Reading Questions - Chapter 27: Cold War America: 1945-1960

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Reading Questions - Chapter 27: Cold War America: 1945-1960

Reading Questions - Chapter 27: Cold War America: 1945-1960

1. Explain the policy of containment and the Truman Doctrine. Identify the early moves to contain the Soviets. 2. What was the Marshall Plan and what effect did it have on Europe? 3. Outline the formation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact. 4. What effect did the creation of a Communist China and the establishment of a Nationalist government in Taiwan have on American politics? 5. Outline the disagreements over the Korean War? What was the interaction between politics at home and the conduct of the war? What led the Truman administration to pull back to supporting a pre-war position? 6. What was the impact of the Korean War on America? 7. How did foreign and defense policy change under Eisenhower? 8. Summarize events in the Middle East during Eisenhower’s administration 9. What were the postwar domestic challenges facing the United States after World War II and what was done to meet those challenges? Identify the Taft-Hartley Act 10. What were the issues of the 1948 election and how did Truman win? 11. What was the Fair Deal and how did it compare and contrast to the Progressive Movement and the New Deal? 12. Outline the landmark moments in the Civil Rights movement of this period 13. Outline the points in the rise and fall of “McCarthyism” or the “Great Fear.” Identify: HUAC, Hollywood Ten, Alger Hiss, McCarthy, the Rosenbergs, Army-McCarthy hearings 14. In what ways did the Eisenhower administration expand the federal government? 15. What was the impact of the Cold War on the United States domestically? Identifications –Cold War in America

1. Yalta 32. Inchon 62. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg 2. Potsdam 33. Yalu River 63. Army-McCarthy Hearings 3. Baruch Plan 34. Removal of MacArthur 64. Election of 1952 4. Containment 35. Demilitarized zone (DMZ) 65. “Checkers speech” 5. George F. Kennan or X 36. “Police Action” 66. Sputnik (1957) 6. Crises in Iran, Greece, and 37. Death of Stalin (March, 1953) 67. National Aeronautics and Space Turkey Administration (NASA) 7. Truman Doctrine 38. Presidential Succession Act and 68. Department of Health, 22nd Amendment (1951) Education and, Welfare (1953) 8. Domino theory 39. Hydrogen bomb 69. Interstate Highway Act (1956) 9. George Marshall 40. Atomic Energy Commission 70. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) 10. Marshall Plan (1947) 41. President Dwight D. 71. White Citizens’ Councils Eisenhower 11. Foreign Assistance Act 42. GI Bill of Rights (1944) 72. Southern Manifesto (1948) 12. National Security Act 43. Removal of price controls 73. Little Rock’s Central High (1947) School and Gov. Orval Faubus 13. Churchill “Iron Curtain” 44. Taft-Hartley Act (1947) 74. Rosa Parks speech (1946) 14. Selective Service Act (1948) 45. Election of 1948 75. Montgomery bus boycott 15. Berlin airlift 46. Thomas Dewey 76. Martin Luther King 16. Organization of American 47. Henry Wallace 77. Southern Christian Leadership States (OAS) (1948) Conference (SCLC) 17. North Atlantic Treaty 48. Strom Thurmond 78. Civil Rights Act of 1957 Organization (NATO) (1949) 18. Warsaw Pact (1955) 49. Dixiecrats 79. Hungarian revolt 19. NSC-68 50. Fair Deal 80. Nikita Khrushchev 20. Point Four Plan 51. National Housing Act (1949) 81. John Foster Dulles 21. Recognition of Israel (1948) 52. Jackie Robinson 82. “New Look” Defense “more bang for the buck” 22. Gen. Douglas MacArthur 53. Desegregation of armed forces 83. Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) 23. Mao Tse-tung 54. Joseph McCarthy 84. Arms race 24 Chiang Kai-shek 55. House Committee on Un- 85. Iran . American Activities (HUAC) 25 Chinese Nationalists and 56. Hollywood Ten 86. Gamal Abdel Nasser . Formosa or Taiwan 26 People’s Republic of China 57. Executive Order 9835 and 87. Suez Canal crisis . Loyalty Board 27 “China lobby” 58. McCarran Act 88. Eisenhower Doctrine . 28 Dean Acheson 59. Alger Hiss 89. Mutual Assured Destruction . (MAD) 29. 38th Parallel 60. Whittaker Chambers 90. U-2 spy plane and Francis Gary Powers 30. Kim Il Sung 61. Richard Nixon 91. “military-industrial complex” 31. Syngman Rhee

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