research.



Unit – I Definition and Meaning of Sports Training - Teaching and coaching- Aims of Sports training- Principles of Sports training-Qualities and Responsibilities of good coach.

Unit – II Load - Factors of Load - Judgment of Load- Means of Load - Load and adaptation - Over load – Symptoms of overload – Overload syndrome – Treatment – Recovery - Means of recovery – Tapering the performance – Super Compensation.

Unit – III Physical Fitness Components: Meaning and types of Strength - Speed- Endurance – flexibility - coordination - Methods of improving strength- speed- endurance - flexibility- coordination - Methods of Sports training: Continuous Training - interval training - circuit training - Fartlek training - Plyometric training- progressive training - pressure training - par curse training – Resistance training.

Unit – IV Periodization - Types of periodization –Top form – Types of training cycles– Micro – Meso – Macro - Structure of training session – Training Plan: Short term - long term – training schedule: Model training schedule for speed and strength.

Reference Books:

1. Hardayal Singh: Science of Sports Training. 2. Hardayal Singh: Sports training: General Theory and Methods. 3. F.W. Dick: Sports Training Principles. 4. A.W.Taylor: The Scientific Aspects of Sports Training. 5. Jenson and Fischer: Scientific Basis of athletic conditioning. 6. J.H.Wilmore: Athletic Training and Physical Fitness.



Unit-I Meaning and Definition of Sports Psychology - Need and importance of Sports Psychology – History of Sports and Exercise psychology – The present and future of sports psychology - Meaning and Definition of Personality - Personality traits of Sportsmen– Effects of Sports participation on personality - measures personality.

Unit – II Definition of Motivation – Guidelines for building motivation – Types of motivation – Theories of achievement motivation – Achievement motivation and competitiveness – Feedback and Reinforcement.

Unit – III Definition of Arousal - Stress and Anxiety – Types of Anxiety – Sources of Stress and anxiety – Stress process – Effects of Arousal - Stress and Anxiety on Sports performance – Exercise to reduce stress and anxiety.

Unit –I V Definition of aggression – Causes of aggression – aggression in sports – aggression in children – Theories of Aggression – Measurement of aggression - Definition of self confidence and Goal setting - Benefits of self confidence– Confidence and performance – Principles of Goal setting – Competition and co- operation.

References Books:

1. Bryant J. Gratty: Psychology in contemporary sport. 2. Dr. Agyajity Sing: Sports Psychology 3. Dr. At puni: Sports Psychology 4. Gurbaksh S. Sandhu: Psychology in Sports. 5. Richard M. Sunn: Psychology in Sports methods and applications. 6. Robert S. Leinberg & Daniel Gould: Foundation of Sports & Exercise Psychology.




Unit-I Introduction to Test: Meaning – Definition - Types of tests - Importance - Tests 14 for Fitness: Motor Fitness tests- Motor Ability – General Motor ability – General Athletic ability –AAHPER Youth Fitness test - JCR motor fitness test- Physical Fitness Tests: Speed test - Strength tests - Cardiovascular fitness tests- Muscular Endurance tests.

Unit-II Criteria of a Good Test: Introduction – Meaning –Importance – General Evaluation of criteria-Establishing of validity, Reliability, Objectivity and Norms - Administration of Tests: Advanced preparation - Duties during testing –Duties after testing –Rating scale – It’s Types.

Unit-III Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education: Meaning –Definition - need and importance - anthropometric measurements – Height - Weight - Arm length - Leg length –Girth measurement – Body composition – Fat- Body mass- Skin fold measurement - Types of evaluation – Objectives of evaluation.

Unit-IV Game skill Test: Schmithals-French Field test in Hockey. Mc Donald Soccer Test - Brady Volleyball Test - Russel Lange Volleyball Test - Knox-Basketball test - Johnson Basket Ball test – Miller wall volley test in Badminton.

Reference Books:

1. Allen Phillips, D & James E. Hormak: Measurement and evaluation in Physical Education 2. Barry L. Johnson & J.K. Nelson: Practical Measurement for Evaluation in Physical Education. 3. Baumgartner & Jackson: Measurement for Evaluation. 4. Harrison, H. Clark & David H. Clark: Application of Measurement to Physical Education. 5. Devinder K. Kansal: Text book of Applied measurement Evaluation and sports selection. 6. Horold,M..Barrow & Rose Mary McGee: A practical Approach to measurement in Physical Education. 7. Mathews Donald K: Measurement in Physical Education.



Unit – I Meaning - Exercise Physiology – Importance of Exercise Physiology in sports performance, structure and functions of muscles – Classification of muscles: Functional and structural classification – Types of muscle contractions – Fast

15 and slow twitch muscle fibers – Effect of exercises on Muscular system.

Unit – II Structure of the heart – Circulation: General - Systemic and pulmonary circulations – Cardiac cycle – Cardiac output – Stroke volume – Heart rate– Stroke volume and heart rate interactions – Blood pressure –Cardiovascular responses to exercise – Cardiovascular changes with aging. Respiration: External and Internal respiration – Minute ventilation – Ventilation during rest and exercise – Breath holding – its measurement– Gasses exchange – Respiratory adaptations to exercise – Respiratory changes with aging.

Unit – III Nutrients: Carbohydrates – Fats – proteins – vitamins - minerals – athlete diet: Diet before activity – Diet during activity – Diet after activity – obesity – Method of measuring fat –Energy balance and weight control – Body composition and aging - Sources of energy – Aerobic and anaerobic metabolism – Energy metabolism during rest and exercise.

Unit – IV Nutritional - Physiological and Pharmacological aids – Carbohydrate loading – Water and electrolytes – Drugs: anabolic and androgens steroid- Growth hormone – amphetamines - Blood doping – Oxygen doping – WADA Conduct of dope test.

Reference Books:

1. Chatterjee, C.C : Human physiology. 2. Edward L. Fox & Mathews: The Physiological Basis of physical Education and Athletics. 3. Gary A. Thibodeau & Patton: Anatomy and Physiology. 4. Gerard J.Tortora: Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 5. Jack H. Wimore & David L.Costil: Physiology of sport and exercise. 6. Jensen & Fisher: Scientific basic of Athletic condition. 7. John Bullock: Physiology. 8. Katch: Essentials of Exercise Physiology. 9. Larry G.Shaver: Essential of Exercise Physiology.



Unit – I Meaning and definitions of Yoga – Concepts – Misconceptions – aims - objectives of Yoga - Historical development of Yoga and Yogic contexts- Compare and contrast of Yogic Education and Physical Education.

16 Unit - II Effects of various Yogic practices on different systems: Digestive system - Circulatory system – Respiratory system - Endocrine system - Nervous system.

Unit- III Meaning and definition of Meditation and concentration - Types of meditation and their uses - Rajya yoga – Bakthi yoga - Karma Yoga – Hata yoga and their objectives.

Unit - IV Preventive and curative aspects of Yoga techniques – Asana – Pranayama– Mudras - Kriyas – Yogic treatment for Asthma – Hypertension – Arthritis - Diabetes.

Reference Books:

1. Gore, M.M: Anatomy and Physiology Yogic Practice 2. Harihara nanda Arayan: Yoga sutra of Patanjali. 3. Iyengar, B.K.S: Light on Yoga. 4. Jaimini: The Sciene of Yoga. 5. Sri Yogendra Yoga Institute: Yoga personal Hygiene. 6. Swami Vivekananda : Karma Yoga and Bakti Yoga. 7. Swamy Kuvalayanand: Asanas.



Unit-I Statistics: Meaning - Definition – Functions - Need and importance - Types of statistics - meaning of the terms: population – Sample– Data - Kinds of data – Variables: discrete and continuous – Parametric and non parametric Statistics- Meaning and Definition of central tendency - Calculation of mean – Median - Mode.

17 Unit-II Measures of Variability: Definition of measures of variability–Range-Quartile deviation- Mean deviation- Standard Deviation –Calculation of Range-Quartile Deviation-Mean deviation- Standard Deviation from ungrouped data and grouped data-Probable Error- Normal Curve: Principles of normal curve – Properties of normal curve- Skewnes and kurtosis –Standard scores –Scoring scales: Sigma scale - T Scale - Hull Scale.

Unit-III Reliability and Test of Significance: Factors effecting of reliability –Standard error – Null hypothesis-Test of significance: “T” test - “F” test - Chi-square test–Level of confidence.

Unit-IV Correlation: Meaning and Definition of Correlation – Uses of correlation- Coefficient of correlation- Calculation of Co-efficient of correlation by Karl Pearson’s Product moment method and Karl Spearmen’s Rank difference method – Types of correlation: Zero order correlation- Partial correlation.

Reference Books:

1. Best, J,W: Research in Education. 2. Cambel, BC: Form and style in thesis writing. 3. Clark, DH and Clark HH: Research Problem in physical Education. 4. Clark, H.H: Application of Measurement to health and Physical Education. 5. Combell, R., and Tucker N.M.: An introduction to Test and Measurement in Physical Education. 6. Komlesh, M.L: Research Methodology in Physical Education & Sport. 7. Moses, A.K: Thesis writing format. 8. Ruthstein: A Research Design and statistics for physical Education.




UNIT -I Meaning and definition of Biomechanics – Brief history of biomechanics- Importance of biomechanics in Sports – linear Kinematics - Angular Kinematics - Equilibrium – Types of equilibrium – Factors effecting on stability – Motion – Types of motion - Newton laws of motion – Levers – Types of levers – Mechanical advantage of levers in sports - Center of gravity and its role in sports.

18 UNIT - II Meaning and Definition of work – Energy – Power - Momentum – Types of Energy – Work done and Energy expended in Sports - Friction and its types – Force: Centripetal and centrifugal force- Projectiles – Principles governs projectiles – Water resistance – Air resistance – Magnus effect – Spin – Elasticity – Impact- Mechanical analysis of Walking – Running - Jumping - Throwing.

UNIT-III Meaning and definition of Kinesiology – Importance of Kinesiology in Sports – Plane - Axis and their types – Joint: Definition - Structural and functional classification of Joints – Fundamental Movements around various joints.

UNIT – IV Posture – Characteristics of good posture- Directional terms – Origin- insertion and action of muscles around Shoulder – Elbow – Hip - Knee joints – Movements around shoulder – Elbow – Wrist – Trunk –Hip - Knee - Ankle Joints.

Reference Books:

1. Arthur J.Vandes: Human Physiology- Mechanism of body function. 2. James G. Hay & J. Gavin Reid: Anatomy, Mechanics and Human Motion. 3. Maian Williams,& Herbert R. Lissner: Biomechanics of Human Motion. 4. Maryso R Broad: Efficiency of human movement. 5. Susan J. Hall, Basic Biomechanics. 6. Wells & Luttgens : Kinesiology Scientific Basis of Human Motion.




Unit-I DOS - M.S.Windows - 2000/ windows XP - M.S. Office: Excel for statistical work and analysis – Word for developing documents - Basic parts in computers – Usage of devices: Pen drives – Printers - Tapes - FOD.

Unit – II Uses of Computers in Sports and Games competitions - power point: Design & preparation of PPT Slides - Access: Preparation of database creating &

19 designing forms - reports - queries.

Unit – III Internet Basics: Browser - search engines - File transfer protocols - introduction to electronic commerce.

Unit – IV Multimedia – Introduction – Application tools – Data presentation – Mailing– Domain name services - Detailed Applications of SPSS package.

Reference Books:

1. Bott,Ed: Using Ms Office 2007. 2. Denis P. Curtin, Kim Folley et at.,: Information Technology the breaking Wave. 3. Gres perry: Teach Yours self Ms Office 2007 All in one. 4. Gurus: Tricks of the Ms Office 2007. 5. ITC Publications: Introduction to Technology. 6. Paul Mc Fedries: Pearson Education Information. 7. Peter Norton: Introduction to information technology. 8. Ronmans field: MS Automaron. 9. Subrahmanyam: Introduction to Computers. 10. Suresh K. Basandra: Computer today



Unit-I Sports Management: Meaning – Definition - need – scope - levels of managements - Principles of Management – Span of control – Unity of command - Human Resource Management: Educational Administration – Human Resources and man power planning contingency - function and organization set up.

Unit-II Organization of Physical Education: Scheme of Physical Education - programmes in schools – colleges – Universities - State - National- Organization chart for school – College – University – District – State – National - Budget: Sources of expenditure – Approved items of expenditure– Rules of utilization of

20 games fund -Budget planning – Accounting.

Unit-III Motivation and Public Relations in Sports: Concepts - Need of Motivation in Sports organization - Task as Motivation – Job feedback – Types of public relation – Role of Government – Press - Media – Qualities of good public relation organization - Supervision: Meaning – Need– Scope – Services -Guiding principles of supervision - Responsibilities of supervisor.

Unit-IV Supervision and Leadership: Functions of supervision - Coordinate efforts to improve instructions - Joint participation by teachers and supervisor in total process of planning – Evaluation – Improvement of Cooperative relationship- Inter-Relationship in organization - Human relationship - Cooperative leadership - Flexibility in teaching methods - Evaluation services of supervision - Techniques of supervision - visitation –Conferences –Workshop –Bulletin - surveys – Meeting –Demonstration.

Reference Books :

1. Deer: Organization and administration in physical education. 2. Ducher , Koening & banheed Chelladurai: Method & Material for secondary schools physical education sports Management. 3. Gowl & Huzeltow: Curriculum design in physical Education. 4. Joseph, PM: Organization of Physical Education Old Students Association. 5. Thomas J.P: Organisation of Physical Educatio. 6. Ucher, CA: Administration of school health and physical education.



Unit-I Injuries – Causes of sports injuries – Precaution to reduce sports injuries – Common sports injuries – Sprain – Strain – factures – dislocations - its management

Unit-II Massage: Principles of Massage – Classification of massage: Stroking – Effleurage – Pressure – Kneading – Friction – Percussion – Vibration – Shaking – Physiological effects of general massage - Warm-up and its types-Uses of warm- up – Guidelines of warm-up – Warm-down and its impact.

Unit-III First aid – General principles of first aid – First aid for Hemorrhages - Wounds – Burns - Principles and methods of Resuscitation – Bandages - its types - Injuries management: Short wave diathermy – Ultra sound – Infra red race- Ultra violet race – Laser – Traction unit – Inferential therapy.

21 Unit-IV Tennis elbow - Golfer’s elbow – Bursitis - Whiplash of the cervical spine- Periarthritis – Carpal tunnel syndrome - Its management through exercise and therapy – Cryo therapy – Wax therapy - Contrast bath – Hot and Mud pack – Under water exercises (Hubbard tank).

Reference Books:

1. Brian C. Leurholtz: Exercise and Disease Management.

2. Charles B. Corbin, Ruth Lindsey & Gregheck: Concept of Fitness and wellness.

3.Clayton P.B: Text Book of Electro Therapy and Actiono Therapy.

4. Prendasavage: Preliminary Electricity for the Physio Therapist.

5. Joan R. Crash: Physiotherapy in Medical conditions.

6.Jockson Gardan: Fitness and exercise.

7. Guyton: Text book of Medical Physiology.

8.Thorndike: Athletic Injuries.

9.Povecks R: Exercise Therapy.



Unit-I Definition and meaning of sports – Sociology – Sports Sociology – Scope and need of Sports Sociology – Methods of Sociology – Social structure – Social relationships – Types of Societies –Theories of Socio-cultural change - Physical activity and social attitudes of infants – Children – Adolescents.

Unit-II Sports and Society: Political consequences of sports events – Role of sports in social development – Young sports men: Education and social Behavior – The Olympic human ideal and the whole men – Sports culture – Elements of culture – Sports as transmitter of values – Cross cultural differences.

22 Unit-III Social stratification – Types of stratification – Influence of social factors on sports performance – Group interaction – Competition and cooperation – Leadership – Group dynamics - Women and Sports – Mass media and sports– Impact of mass media on sports – Sports for all – Sports and diplomacy – Emerging dilemmas in the World of sports.

Unit-IV Sports within educational institutions – College level – Secondary level – Primary level – Sports participation – Academic achievement – Social mobility – Violence in sports – Sports professionalization – Sports commercialization.

Reference Books:

1. Aholo, Seppo, E & Brad Hatfield: Psychology of sports: A social psychological approach. 2. Craty, Bryant, J: Social Dimensions of physical activity. 3. Dharam Vir: Sports and Society. 4. Kuppu Swamy, B : An introduction to social psychology. 5. Marten, Rainer: Social Psychology and physical achieving. 6. Popenoe & David: Sociology. 7. Snyder & Eldo, E: Social aspects of sports. 8. The Olympic movement and the mass media. MASTER OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEGREE EXAMINATION – 2014 FIRST SEMESTER PAPER I: RESEARCH PROCESS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS (No additional sheet will be supplied)

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75


Answer ANY FIVE Questions

Each question carries THREE (3) marks

All Answers should be written at ONE PLACE continuously

Each answer should not exceed ONE (1) page

5x3 = 15 Marks

23 1. Qualities of good researcher.

2. Write the meaning and definition of Research.

3. Formulation of Hypothesis.

4. Explain limitation and delimitation.

5. Foot notes and Bibliography.

6. Explain the types of variables.

7. Cluster sampling.

8. Historical criticism.

4x15 = 60 Marks


Answer All Questions

Each question carries FIFTEEN (15) MARKS

Each answer should not exceed SIX (6) pages

9. Explain the nature, characteristics and importance of Research in Physical Education.


10. Explain Location of Research problem.

11. Define Questionnaire. Explain the development and administration of Questionnaire.


12. a) Explain the types of research in physical education.

b) Briefly explain the repeated measures design with suitable example.

13. Discuss in detail on sampling techniques with suitable examples.


24 14. a) Explain in detail about the importance of research in physical education.

b) Explain the need to survey related literature.

15. a) Merits and demerits of Interview.

b) Skimming.

C) Describe the steps involved in historical research.


16. Explain the steps involved in research report.


Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75


Answer ANY FIVE Questions

Each question carries THREE (3) marks

All Answers should be written at ONE PLACE continuously

Each answer should not exceed ONE (1) page

5x3 = 15 Marks

1. Explain the Judgment of load.

2. Discuss on super compensation.

3. Explain the responsibilities of good coach.

4. Write the meaning and definition of Teaching and Coaching.

5. Flexibility and its types.

6. Continuous training and its benefits in sports.

7. Explain the term top form.

8. Prepare training schedule for strength.

4x15 = 60 Marks


Answer All Questions

Each question carries FIFTEEN (15) MARKS

Each answer should not exceed SIX (6) pages

9. What is training? Explain Principles of sports training.

(OR) 26 10. a) Qualities of good coach.

b) Write the symptoms of over load and explain over load syndrome in sports.

11. a) Explain the means of recovery in detail.

b) What is strength? Explain its types in detail.


12. Explain the Fortlek training and Interval training with their uses.

13. What is periodization and explain types of periodization.


14. a) Discuss on Meso and Macro cycle.

b) Explain about short term and long term training plan in sports.

15. a) Explain the methods of improving endurance.

b) Speed and its types.


16. What is load and adaptation? Explain the factors effecting on load.


Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75


Answer ANY FIVE Questions

Each question carries THREE (3) marks

All Answers should be written at ONE PLACE continuously

Each answer should not exceed ONE (1) page

5x3 = 15 Marks

1. Write the meaning and Definition of sports psychology.

2. Explain the present and future of sports psychology.

3. Define Motivation. 28 4. Explain feedback and reinforcement.

5. Define Stress and Anxiety.

6. Explain the term Arousal.

7. List out the causes of Aggression.

8. List out the benefits of Self confidence.

4x15 = 60 Marks


Answer All Questions

Each question carries FIFTEEN (15) MARKS

Each answer should not exceed SIX (6) pages

9. a) Explain the need and importance of sports psychology.

b) Define personality? Explain the personality traits of sports men.


10. Describe the guidelines for building motivation and explain the types of Motivations.

11. a) Explain the types and sources of stress and anxiety.

b) Explain the role of stress and anxiety on sports performance.


12. Explain the effects of sports participation on personality.

13. a) Write exercise to reduce stress and anxiety.

b) Measures of personality.

c) Achievement motivation and competitiveness.


14. Explain the theories of achievement motivation.

15. a) Aggression in sports. 29 b) Confidence and performance.

c) Competition and cooperation.


16. Define Aggression? Explain the theories of aggression.



Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75


Answer ANY FIVE Questions

Each question carries THREE (3) marks

All Answers should be written at ONE PLACE continuously

Each answer should not exceed ONE (1) page

5x3 = 15 Marks

1. What is test? Write the importance of test in physical education.

2. Explain the criteria of establishing reliability.

3. Explain suitable test for endurance.

4. Importance of evaluation in physical education.

5. Explain the procedure to measure arm length and thigh girth.

6. Explain Russel Lange volley ball test.

7. Types of tests.

8. Write any one item of Knox basket ball test.

4x15 = 60 Marks


Answer All Questions

Each question carries FIFTEEN (15) MARKS

Each answer should not exceed SIX (6) pages

9. What is motor fitness? Explain motor ability test.


10. a) Rating scales and its types.

31 b) Discuss on criteria of a good test.

11. Explain about AAHPER Youth Fitness test.


12. a) Explain the steps followed in the administration tests.

b) Explain the types and objective of evaluation.

13. Explain a suitable test in soccer and badminton. (OR)

14. a) Explain JCR Test.

b) Muscular endurance test.

15. Explain Johnson Basket ball test in detail.


16. a) Write the importance of measurement in physical education.

b) Describe the procedure to measure body mass and fat.


Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75


Answer ANY FIVE Questions

Each question carries THREE (3) marks

All Answers should be written at ONE PLACE continuously

Each answer should not exceed ONE (1) page

5x3 = 15 Marks

1. Write the function of muscles.

2. Fast and slow twitch muscle fibers.

3. Briefly explain about cardiac cycle.

4. Minute ventilation.

5. Carbohydrates.

6. Vitamins. 33 7. Water and electrolytes.

8. Blood doping.

4x15 = 60 Marks


Answer All Questions

Each question carries FIFTEEN (15) MARKS

Each answer should not exceed SIX (6) pages

9. a) Types of muscle contractions.

b) Cardiovascular responses to exercise.


10. Define exercise physiology and explain the importance of exercise physiology in sports performance.

11. A) Methods of measuring fat.

b) Explain carbohydrate loading.


12. What is athlete diet? Explain the diet before, during and after the activity.

13. A) Discus on body composition and aging.

b) WADA conduct of dope test.


14. Explain the sources of energy for aerobic and anaerobic metabolism.

15. a )Explain anabolic and androgenic steroids.

b) Energy balance and weight control.

34 C) Explain the respiratory changes with aging.


16. Explain structural and functional classification of muscles with suitable examples.


35 PAPER VI: YOGA AND MEDITATION (No additional sheet will be supplied)

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75


Answer ANY FIVE Questions

Each question carries THREE (3) marks

All Answers should be written at ONE PLACE continuously

Each answer should not exceed ONE (1) page

5x3 = 15 Marks

1. Write the meaning and definition of yoga.

2. List down the aims of yoga.

3. Briefly explain the efforts yoga on digestive system.

4. Explain any two mudras.

5. What is meditation?

6. What is concentration?

7. Yogic treatment for hypertension.

8. How you are going to treat arthritis through yoga.

4x15 = 60 Marks


Answer All Questions

Each question carries FIFTEEN (15) MARKS

Each answer should not exceed SIX (6) pages

9. Explain different types of asana and their benefits.


10. a) Explains different types Kriyas and their uses to the human being.

b) Explain yogic treatment for diabetes.

36 11. Explain the types of meditation and their uses in sports.


12. a) What is Raja yoga? Explain its objectives.

b) Explain Hata yoga.

13. a) Effect of yoga on circulatory system.

b) Explain the chronic adaptations to endocrine system through yoga. (OR)

14. Describe the effects yoga on nervous system.

15. Explain the historical development of yoga.


16. Compare and contrast physical education with yoga.


Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75


Answer ANY FIVE Questions

Each question carries THREE (3) marks

All Answers should be written at ONE PLACE continuously

Each answer should not exceed ONE (1) page

5x3 = 15 Marks

1. Importance of statistics in physical education.

2. Meaning and definition of measures of central tendency.

3. Calculate standard deviation for the given data.

20, 25, 16, 18, 17, 26. 38 4. What is quartile deviation?

5. Standard error.

6. Level of confidence.

7. Write the meaning of correlation and explain coefficient of correlation.

8. Explain the uses of correlation in physical education.

4x15 = 60 Marks


Answer All Questions

Each question carries FIFTEEN (15) MARKS

Each answer should not exceed SIX (6) pages

9. Calculate co-efficient of correlation for the given data by employing product movement method.

X: 30 35 40 32 37 39 42

Y: 40 29 36 38 41 45 40


10. Calculate Rank order correlation for the given raw scores.

X: 70 75 76 80 69 85 70 76

Y: 72 69 82 72 82 70 72 81

11. a) What is Chi-square and explain its characteristics.

b) Calculate ‘t’ ratio for the given data.

Group I: 70 75 78 74 80

Group II: 80 81 79 75 76

(OR) 39 12. Calculate Chi-square for the given data.

fo: 15 20 35 30

fe: 25 25 25 25

13. a) What is normal curve and explain principles of normal curve.

b) Skewnes and Kurtosis.


14. What is measures of variability and explain Hull scale.

15. a) Kinds of data.

b) Parametric and non-parametric statistics.

C) Types of statistics.


16. Calculate mean for given data.

C.I: 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80

f: 15 14 17 18 16 12 10


40 (No additional sheet will be supplied)

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75


Answer ANY FIVE Questions

Each question carries THREE (3) marks

All Answers should be written at ONE PLACE continuously

Each answer should not exceed ONE (1) page

5x3 = 15 Marks

1. List down the muscles and movements around shoulder joint.

2. Write the characteristics of good posture.

3. What is kinesiology? Explain the importance of kinesiology in sports.

4. Plane and its types.

5. Friction and its types.

6. Meaning and definition of work.

7. Explain the importance of biomechanics in sports.

8. Describe the centre of gravity and its role in sports.

4x15 = 60 Marks


Answer All Questions

Each question carries FIFTEEN (15) MARKS

Each answer should not exceed SIX (6) pages

9. Explain types of equilibrium and factors effecting on degree of stability.


10. What is motion and explain laws of motion with suitable examples in sports.

41 11. What is force? Explain centripetal and centrifugal forces with suitable example in sports.


12. A) Explain types of energy and energy expenditure in sports.

b) Discus the mechanical analysis of walking.

13. What is articulation and explain different types of joints with examples.


14. a) Explain fundamental movements around various joints.

b) Axis and its types.

15. a) write the origin, insertion and action of muscles around hip joint.

b) List down the muscles and movements around knee joints.


16. Write the origin and insertion around trunk and wrist joint.


Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75


Answer ANY FIVE Questions

Each question carries THREE (3) marks

All Answers should be written at ONE PLACE continuously

Each answer should not exceed ONE (1) page

5x3 = 15 Marks

1. Write the characteristics of windows 2000.

2. Uses of pen drive.

3. Preparation of PPT Slides.

4. Uses of power point.

5. Search engines.

6. Discus about basics of internet.

7. Features of multi-media.

8. Explain about few domain sources

4x15 = 60 Marks

43 PART – B

Answer All Questions

Each question carries FIFTEEN (15) MARKS

Each answer should not exceed SIX (6) pages

9. Explain different types of asanas and their benefits.


10. a) Explains different types Kriyas and their uses to the human being.

b) Explain yogic treatment for hypertension.

11. Explain the types of meditation and their uses in sports.


12. a) What is Raja yoga? Explain its objectives.

c) Explain Hata yoga.

13. a) Effect of yoga on circulatory system.

c) Explain the chronic adaptation to endocrine system through yoga. (OR)

14. Describe the effects yoga on nervous system.

15. Explain the historical development of yoga.


16. Compare and contrast physical education with yoga.


Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75

45 PART – A

Answer ANY FIVE Questions

Each question carries THREE (3) marks

All Answers should be written at ONE PLACE continuously

Each answer should not exceed ONE (1) page

5x3 = 15 Marks

1. Write the meaning and definition of sports management.

2. Explain the need of sports management.

3. Discus on organization of physical education activities at school level.

4. Draw an organization chart for district level.

5. Explain the need of motivation in sports organization.

6. What is supervision?

7. Discus on flexibility in teaching methods.

8. Conferences.

4x15 = 60 Marks


Answer All Questions

Each question carries FIFTEEN (15) MARKS

Each answer should not exceed SIX (6) pages

9. a) Explain the principles of sports management in detil.

b) Discus on sources of expenditure in budjet.


10. Explain the need, scope and levels of sports management.

11. a) Explain the rules involved in utilization of games fund. 46 b) Briefly explain about budget planning and accounting.


12. Explain the functions of supervision.

13. a) Types of public relations.

b) Explain the responsibilities of supervisor.


14. Explain the need, scope and guiding principles of supervision.

15. a) Evaluation services in supervision.

b) Discus about the qualities of good public relation of organization.

c) Write about human resource management.


16. Explain various techniques of supervision.


Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75


Answer ANY FIVE Questions

Each question carries THREE (3) marks

All Answers should be written at ONE PLACE continuously

Each answer should not exceed ONE (1) page

5x3 = 15 Marks

1. What is injury? Explain causes of sports injuries.

2. What is sprain? Explain its management.

3. Describe the principles of massage.

4. Warm-down and its impact on sports performance.

5. Explain general principles of first-aid.

6. Discus on infrared race.

7. Discus on tennis elbow. 48 8. Under water exercises and their uses.

4x15 = 60 Marks


Answer All Questions

Each question carries FIFTEEN (15) MARKS

Each answer should not exceed SIX (6) pages

9. a) What is Golfer’s elbow? Explain its management in detail.

b) Cryotherapy.

c) Contrast Bath.


10. What is periarthritis and carpel tunnel syndrome? Explain their management through exercise.

11. a) Explain about short wave diathermy and its uses.

b) Briefly explain about first aid for wounds and burns.


12. Explain the principles and methods resuscitation.

13. a) What is warm-up? Explain the importance of warm-up in sports.

b) Discus on the effects of massage.


14. What is massage? Explain the classification of massage.

15. What is fracture? Explain types of fractures.


16 a) Explain precautions to be taken to reduce sports injuries.

b) What is dislocation? Explain its management through therapy. 49


50 Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75


Answer ANY FIVE Questions

Each question carries THREE (3) marks

All Answers should be written at ONE PLACE continuously

Each answer should not exceed ONE (1) page

5x3 = 15 Marks

1. Write the meaning and definition of sports sociology.

2. Explain the types of societies.

3. Discus on education and social behavior.

4. Explain the element of the culture.

5. Briefly explain competition and cooperation.

6. Explain about sports and diplomacy.

7. Explain the role of sports in primary education level.

8. Sports commercialization.

4x15 = 60 Marks


Answer All Questions

Each question carries FIFTEEN (15) MARKS

Each answer should not exceed SIX (6) pages

9. a) Explain the need and scope of sports sociology.

b) Explain about social structure and social relationships.


10. Explain the political consequences in sports.

11. a) Role of sports in social development.

b) Briefly explain about violence in sports. 51 (OR)

12. Define social stratification. Explain the types of stratification in sports.

13. a) Influences of social factors on sports performance.

b) Discus on Mass media and sports.


14. Write an essay on women and sports.

15. a) Impact of mass media and sports.

b) Sports as transmitter of values. Explain.

c) Explain the methods of sociology.


16. Explain the level of participation in sports at college, secondary and primary levels.

52 YOGI VEMANA UNIVERSITY Vemanapuram,Kadapa Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences


MINUTES OF THE MEETING The Committee consisting of the following members met on 19-11-2014 at 11.00 a.m. in the Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, YOGI VEMANA UNIVERSITY, Kadapa.


1. Prof. G.Gulam Tariq - Chairman 2. Dr. S.Chan Basha - Member 3. Dr. K.Rama Subba Reddy - Member M.P.Ed Course Co-ordinator

The Chairman, Board of Studies welcomed the Members of the Board of Studies to the Meeting. After a brief introduction the proceedings of the meeting were taken up as per the Agenda circulated earlier in this connection.

The following resolutions are made in the meeting after due consultations and discussions.

AGENDA ITEM No.1 : Review of Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed.) Course Syllabus – Theory and Practical.

53 The Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed.) Course syllabus of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Yogi Vemana University was discussed at length and it is unanimously decided to approve and continue the existing syllabus (Theory and Practical).

AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Review of Master of Physical Education(M.P.Ed)., Course syllabus and Pattern of Question Papers.

Resolved to continue the existing syllabus of Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed)., and Pattern of Question Papers.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Review of Panel of Examiners for M.P.Ed. for Theory and Practical Examinations, and Question paper setting.

The committee reviewed the Panel of Examiners M.P.Ed. for Theory, Practical examinations and model Question Paper and approved the Panel of Examiners as suggested with a few changes. A separate list is approved.

The meeting concluded with vote of thanks. 1. Prof. G.Gulam Tariq - Chairman

2. Dr. S.Chan Basha - Member

3. Dr. K.Rama Subba Reddy - Member

M.P.Ed Course Co-ordinator

54 YOGI VEMANA UNIVERSITY Vemanapuram,Kadapa Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences

PANEL OF EXAMINERS - M.P.Ed., (Two Year course)

2014 – 2015

1. Dr. C.S. Prasad Babu 2. Dr. Y.Kishore Director of Physical Education Principal Department of Physical Education University College of Physical Education S.V. University Acharya Nagarjuna University TIRUPATI – 517 502

Ph. : 98492 77730 Nagarjuna Nagar GUNTUR Ph. : 94411 44447

3. Dr. M. Syam Babu 4. Dr. P. Venkata Reddy Director of Physical Education (I/c) Principal Department of Physical Education University College of Physical Education Andhra University Osmania University VISAKAPATNAM

Ph. : 93931 01927 HYDERABAD – 500 007 Ph. : 99120 73536

5. Dr. M. Sivasankar Reddy 6. Dr. D. Krishna Murthy Deputy Director Deputy Director of Physical Education Department of Physical Education SVU College of Engineering S.V. University S.V. University TIRUPATI

Ph.: 94412 96125 TIRUPATI 55 Ph.: 94414 08123

7. Prof. N.S. Dilip 8. Prof. Y. Gopi Krishna Department of Physical Education JNTUH College of Engineering J.N.T. University Sultanpur Kukatpalli SANGAREDDY HYDERABAD

Ph. : 98493 59474 Medak (Dst.) Ph. : 98494 78230

9. Prof. Md. Kareemulla 10. Dr.M.V.Sreenivasan Director of Physical Education Incharge, Department of Physical Education M.P.Ed Course Dravida. University S.K.University KUPPAM

Chittoor (Dst.) ANATHAPURAM. Ph. : 94404 29205 Ph.94402/87878

11 Prof. R. Srinivasa 12. Dr. P. Johnson Chairman, BOS Vice-Principal University College of Physical Education University College of Physical Edn. Bangalore University Acharya Nagarjuna University BANGALORE

Ph. : 0-99723 02204 GUNTUR Ph. : 9440221334

13. Prof. K.Vaidyanathan 14. Prof. Ravindran Director Director and Head Department of Physical Education Department of Phy. Edn. & Sports Sci. S.R.M. University Annamalai University CHENNAI

Tamil Nadu ANNAMALAI NAGAR Ph. : 0-94434 40445 Chidambaram Tamil Nadu

15. Dr. K.Ramasubba Reddy 16. Dr. Sheela Stephen Coordinator, M.P.Ed. Course Principal, Department of Physical Education YMCA College of Physical Education Yogi Vemana University Nandanam

KADAPA CHENNAI - 35 Ph. : 94403 06035 Tamil Nadu Ph. : 09884403817

56 17. Dr. Grace Halena 18. Dr. P.P.S. Paul Kumar Vice-Chancellor Principal Department of Exercise Physiology University College of Physical Education Tamil Nadu Sports University Acharya Nagarjuna University College road, Sampath Maligai

CHENNAI Nagarjuna Nagar Tamil Nadu GUNTUR Ph : 09841832928 Ph.: 98493 76146

19. Prof. K.V.K. Reddy 20. Dr. Chandra Sekharan L.N.C.P.E. Director of Physical Education Kariavattam Madhurai Kamaraj University TIRUVANANTAPURAM MADHURAI Kerala

Ph. : 0- Tamil Nadu Ph. : 0-

21. Prof. S.M. Prakash 22. Dr. R. Muni Reddy Director and Head Director of Physical Education Department of Physical Education Bangalore University Kuvempu University BANGALORE SHIMOGGA

Karnataka Ph. : 0 - Ph. : 0-94482 60114

23. Dr.Sreenivasa Rao 24. Prof. Sundar Raj Urs Departmant of Physical Education Principal Krishna University University College of Physical Education MACHILIPATNAM. Bangalore University Ph.No- BANGALORE Ph. : 0-94484 54872

25. Dr. S.Chan Basha 26. Dr. Jyothi Dayanandan Secretary,YVU Sports Board Reader Department of Phy. Edn. & Sports Sci YMCA College of Physical Education Yogi Vemana University Nandanam KADAPA

Ph.: 94909 11786 CHENNAI - 35 Tamil Nadu

27. Prof.. V.Gopinath 28. Dr. Sai Kumar Department of Phy. Edn. & Sports Sci. Principal Annamalai University Maruthi College of Physical Education ANNAMALAI NAGAR Ramakrishna Mission Vidhyalaya Chidambaram

Tamil Nadu COIMBATTORE 57 Ph. : 0-94431 84750 Tamil Nadu Ph. : 0-

29. Dr. C. Ramesh 30. Dr. Murgavelu Deputy Director of Physical Education Director of Physical Education Madhurai Kamaraj University Bharthiyar University, MADHURAI COIMBATORE Tamil Nadu

Ph. : 0- Tamil Nadu

31. Dr. Rajashakaran 32. Dr. Rajesh Kumar Professor Associate Professor Madhurai Kamaraj University University College of Phy. Edn. MADHURAI Osmania University Tamil Nadu HYDERABAD Ph.: 92465 29013

33. Dr. K.V. Rajasekhar 34. Dr. J. Prabhakar Rao Head Associate Professor Department of Physical Education University College of Phy. Edn. University of Hyderabad Osmania University HYDERABAD

Ph.: 99495 13504 HYDERABAD Ph.: 98482 16981

35. Dr. C.R. Bhai Reddy 36. Dr. P. Ravi Kumar Director Incharge Head Department of Physical Education Department of Physical Education Gulbarga University National Institute of Technology GULBARGA

Ph.: 0-9902838759 WARANGAL Ph.: 98496 39229

37. Dr. S. Gopal Reddy 38. Dr. Madialagan Principal Reader Rayalaseema College of Phy. Edn. DOS in Physical Education & Sports Sci PRODDATUR Sports Pavilion Ph.: 98493 57530 Mysore University MYSORE Ph.: 0-9449040903

39. Dr. J. Rama Mohan Rao 40. Dr. A. Pratap Reddy University College of Phy. Edn. Head and Director Acharya Nagarjuna University Department of Physical Education Nagarjuna Nagar ANG Ranga Agriculture University GUNTUR Rajendra Nagar HYDERABAD 58 Ph.: 94412 44103

41. Dr. A. Pasodi 42. Dr. Ramesh Reddy Deputy Director Assistant Professor University College of Phy. Edn. Kakatiya Institute of Technology Gulbarga University WARANGAL GULBARGA

Ph.: 0-9448140078 Ph.:

43. Dr. P. Madhusudhan Reddy 44. Dr. C.K. Kishore Kumar Assistant Professor Assistant Director National Institute of Technology Department of Physical Education WARANGAL Mangalore University Ph Mangala Gangothri MANGLORE 45. Dr. P. Sathyanarayana Reddy Ph.: Lecturer in Physical Education 46. Dr. A. Giridhar Raju Government Degree College for Men Assistant Director SRI KALAHASTHI Department of Physical Education Ph.: 94411 51599 S.V. University TIRUPATI 47 . Dr. Gerold Santosh D Soza Ph.: 9949517922 Deputy Director Department of Physical Education 48. Dr. P. Murathaiah Mangalore University Lecturer in Physical Education

Mangala Gangothri Sri Bala Siva Yogi Degree College MANGLORE KURNOOL Ph.: Ph.: 49 . Dr. Kalidasan Assistant Director Department of Physical Education 50. Dr. Rajasekhar Bharatidasan University Reader COIMBATORE Department of Physical Education Ph.: 0-9442525773 Annamalai University Annamalai Nagar 51. Dr. Sara Sarojini CHIDAMBARAM Head Ph.: Department of Physical Education S P Mahila Viswa Vidhyalayam 52. Ms. G. Hari Priya TIRUPATI Assistant Professor Ph.: 8897907806 College of Veterinary Science S.V. Veterinary University PRODDATTUR 53. Ms. B.K. Deepika Ph.: 9492313304 Assistant Professor NTR College of Veterinary Science 59 GANNAVARAM 54. Dr. A.S. Nageswaran Krishna District Associate Professor Ph.: 8121447701 H H Rajahs College of Phy. Edn. PUDUKKOTTAI Tamil Nadu Ph.:

55. Sri G. Syam Kumar 56. Sri Joji Reddy Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Department of Physical Education Department of Physical Education JNT University JNT University KAKINADA Ph.: 7702594555 ANANTAPUR Ph.: 9959030144

57. Dr. K. Ram Reddy Principal Government College of Physical Edn. Domalguda HYDERABAD Ph.: 9010292258

1. Prof. G.Gulam Tariq - Chairman

2. Dr. S.Chan Basha - Member

3. Dr. K.Rama Subba Reddy, - Member M.P.Ed Course Co-ordinator

60 61

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